Generation Witch Year One

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Generation Witch Year One Page 39

by Schuyler Thorpe

  “Enough.” Kara pleaded with him then in quiet desperation. “You know that’s one of my weak points.”

  “Then kiss me,” he offered up playfully to her. “Or I will go for the other hand and you’ll be a wet puddle before the morning is out.”

  “You think so highly of yourself, mister.” The other woman laughed in amazement.

  “You’re the one who went all draggo on me the other day—demanding that I service you. What would you call that?”

  Kara giggled and then shifted her weight so that he would end up poking her obscenely in the butt.

  “Me getting my rocks off,” she said with a bob of her eyebrows in the growing morning light. “Now you…? You seem to be standing at attention. What am I ever going to do with you now?”

  “I can think of a few things, Mistress of the Skies.” Jake told her with an enchanting smile of his own.

  “I’m sure you can, my prince.” Kara said—getting off of him for just a moment so she could undo her shorts and slide them off. Then she repositioned herself just so that the head of his cock would be pressing into the lace fabric of her panties for just a second, before she pulled them aside and guided his engorged prick up inside of her with relative ease.

  She grunted a bit as she started to ride him a little bit to get used to the size and girth and then she went still in that moment.

  “Gods…how I miss this feeling!” She hissed with unabashed pleasure.

  Jake had her by the hips, sliding his fingers under her garter belt and then removing the party whip that was attached to her hip. He found that this part of her lace panties slid down a bit past her butt and she encouraged him to continue to play with her.


  Kara nodded, her eyes closed in that moment before she bottomed out on him with a sudden rush of excitement and feeling.

  She shuddered explosively—gripping the sides of the bed and the blanket and holding on for dear life as she was overtaken by a powerful mental orgasm to beat the band.

  In that moment, everything inside her went hot and white and she just kept riding that euphoric wave for another minute or two before she finally opened her eyes and nodded.

  “Woo…” She babbled on for a moment. “You never told me you were this big in the morning!”

  “Am I…hurting you in any way?”

  Kara planted a feverish kiss on his forehead and shook her head.

  “No! No. No. No…” she kept repeating over and over before she dared to have the strength to continue fucking him slowly as he dug his fingers into her shaped and toned ass.

  “You are…fine, baby. Just…fine.”

  “But you’re shaking…” Jake threw out with visible concern. “Why are you shaking?”

  Kara blinked in that moment, her body vibrating like a set of piano wires.

  It took her a moment to realize what was happening and she smiled because of it.

  “Because morning sex with you has never felt this good before.” She answered in truth. “And I’ve missed it terribly.”

  Jake tried to sit up to kiss her, but she still had him pinned to the bed by her weight alone. He sagged back onto his part of the bed.

  “And I missed you, baby.” He said with transparent honesty and love. “And I will go on missing you after I leave today.”

  Kara sniffled a couple of times and she was careful not to rub her eyes with the glowing contact lenses in them.

  “You big dummy,” she breathed with genuine affection in her voice. “That’s why I went to all this trouble to give you the proper send off.”

  “Really?” Jake said with quiet conviction—before his girlfriend leaned over to kiss him on the mouth for the longest period of time.

  “Really…” She whispered to him in passing—before she resumed making passionate love to him as his personal Blood Maid on this cool April morning.


  Those First Steps

  Tillie didn’t have to wake up feeling like her feelings and emotions had been crushed by a soon to be jealous ex of a “girlfriend” (or best friend), she was hugging Charlie for all he was worth—while they slept together in his bed.

  The girl moaned softly as she gripped the fabric of his sleep shirt—while she was dressed in similar attire—and feeling like nothing else mattered in the whole world.

  Then she went still in the moment, eyes still closed and half in, half out of sleep while Charlie was wide awake and watching her in that moment. Then he leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the forehead—thinking and believing that wouldn’t do anything to wake her up.

  “W-what time is it?” she whispered in that space of a moment, her eyes still closed.

  “A little after seven-twenty eight in the morning.” He responded quietly.

  “You have to keep sleeping, man. You have a long day ahead of you.” Tillie reminded him then—while tracing small circles into his chest.

  “I know,” the older boy said. “But you looked absolutely cute and adorable sleeping with your face turned towards me for awhile.”

  The other girl opened her eyes a bit and looked at him in a quiet daze.

  “Really? Am I that cute to you?”

  Charlie nodded. “Yes. Very cute.” He threw back in that moment—giving her another gentle kiss on the forehead.

  Tillie touched her lips then. “How about here instead?” She boldly proposed.

  “You want me to kiss you on the mouth?” Charlie ventured incredulously. “I don’t think I’m good enough for that.”

  “I won’t mind if it’s bad, Charlie. So please? Kiss me here?”

  Charlie hesitated, wondering how he was going to figure this one out. Then he decided that since nothing bad was going to happen, he bent down and leaned forward to plant what he thought was a kiss on her waiting and eager mouth and then pulled away questionably.

  “Was that…was that bad?” He asked of her then.

