Take Me to Bed: A Collection of Naughty Bedtime Stories

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Take Me to Bed: A Collection of Naughty Bedtime Stories Page 41

by Michelle Windsor

  He inhaled. "Long story short, they found her. Brought her home. They even helped with counseling for her and my mother. And the day they did, I swore one day I would become one of them in gratitude."

  "What happened to your sister?"

  "Sonya was messed up for a long time. But she got help, and she married her childhood sweetheart, who also happened to be my friend who got me to his uncle. You met him—Vince." He smiled. "She's protected—just like you are. He would die before he let anything happen to her."

  "And your parents?"

  He grimaced. "They died in a car accident that was no accident. I was supposed to be with them, but I wasn't feeling well and stayed home. Garrett came and got me. He took me in and cared for me, and I became part of their family. When I was eighteen, they offered me a place in their organization. It was a chance to eliminate the world of people who prey on the weak and helpless. We break up child pornography and slavery rings. We go after drug pushers, abusers, stalkers, and so many others."

  "You're judge, jury, and executioner?"

  "I'm part of the investigation team and, yes—executioner. Once they're dead, we liquidate their assets, and all the monies go into a fund that supports the victims. If possible, we try to unite them with their families, make sure they get counseling, help them back on their feet."

  "Those people the other night…"

  "They liked to get runaway kids hooked on drugs. Then they would sell them. And the man who was part of the team betrayed us. Betrayed me." His expression was furious, once again the avenging angel of death. "There is no gray in this area, Evie. It's black and white. He went against everything we stand for and chose money over innocent lives." He sat back, crossing his legs. "And he threatened you.”

  "Have you ever…made a mistake?"

  "No. Never. I have resources and people who make sure we target only the bad guys. The lowest of humanity. We rid the world of them."

  My head spun. Matteo stood, leaning against the desk. "That's the man you have married, Evie. It's not going to change. I'm not going to change. You have two choices."

  "And they are?"

  "You can't leave. That isn't an option. You can stay here—and live a safe life. Read, work in the garden, cook, whatever you want. I’ll set you up in an apartment on the grounds and ensure your complete safety."

  "And what do you get out of it?"

  "I get the satisfaction of knowing I saved another innocent from something terrible happening to them."

  "What if you want to get married to someone else?"

  "That isn't an option."

  "What is my second choice?"

  He kneeled in front of me. "You can join me in this fight, like Lila, Lara, and Sonya, helping the people we save. Making sure they’re looked after. Whatever you want to do." He drew in a deep breath. "Get to know me, Evie. Be my wife in every meaning of the word—stand with me, support me. Maybe you can learn to love the man, not the job. We could have a family, if you want. I think if you gave yourself a chance, you could be happy with me."

  He took my hands. "Something happened the night I found you. There was a protective instinct like nothing I had ever experienced. I couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to you." He shut his eyes. "When you grabbed that gun to kill yourself, I found myself praying for a miracle."

  I shuddered, thinking of that night.

  "The choice is yours. I won't force you into anything. If you think you can live with this reality, I promise you, I will be a good husband to you." He leaned closer, pressing his warmth into me. "I felt something so strong when I kissed you, Evie. I want to kiss you every time I see you, if you let me. I thought you felt it too."

  "I did."

  His lips met mine and moved hungrily. With a groan, he yanked me close, deepening the kiss. I wound my arms around his neck, letting him explore, learning his taste and the feel of him. He drew back, leaning his forehead on mine.

  "What do you say?"

  "Take me on my honeymoon, Matteo. I want to get to know my husband. All of him."



  Matteo was in a good mood. He had been since we landed on his island. Gone was the slicked-back dark hair and stern expression. Without gel, his hair glowed lighter in the sunlight, his brown eyes danced with happiness, and he laughed. He had a loud laugh that boomed and echoed. It made me laugh with him.

