Fallen World: The Complete Trilogy

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Fallen World: The Complete Trilogy Page 33

by Tom Jones

  The fox unbuckled his FAST helmet before lifting it up off of his head, and Arcades could feel his sweat in the helmet’s padding even with his gloves on. The fox sat the helmet on the bed next to the spent magazine, and he then realized why everything still appeared to be dark. Arcades removed the Oakley M2s from his eyes, and the room suddenly was no longer tinted in black. Arcades sat the glasses on his shelf, as he also used the Oakley glasses when he was not in the field. Arcades then removed his Oakley gloves, and he tossed them on top of the helmet that was already sitting on the bed with the rest of his stuff.

  Arcades looked at his hands, and he was checking for any fur discoloration that the gloves would sometimes cause. He knew that the discoloration was because he always would sweat in the gloves. In fact, Arcades now could feel the sweat that built up on his torso. The fox looked down at his JPC 2.0, and he pulled the molle panel up in order to gain access to the cumberbund. Most of the modern vests featured cumberbunds that attached in the front with the help of Velcro. Though the common term was ‘hook-and-loop’, it was all basically the same thing. Arcades remembered the days when he had a vest that attached on the side, and it was a pain to doff and don the vest. The fox pulled up on the cumberbund straps that were added with the JPC 2.0 version, and he was able to detach the cumberbund from the front of his vest. Letting the cumberbund hang from the side, Arcades lifted the vest off of himself, and he lightly dropped it on the bed.

  The fox looked downwards again, and he could now see a large dark spot on the middle of his combat shirt. When he felt his torso with his hand, he could feel that the sweat was still causing his shirt to be wet. Arcades pulled up on the shirt’s jersey, and he was able to get it untucked. He could feel the back of the shirt was being propped up by his tail from the outside, which reminded him that the Crye G4 shirts were made to be longer in the back. The fox appreciated the addition of the extra fabric, for when he used to use the G3 combat shirt, it would sometimes get untucked when he would bend over or crouch down. Arcades looked at his JPC 2.0, and he realized that he hadn’t disabled his radio yet. Arcades bent over his bed, and he pulled the radio from the pouch that held it. He disabled the radio to conserve power, and then he pushed it back in the pouch before securing it with the Velcro tab that would hold it in its place.

  Arcades looked down at his shirt again, and he wondered how anthros didn’t die of heat stroke from wearing the pre-2000 styled BDU shirts. Those were made with the same heavy ripstop fabric that his sleeves were made with. Arcades then unclipped his dump pouch from his belt, as it was the only thing which he had on the bet. Since he did not carry too much ammunition, he did not have to carry some of it on his belt. However, the two Level III plates that he had in his JPC sure did not help the weight of his equipment. Arcades did not always use Level III plates in his plate carriers. During covert missions, he would use a Level IIIA soft insert instead to prevent himself from being held down by weight, or he would not wear plates at all and just use the carrier for utility purposes. After all, the fox did not weigh much by himself.

  Arcades emptied his pockets on the desk that was next to his bed, and he began to pull out his belongings which he had in his pants pockets. He eventually got to his keyring, and he looked at all of the keys that it held. He always carried his keyring with him everywhere he went, and it seemed to be useful enough to him. Arcades mentally counted the number of times in the past year that he had to use the keyring, and he was glad that he brought it with him. The fox placed the keyring next to his phone and wallet, and he patted down his pants again to make sure that he had emptied them out completely. Arcades then turned his attention to his vest, and he felt the front and back of it to make sure that he did not have any shrapnel stuck in it from the XMP-1’s airburst feature. He had remembered that he let Bocchino take the XMP-1 with him when they arrived back at their base. Bocchino also took the two anthros that the fox recovered with him.

  The fox loosened the Velcro wrist straps that were on his G4 shirt, and Arcades unzipped the ¼ collar combat shirt as well. He pulled the shirt off of his body, and he laid it on the bed with the rest of the equipment. Arcades looked at the few patches that he had on his shirt. He had his two American shoulder flags, his Fox Security patch, and his custom patch, a Multicam shield with a cross with BORN AGAIN inscribed in the center. Arcades looked down at his bare chest, and he felt the white fur covered most of his chest. His white fur traveled up the front of his neck and covered a good part of his mouth and some of his jaw. Despite being the son of two regular colored red foxes, Arcades was black and white. Though Arcades knew he looked different, he actually did not mind the different look. He figured that it looked better for when he would wear all black or other darker colors such as Kryptek Typhon or Multicam Black. Arcades opened up a small clothes closet, and he viewed the many polo shirts that he had inside of his wardrobe. He picked out a dark blue Under Armour shirt and a pair of black tactical shorts. The fox laid the clothes on the bed next to his combat equipment, and he remembered that he needed to grab his off-duty belt. Arcades grabbed a plain black web belt from his wardrobe, and he tossed it on the bed as well. The fox began to change his clothes.

