Mrs. Robin's Sons

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Mrs. Robin's Sons Page 11

by Kori Roberts

  “He doesn’t deserve you.” Before Rylee could respond, he leaned forward and kissed her. As she pushed against his hold on her, she was vaguely aware of the elevator door opening.

  “What the fuck?!”

  She snatched away from a startled Ethan and looked into Nick and Noah’s angry faces.


  Nick and Noah had been upstairs for hours, practically out of their minds with worry as they tried to figure out where Rylee could be. Finally, at nearly three o’clock in the morning, they’d gotten so frantic, they couldn’t take it anymore, and they’d decided to go and drive the route Rylee would normally take to their house in order to look for her.

  Nick couldn’t believe his eyes when the elevator doors opened, and he saw Rylee standing there, dressed like she’d just come back from a date with that bastard, Ethan, who was kissing her like he couldn’t wait to get her upstairs and into bed.

  He didn’t know what hurt more; knowing that Rylee lied to them so she could be with another man, watching that same man touch what he considered Noah’s and his, or seeing the look of guilt on her face when she saw them.

  Nick heard Ethan’s shocked laughter. “Jesus, there’s two of you? Well, I guess it would take two boys like you to be man enough to handle a woman like Rylee.”

  “Ethan, don’t —” Rylee tried to intervene, but Noah’s fist shot out before she could finish her sentence, hitting Ethan in the mouth, knocking him to the floor, and wiping the smirk off his face.

  Nick ignored the shocked gasps and startled screams from the few onlookers in the mostly empty lobby as he wrapped his arms around Noah’s midsection to hold him back when he lunged at the prone man.

  “You got something else you wanna say, motherfucker?” Noah yelled, and struggled against Nick’s hold on him. “I’m right here, and I’m more than happy to take you down again!”

  “Noah, please!” Rylee begged. “Don’t do this! It’s not what you think.” Nick watched Rylee help Ethan off the floor, and he felt a brief moment of satisfaction as he watched the blood flow from Ethan’s busted nose and split lip.

  Nick released Noah before he turned his attention to Rylee. His heart ached as he looked at the woman he loved so much. “If it’s not what we think, then tell us what it is.” He spoke through clenched teeth.

  “Tell us you didn’t lie about having to work this weekend, so you could be with somebody else. Tell us you weren’t just standing here, kissing another man, and letting him touch you.”

  Nick’s voice cracked, and he fought to control the hurt and anger that threatened to overwhelm him. “Because that’s what we think, Rylee. So, go ahead. Tell us we’re wrong.”

  He and Noah stood there waiting for Rylee to respond. And, with each second that passed, Nick died a little more inside. He secretly wished that she’d deny everything, tell them they’d imagined what they’d seen, and put them both out of their misery.

  He could feel the box that contained her ring in his pocket, practically burning a hole through his thigh as he remembered why he and Noah had come here to begin with. He thought about everything they were willing to do, everything they were prepared to give up for this woman, and it made him want to cry.

  “It wasn’t for the reasons you think,” Rylee finally said. “Please, Nick…Noah…” She looked between them. Nick could see the tears shimmering in her eyes, and he wanted so badly to pull her into his arms. But then he looked at Ethan’s bloody face, and he felt the rage return and his resolve harden.

  “Please,” she begged. “Let’s go upstairs and talk. I’ll explain everything. Just…not here.”

  Nick looked at the two security guards and the small crowd of people who stood along the perimeter and watched their little group. He knew that they’d already caused enough of a scene, and he didn’t want to embarrass Rylee any further in front of her staff. But he had no desire to talk to her at the moment, either.

  As if he were reading Nick’s mind, Noah said, “Fuck this shit.” Nick saw him give Rylee a look filled with disappointment and disdain. “Come on, man. Let’s go.”

  “Yeah, let’s get the fuck out of here.” Nick shot Rylee a withering glance of his own.

  “There’s nothing here for us any longer.”

