Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection

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Can't Buy My Love: Billionaire and Virgin Romance Collection Page 99

by Jamie Knight

  Ugh. Monday. Work was as sucky as it had always been and was getting worse. The rumors I’d heard circulating about me were ridiculous. I never went on Watercooler but Eileen and Mandy filled me in on every single post that had my name in it. There were a lot.

  Some of my coworkers were still pissed that Simon was gone. Sloane was thrilled to tell whoever would listen that I was the reason he had been fired and that everyone should stay away from me if they wanted to keep their jobs. It shouldn’t have worked, but it did.

  Acquaintances I used to chat with in the elevator or at the coffee pot suddenly stopped seeing me and pretended I wasn’t there. Even Tony, the old security guard, stopped smiling at me. It was depressing.

  At least I still had Eileen and Mandy. They came to visit me in my cubical everyday—although they wouldn’t acknowledge me as much when other coworkers were around. I was becoming isolated and lonely.

  So, I threw myself into my work. I skipped lunches and breaks and just kept my eyes glued to the computer. Finding a few accounting errors and hunting down their origin became my obsession. I figured Linda, my manager, would be pleased with my devotion, but she frowned at me more and more and just complained that I used the bathroom too much.

  I dropped my phone and started pacing around my apartment again. Occasionally the waistband of the chastity belt would bite into my skin. It wasn’t super painful, but at present it was rubbing me the wrong way.

  I ran a finger under the silicone but didn’t try to take it off. I wouldn’t. Thoughts of Kane rewarding me was the only thing that was keeping me sane. Well, sort of sane.

  On Friday, Eileen poked her head over the cubical wall that separated us and told me about a new rumor on Watercooler. Grinning like a little girl, she explained that Sloane was now saying that I was fucking Kane, which was a lie because I wasn’t.

  I wasn’t fucking him or having any kind of sex at all—I wasn’t even having sex with myself.

  Lucky, lucky me.

  So much for my luck changing. Eileen thought the rumor was hilarious and ridiculous. I tried to laugh with her, but it was hard with the stupid chastity belt digging into my skin.

  I’d wanted to get back at Sloane so many times and put her in her place, but I turned the other cheek and got on with my work. I’d noticed numerous financial inconsistencies when crosschecking several spreadsheets against databases and I wanted to dig until I got to the bottom of those. I was thankful my mind had been occupied with that for the rest of the day.

  On the elevator ride down from the fifth floor at the end of the work day, Linda, who always seemed above office gossip had given me several weird looks and had said to be careful, and that if I ever needed to talk, her door was open. But I couldn’t bring myself to think of talking to her.

  Linda seemed as straight-laced and as prudish as they came. What could I say to her?

  Kane locked me in a chastity belt, and last week I massaged his cum into my tits.

  I’d told no one about Kane, not even my closest friends. They wouldn’t get it. Hell, I didn’t even know if I got it.

  I hadn’t watched any porn all week, which was unusual, but what would be the point? I’d only frustrate myself even more.

  I stopped pacing in front of the windows and watched the snow fall through the night air. It was clumping into the sidewalks now.

  Alright, no more feeling sorry for myself.

  Since it was Saturday night, and I was all alone. I decided to throw myself a pity party. I made myself a bag of microwave popcorn and mixed in a family size bag of peanut M&Ms. I also grabbed a bottle of chardonnay. I would comfort eat and drink my way out of my depression.

  I wasn’t in the mood for a chick flick or romcom. I needed a mindless action movie with The Rock to help distract me from what I couldn’t have. Just as I was settling down to enjoy Dwayne Johnson’s biceps saving the world, the doorbell rang.

  It was probably my neighbor Ruby looking for the spare key to her apartment. She was forever locking herself out and losing her keys.

  I pressed the intercom button.


  “Ms. Peterson?”

  Unless Ruby had undergone a sex change within the last few days, she wasn’t the one ringing my doorbell.

