Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1

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Satan's Devils MC Boxset 1 Page 187

by Manda Mellett

  The doctor laughs. “It’s too early to be sure about gender, but we’ll keep doing scans as I want to monitor this pregnancy very carefully. If you want to know what you’re having, then we’ll probably be able to tell soon.”

  I’m quite happy with that. If this is really the only chance I’ll have at having children, I won’t be taking any more risks, and I couldn’t give a damn whether they’ll be boys, girls, or one of each. Having put myself at risk, and knowing how much that affected Heart, it was easy to remain strong in resolve not to return to my job. Anyway, there’s more than one way to get bad guys off the street.

  Devil had stayed for a few days after we’d freed the children, and he’s offered both Mouse and I a job working remotely with him and his team, a sort of unofficial US base. We’ll be following leads picked up on the dark web. As soon as we get a sniff of anyone targeting kids, we put it together, and Devil feeds the info to the feds. I won’t get any recognition for what I do, or any payment, just the sense of satisfaction that I’m righting wrongs in this world. It’s more than enough.

  Bringing myself back from my mental meanderings, I manage to pull myself together enough to stammer a thank you to the doctor. Once I’m dressed and we’re out in the corridor, Heart pulls me into his arms, and his lips find mine in a, for him, chaste kiss.

  When he draws back, it’s to tell me, “I love you, Marc. And these babies.” Looking into my eyes, he continues, “How about we make it official now? Tell everyone.”

  Everyone already knows I’m pregnant thanks to Hyde having blurted that out, but no one but us have a clue that I’m having twins. Because of the uncertainty surrounding me being able to successfully carry the babies, Heart clamped down on anyone that’s been talking about it, and even Amy doesn’t yet know she’ll be getting siblings. It scares me to bring it out into the open, but he’s right. Now is the time. “As long as we discuss it first with Amy.”

  Heart grins. “She’s gonna be thrilled. She’s asked me for a baby sister for Christmas.”

  I laugh. Yes, I’d heard that. I think it was along the lines of, Now I’ve got a new mommy, can I have a sister?

  “Anyway, you won’t be able to hide it much longer.” He caresses my stomach as he adds, “Two little ones in there, you’re already showing.”

  Only just. But of course he’d notice. He particularly likes the changes in my breasts. But he’s right, it won’t be long before others do too. Two big biker babies are already making my stomach swell, even though I’m barely past my first trimester.

  “Come on, let’s get back. My brothers could do with some good news right now.”

  I nod. He’s right. It’s been a sombre month on the compound. Tongue was given an amazing send off, the funeral cortege including brothers from other chapters, patriot riders, and even the police were there not just to make sure things didn’t get out of hand, but to escort the coffin as well. Everyone he fought beside, and lost his life for that night, stood up for him as he was lowered into the ground. Tongue died a hero, but that doesn’t go to make any amends that he’s no longer with us. I swear even Grunt misses him.

  The sweet butts took his death hard, he was one of their favourites, liking to use the ornament in his mouth. So much so they wanted his special talent mentioned in the eulogy, but Drummer put a stop to that.

  Apart from the brief respite at the funeral, after that night, cops and bikers resumed their chosen roles. And now I am ostracised by my former colleagues, but it doesn’t bother me. I’ve been accepted into the club, and now this is my life, alongside my old man. Some people might think I’m now walking on the wrong side of the law, but I happen to believe I’m on the right one.

  Heart walks to the passenger door and opens it.

  “Allowing me to drive?” I smirk.

  “No fuckin’ chance.” I don’t argue, his answer was as expected. I might have been given police driving training, but my man won’t ever let me take the wheel when he’s there. After the first few protests, I’ve learned to give in, saving my breath for things worth fighting over. And there are a few of those. I couldn’t have found a better man for me had I tried.

  As we walk into the clubhouse, Drummer’s walking out. He pauses, looks at us both, having known we’d had a doctor’s appointment. “Everything alright?”

  Heart squeezes my hand. “We’re going to make an announcement later.”

