Fallen World: The Complete Trilogy

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Fallen World: The Complete Trilogy Page 26

by Tom Jones

  The door opened, and Arcades stepped out without restraints. The wolf quickly removed his hand from his pants, and his eyes shot open while he looked right at the fox. Arcades looked at the wolf, and he was surprised Jason was still standing outside of his door, “Hmm? You’re still here? What are you doing?” The wolf was thinking for a quick excuse to use. He lied to the fox, “Oh, I was just… On my way to get some work done.” Arcades did not believe the wolf’s lie, “We’re closed today.” The lust in the wolf’s mind was still preventing him from thinking of a better excuse, “Umm… Well, you see. It’s stuff I need to work on for myself.” Arcades shrugged, “Well, I guess we’ve all got something to do. I’m on my way to talk to Bobby. I want to see if he could find anything on the NSS or the Omega Foundation.” Jason quickly deployed an unconvincing smile, “You go do that, boss.”

  Arcades closed the door behind him, and he walked down the hall. As the fox was walking, Jason was staring at the fox’s butt the entire time. The fact that Arcades was wearing cargo shorts was making the wolf even more aroused. Jason thought to himself, ‘Damn, that’s a nice piece of fox ass.’ Jason could now feel his erection in his pants again. He briefly snapped out of his lust, and he turned around to walk the other way down the hall. He wanted to get to his room as fast as possible in order to masturbate to his new fantasies of Saint Arcades. Jason’s sick mind was fast at work, but he was hoping that Arcades would not find out anytime soon.

  Chapter 8

  Cesspool of Sin

  Arcades approached Bocchino’s room, and he knocked on the door. A familiar voice answered the knocking, “Yeah? Who it is?” Arcades spoke loud enough for the cat to be able to hear, “It’s Kurt.” Bocchino then said, “Alright. You can come on in.” Arcades opened the door, and he looked at the cat that was now looking back at him. The fox could not see what was on the cat’s computer monitor, so he asked, “So Bobby, could you find anything about Omega or the NSS?” The cat nodded and began speaking, “Yeah, I did. I was actually about to go and show you. Here, come look at this.” Pushing the monitor, Arcades peeked over to see what was displayed on the screen. He saw a picture of an unmarked MH-60X Stealth Hawk that looked as if it was taken by the means of infrared imaging. He immediately recognized the helicopter when he was in Hong Kong.

  “Is that an MH-60X? That looks like the same one I saw in Hong Kong,” Arcades asked the cat. Bocchino nodded, “Yeah. I could actually find quite a few pictures of it. They were all taken on the same day of the week.” The fox thought about the helicopter for a moment, “Hmm? Where was this at?” Bocchino sighed, “Well, that’s kinda the bad part about it. This helicopter stops by at this one place every other week to pick something up. It then goes away, and it’s not seen for another couple weeks.” Arcades noticed how the helicopter’s doors were closed, so he couldn’t tell what the helicopter’s cargo was. The fox asked, “Well, what are they picking up?” Bocchino scrolled down to view more images while he talked to Arcades, “I’m not entirely sure. Nobody on the deep web really has any answers for this. Which is why…” Arcades did not speak until a few seconds after Bocchino stopped, “What? Where is this helicopter going?”

  The cat looked back up at the fox, but he was reluctant to speak, “Well… This helicopter has been reported to stop by this establishment located a little bit outside of Denver. It’s an all anthro hotel that doesn’t even have a name that is publicly or privately available.” Arcades’ face winced, and he was slightly confused. He then inquired for more information, “Hmm? That’s something. What’s it supposed to be about?” Bocchino sighed, “It’s a secretive all anthro BDSM hotel. It’s hard to find information about it around the deep web, even. What I’ve gathered is that it is invite only, and there can only be one thousand anthro guests there at one time.” Arcades raised his eyebrows, and he felt anxious on the inside. He did not know such a place existed. He asked, “One thousand anthros?” Bocchino continued, “Yes, reports say that the higher you pay, the higher number out of one thousand you are… You see, the thing with this hotel is that the anthros with the higher numbers can do absolutely anything they want to the lower numbered anthros. No limits or anything. Part of the reason why it’s so secretive. If the humans were to know this, then it would definitely not help anthro human relations.”

