Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1

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Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1 Page 149

by Manda Mellett

  Tyler’s gone back to sleep, he’s such a tired child, but he’s getting stronger each day. I wipe my hand over his head and kiss his forehead. Then I go to see if Dart’s arrived, as he wants to be with me when I hear what the doctor has to say. Reliable as always, he’s already waiting for me, just outside the door.

  He’s got one hand pressed against the wall, he looks tired and drawn himself. “The house is all done now. Every surface has been cleaned and sterilised. The new furniture is in, and everything set up.” Dart’s been wonderful. He’s bought a new home for us and has set it up to be as clean as possible when Tyler’s able to come home. We knew we couldn’t take him back to the clubhouse, it would only take one person to get a cold and Tyler’s health would be threatened, not the least to say it’s hardly the cleanest place in the world.

  This man of mine has done so much, it’s hard to know how to thank him. “Dart, that sounds great. I can only hope for good news today.”

  “When we seeing the doctor?”

  “In about half an hour.”

  “Do you want to go to the waiting room, or to get a coffee or something?” He places his hand under my chin and turns it up to face him. “I know he’s not out of the woods yet, but while I’m no doctor, I’d say he’s doing great. He likes that new game I bought him.” I nod to agree, he certainly does. Well, anything concerning motorcycles is bound to be a hit. “Can’t wait for him to come home and see his new room. Oh, and I can’t wait to show you our bed, doll.” He winks, and I place my hand on his chest. I’ve been missing my man too. I’ve slept beside Tyler for the last four weeks on a bed provided by the hospital, hardly ever leaving his side. Dart or one of his brothers takes over for short periods to give me a break, which means I’ve not seen much of my fiancé at all, and certainly not quality one-on-one time.

  “Let’s go to the waiting room.” I come to a decision. Then my eyes fall on what Dart’s carrying, Tyler’s cut. The leather vest that he wore, only taking it off to sleep—and then only reluctantly—until he was admitted to the hospital.

  Dart sees what I’m looking at and pushes it into my hands. “Brought this in case he’s allowed to come home. I want to be prepared.”

  Raising it to my face, I inhale deeply. Along with the leather, I detect the scent of my son. What I wouldn’t give to see him wearing it again. Clasping it to me, I let Dart lead me into the waiting room which is crowded to the point of overflowing. Pennywise, Salem, and Grumbler have commandeered seats at the back, with Bones, Kink, and Blaze along one side, Token, Dusty, and Scribe along the other, and Brakes and Deuce are sprawled on the floor.

  Eva’s sitting next to Salem and she gives me a little wave, and there’s question in her eyes. I give her a small nod, then my eyes widen as I notice Candy, Tits, and Pearl, the other club girls standing just inside the door.

  As a hand lands on my shoulder, I turn around to see Lost. “We wanted to be here to hear the news with you, Alex.”

  My jaw nearly drops onto the floor. I didn’t expect anyone to be here, let alone everyone. Fresh tears come to my eyes at the unexpected support.

  “He’ll soon be back and wearing that cut,” Lost continues, and nods at the leather in my hands.

  “And getting under our feet.” That’s from Grumbler. But he smiles as he says it.

  “And helping in the shop,” Salem puts in.

  “And making us smile.” Eva laughs.

  I’ve been around the club for a while now. I like all the men and even got a grip on how to handle the club girls. But this is the first time it’s really sunk in. It is one big family. They’re not just here for Dart, they’re here for me and my son too.

  “Now who’s going to shift their ass and give Alex a seat?”

  Pennywise stands and waves me over. Dart gets there first, and I sit down on his lap, Tyler’s cut in my arms, and Dart’s hands on my hips.

  “Everyone’s here.” I breathe.

  “Niran’s downstairs watching the bikes. He wanted to be close, doll.”

  “And Lloyd and Dave are back at the compound. They send their best wishes for good news today.”

  I thank Lost and again look around. Businesses are running without the Satan’s Devils, or must be closed up. The thought’s overwhelming. Everyone’s here for Tyler. If the outcome could be influenced by the good vibes coming his way, he’ll sail through this.

  “Right, who wants coffee? Seeing as I lost my fuckin’ seat,” Pennywise pauses to look down and wink at me, “I might as well make myself useful.”

  “Could do with visiting the head. I’ll come with.” Salem gets up, and Blaze and Kink stand too. Having taken the orders, including one from me, everyone being here is helping to settle my nerves, the men depart.

  A cup of coffee later and the hour hand of the clock on the wall shows that it’s time. Dart and I stand and go to keep our appointment. I pass Tyler’s cut over to Lost for safekeeping.

  When we come back, I open the door to see that Grumbler has started a poker game with Brakes, Bones, and Kink. Somehow, they’ve managed to squeeze four chairs around a low magazine table and look very uncomfortable. Pennywise is looking through a bike magazine, and the others are chatting in low voices.