  We had spent the past two days exploring. Talking. Getting to know each other. He was well read and intelligent. Without the restrictions of his team around him, he was relaxed and happy. He showed me all his favorite spots on the island, holding my hand, often kissing me.

  But that was it. At night in the darkness, his arm would snake around me, holding me tightly, but that was all. I had expected him to advance our relationship. Instead, he had stalled it. I was confused, frustrated, and feeling off kilter. After a few days, my mood turned decidedly dark. I finally lost it one morning.

  "I made pancakes." He grinned, setting out a plate, piled high. His chest was bare, showing off his defined pecs and broad shoulders. His shorts hung low on his hips, his stomach taut, and that tantalizing V prominent.

  I had to look away. "Thank you."

  He furrowed his brow.

  "Would you like some juice? I squeezed it myself."

  "How domesticated of you," I said, snarky. "No, thank you."

  He scowled, eating his pancakes in silence.

  I pushed mine around the plate.

  "Would you like to try snorkeling today?"

  "Whatever you want."

  He crossed his arms. "My wife seems petulant this morning."


  "I don't like it. Nor do I like your tone or the pouting mouth."

  I knew I was acting like a child, but I didn't care. He made me angry, and I wanted to do the same. Deliberately, I pushed out my bottom lip farther.

  "Do that again, and I'll bite it."

  I rolled my eyes. "Well, that would be an improvement."

  His eyes narrowed, and he spoke slowly. "Is there something you want, Evie?"

  "Does it matter?"

  "Yes. Tell me what you want.” His voice dropped. “You might get it."

  I slammed my hand on the table. "You, Matteo! Dammit! I want you! I want you to make me yours— to fu—"

  He was on me before the last word left my mouth. Dishes flew off the table as he swept them aside, setting me on the solid wood surface.

  "I never thought you'd break." He growled. "I thought I was going to die of blue balls on my honeymoon."

  He kissed me. Hard. Wet. Greedy. His tongue claimed my mouth, robbing me of words. He gripped the material of my robe, tearing it from my body, and his mouth descended, licking and sucking at my breasts.

  "You are so fucking beautiful."

  I cried his name when he cupped my pussy, his touch possessive. "This is mine now. You are mine."


  "I'm going to fuck you, Evie. Then I'm going to take you to our room and do it again. I'm going to make you come so often you won't be able to stop. I'm going to fuck you until you can't remember anything but me. Your body won't ever want anyone else but me. Do you understand?"

  I could only whimper.

  He yanked off my underwear and stroked his fingers against me. "You're wet, baby. So wet for me.” He slid one long finger inside, then a second. "So tight. Jesus you're going to feel amazing wrapped around my cock."

  I arched against him, lost to his dirty words, and domineering touch. He was like a python, ready to strike, hovering over me, eyes hooded and dark. He played me like a violin, his fingers knowing exactly where to touch me, how to draw out my pleasure. His mouth covered mine, as my first orgasm blossomed, taking over my entire body.

  "My name, Evie. Scream my name."

  It echoed in the room.

  He ran his open mouth down my torso, teasing my stomach with his lips. He stood, tugging me up. I leaned against his chest, trying to catch my breath.

  He lifted my chin. "I'm not done with you. Not by a long shot." He lowered his voice. "Look at me, my wife."

  I opened my eyes, taking him in. He was naked, his skin golden and taut in the light. His cock was rigid, long, hard, and weeping for me. I leaned back, Matteo following me, his mouth demanding on mine. He surged forward, burying himself inside. I gripped his shoulders as he moved, my fingernails digging into his skin. He slammed into me, powerfully, never faltering as I exploded around him. He rode it out, sweat dripping, our bodies sliding on the wood, then his head dropped to my neck, his body shuddering as he stilled.

  "Evie." He moaned, his breath hot on my skin.

  I wrapped my arms around him, lost to everything he was. His heat, his strength, his lust. I would take it all for him.