  Tillie shook her head, still immersed in the experience. “I don’t really know. It felt okay for me. But maybe—” she paused dramatically in that moment.


  Tillie smiled wolfishly. “I think you need to do it again. This time…slowly.”

  “Now you’re just playing with me.” Charlie said in a slight huff.

  “Newbie rules, man. I get to say what they are and you have to play along.”

  “What if I don’t want to?”

  “Then I’ll go back to Trevor. How do you like those apples?”

  The older boy’s eyebrows went up in that moment.

  “I thought you said that you didn’t like him well enough?”

  Tillie smiled. “Maybe I changed my mind. Of course…I’m willing to make an exception—providing…?”


  “—that you kiss me.”

  “You‘re still playing with me…” Charlie reminded her again.

  “Is it working?”

  “Can’t say for the moment,” the older boy chuckled. “Because Tillamook here hasn’t made up her mind yet.”

  “Oh? Is that what you want me to do, bucko? Make up my mind about having you kiss me again?”

  “Then it might lead to other things,” he said offhand. “Besides kissing.”

  Tillie giggled. “I think we’ve already crossed that bridge when you decided to let me sleep with you last night.”

  “Well, I’m not the one who will rush into a burning building first, Tillie.” Then he stopped for a moment and frowned.

  “Come to think of it, I don’t even know your middle name yet.”

  Tillie grinned. “It’s Ira.”


  “Yep. T-I-G. ‘Tig’ for short. Or tiger if you want to get technical about it.”


  Tillie laughed and then made a roaring noise to beat the band—making Charlie chuckle some more.

  Then she leaned in to kiss him on the mouth in a surprising move of her own.

  “Tiger, tig
er, burning bright…” she sang softly while looking into his eyes. “Just like my mom always said when I was little. Before I awoke as a witch.”

  “So you were a bit of a problem child, huh?” Charlie mused quietly—enjoying that moment of closeness and intimacy between them.

  She tapped him on the nose. “Every day of the week. Being human for a time drove her crazy. I was not minding the rules of the house one bit for a spell. Always told her that I would grow up without being a witch. Then she would have no power over me as a High Witch.”

  “What did your dad ever think of this?”

  “Oh, he was caught between a rock and a hard place—being a full blooded human and married to a witch. And trying to make the best of both worlds—including dealing with me.”

  “So what changed?”

  Tillie curled up a bit in front of him, while the Dragon’s Tear necklace laid in front of her chest as a lump of glow crystal and a spool of chained metal.

  “I did. Or at least that’s what happened.” She said with a cold shudder. Charlie covered her up to her shoulders—for which she was eternally grateful.

  After a couple moments of silence, he asked: “So what happened?”

  “A moment of sheer pain, followed by a mind-blowing awakening that defied description. It was like my body literally was on fire, while I couldn’t make sense of what was flooding my mind. So many images of people, places, things, creatures that beggar description….and the magic pouring through every fiber of my being; the flood of incantations and the metal filaments growing out of my flesh—turning into magic conducting gloves—and then…”

  Charlie waited for her to finish—sensing that this was hard on her as it is.

  “What?” He pressed gently.

  “A monster storm blew out of nowhere off Lake Erie—shaking the house with unrelenting ferocity.” Tillie revealed to him. “It went for some minutes before my mom came barging into my room and found me in such a state. She used some kind of magical healing incantation that I didn’t even know about and it knocked me out cold. I woke up several hours later in my parents’ guest bedroom with my mom sitting at my side.”

  “And the storm?”

  “Gone like it never happened.”

  Charlie reached out to touch his new girlfriend’s face gently. “I’m sorry,” was all that he could muster at that point.

  “I wasn’t. My spiritual and magical awakening as a witch had been foretold in legends past. Of a girl who would awaken the power of nature and the elements and bring forth a promise of calm and peace upon a troubled land.”

  “That was you?” Charlie said with genuine surprise.

  “I had all the earmarks of the “Chosen One”. The savior of all kind.”

  “Huh. Sounds like you don’t want the job…” the older boy thought to point out kindly.

  “I don’t. It’s a lot of responsibility—even though mom was poring over tons of manuscripts, stories, anything that she could get her hands on at the Witch’s Guild in Lower Tam.”

  “No real leads on your…condition?”


  “Uh…sorry. That came out wrong. What I meant to say was—” and was silenced when Tillie covered his mouth with a reproving finger.

  “—I know what you were trying to say, man. But it’s not a condition per se. It’s more like my body transitioning from being human to being a fully empowered witch of grand magnitude.”

  “Why not be human and be a witch at the same time?”

  “Humans like my dad could never handle the incredible power and knowledge that befits a witch. We have to ascend to the next level of evolution in order to stand apart and be all kind’s protectors and erstwhile guardians.”

  “Including orphan boys like myself?” Charlie guessed off hand with a small grin of his own.

  Tillie looked at him askance for a second. “Do you want me to protect you? Seriously? I thought you said you didn’t need protection?”

  “That’s what I tell everyone—even you. But in reality, I’ve always been the one who has been in need of rescuing from time to time.”

  “Even though you carry that pistol of yours?”