  “Damn. Where the fuck did you two come from?” Bocchino rhetorically asked as the two anthros only stared at him. The cat was holding the XMP-1 in one hand and his ARX-160 in the other hand. The cat was not sure the best place to figure out what was up with the anthros was, so he decided to make them follow him into his room. Bocchino said, “Alright, just come with me.” The anthros immediately began following the cat, which made Bocchino feel uneasy. He had not heard them speak at all, but they listened to him and Arcades. Bocchino finally made his way to his door, and he realized that his hands were full with weapons. The cat was frustrated once again, “Dammit. Fuck! That door needs to fucking open.”

  As Bocchino was looking for the best way to sit one of the weapons down on the ground, his attention was caught as the lynx walked up and opened the door for him. Bocchino looked up at the anthro lynx, “Well, shit. Thanks, I guess.” Bocchino moved inside of the room, and he propped his ARX-160 up against the wall. He was still holding the XMP-1, but he noticed that a black rifle sling was still attached to the rifle. Bocchino threw the sling over his arm, and he was able to stow the weapon away. He figured that he would check the weapon out after he figured out what the two anthros were all about.

  Changed into his casual clothes, Arcades hung up his combat attire and equipment. He did not spend too much time in his clothes, so he decided that he would wash them a bit later. A knock was then heard as the fox placed the keyring in his back pocket. Arcades looked up at the door and asked, “Who’s there?” He heard Jason’s familiar voice, “It’s me.” The fox opened the door for the wolf. He saw Jason standing in front of him, “What’s up, Jason?” The wolf looked to his left and right before asking, “Can I come in, mate?” The fox took a step back while he invited Jason into his room, “Yeah, you can. What do you need?” The wolf closed the door behind him after he walked inside of Arcades’ room. Arcades noticed that Jason had also changed out of his combat attire. The wolf was wearing a navy blue t-shirt and a pair of jeans. However, he was still wearing the same flat dark earth combat boots that he wore during the operation. Jason looked the fox over. Arcades was still waiting for Jason to tell him what he wanted.

  “Mate, can I cuff you again?” Jason asked after a period of silence. Arcades was surprised to hear this again so soon. Though he would let Jason do such, he was not expecting him to be back as early as he was. The fox figured that nothing should go wrong, so he decided to accept, “Alright, I’ll let you do that again.” Jason was already getting excited, but Arcades was not looking to see if the wolf was excited or not. When Jason had seen the way the two anthros were restrained on the train, it only gave him ideas, and he was ready to test them out on Arcades. Jason spotted the bag that held the restraints sitting on the other side of Arcades’ room, and the wolf moved to retrieve
it. Arcades noticed that Jason was already on his way to the bag, “Alright, so I’ll go and -- Well, looks like you found that already.”

  Jason sat the bag on Arcades’ bed, and he unzipped the top of it. He began digging through some of the restraints that were in the bag. The wolf first pulled out a pair of Safariland rigid handcuffs. Arcades noticed the wolf’s choice of restraints, “You want to start with those? Alright.” The fox turned around to face away from Jason to allow the wolf to restrain him. Jason had not said anything to Arcades since he asked to restrain him. Arcades disregarded this fact. The fox could feel his hands were being moved behind his back, but he could also feel that his wrists were being moved in such a way that one was on top of the other. The fox could feel one of the metallic restraints being locked around his wrist. He recognized the position that Jason was putting him in, “The rear stack position? Well, I guess I won’t be using my arms for anything, really.” Jason locked the second cuff around Arcades’ other free wrist, and Arcades was now bound once again.