  Drummer grins, slaps Heart on the back, and then continues past.

  Inside, Ella and Jayden are giggling, Amy’s sitting close by, and Carmen and Sandy are shaking their heads, each with a baby on their lap. Something’s up, I can tell. I’ve learned to read my fellow women here well. A smile plays at my lips as I wonder what they’re plotting.

  “Amy.” Heart seems oblivious to whatever the women are up to, just calls his daughter over to us. She comes running, followed by Grunt. Dog and child have become inseparable.

  She hugs first her dad, and then me, and happily comes with us, chatting nonstop as we pass the other blocs housing the other brothers’ suite. Once we reach our own, Heart sits her down.

  “Amy,” Heart starts, glancing at me. We’re both slightly anxious how the news will be received. Despite her off-the-cuff remark about wanting a sister, she’s been an only child for all of her life.

  Her little face looks up at him, her hazel eyes shining with intelligence. “Daddy?”

  A small grimace crosses his face, and he wastes no time. “Sweetheart, how would you feel about having a brother or sister. Or both.”

  Her face meets mine and then looks back at Heart. For a moment she doesn’t speak. Then she throws herself at me. “It’s what I asked for, for Christmas! I wanted a baby sister.” She’s grinning and laughing. “Can I have a sister?” Her face falls. “I don’t want a brother. Yuck.”

  “Hey, hang on a minute, squirt.” Heart’s lips have turned up, his brow that had been furrowed is now smooth. “You might get a sister. Or a brother.” His grin widens. “Or both.”

  Now she’s looking confused.

  “Amy, sweetheart. I’m going to have twins.”

  Her little eyes widen. “Two babies?”

  Putting my finger to her lips, I try to explain. “If all goes well, Amy, yes, in six months I’ll be having two babies. And you’ll have to help me look after them.”

  “And you’ll have to help me take care of Mommy until they’re born.”

  Her arms, which were tight around me, loosen. Suddenly the news sinks in. She pushes away from me, stands in the middle of the room, jumping and squealing, her face scrunched up. “I’m going to have a brother and a sister!” she screams.

  “Hang on,” Heart says laughing, “you might end up with two brothers.”

  For a second her grin fades, then she’s smiling again. “But I’m the oldest. So they’ll have to do what I say.”

  Then Heart’s on the floor tickling her, telling her not to be bossy. I just sit back enjoying my family until Heart says it’s time. With Amy holding both our hands, and walking between us, Grunt following at his own pace, sniffing at, then cocking his leg and watering the shrubs on his way, we go back down to the clubhouse. It looks even stranger now. Ella and Jayden have been moving tables and chairs, making space in the corner. Brothers are milling around, asking what they’re doing. They just laugh in response, telling them they’ll see shortly. More than a few brothers are exchanging glances and looking concerned.

  There’s a commotion outside, and then Sophie and Sam appear, holding the door open as Fergus struggles inside, carrying an enormous Christmas tree. Grunt shoots over and starts barking and growling at the alien object being brought into the club. I start, never having heard him bark like that before.

  Running over, I try to pull him away, but even with my hand on his collar he won’t be appeased. The sound brings Drummer out of his office.

  “What the fucks going on?” he yells, then moves closer to the offending object. “What the fuck is this?” Right now it’s har
der to tell who’s barking louder, man or dog.

  “A Christmas tree,” Sam says proudly, and a bit unnecessarily. “Thought with all the kids around, this year we’ll celebrate in style.”

  As she’s speaking, Fergus has undone the tree, and it’s now on its stand. It must be one of the biggest trees I’ve ever seen, reaching to the ceiling and taking up all the space in the corner that they’d cleared. Sophie steps forward with a box in her arms and empties a pile of decorations on the floor, which starts Grunt off once again.

  “Well, fuck me.” Drummer seems stunned. He looks at Grunt, who I’m still holding back, then guffaws and bends over laughing. “Fuckin’ good guard dog we’ve got there. Never barked at anything before, now he’s losing it at a fuckin’ tree. We’re all safe, boys. If anyone comes in covered in foliage, we’ll know all about it.”