  Arcades leaned back against the wall, and he did feel an internal pain. He knew that sin took place within the secret establishment. Arcades then said, “Eugh… You know, now that you think about it, that’s actually a well thought out way to smuggle weapons and secret technology.” Bocchino looked back at his monitor, “I figured. That’s another thing that I’ve been reading on here. People have theories that the people who fly those helicopter sorties are using that hotel in order to smuggle out whatever they need. Which is why we need to figure out what is going on in there.” Arcades paused and he watched the cat scroll down on the computer, “Are you going to ask me to break into the anthro version of the Bohemian Grove?” Bocchino chuckled, “Heh, you and your theories, Kurt. But, all seriousness, you’re pretty good at those infiltration missions. You broke into that place in Hong Kong, and you got that jade cane out without being seen by hostiles. You should be able to find out something in that place.”

  Arcades could not imagine what he would witness within the walls, but he remembered that Fox Security was not that large of a company. Operators were becoming hard to come by, and the largest chunk of Arcades’ employees were humans. He did not have many anthros that were willing to work for a company that employed both humans and anthros. Arcades also knew that this mission would not be for money, but the fox did not mind this fact. He would have to undertake the mission. Arcades reluctantly spoke, “I’ll go…” Internally, the cat was surprised that Arcades was willing to accept the mission. Since Bocchino did not know too much else about the hotel, he did not have much else to say to the fox, “Well, you’ve got some courage there, man. We’ll fly out there, and I’ll drive you to the place.” Arcades looked down at the current clothing that he was wearing. He asked, “This is a stealth op? How much should I probably pack?”

  Bocchino looked at the fox’s polo shirt that was tucked into his khaki tactical shorts, “Yeah, this is a stealth op. You probably should not wear that there, though. I would recommend you wear something close to what you had in Hong Kong. Maybe the place is dark, and you would be able to blend in a bit better. Those shorts are way too light.” The fox nodded, “Alright. I’ll be ready when you are. When should we get going?” Bocchino looked back up at the picture of the helicopter, “The day they’re supposed to return to the hotel is actually tomorrow night. We should leave tonight.” Arcades sighed, “Alright. Let’s just get this over with.”

  “Is that radio working?” The fox asked as he clicked the PTT button that was strapped to his black JPC 2.0. Bocchino peeked over to the Kenwood transceiver that was sitting near the center console of the car. He saw the screen change colors, and this indicated that the device was receiving a signal. Bocchino picked the radio up, and he held it close to his ear. Arcades spoke into the mouthpiece of his bowman headset, “Radio check, radio check. Over.” Bocchio could hear the fox speaking, and he placed the radio back on the console. He replied while still focusing on the road, “Yep. I can hear you alright.” The fox looked up in the sky, “Hey, how come we didn’t airdrop out here?” Bocchino did not take long to answer the question, “We’re too close to the city. You would be seen parachuting down.” The fox sat back in the rear passenger seat while he checked the chamber of his Salient G17. He made sure he did not have a round chambered before placing performing a laser and light function check. He holstered the handgun, and it sat in the holster easier due the fact it lacked a suppressor.

  Arcades made one final check of all of his equipment. He knew that he would be on his own when he got inside of the hotel. Bocchino would be the only one there to pick him up, but he would not enter the establishment. Arcades then remembered that he did not tell Jason
where he was going. The fox had not seen Jason since he saw the wolf in the hall on the way to speak with Bocchino. Arcades figured that he would return soon enough, so he did not worry about it. The fox finished checking his equipment, and he knew he was ready to deploy. However, he sure did not know what to expect. Bocchino already told him everything that was available online of the establishment. The fox was hoping that the place was a big hoax, as he was becoming anxious as he travelled closer to the hotel. One part of him did not believe what Bocchino had told him. He was hoping that all of it was entirely fictional.