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Rainy days and Mondays. Rylee sat in a large overstuffed chair outside of her boss’s office and stared out the window as the rain poured down outside.

  The crappy weather was appropriate, really. It matched the crappy mood she was in, the crappy weekend she’d had, and the crappy direction her life had suddenly taken in just a matter of days.

  After making sure that Ethan was okay and convincing him not to file assault charges against Noah with some none-too-subtle warnings that she’d tell how he’d provoked the entire incident with his comments, Rylee had spent the rest of her weekend trying to reach Nick and Noah.

  She’d worked the speed dial on her phone nonstop, calling both of their cell numbers and their home number, leaving message after message, filling up the voicemails for all three phones before finally giving up and acknowledging that they didn’t want to talk to her.

  It hurt Rylee more than she would ever have imagined, knowing that they wouldn’t speak to her, wouldn’t give her a chance to explain. But, in spite of the hurt, she understood how they felt, knew how it must have looked to see her with Ethan of all people — especially after his confrontation with Nick several months ago. Looking back, Rylee knew that she had no one to blame but herself. She’d handled things completely wrong. If she’d only been honest and up front with them about the property and the job from the beginning, so much of the pain and anger she saw in their eyes could have been avoided. Instead, she’d lied and kept secrets, and destroyed any trust they probably had in her.

  In so many ways, Rylee felt no better than their mother. She’d treated Nick and Noah like they were her children, instead of her men, lovers, and partners. They had a right to know what was going on, and deserved to have input on a decision that was going to affect all of them.

  Now, Nick and Noah both probably hated her, and she waited to be reprimanded — or worse — by her boss for the little floor show she’d been a part of the previous Friday.

  “Rylee, Mr. Spencer will see you now.” Rylee was pulled from her musings by the voice of her boss’s assistant, and she forced a smile, in spite of the trepidation that coursed through her.

  “Thank, you, Elaine.” She stood up and walked toward the closed door. She knocked briefly before she opened it and went inside.

  Jeff Spencer had been the General Manager since Rylee first started working for the hotel ten years ago. He’d always treated her with fairness and respect. Rylee just hoped he’d be as kind today.

  “Good morning, Rylee.” Jeff was seated behind a huge mahogany desk, and he smiled warmly at her when she walked in.

  “Good morning, Jeff.” Rylee stood in front of his desk. “Before we start, I’d like to say something.”

  “Of course” — he removed his glasses and sat back in his chair — “go ahead.” Rylee took a deep breath before she rushed on. “I’m sure that you’re already aware of the incident on Friday, and I wanted to apologize for my role in that situation. I can assure you that it was an isolated event, and I guarantee that it will not happen again.”

  Jeff was quiet for a moment. “Are you finished?” he finally asked calmly, and Rylee could see a slight smile on his face.

  “Uh, yes, sir. I am.” Her own voice was filled with uncertainty.

  “Good.” Jeff nodded. “And, you’re right. I had been informed about the incident on Friday, and I accept your apology. I appreciate your honesty about what happened, and your willingness to take responsibility for your actions. However” — he paused and put his glasses on again — “that is not the reason that I wanted to see you this morning.”

  “It’s not?” Rylee was suddenly overcome with a sense of dread.

  “No” — he smiled at he
r — “it’s not.” He gestured toward the chair next to his desk.

  “Please, have a seat.”

  “If it’s all the same to you, sir, I think I’ll just stand.” Rylee was practically holding her breath as she waited for him to speak.

  Jeff looked at her for a moment, a ghost of a smile still on his face. “Very well,” he finally said.

  “I made a recommendation — which was readily accepted — that you be promoted to General Manager of the Western Region. As you know, that’s one of our largest regions, and includes six states and more than fifty hotel chains.”

  “On second thought, I think I’ll take that seat now.” Rylee practically collapsed into the chair. She sat there with her mouth hanging open, staring at Jeff, but not actually seeing him.

  Her mind swirled as his words sank in.