  “This is she,” I replied.

  “I’m Max Hannity. Mr. McKenzie’s driver. He instructed I take you to him.”

  Butterflies boogied around my belly. Maybe tonight my luck would turn another corner, and I would get to come until I passed out from exhaustion. I was too relieved at Kane wanting to see me to be mad about the past twelve days.

  “Can you give me ten minutes?” I begged.

  “I’ll be outside in the car.”

  My clit gave a fluttery spasm. Kane had to take the belt off—he had to. So what if it was two days earlier than he’d said? Maybe he was suffering just as much as I was.

  I glanced down at my clothes. I wore an extra-large Patriots t-shirt, no bra, and a pair of flannel PJ bottoms. This kind of outfit was something I would wear after a few months of being with Kane, but at this stage in our relationship—or whatever it was—he didn’t need to see me looking like a slob.

  I scrambled out of my PJs and, not bothering with a bra, I threw on a black, long-sleeved t-shirt dress with a crew neck and draped a boho scarf around my neck to look somewhat dressed up. I pulled some tights over my legs and was pleased to see them fit over the belt.

  I dashed into the bathroom, scrubbed my teeth and finger combed my hair to give it some beachy waves. I would have liked more time to get ready, but I would have to do.

  To complete my thrown together look, I grabbed a pair of knee-high boots from the shoe basket in the hallway and shoved them on.

  I threw my cell into an over-sized tote and slung the bag over my shoulder. Before I left, I took one more quick look at myself in the mirror by the front door. I was disheveled but sort of cute.

  Good enough, I thought.

  Whatever Kane had planned, I was ready for it.

  Chapter Eighteen - Reese

  A chill filled the air and stars sparkled as the night sky cleared. By the curb sat a shiny, silver town car with blacked-out windows. A middle-aged man dressed in a charcoal grey suit stepped out of the car and gave his head a slight nod.

  “Ms. Peterson.”

  “Yes. You must be Max. Can you tell me where we’re going?”

  He shook his head.

  “Mr. McKenzie instructed I tell you nothing.”

  “Of course he did,” I mumbled.

  Max opened the back passenger door for me. I stepped inside and settled myself on to the soft leather seat. Curiosity ate me up. What had Kane planned and what did the rest of the evening hold?

  The divide between Max and me slid up and mind-numbing elevator music drifted through the speakers.

  From somewhere inside my bag, a beep alerted me to a text message. I rummaged around until I located my phone. The text was from Kane.

  Are you ready?

  I quickly typed out:

  For what?

  For your initiation.

  Am I joining a fraternity? ;)

  It’s a night where you become one of us.

  I wasn’t sure if his reply thrilled or terrified me.

  What do you mean one of us?

  I might like kinky stuff, but I didn’t want to join a weird sex cult. I only wanted this to involve Kane and me.

  Wait and see.

  Do I get to take this thing off?

  No texting bubbles appeared at the bottom of my screen. He clearly wasn’t going to answer.

  Questions about what I was getting myself into filled my head.

  What exactly did he mean by initiation?

  Was it the same as hazing?

  I reached up and stroked my star pendant, and a sense of peace settled over me. Perhaps using my necklace as a crutch was wrong and maybe it was a piece of metal and nothing
more, but it made me feel better and ever since I’d started wearing it, I’d had more luck that I’d had for years, albeit sporadic luck, but luck all the same.

  To pass the time and to take my mind off the initiation, I spent the rest of the car journey Googling Kane. It was something I’d done endlessly, and each time I did, I’d hoped to garner some new tidbit of information about him, but I never learned anything I didn’t already know.

  There were no stories from bitter ex-girlfriends or bitter ex-employees, no kiss and tells or lawsuits. Everyone probably knew better than to cross him. The way he dealt with sleazy Simon showed me how intimidating he could be. When he wanted something done, he did it.