  The fox looked outside of the windows, and he noticed that the road to that he was traveling on looked as if it was not kept up with. Maybe this all was just a hoax? Maybe he would be on another plane in the next few hours, and he would not have to worry about anything else. The anxiety the fox was feeling in his stomach continued to bother him. Arcades stroked his tail in an attempt to comfort himself, but it did not do much. Arcades silently prayed to God to give him the strength he needed to complete the mission.

  When the fox finished praying, he looked back out the window. He had not seen any cars coming to or from the road that he had been traveling on. Arcades was still hoping that the hotel was a hoax. He then could see the building coming into view. Since it was getting dark, Arcades could notice that several of the lights were slightly illuminating the curtains in certain windows. The view of the building made Arcades feel uneasy. As Bocchino was driving closer to the hotel, he advised Arcades of an important detail, “The helicopter should be here in two hours. That means you have two hours to get up to that helipad, but you should get there a bit earlier if you can just to be safe.” The fox opened the sun roof cover, and he looked up at the top of the building. He replied, “As long as nobody sees me, then I should be there in time.”

  Bocchino drove up to the side of the hotel, and he let Arcades get out. The fox stepped on the ground, and he turned back around to face the cat. Bocchino nodded before saying, “Well, good luck, Kurt. Radio me when you’re ready for pickup. I can’t come in there to save you if something goes wrong. If you’re not out in five hours, then I’m leaving without you and considering you MIA.” Arcades silently acknowledged Bocchino as he pulled away from the fox. Arcades watched as the cat was driving away. Arcades looked around, but he did not see a parking garage or any vehicles around.

  Arcades began walking down the side of the building, and he peeked over to see where the front entrance was. Upon closer inspection, Arcades noticed that the door was activated by some sort of scanner. He also noticed that the door contained windows which he could not see through. The fox assumed the doors were outfitted with one way windows, so he wanted to wait and see if there was another way for him to make an entry. The fox decided to wait for a moment and see if any anthros were going to open the door and allow him to covertly enter. Then, he realized that option would not be the best as he would surely be seen upon entering through the main door. Arcades realized that he needed to find a different option.

  The fox turned around, and he looked back down the side of the wall that he came by. He began backtracking, and he was looking around carefully for security cameras or other defensive security measures. As Arcades walked along the side of the building, he was not able to see any alternate points of entry. He decided that he would have to make his own. Arcades examined his surroundings, but there were no trees that were close enough for him to use to reach the nearest window. Strangely, the first few floors seemed to be lacking windows entirely. Arcades looked up the wall, and he did not see any security cameras. Even though the dark gray fox was wearing all black, he still did not want to take any chances.

  Arcades remembered what equipment he brought, and he concluded that he did not have any equipment that would be sufficient enough to make an entry through the means of going through a wall. Arcades knew that improvised explosives made a loud noise after all. He only brought lockpicking equipment for himself, and he was not expecting the doors to have RFID scanners on them. He didn't even bring his radio frequency jammer with him. Arcades would have to come up with a different idea in order to gain access. Arcades reminded himself that this was a covert mission, and he needed to remain undetected at all costs. He did not want to miss the Stealth Hawk that would be showing up.

  After pacing around the building for some time, Arcades found what looked to be a ventilation shaft that was low enough for him to reach, and surprising to the fox, the shaft seemed to be large enough to fit inside. He knew that such shafts were typically not the best ways to gain access to a building, but he was running out of options. Arcades stood next to the shaft, and he pulled out his multi-tool. Luckily for Arcades, his multi-tool was able to unscrew the screws that were holding the ventilation grate to the shaft. The fox opened the shaft, and he looked inside of it. Not able to see inside of the shaft, Arcades pulled out his G17, and he turned on the light in order to look inside of the shaft. The vent was indeed large enough for the skinny fox to fit inside of, but he was still contemplating the decision. Arcades feared that he could get stuck inside of the vent, but this was his only practical choice. Arcades holstered his G17, climbed into the shaft, and he began to crawl up the vent.