  All their faces look up expectantly as we walk into the room and go quiet. I feel completely stunned, unable to get my head around the news I’ve just heard. What I most wanted to hear, but what I didn’t dare expect.

  “Well?” It’s Grumbler who’s the most impatient. “What did the doc say? How long until Tyler comes home?”

  Lost waves him to be quiet. “Is he doing okay? Dart? Alex? What’s the verdict?”

  “His blood count is up,” I start to say, flicking my eyes up to Dart. “He’s got to have regular checks and follow-up appointments, but he’s turned a corner and—”

  “He’s fuckin’ coming home today!” Dart can’t keep quiet any longer. “My son’s coming home!”

  I’m surprised no one from the hospital comes to investigate the noise in the room. They cheer, holler, slap each other’s backs, hug me, Dart, and each other. The club girls are laughing, and Eva comes over and clutches me tightly.

  “Anything I can do, Alex, you’ve just got to ask. I know you won’t want to leave him yet and he’s still got a long way to go, but when you’re ready and you want a babysitter so you and Dart could get out, just call me, okay?”

  “I will do, Eva. Thank you.”

  It’s a few minutes before I can escape and go tell Tyler the good news.

  The leaving procedure is lengthy, paperwork to be completed and signed, instructions given and prescriptions filled. When I go to the pharmacy, I notice through the open door that the waiting room is empty, but I’m not surprised. The men have given up more than enough time already today. No point everyone hanging around as we go through the formalities.

  It seems like ages before Tyler gets dressed in street clothes and a wheelchair is brought in to take him out. For my part, I can’t wait to escape. I don’t think I’ll ever get the smell of antiseptic out of my senses, but it’s worth all we’ve been through just to see that big smile on Tyler’s face.

  The nurse wheels him down to the reception area and pushes him through the doors. As she comes to a complete stop, Dart takes over. I bump into the nurse’s back and, looking around her, see what brought her to such a sudden halt.

  There’s a double line of Harleys all waiting, with the brothers sitting on them waiting for us, the club girls up behind some of them. There’s clapping and cheering, and they start the engines up, twisting the throttles, increasing the sound of roaring around the hospital parking lot.

  Dart goes to Lost and collects something which he holds behind his back, then he marches back to Tyler. As he hands him the leather cut, my little boy, already smiling at the bikers lined up, slips his arms through the sleeves with the biggest grin I’ve ever seen. As Dart wheels him through the bikes lined up as a guard of honour over to the waiting car, Tyler waves at the me
n who throw chin lifts back, rev their engines again, and give him a thumbs up.

  We get Tyler in the car, and while Dart disposes of the wheelchair, I get in the passenger side. When Dart comes back, he gets into the driver’s seat, but turns to look over his shoulder before driving off.

  “Ready to go home, Son?”

  “You bet, Dad.”

  Dart grins at me and then waves his hand out of the window. Eight of the bikers come and position themselves in front, the rest, with Niran at the back, pull in behind. Lost, in pole position, signals above his head, and then we’re all moving.

  Tyler looks around, his eyes open in wonder as we’re given a Satan’s Devils escort to our new house.

  “Dart?” I don’t know what to say. I can’t thank him or his brothers enough.

  “You’re mine, and so’s Tyler. And that,” he points forward and then back, “is our family. Nobody wanted to miss out on this.”

  Yes. That’s family.

  There’s still a long way to go until we can say Tyler’s been cured, but with the goodwill surrounding us, I’m feeling more optimistic as I’m driven toward our new home and new life. And with this man by my side, I feel together we can conquer anything.

  “Family,” I repeat.

  “Family.” Dart nods.

  I look at him, his long curly hair tamed into a bun, his eyes shining with hope, still wondering how it is I’m so lucky to have him fall for me. I didn’t realise I’d been musing aloud until he barks a laugh.

  “Doll, I tell ya. I might as well have had a target plastered to my back. The first time I saw you up on that pole, it was like someone had shot an arrow straight through my fuckin’ heart.”

  I glance over my shoulder at my son, who’s entranced by the bikes in front of us and behind, seeming unable to stop looking forward and back to keep them in sight. A sob comes to my throat as it sinks in, perhaps for the first time, that he’s now got a chance to live like any normal boy. Dart reaches out his hand, takes mine and squeezes it. When I look at him, he just nods, and I swear his eyes are glistening.

  We continue to hold hands as we drive to our new house and our new life.

  Heart Broken

  Satan’s Devils #5


  Published 2017 by Trish Haill Associates

  Copyright Manda Mellett

  Cover Design by Lia Rees at Free Your Words


  Formatted and re-edited by Maggie Kern @ Ms.K Edits

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book reviews.


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


  This book is dark in places and contains content of a sexual, abusive and violent nature. It is not suitable for persons under the age of 18.

  Author’s Note

  Heart Broken is the fifth in the Satan’s Devils MC Series.

  While this book can be read as a standalone, it concludes Heart’s story which began in Slick Running, and continued in Targeting Dart. To get the full benefit, I advise you to read books 3, 4, and 5 in the right order.