  “I-I-” Rylee stuttered. She was completely unable to form a coherent thought. General Manager. God, that was just so incredible, so unbelievable, so…far away.

  “Aren’t the Western Region headquarters located in Seattle?” Rylee asked. “Yes, that is the one downside to this whole thing.” Jeff sighed. “Listen, Rylee. I know that Seattle is a long way from Chicago, but I think this is a great opportunity for you. I’ve known you since you started working for this hotel — hell, I hired you.” They both chuckled.

  “I’ve watched you grow from a hardworking employee to an even harder-working

  manager,” Jeff continued. “And — Friday’s incident aside — you’ve always led the staff of this hotel by your exemplary example. There’s no doubt in my mind that you have earned this promotion.” The smile Jeff gave her was filled with embarrassment. “It probably should have happened years ago. You were just doing such a great job here, and I was too selfish to let you go. But I know that you are more than ready to step into this position.”

  Rylee still couldn’t believe it. This moment was the reason she’d worked so hard the last ten years. And now that it had finally arrived, she didn’t know if she was happy or sad.

  Six months ago, she would have jumped at the opportunity. But that was before she met Nick and Noah, and she realized that all the professional success in the world didn’t make up for the lack of happiness in her personal life.

  This accomplishment should have made her feel wonderful and excited. Instead, she felt hollow inside, because she didn’t have the two men she loved sharing it with her. In spite of what happened between them, she wasn’t ready to give up on them just yet.

  “Thank you, Jeff. I really appreciate this opportunity. But…can I think about it?”

  “Absolutely.” Jeff’s face was full of understanding. “I know this is a big decision that you can’t make easily.” Jeff chuckled and shook his head. “I remember making a similar decision when I came to Chicago fifteen years ago. I never regretted it, and I don’t think you will either.”

  Regrets. That’s what Rylee was worried about. She knew she couldn’t commit to this position until she was certain that there was nothing left of her relationship with Nick and Noah. “I have a small request.” Rylee waited for Jeff to nod before she continued. “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to take the rest of the day off to think about everything.”

  Jeff silently scrutinized her, his gaze seeming far too knowing. “You go right ahead, Rylee. Take the time you need, and I hope you find the answers you’re seeking.”

  “I do, too, sir.” Rylee shook Jeff’s hand and left his office. She kept going until she was in her car and heading to Wisconsin.


  “They’re not here.” Rylee was just about to knock on Nick and Noah’s door again,

  when the sound of their mother’s voice behind her made her spin around.

  “And even if they were here, they wouldn’t want to see you.”

  “Really?” Rylee tilted her head and scrutinized the other woman. “Is that what they told you, or just what you want to believe?” Caroline had the decency to blush.

  “It doesn’t matter.” Caroline lifted her chin and glared at Rylee. “It doesn’t change anything. You still don’t belong here.”

  “Whether I belong here or not isn’t your decision to make — it’s theirs.” She stalked toward Caroline, and she could feel all of the anger and hostility she felt toward the woman simmering just beneath the surface, threatening to explode at any second.

  “You think just because you’re their mother, it gives you license to run their lives?

  Well, I’ve got news for you, lady; in case you haven’t noticed, your little boys aren’t so little anymore. They’re grown men, and they’re perfectly capable of making decisions about their lives, and who they want in their lives.”

  Rylee stood in front of the other woman. “You want to stand here and pass judgment on me because you disagree with how I live my life? That’s fine. If it makes you feel better to believe that I’m some old whore who corrupted your babies, you go right ahead.” She stepped into Caroline’s personal space, their bodies mere inches apart. “Because quite frankly, your opinion doesn’t mean shit to me — and neither do you. What you think about me will never change what’s in my heart. I’m going to love your sons whether you hate me or not; whether they hate me or not. And, there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.”

  She walked past Caroline, toward her car. She opened her door, but Caroline’s voice stopped her before she got inside.