  That starts the rest of us off. I look around for Heart, but he seems to be missing. I’m wondering where he’s gone, and a cold hand reaches out and touches me. Oh shit. Does the tree remind him of Christmases with Crystal? My mind flits back twelve months. He’d had such a hard time of it last year, hiding away, trying to avoid the celebrations. Is this too much for him? Just when I’m considering going to find him, the door of the clubhouse opens again, and he steps inside. Immense relief goes through me as I see that he’s got a wide smile on his face.

  He walks to the bar, shushing Grunt as he passes, and my dog sits on his haunches and quiets down. Damn him. How does he do that? Then my attention turns back to Heart, who’s climbed onto the bar and is now standing up straight and yelling for quiet.

  At some point every brother must have come in. Well, it’s Friday night and they’ve assembled for church. As all eyes go to Heart, he starts speaking.

  “Marc and I, well, we got some news today that we’d like to share. You know Marc is pregnant, miracle baby for fuckin’ sure, and that there was a chance she could have problems.”

  A hush falls over the room. A few glance at me as if to check whether it will be bad news or good.

  “Well, we’ve seen the doctor today, and everything seems to be well. Looks like we’ll be having two more baby bikers soon.”

  “Two?” Drummer’s eyes have gone wide.

  “Twins? Fuck me!”

  “Nah, Beef. I prefer my old lady.”

  “Boys?” Rock yells as he limps in, his leg still not quite healed.

  “Nah. Don’t know yet.”

  “We’ll start a book. One of three options,” Blade yells. “Who wants to join in?”

  “Four options,” Beef’s loud voice corrects, and incredulous eyes find him. He just shrugs, “Boy, boy. Girl, girl. Girl, boy. Boy, girl. We’ll include the order they’re born in.”

  That cracks me up, and also everybody else. Heart shouts for silence again.

  “It’s been over a year now since I lost my wife. Been a fuck of a long journey to get where I am today, and I wouldn’t have made it if it wasn’t for Marc.” He throws me one of his beautiful, love-filled smiles. “But I’d just like to take a moment for us all to remember Crystal. Crystal loved Christmas.” I feel slightly awkward as those around me agree, and a few anxious glances come my way. But I don’t mind Heart talking about his dead wife, she’ll always be part of our lives.

  Heart’s continuing. “You know I’ll always love Crystal, and she’ll hold a place in my heart. But one thing I’ve learned is that love can expand and include others.” He points to me, then curls his finger. Holding tight to Amy’s hand, and bringing her with me, I go and stand at the bar, looking up at the man that I love. “I reckon Crystal would be happy that Marc found me, saved me, and I’m beyond lucky she’s in love with me. As I am with her.”

  He jumps down from the bar and puts his arm around me and leads us both over to the tree. Brothers part like the red sea, allowing us through, giving him curious looks, not sure what he’s doing. Once we’re in front of the green monstrosity, he brings something out of his cut, then turns to face everyone again.

  “Each year, Crystal would buy a new ornament for our tree. Last year, when I set out on my journey, I bought one on her behalf. At that time, I didn’t know why, and my last thought would be that I’d ever be putting it on a tree. In all my travels I carried it with me. It was even brought back with my stuff from the fuckin’ Demon Sons’ clubhouse. So it seems the right time to celebrate the end of my journey which brought me full circle, back here, and to Marc and Amy.

  “It also seems right that we all take a moment to remember Crystal and celebrate her life, and her love of this season in some small way. I’d like this to be the first decoration. For her, for Marc, and for my old and new family.” Hearing no objections, he leans down, picks up Amy, hands her the snow globe, and points to the centre spot. As Amy hangs it in pride of place, everyone gives her a round of applause.

  “Now all you fuckers grab a drink and raise your glasses in memory of Crystal, and in celebration of the new lives which will soon be swelling our ranks.”

  There’s a brief rush to the bar, and those who’ve not already got beer in their hand get drinks from Jekyll and Fergus. Then a loud noise goes around the room as toasts go up to Crystal and my babies.