  If you’re new to MC books, you may find there are terms that you haven’t heard before, so I’ve included a glossary to help along the way. I hope you get drawn into this mysterious and dark world in the same way I have done–there will be further books in the Satan’s Devils series which I hope you’ll want to follow.

  If you’ve picked this book up because, like me, you read anything MC, I hope you’ll enjoy it for what it is, a fictional insight into the underground culture of alpha men and their bikes.

  Cast of Characters - Arizona


  Drummer – President

  Wraith – Vice President

  Heart – Secretary

  Dollar – Treasurer

  Peg – Sergeant-at-arms

  Blade – Enforcer

  Mouse – Computer Expert

  Joker - Road Captain

  Patched Members
















  Old Ladies & Children

  Carmen (Bullet’s)

  Sandy (Viper’s)

  Crystal (Heart’s): Amy

  Sophie (Wraith’s): Olivia

  Sam (Drummer’s): Elijah

  Ella (Slick’s)

  Sweet Butts






  Members who’ve moved on

  Dart - transferred

  Deceased Members






  The change in tempo causes me to glance across to the bar, seeing, as expected, Peg’s in charge of the music again. I raise my eyebrows toward Wraith, and we give almost identical shakes of our heads. When the sergeant-at-arms is in one of his moods, who knows what he’s going to put on, and it would be useless to object to the playlist he’s chosen for the night.

  Out of the corner of my eye I see Crystal, my old lady, my soulmate, the love of my life. She’s standing over by the bar, her hands gently supporting Amy, our three-year-old daughter, who’s perched on a stool. As she looks over and gives a little wave of her fingers and one of her brilliant full-of-love smiles, the song starting to play sends me back to when I first met her, and soon I’m losing myself, listening as the words of Main Street take me back in time.

  She wasn’t a dancer, and it wasn’t a club downtown, but a bar where she worked as a barista. And yeah, I was walking past the first time I caught a glimpse of her through the window, her beauty and vivaciousness clear through the glass.

  It was nearly closing time, and fuck knows why, but I stopped and waited, smoking cigarette after cigarette until, eventually, I saw her come out. She was walking up that lonely street, frowning. Worried how vulnerable she’d seemed, I’d followed her at a distance to make sure she was safe. It was only a block to the parking lot where she had left her car, but seeing her, such a beautiful woman and all alone, made my heart skip a beat. She shouldn’t be walking the streets in the dark. Not without someone to watch out for her.

  I couldn’t explain what drew me there, but the next night I returned to the same bar, and staying outside, peered in and watched her work. Her tables seemed to fill quickly, patrons being drawn to the girl in bright coloured clothes who always had a smile on her face and a friendly comment for everyone. People sitting in her area looked happier than those at other tables, as though just being close to her lightened their moods. Her obvious joy in life was infectious.

  I’d been a full member of the Satan’s Devils MC for just over six months, and like any newly patched brother, made full use of the sweet butts whose services had been denied to me while I’d been prospecting. But from that first night that I saw her, I turned them all away. She didn’t know it, but she was already mine.

  Not being modest, I know I’m good looking—shoulder-length blond hair, and blue eyes that seem to draw attention from the women I meet. A big burly tattooed biker, men tremble in front of me while their women flutter their eyelids from behind, trying to capture my eye. I’m not afraid of anyone or anything, except I’m nervous of approaching this woman who’s drawn me in. Almost scared of this inexplicable attrac
tion that wipes all other women from my mind. What’s keeping me from getting close and taking what I want?

  It’s the fear of rejection that’s holding me back. The concern she might just treat me like any other one of the numerous advances she must have. That I’d be dismissed in the same polite way she’s clearly declining suggestions from other men. I’ve watched her enough to know she’s an expert at turning them down, somehow leaving them wearing a smile even as she rebuffs them.

  I’m walking too close, I know it, but can’t stop myself closing the gap just to watch her long auburn hair swing around that heart-shaped ass. Her tight leggings do nothing to hide her figure as she strides confidently to her car. Suddenly she stops and turns, coming face-to-face with me, a rugged biker.

  “Are you following me?” Her voice is musical, her tone half-amused, as if it’s an everyday occurrence to have a man just trying to be near her. And it probably is.

  “What? No. I’m just walking to my bike.” Which happens to be parked in the same parking lot as her car. “It’s in the lot up the street.”

  “Mine too.” I already know that. It’s no coincidence.

  “Then shall we walk together? It’s not safe for a woman to be walking alone.” Not one like you, who any man would lust after.

  She shrugs and awards me one of her heart-stopping smiles. “Seems I don’t have a choice if we’re going the same way.”

  There’s so much I want to ask her, such as would she like to spend the night in my bed? But I feel strangely tongue-tied and awkward. Silence descends as we go to our separate vehicles. I don’t get her number, or try to take up any more of her time.


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