  He lifted his head, running his fingers over my mouth. "You're mine now."

  "I already was, Matteo," I countered.

  He gathered me in his arms and carried me to our room. With the curtains still drawn, the light was hazy and dim.

  He laid me on the bed, his touch changing. It became light, gentle, indulgent. His mouth was warm and teasing on my skin. His words were low, adoring, and sank into my heart. They broke it open, and I accepted him the same way my body accepted his. We moved together as if we'd done it for a thousand years. The world narrowed down to just the two of us.

  After, lying in his arms, I sighed.

  "I thought you weren't gentle."

  "You bring that out in me." He shifted to look into my eyes. "But it is only something you will see in private. I need you to understand that, Evie."

  "I do."

  "What are you thinking?" he asked with a light kiss.

  "That maybe I should be petulant more often…when we're alone, of course."

  He chuckled. "Of course."

  "Why did you wait?"

  "I wanted to know you were certain. That you wanted me as much as I wanted you."

  "I did. I do."

  He pressed his mouth to my ear. "I love you, Evie Campari. I can't wait for you to join me in this life. I'm going to be even stronger with you by my side."

  "I love you, Matteo," I replied. I wasn't sure when it happened, but it was true.

  He pulled me close. "I will keep you safe. Always, my innocent."

  I tucked myself closer. "I know."

  We drifted off.




  I stared out the window as the plane began its descent. The clouds opened up, and I looked at the city coming into view, trying to calm my nerves. The entire trip Matteo and I had been silent. I heard him flipping through some files, tapping notes on his computer screen, but the sounds had ceased a while back.

  I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

  To let him see my weakness and know he would already be disappointed in me.

  The past two weeks had been the best of my life. I discovered two very different sides to my husband, and I was deeply in love with them both.

  The days were endless sunshine. We explored and laughed, fucked in the ocean, on the sand, by the pool, in the pool, even in the dim caves we explored, our cries echoing off the stone walls. Matteo's desire was rampant, and all it took was a smile or crook of my finger and it began. He was possessive and demanding, showing me what he wanted, what he needed from me, right at that moment. He, in turn, gave me pleasure I never knew existed. He was vocal, his movements sure and exact, coaxing orgasm after orgasm out of me, until I was spent and limp in his arms. The nights were spent in the huge bed, where he lavished me with kisses, claiming my body over and again, never seeming to get enough. His voice was gentle, his touch tender. His whispered words were filled with adoration. In the stillness of the dark was when I felt his love the most, when he felt free to be himself.

  My husband. My Matteo.

  But now, we were headed back to reality. To a new life I had no clue how to fit into. I knew he would be different when we arrived. Gone would be the doting, loving husband, and in its place, the head of a secret, specialized division that hunted down and eliminated people who caused harm to "innocents," as Matteo called them.

  I had felt his removal from me as soon as we boarded the plane. He sat across from me, the farthest we'd been apart in two weeks. Conversation ceased almost immediately, and soon he was immersed in work. I knew he expected me to join him in his fight. To work with his family members to make sure the money they absorbed went to fighting child porn rings, breaking up sex slave operations, and helping people they had rescued. I wasn't sure I would be able to handle it or even how I would fit in. I was an outsider. Matteo's wife, but still an outsider to all his people.

  Would they accept me? Would I let him down?


  His voice startled me out of my thoughts, and I looked up at him. His work was gone, and he sat, one leg crossed over the other, regarding me as if he was waiting for a response.

  "Yes, Matteo. I'm sorry. I must have missed what you were saying?"

  "I simply asked where you were."

  Confused, I offered him a smile. "I'm right here."

  Uncrossing his legs, he leaned forward, brushing back a strand of hair from my face. "No, Evie, you are a thousand miles outside this plane, stuck in some dark place in your head. I'd like you to come back and talk to me."

  "I was letting you work."

