No Mate of Mine

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No Mate of Mine Page 14

by Lisa Oliver


  Roger growled under his breath as yet another pack member slapped him on the back and congratulated him on his mating. Pearson had pulled him aside after the pack meeting was formally over, to let him know that Stavia and a few of his enforcers would be coming the following day. They wanted to talk to Cam about some of the ‘disturbing aspects’ the vampire had found when they had visited the human club that Donoghue had owned. Roger had agreed to the meeting, simply because he didn’t have any choice, and then had stood around shooting the shit with Kyle and Steel who were ribbing him about how popular his mate was going to be.

  He knew Cam needed time to get to know some of the pack members. It was good that Devin, Levi and Teric had apparently taken it upon themselves to keep an eye on his little mate. While Levi didn’t fight much, Devin and Teric could take on any of the wolves if they had to so Roger knew Cam would be safe. But that had been over an hour ago and every time Roger had thought he’d spotted Cam in the crowd and headed in that direction, someone else would insist on saying something to him.

  Like now for instance. Roger glared at Jules, another one of the subs that he’d played with in the past. The small dark haired man looked a lot like Cam in terms of coloring, but he was slightly bigger built and painfully shy.

  “Yes, Jules,” He said trying to curb his impatience. “Are you another one who is going to tell me that I made a mistake claiming Cam, and that he’s too small and too skinny to be any use to me? Because I have to tell you that shit is really wearing thin on me right now.”

  “No Master Roger,” and Roger could see that Jules was shocked. “It’s just that…” Jules twisted his hands nervously and Roger sighed. Jules was fun to play with and when he was tied down and gagged he was in his element, but outside of a scene the man could barely talk.

  “Do you think you could introduce me to your mate, Sir,” Jules said in a rush. “I think I might know him. I think we’re from the same home pack.”

  “You’d better not be planning to hurt my mate, or fucking tell his ex-Alpha where he is,” Roger warned.

  “Never. I wouldn’t do that, Sir, promise.” Again Jules words were fast, but Roger caught them and the sincerity.

  “Stay close then, I’m going to go and see if I can get near my mate. He’s had more than enough time to get to know the pack.”

  Roger pushed his way through the crowd, searching for his mate’s long dark hair. Roger had spent ages before the meeting, just brushing Cam’s hair, letting his mate talk about the life he had in his old pack, and how he really didn’t have a reason to trust any pack. All Roger could do was brush, and soothe and when Cam was calm, he’d plaited his mate’s hair so that it hung in a braid down his back. Then he’d dressed his mate, in those sinfully tight leather pants, and a tight black muscle shirt, all designed to show off Cam’s slim build and lean muscles.

  Maybe he should have dressed his mate in a fluro pink sack, Roger thought as he saw a crowd around one of the booths at the back of the club. Sure enough he caught sight of Cam’s face and although his boy had a tight smile on his face, Roger could feel the nerves from ten yards away. Pushing his way through some of the pack’s unmated Doms, who all looked at Cam like he was the second coming, Roger finally made it to Cam’s side and plopped down on the seat beside him, pulling his mate into his lap.

  “Can’t blame you for staking a claim, Roger. Our new Omega is delicious,” one of the big besotted idiots said. Roger couldn’t remember the guy’s name for the life of him, and decided it really didn’t matter.

  “He’s mine,” Roger said with more force than the situation warranted. “Alpha told you all we’re mated, true mates, so paws off. You know the laws and Pearson would be in line to shred you, if there was anything left of you after I’d finished with you.”

  “Can’t blame a guy for looking.” The big lug had the cheek to smile, and Roger wanted to snarl some more, but Cam was giggling into his neck, and the vibrations ran right through his cock. God he wanted to get Cam alone. He’d been giving it a lot of thought, since Cam had been rescued the second time and he wanted to take their relationship one step further – he had one more gift, one thing he could give his mate, that would prove to Cam just how much he loved him and wanted to be with him forever. But that meant getting Cam alone first, which was a blooming hard thing to do in such a friendly pack.