  Arcades turned his head around to see that Jason was already turning around himself to go and grab more restraints from the bag. The fox began to turn his body around to see what the wolf was getting, but the wolf saw Arcades looking, and he pushed him back to face the other direction. Arcades grunted before saying, “Oop. You want to make it a surprise or something?” However, the fox got no response back from the wolf. After a few moments of waiting, Arcades could feel something locking around his thumb. He then felt the same sensation around his index finger. He realized what Jason was doing, despite the fact that he could not see what he was doing, “Did you just cuff my thumb to my index finger?” Instead of receiving a response from Jason, the fox felt the same feeling on his other hand. After he felt Jason finish cuffing his thumbs to his index fingers, Arcades attempted to move his fingers. Though he could move his other fingers, he would not be able to hold anything without his thumbs. Arcades complimented the wolf, “Heh, I never really thought about doing that before. That’s pretty interesting, Jason.”

  Arcades was still unable to get the wolf to respond to him. Arcades would speak to Jason, but he would not get a reply back from him. Arcades was still not paying that fact any mind. Before the fox knew it, Jason was pushing down on his shoulder. Arcades got down on his knees, and Jason let go of his shoulder. Arcades spoke again, “You can always just tell me to get down on my knees if that is what you want me to do. You know?” Jason returned to the bag, and he pulled out a pair of Smith & Wesson Model 1900 shackles and a pair of Yuil M-03 rigid handcuffs. However, he was trying to decide the best way to use both of them on Arcades at the same time. The wolf looked back at the fox, and his attention turned to the fox’s bare soles. Jason walked back towards his consenting captive while holding both pairs of restraints in his hand, and he pushed Arcades onto his stomach with his free hand. Arcades slightly grunted as his body hit the ground; he had no way to brace himself. Arcades commented, “I’m not going to tell you your business, but I’d rather you lay me gently down if you want me on my stomach. Or, I could get there myself. You can still tell me to do stuff.”

  At this point, the wolf was ignoring all of what Arcades was saying. Arcades assumed that Jason was listening, but the wolf had acknowledged none of what Arcades was saying. Jason grabbed Arcades bare ankles, and he angled them 90 degrees upwards. He then locked the handcuffs around Arcades’ thin ankles with ease. Jason stood back after finishing, and Arcades commented once more, “Do you want me to keep my legs up or not? Also, do you plan on double-locking any of these?” The wolf sat the shackles on the ground as he grabbed Arcades by the feet in order to push his legs back down to the ground. When Arcades feet reached the ground, Jason took a good long look at the fox’s feet after moving the fox’s tail out of the way. Once the wolf finished, Jason then grabbed Arcades’ shoulder again, and he pulled him backwards.

  “I probably would not have had an easy time sitting up. You just laid me down to put those on my ankles? You could have done it with me standing up, but then again, the problem with that is that it could cause discomfort for my ankles when applied that way.” Arcades spoke once more as Jason picked up the Smith & Wesson shackles that were on the floor. The wolf decided what he would do with the shackles. Jason locked the first one around Arcades’ upper left arm above the elbow. Since Arcades was so thin, the shackle had a lot of room to close around the fox’s arm. Arcades was so thin that a pair of regular handcuffs would have been able to lock around his upper arms. Jason didn’t even need to use the shackles, but he did so because he had a different idea. Jason ran the chain in front of Arcades’ torso, and then he locked the other shackle around the fox’s right arm. Arcades made a comment once more, “I’ve done this to myself before. If I cuff myself above my elbows, I don’t use the regular handcuffs because I can’t reach the keyholes, though they’d fit me alright. The shackles are easier for me to reach the keyholes on due to the longer chain.”

  Jason looked over the fox, and he was seeing what he was missing. The wolf grabbed a pair of regular handcuffs, and he locked one cuff around the polymer that covered the body of the Safariland cuffs. He then attached the other cuff to the ring that was part of the rigid Yuil handcuffs. Though the ring was meant to be used in order to attach a waist chain, Jason was using it to bind Arcades in such a way that would force him to remain in a kneeling position. Arcades spoke again, “Don’t expect me to be able to stand up now. Actually, I dunno if I would be able to reach my keyring at this point to be honest with you. That would be harder than it usually would be since I’m in this stack position.”

  When the fox finished talking, he could feel himself being pushed up to his knees, so that the rest of his legs would be off of the ground. Jason was about to lay the fox on his stomach again. Arcades did the best to brace himself as Jason let go, and the fox landed on the ground again. Arcades had more to say, “Did you change your mind? You want me hogtied here?” The fox heard that Jason was digging around in the restraint bag again. He was not sure what the wolf was getting from it. Arcades rhetorically spoke, “Gosh… I’m pretty cuffed up as it is right now. What more are you getting from there?”