  My mind wandered to the other pets he’d had in the past. I might have been naïve in a lot of ways, but I wasn’t naïve enough to think there hadn’t been anyone before me.

  I wanted to ask how long it had been since his last pet and what had ended their relationship.

  Was she the one who’d given him the hunted look in his eyes?

  The one who’d broken his heart?

  Melissa had hinted that he would tell me his story, but I wasn’t so sure he would.

  She’d also said that he hadn’t selected a pet from any of his employees before. I was the first, and I was—not honored—but pleased he’d chosen me.

  After all, he could have had any woman he wanted, but instead, he’d chosen me or was I the one who’d chosen him?

  I wasn’t entirely sure.

  Two long hours later, the car pulled to a stop on what sounded like gravel, but because of the blackened windows, I had no clue where we were. We could be in Timbuktu for all I knew.

  After a few seconds, Max opened the passenger door. I was disappointed because I had wanted to see Kane, but he was no where around.

  The salty scent of the ocean blew into the car, and a light breeze lifted my hair.

  “Where are we?” I asked, as I looked up.

  A large mansion stood before us; the town car parked in its circular drive. The house was two stories with large rectangular windows and white brick walls.

  It was clean and neat, and shone brightly as the white walls reflected the moonlight. The walls rose up to a gray shingle roof that was interspersed with more rectangular dormer windows. It was a Hamptons house.

  I felt my insides quiver with nervousness. I looked down at the expanse of brown and ice covered lawn. It was so neat and even, it could have been cut by hand. I swallowed hard and vowed to never make fun of Hamptons houses again.

  “You are where you should be,” Max replied.

  From his back pocket, he produced a blindfold.

  “Before you step out of the car, Mr. McKenzie has requested you wear this.”

  I shook my head and then give myself a mental kick for getting into the car with Max in the first place.

  “Not happening. You could be a serial killer or a sex trafficker, and this could be all a ruse.”

  His lips quirked into a smile.

  “I promise you I’m not a serial killer or a sex trafficker.”

  My phone, which was clutched in my hand, rang. It was Kane.

  “Why are you stalling?” he asked as soon as I answered.

  His was voice tight with annoyance.

  “Why do I have to wear a blindfold?” I sort of whined. “I don’t understand any of this.”

  “Do you trust me?” Kane asked.

  “Yes, but—”

  He huffed into the phone.

  “There are no buts. Do you trust me?”

  “I trust you.”

  “Then put on the blindfold and allow Max to take you to where you’re supposed to go.”

  Wherever Kane was, he was watching me. I glanced around the interior of the car. There were probably numerous cameras documenting my every move.

  “Fine. I’ll wear the blindfold,” I huffed back into my phone, “but I’m not happy about all the cloak and dagger crap.”

  “Trust me,” he said before hanging up. It sounded like he was smiling.

  “May I?” Max asked holding out the blindfold.

  I shrugged. “I guess I have no choice.”

  Without further comment, he placed the thick cotton fabric over my eyes and then secured it in place at the back of my head with a double knot.

  The world vanished, and my heartbeat ratcheted up. Holy hell. What the fuck was I about to walk into?

  Trust me. Kane’s words echoed through my head. I was doing my best to trust him, but it was becoming more and more difficult.

  “Give me your hand and let me guide you out of the car,” Max said. “Follow my instructions, and I’ll make sure you don’t fall.”


  He wrapped his warm, meaty hand around my fingers and helped me step outside.

  “We’re going to walk forward about five feet.”

  I took a few hesitant steps forward over gravel and was glad I’d worn my flat boots because heels would have been a bad choice. Knowing me, I would have broken one or both of my ankles.

  I inhaled the scent of the ocean doing my best to tamp down my anxiety. It wasn’t working. Panic bubbled up inside me, but every time my fear threatened to boil over, I stuffed it down and told myself everything would be okay, and that Kane wouldn’t hurt me.

  “Stop walking,” Max instructed. “Enjoy your evening.”