  He nodded, his fingers still soothing their way up and down my cheek. "I appreciate that, but I stopped over thirty minutes ago. I have been sitting here, watching you, and wondering why my wife is so terrified that she is destroying her clothing."

  I looked down in shock. He was right; I was gripping the material of my skirt so hard, I had torn the seam. If that wasn't enough, my fingers had worried the fabric so much it was broken down and frayed.

  "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean—"


  His sharp tone stopped my words. They dried up in my throat as I stared at him, fear spiking down my spine.

  He cupped my face, shaking his head. "Do not look at me with fear, beautiful girl. You need never fear me. I love you, and you are my life."

  Tears filled my eyes, and with a groan, he undid my seatbelt and pulled me onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around me, and pressed kisses to my head.

  I inhaled deeply, his scent calming me. In his arms, there was no fear or worry. Only him, only us.

  "I'm sorry, Evie. I know this is still all new and frightening to you. I hadn't meant to work on the flight home, but Garrett sent me some files I had to go through them right away. Otherwise, I would disappear when we arrived home, and I wanted our first night at the house spent together."

  "It's fine," I whispered.

  "Tell me what is upsetting you so much."

  I leaned my head back, meeting his gaze. His deep brown eyes were soft and concerned—there was no anger or judgment. My Matteo was here.

  "I worry I will disappoint you. That I will step out of line and cause you embarrassment. I worry I won't be able to handle working with your sister, or she won't like me. She never came near me the night we married, or since then. What–what if I do something to displease you?"

  Matteo frowned. "Evie, what do you think I am? Do you think I would harm a hair on your head? Do you think I'm some sort of monster? I'm just a man. A man in love with his wife. Nothing is going to happen. We might argue. If I get angry, we'll get through it. If I anger you, the same thing. Couples fight." He ran a finger under my eyes, wiping away my tears. "Sonya will come around. She is incredibly nervous of new people, but she will warm to you. Let her do it on her own time. She will come to you when she is ready. As for the rest, I will help you. Lara and Lila will be there to help you as well. And if you hate that aspect, then you can do something else." He tweaked my nose. "I need lunch daily, and you told me you love to bake. You know I have a sweet tooth."

  "You…we-we won't be the same."

  "As we were on the island?"

  "Yes and no. Will I sweep you into my arms and kiss you in front of my team? Tease and chase you around? No. But nor will I ignore you. You are my wife, and as such, you demand respect. I am intensely private, and my feelings for you—the deep, unshakable ones—will be between us. But if you need me? If you need my arms or my touch? All you have to do is come to see me. Close my door and tell me privately. Anything you want is yours."

  He paused, looking down at me, then bent his head and brushed his lips over mine. "I show only strength to my team, Evie. Although some are family, I am still their boss. They don't get the private side of Matteo unless I allow it—which is rare. But you, my wife, you get all of me. When I'm conducting business, I do what I have to in order to maintain my role, but in private, I am yours. My heart is always with you, even when I'm somewhere else. Don't allow the façade I have to use to make you think anything else." He dropped another kiss to my mouth. "Never forget what you mean to me. You can always talk to me. I want to know what you're thinking and feeling."

  His lips quirked. "Unless, of course, I'm in a meeting and you decide right then to yell at me about missing the hamper with my socks."

  A little giggle escaped my lips. He smiled back at me, then became serious.

  "What I do is dangerous, Evie. It’s one of the reasons I never thought I would get married. I didn't want to endanger anyone. I had no soft spot for anyone to take advantage of—to use against me. But you changed that. My biggest fear is that it be known how profoundly in love with you I am, and you become a target because of me. What I do, what my team does is kept under such tight wraps, that only a handful of people know for sure we are real. There is gossip and rumors, but nothing that leads to me directly. I want to keep it that way, now more than ever. And I will take every precaution."

  "So, when it's business or public, you'll be removed?"

  "Can you handle that? Knowing I’m doing it for your safety?"


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