  Arcades could feel Jason walking back to him, and what followed was the sensation of steel being applied to the fox’s toes. Arcades realized what Jason was now doing, “Oh, that’s right. How could I have forgotten.” The fox flexed his toes, and he could feel that the cuffs were serrated on both the top and bottom of the cuffs. Arcades determined that they were the Yuil M-05 thumbcuffs that he had. Arcades voiced a concern, “If these are the Yuil ones, then make sure you have me move as little as possible with these. These get exceedingly uncomfortable to move around in.” Arcades could hear Jason heavily breathing as the wolf grabbed the fox’s shoulders and lifted him back onto his knees.

  “Why the heavy breathing, Jason? We’re out of the combat zone,” Arcades asked. Jason ignored the fox, and he pushed Arcades’ tail aside as he felt Arcades’ pockets for the keyring. The fox was now wondering what Jason was doing, “Jason, what are you doing?” However, Arcades was in no position to do anything at this point. All he was physically able to do was watch Jason find whatever he was looking for. When the wolf finally located Arcades’ keyring, he removed it from the fox’s pocket. Arcades watched as Jason sat the keyring on top of the dresser. This was completely out of Arcades’ reach, so he asked, “Jason, why did you remove my keyring? I’d rather keep that on me while we do this incase something were to happen. Can you give that back to me?”

  Jason was now noticing how much the fox was speaking. Getting annoyed, the wolf silently made one final trip back to the restraint bag to locate one other thing that he now realized that he needed. The wolf removed the fox muzzle from the bag, and he moved in front of Arcades. Arcades began to speak before being abruptly silenced, “Jason, wearing all of this is getting kinda uncomfortable. Can you please tell me what you plan on doing with --” Arcades was instantly silenced by the muzzle
that was placed over his mouth. Arcades let out a whimper after he was muzzled, but he knew that he was not able to do anything about it. He now had to wait for Jason to let him out and to make sure that he did not accidentally tighten any of the cuffs that he was wearing, for none of them had been double-locked.

  Jason stood in front of Arcades, and he looked down at the fox’s face. He was now ready for what he planned on doing in the first place. The wolf began to undo his belt while Arcades watched in confusion. Arcades attempted to speak, but the muzzle still held his mouth shut. After Jason unbuttoned his pants, he grabbed his underwear before pulling them both down to reveal to Arcades the wolf’s throbbing erection. Arcades’ eyes widened as he looked at Jason’s penis. His eyes were not wide with excitement, but rather they were wide with pure terror. Arcades was now completely terrified.

  Jason stopped, and he realized that he should have muzzled Arcades after he did what he planned to do. He currently would not be able to stick his penis in the fox’s mouth with the muzzle holding it shut. The wolf leaned forwards, and he unstrapped the muzzle from the fox’s face before removing it. Arcades immediately began pleading, “No, no, don’t do this Jason! Stop! I do not want this!” The wolf began moving his penis closer to Arcades’ face. Arcades leaned his head backwards as far as he was able to, and he even tried to shuffle himself backwards despite the pain that was caused by the tight restraints. As the wolf continued to move forwards, Arcades’ desperate pleas soon turned into sobs, “NO, I’M BEGGING YOU! DON’T DO THIS TO ME, PLEASE STOP!”

  Tears were now streaming down the fox’s eyes as he was desperately pleading for the wolf to stop. Arcades finally shifted his weight to his right, and he tipped himself over. He hit the ground, and he only continued to cry as he could not produce any more coherent words to say. Jason looked down at the fox that had fallen, and he finally snapped out of his sinful lust. Jason rapidly shook his head as if shaking the feelings out, and he blinked twice before looking back at Arcades. Regret instantly hit the wolf. Jason pulled up his pants, and he buckled his belt again. He looked down at the fox once more. Jason wanted to say something, but he did not know what he could possibly say that would improve the situation whatsoever. Jason then noticed the fox muzzle that was still on the ground, and he decided that it would be his best bet for now. The wolf picked up the muzzle, and he strapped it to the frightened fox’s mouth. Arcades’ sobs now became muffled. However, his tears still flowed from his eyes, and they were now amassing in a sizable puddle on the floor.


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