  Bocchino watched the silent road as he was waiting in a wooded area not too far from the hotel. He had turned off the vehicle’s lights as well as the engine in order to attract the least amount of attention. He was hoping that no infrared scanning UAVs were in the general vicinity that would be able to detect the vehicle. However, he decided not to think too much about being detected. The cat reminded himself that he had a Heckler & Koch MP5K underneath the driver’s seat if all else fails. Bocchino thought about Arcades, and he wondered how the mission was going. He did have his handheld radio still on, but the fox had not since contacted him. Bocchino sat back in the driver’s seat, and he thought about how he could pass the time while waiting for Arcades. He was still looking out through the sunroof in case the helicopter were to show up ahead of schedule.

  Arcades still crawled through the vent, and he was moving slowly so as to not make much noise. Every time he would move, his kit would drag along the vent, and would create a noticeable rustling noise. Arcades came to a fork in the vent, but he decided to turn left. As he proceeded, he noticed that the shaft seemed to slope upwards. He concluded that he was traveling upwards. The further he went, the more he could hear some strange noises coming from the interior of the building. The noises sounded almost like moaning, and this only made Arcades feel more anxious.

  The fox was approaching the end of the vent, and he could now visibly see the other grate in front of him. He could also feel that dust was covering his uniform and exposed fur, but that was the least of his worries. He could hear moaning sounds that seemed to be even louder. Arcades held onto the ventilation grate, and he tried to peek through to see what he could see. He could still hear the noises, but he did not see any anthros or humans around. Arcades reached his hand outside of the grate, and he tried to work the screws on the grate to remove it. The task was difficult, and it reminded Arcades of the times when he had to free himself from his own handcuffs in the dark.

  The ventilation grate finally popped open, and Arcades began to crawl out. Not looking below, the fox fell forwards, but he was able to catch himself before he hit the ground. He exited the shaft, and he moved the grate back in place to make it look as if he had not entered the building. Lighting was very poor, but the fox’s vision had been adjusted to the low light environment. He wished that he brought his EOTech NVGs, but he remembered how uncomfortable the helmet was to wear for extended periods of time. Arcades brushed off some of the dust from his fur and uniform, but he could not see to the full extent of all the dust that covered him.

  After finishing up, the fox proceeded down the dark hall. The ground was very cold to walk on, and it felt as if it was not maintained that well. Arcades was able to feel numerous cracks in the ground. He was still wondering where the moaning noise wa
s coming from, as he was still hearing the disturbance. After walking slowly, the fox ended up reaching the end of the room. A door stood in front of him, but it did not have a means for the fox to see what was on the other side. He pushed the door after successfully turning the handle, and the unlocked door slowly proceeded to open.

  Dim lights hit the fox’s eyes, and he quickly checked his surroundings. Confirming that the coast was clear, Arcades closed the door behind him, and he took in all that he was looking at. The room that he was in now looked as if it was some sort of old dungeon with dim lights illuminating the halls. He did not see any anthros walking around, but he could still hear moaning coming from his right. He looked up at a sign that was above a door to his right. The sign was barely lit enough for him to be able to see it. The sign read, “ROOMS 1-99”. Arcades began walking towards the door, and the moaning became louder the closer he got to the door. Standing in front of the door, Arcades was debating on entering the room. He knew that his objective was not behind the door he was looking at, but he was too curious to not look. Arcades wanted to know what this place was really about. The fox brushed off some more dust from his uniform before his slightly trembling hand gripped the door handle. The handle was styled as if it was the entrance to some rudimentary prison. Arcades pushed the door open, and he entered.

  Arcades’ eyes widened as he took in the view. In front of him were approximately ninety nine anthros that were packed into cages that were too small for them to fit inside of. The anthros were all of different races, but they were all naked and restrained in the same way. The anthros each had their hands chained behind their backs, their ankles were also locked in front of them. They were forced into what appeared to be a stress position, and they were seated in the cage in a way that they would be unable to stand or even shift their position to become comfortable. The cages all had the same RFID scanners that the front of the building had. The anthros each were blindfolded and gagged with a ballgag, and they were all wearing collars. Arcades approached the cage of a male cat, and the fox looked at the collar that the cat was wearing. The collar had a number 1 on it. The fox looked at the cat, and he also saw that the cat was sporting a fully erect penis. Arcades quietly sighed and shook his head in disappointment before moving on.


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