  I stare at the ornament hanging from the tree. It’s fitting we remember the woman who, like Heart, I believe brought us together. I’m one of the first to raise my orange juice in the air. “To Crystal.”

  Thank you, I whisper under my breath.

  Chapter Forty


  Last Christmas, I didn’t think I’d be here this time the next year. Hurting so much, I couldn’t find the strength to carry on. It was this woman beside me who saved me, who gave me what I needed, who showed if I opened up my heart there was room for more than one woman inside.

  As Marc and I receive congratulations, my mind’s going back over all the talks that I had with my woman on my long journey, and when she had told me about the stages of grief and helped me through every one. Well, now I’ve reached the end of that process, and as she’d once so wisely explained, I’ve reached the final stage. Acceptance.

  I’ll never forget Crystal, she’ll always be with me, not least in the shape of the amazing daughter she left me. Amy will always be there as a reminder. Marc won’t replace her, no one could do that, but she’s offering me something more. Something I never thought I would find, or even wanted to look for. Life can be strange. I’ve lost one soulmate, only to find another.

  This last year has changed me, and the woman who’s absolutely right for me now is standing with me. I couldn’t ask for anyone better to ride through life at my side, and it helps she’s got her own bike—I’m never going to replace that single seat on mine. I’d never have found anyone like her if I went looking. I’m the luckiest motherfucker in the world to have had the love of two such amazing women, as different in every way they could be, but each one in their way perfect for me.

  Apart from the ornament, I’d brought something else down with me. I reach for the bag I’d left on the side and then whistle loudly to get everyone’s attention.

  “What’s this?” Marc’s looking surprised as I put the brown paper-wrapped package into her hands.

  I gesture to show she should open it. “Club took another vote, babe. Not like the first when they voted you in so I could keep an eye on you, but a proper one this time. You’ve earned all their trust. You’re officially my ol’ lady.”

  Her beautiful head tilts to one side, and then she takes out a brand-new cut. Turning it over, she sees ‘Property of Heart’ written on the back. Her eyes open wide at the physical consolidation of our relationship, and I see tears glistening as she realises how much this means. As unlikely as it seems, an ex-cop’s been formally accepted into the club.

  I’d never thought another woman would be wearing my cut. As she slips it on, I feel a light touch on my shoulder, and a gentle squeeze. I hope you approve, Crystal.

  Another squeeze suggests she does.

door must be open. A breeze makes the tree rustle, and then the air stills again and the brief clenching of my heart tells me Crystal has gone, and this time, won’t be coming back. A quick frown, then I realise I’m all right with that. She’ll always live on, in my memories and our daughter.

  Smiling again, I barely hear the women cooing over Marc’s new rag, or feel the slaps of my brothers on my back. I only have eyes for the woman, my leather around her.

  “Fuckin’ love ya, darlin’.”

  She’s so emotional, she can’t get out the words to say it back, but the reciprocated emotion shines out of her eyes.

  I can’t wait. Putting a hand either side of her face, I lower my head and take her mouth, my tongue sweeping inside, then my arm drops and I cup her sweet ass, squeezing her cheeks. And fuck me if her fingers don’t find their way to my backside, kneading my flanks, making my cock immediately swell.

  She’s forgotten where she is, grinding against me. Fuck, I don’t think I can make it back to our suite.

  “For fuck’s sake, get a room.”

  As I raise my middle finger toward Blade, I realise that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

  I’m gonna fuck my old lady. Or she’ll fuck me. One way or another, fuck cares who’s in charge.

  Marc’s mine. And I’m hers. That’s all that counts.

  Reading Order

  Turning Wheels

  Drummer’s Beat

  Slick Running

  Targeting Dart

  Heart Broken

  Peg’s Stand

  Rock Bottom

  Joker’s Fool

  Mouse Trapped

  Paladin’s Hell (Colorado Chapter #1)

  Blade’s Edge

  Demon’s Angel (Colorado Chapter #2)


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