  Charlie reached up above her head and grabbed the thing off the shelf and showed it to her up close.

  “It’s really useless,” he told her then. “See? The pre-firing chamber is rusted shut. I don’t even know if it’s capable of firing.”

  Tillie’s blood ran cold in that instant.

  “So in that instant when we were being attacked out in the alleyway by those soldiers…?”

  “—I jumped behind a dumpster for safe-keeping.” He admitted freely without guilt. “Oh, don’t get me wrong…I can defend myself adequately, but I usually mind the store without a weapon—unless Todd is there to give me something to defend myself with.”

  “Like that old-style RPG launcher on the night we first met?”

  Charlie laughed. “You’re catching on.”

  Tillie curled back up into the fetal position—trying to process the new information that was being handed to her while gripping his antique pistol.

  “And you’re sure you don’t know where this came from?” She pestered up front.

  The older boy chuckled. “For all I know, it fell out of a dumpster and landed on top of me.”

  “Which made you cry and that’s when the patrol found you?” Tillie guessed.


  “Well, I’m glad you weren’t hurt too bad.” Tillie said with a rush of relief.

  “Tell that to the permanent knot on the side of my head.” Charlie personally vouched.

  The other girl looked up at that moment in frank curiosity. “Really? Where?” She asked, holding out a hand towards him. He took it and led her to the left side of his head where she told him to run her slim fingers through his hair.

  “Ah!” She exclaimed in wonder. “I found…it. Or something. Is that the bump?”

  “Yep.” Charlie said, before he tried tucking her hand back to its original resting place. But she resisted the temptation and kept running her fingers through his hair.

  “It’s soft.” She admitted out into the open.

  “What is?”

  “Your hair. It’s all floofy. Like my great-aunt’s house cat Pebbles.”


  “Yeah. Don’t laugh. That was her son’s name for it when he was little.”

  “I won’t even ask why,” he said, before closing his eyes and sighing contently.

  Tillie smiled broadly and looked at his face closely. “You like it when I do this?”

  Charlie nodded. “Very much so.” He said through closed eyes.

  “I bet you haven’t had the luxury of having someone tell you from the bottom of their heart that they love you, huh?”

  “No. Never.” Charlie admitted with some personal guilt on his face.

  Tillie sat up a little and leaned forward to kiss him tenderly on the tip of his nose.

  “I want you to know that I love you Charlie. And I won’t leave you no matter what.”

  The boy opened his eyes and stared at her inquisitive face, noting the small—barely noticeable—mole on her right cheek. But the smile in her brown eyes, overlapped by her equally brown hair—made her a whole lot prettier to him in recent days than he was willing to admit.

  “Knowing how witches operate…? I wouldn’t be surprised if you did leave me for some time—in order to save the world I mean.”

  The other girl laughed. “I don’t think I’m ready to declare myself a hero of the people, silly.”

  “But the way your life has panned out? I’m sure you’ll be doing something great or heroic before too long.”

  “Well, I won’t be leaping any tall buildings in a single bound, buddy. My cloak is a cloak. Not a cape.” Tillie said in a slightly annoyed tone of voice.

  “You’re cute when you’re angry.” Charlie teased her then.

  “Angry? Perish the thought.” She fired back at
him, before resuming what she was doing with his hair. And personally marveled at a new discovery about him.

  “How do you do it, man? Your hair is so silky smooth to my fingers. Like what mine gets after a long and lengthy shower and then a perm on the side.”

  “Since when did you ever get a perm? Your hair is perfect the way it is,” he complimented openly.

  Tillie blushed. “Thank you. But I like to feel extra special sometimes and get a perm. I asked either my mom or dad for one a few months ago—after the onset of the New Year, so I was treated to a session at Traci’s Perfect Cutz Shop down on Harper Street and 6th Avenue. I’m praying it’s still there.”

  “Why wouldn’t it be?”

  “It’s closer to the action than I’d like.” The girl told him.

  “Ah.” Charlie murmured to himself. “I see.”

  At that point, there came a groan from the other side of the room as Roz finally woke up from her long slumber—tearing the pair’s concentration (and conversation) apart at the seams.

  “That’s my cue,” he announced suddenly—getting up in a hurry.

  Tillie sighed with envy at his sudden departure as her new boyfriend slid out of bed and walked over to the other side of the room where the heavy cot lay in a pile of blankets and two throw pillows taken from the storage closet inside.

  Tillie watched him as he attended to his best friend and she started to wonder what the day for the three of them would hold in tow?


  The Breakfast Club

  Three hours later.

  “I’ll call you,” Jake promised his girlfriend—before he stepped off the last stair towards his car—things in hand.

  Kara Plummer looked at him longingly for a bit—even as he said it—and she finally responded with: “I’ll hold you to that, baby.”

  Jake smiled. “I won’t be gone long this time! Six weeks!” He promised her as he left.

  The other woman laughed. “It will be an eternity!” she hollered after him—watching him go with renewed pain in her heart.

  It had been a wonderful—glorious—few days together, but she knew that (for now) all things must end.


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