  He dropped my hand and left me on my own.

  I clenched and unclenched my fists by my side and waited. I knew I was still outside by the slight ocean breeze ruffling my hair. Somewhere in the distance, a door opened, and the sound of classical music surrounded me.

  After a few seconds, I sensed Kane’s nearness. A smile twitched the corners of my lips, but instead of allowing my smile to take hold, I scowled. He needed to know how annoyed I was for being ignored for almost two weeks and then for being made to wear a blindfold.

  “Someone’s pissed,” he said, sounding amused.

  I turned towards the sound of his voice. Part of me wanted to fall into his arms and once again beg him to fuck me, but I’d lasted two weeks without him, and I’d last two more if I had to. Although, I hoped that wouldn’t happen.

  “Why the secrecy?” I snapped. “Why not tell me what’s happening and what we’re doing, or going to do?”

  “Where would be the fun in that?” he replied.

  “It would stop me worrying that I was about to join a sex cult.”

  Kane was silent for a few minutes. When he spoke again his voice was even and quiet. “I asked if you trusted me and you said you did. Before we go any further, I need to know you believe that.”

  Despite the blindfold, I moved my head towards his voice and up, as if I could look into his eyes.

  “I do believe it,” I said sincerely. “It’s just… I’m just unnerved and frustrated. That and it’s been a hellish two weeks wearing this thing.”

  I gestured towards my crotch.

  “Do you have any idea how hard this has been?”

  Kane chuckled slightly.

  “I have an idea. I trust that you’ve behaved yourself?”

  “By ‘behaved myself,’ do you mean did I try to get this damn belt off? I didn’t.”

  “I know you didn’t. If you had, I would have known. An alarm would’ve alerted me.”

  “I should have known.”

  I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

  He came closer, and goosebumps dotted my skin at his nearness. I wanted to rip the blindfold off so I could see him. I ached to reach out so I could touch him.

  “Are you ready to join the party?” he asked, taking my hand and giving it a gentle kiss.

  “There are people here?” My nervousness overcame me, and I started to shake.

  “A few of my trusted friends.”

  I tugged at my plain, black dress.

  “I wish you’d given me a heads up. I’m not dressed for a party.”

; He started to lead me towards the music.

  “You won’t stay dressed for long.”

  “Woah there, cowboy.”

  I stopped in my tracks and pulled my hand from his.

  “Back up. I didn’t agree to get naked with anyone else. Is that part of the initiation? Because if it is, you can forget about it. Exhibitionism isn’t my thing.”

  “Wait and see.”

  He wrapped a hand around the back of my neck in a possessive gesture, and it was all I could do not to beg him to take me there and then. The warmth of his hand on my skin lit a raging fire inside of me.

  He guided me inside. Glasses clinked, and people chit-chatted, but since I couldn’t see a single thing, I had to rely on my ears. Not that I could make out any of the conversations because the music was too loud.

  Kane hooked an arm around my waist and continued to guide me.

  “Can I take the blindfold off?” I begged.


  I tried to relax as he led me deeper into the house. In the space of two weeks, my life had changed beyond recognition. I’d gone from clubbing with my friends on a Saturday night to attending a soiree by the ocean where I was about to be initiated into a sect of some sort.

  What would happen from here on out? In a month? In three months? In a year? As time passed, would he expect me to have sex with other people? I swallowed hard, dreading the answer to that last question.

  He kept guiding me until the sound of the voices drifted away.

  “Where are we going?”

  It was pointless asking because he wouldn’t give me any answers, but being a naturally curious person aka nosey, I couldn’t help but ask.

  He gave my waist a quick squeeze.

  “Haven’t you learned not to ask questions because you’re not going to get any answers?”

  I nodded but continued asking anyway, “What can you tell me about the initiation ceremony?”

  “I can tell you’re nervous and panicked. There’s no need.”

  “That’s okay for you to say,” I mumbled.


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