  “I believe you love them, Rylee,” Caroline spoke softly. “But, I love them, too. In spite of what you think, I’m not trying to run their lives. I just want what’s best for them.”

  Caroline walked over and stood next to Rylee’s car.

  “They each deserve a woman of their own to love; someone to have a family with, to grow old with — not someone who has already experienced all those things that they have yet to even discover. If you were a mother, I think you’d understand how I feel — in fact, I think you’d agree with me.”

  Rylee got in her car and drove away without responding. A few miles from the house, she dialed her boss’s number.

  “Hi, Jeff. This is Rylee. I…I’ve decided to accept the position…I do have a request…I’d like to move immediately, if possible…yes…I’m sure…I can be ready by the end of the week… thank you, sir.”

  Rylee managed to disconnect the call before she released the tears she’d held since she’d left Nick and Noah’s house.

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Rylee sat in the food court of the airport, staring into a cup of coffee as she waited for her flight.

  “You know you don’t have to do this, right?” Drew asked. She looked across the table into his concerned face. Rylee glanced past Drew’s head to the clock on the wall. She had twenty more minutes before her plane would begin boarding.

  Please, God, help me hold it together until then. “Yeah” — she forced a smile — “I do.

  It’s for the best.”

  Mya reached across the table to take her hand and squeezed it gently. “Honey, are you sure it’s over between the three of you?” she asked.

  Rylee just nodded, not trusting herself to speak at the moment.

  “But how do you know for certain?” Mya insisted. “You said yourself that you never even saw them when you went to Wisconsin. Maybe you should wait until you talk to them before you do this.”

  “Mya’s right,” Drew added. “I’m sure they can wait a few more days in Seattle until you —” “Just stop!” Rylee interrupted her friends as she desperately struggled to keep her composure. “A few more days won’t make any difference. They don’t” — she took a shuddering breath — “they don’t want me anymore.” Rylee internally cringed at the way her voice broke as she said those words. Her throat was so tight, she felt like she was going to choke.

  Drew and Mya stared at her in silence, and Rylee blinked back tears as she looked away from the pity she saw in their eyes.

  “Listen,” she finally said. “My flight’s going to board soon. Why don’t you
two walk me to my gate?”

  They walked through the airport in silence until they reached the security checkpoint, where Rylee turned to her friends. Drew stood looking at her with watery eyes, and Mya made no attempt to hide the tears that flowed freely down her face.

  “I’ll call you as soon as I arrive.” Rylee hugged Mya, then Drew. “I love you both.” She turned away without waiting for their response and went through security. She walked toward her gate, never turning around to look at her friends again, hoping with everything in her that she could make it to the plane before she broke down and cried like a baby.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  “Zeus, come!” Nick watched the Doberman race toward him, his smooth, black coat glimmered in the sunlight as his powerful body moved across the yard with incredible grace and speed.

  Once Zeus reached Nick, he sat down in front of him. Nick waited for a few moments before he held out his hand and revealed the treat inside, which Zeus eagerly ate from his hand.

  “Good dog!” Nick petted him as he finished his treat.

  “You and Noah were always so great with the animals.” Nick tensed at the sound of his mother’s voice behind him. “Your father loved training dogs, but he never had the natural skills and abilities with them, like you boys.”

  Nick didn’t bother to respond as he continued to pet Zeus.

  “Zeus is an amazing animal. He could easily sell for —”

  “Zeus is not for sale.” Nick cut her off.

  He heard his mother sigh. “Yes, I know. He was Rylee’s favorite, wasn’t he?”

  Nick turned to his mother without answering her question. “What do you want,

  Mom?” “I want you and Noah to be happy, but obviously, neither of you are.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I…I think I made a mistake.” She spoke quietly. Her eyes were sad as they stared back at him.

  “I thought that once Rylee was out of your lives, you and Noah would move on and find some other women your own age to occupy yourselves with for a while, like you’d always done before you met her. But I underestimated just how deeply you two felt for her.”


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