  Suddenly though, Cam stiffened, and then a gasp fell from his lips. “Mikey, is that you?”

  Roger looked up and saw Jules standing on the fringes of the crowd that were still vying for Cam’s attention. “Oh yeah,” he said. “Jules thought he knew you from your home pack. Jules, come and sit down. I take it you two know each other?”

  “Mikey.” Cam gave a cry and fell off Roger’s lap, wrapping Jules up in a huge hug. For a long moment the two men hugged each other, tears pouring down their faces. Then the big lug who’d had talked to Roger just before wolf whistled, and Roger growled. He pulled Cam into his arms and growled again. It didn’t matter how good the two boys might look together, as they were very similar in looks – Cam was taken.

  “Don’t you remember Mikey, Roger? He was there in the office with me when we first met, back at the Romney pack? He was my best friend growing up.”

  Roger thought back. To be honest most of his recollection for that day centered on the fact that he’d met his mate, and his mate was too young to claim. The rest of the visit had been a bit of a blur as Roger had to make a hasty escape to hide his hard on and the smell of his arousal. But then the memory hit him. Cam wasn’t the only boy brought into the office that day.

  “But you were blond, weren’t you?” He said looking at Jules’ dark hair.

  “Yes Sir,” Jules said quietly. “Blond and known as Mikey as a kid. The hair changed when I shifted for the first time. I changed my name when I left the pack. I’m known as Jules now,” he added to Cam.

  “But why, why did you leave?” Then Cam’s face scrunched into a frown. “You’re not an Omega too are you? Did you get kicked out?”

  Jules gave his friend a grin and shook his head. “Nope plain little grey wolf is me,” he said. “But I’m gay, and the Alpha and my dad wanted something I couldn’t do. So I ran away.”

  Cam nodded his head sympathetically and Roger looked at the young wolf with a bit more respect. It was hard for any wolf to leave their home pack, and Jules had to be about the same age as Cam. It took a lot of strength for any young shifter to strike out on their own, just to hold onto their own ideals. He hoped that when Jules met his mate, that the man would recognize the boy’s strength, and Jules’ issues with socializing. Jules would need a patient hand, although he seemed happy to chat to Cam.

  Unwilling to tear Cam away from his reunion, Roger ordered another round of drinks. Teric, Devin and Levi had been joined by their mates and the booth was crowded and rowdy. But from his seat on Roger’s lap, Cam looked happy. Every now and then Cam would drop kisses on his chest, or stroke his hand over Roger’s where it lay firmly around Cam’s waist. It was nice, having that connection.

  But Roger wanted more and well before anyone else was ready to call it a night, he solidified his hold around Cam’s waist and stood up.

  “We’re heading off now,” he said firmly, planning to head for home. Then he remembered Stavia’s visit the next day and resigned himself to one more night in the club. He would far rather have his mate in their own home, but he wasn’t going to take any risks with Cam’s safety if there were vampires coming. Ignoring the good natured heckling from his friends and pack members, Roger marched through the club and up the back stairs, his mate still firmly held in his arms.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Cam thought his heart would burst he was so happy, sitting snugly in Roger’s arms on their way back to their suite. The pack members had all been so friendly, so keen just to say hello. He’d lost track of the number of names he’d been given, and the countless offers for help of any kind. It was a new and almost i
ntoxicating experience for Cam but he was so relieved when Roger had come to find him. Even meeting up with Mikey, no Jules now he reminded himself, had paled to the joy he felt when Roger simply picked him up and sat him on those muscled thighs. He could cope with anything if his mate was nearby. Touching him was even better.

  And his mate was totally into him too. Cam could smell Roger’s arousal and could feel the thickened length of his mate’s cock through snug leather pants. He was looking forward to sucking that length and hopefully getting it in his ass, just as soon as they got back to their room. Roger wasn’t known for his patience when he was all sexed up and raring to go and Cam loved it.

  So he was more than a little surprised that when they did make it back to their suite, Roger didn’t just dump him on the bed and cover him with kisses, like he would normally do. Instead, his mate walked them over to the couch and sat down, with Cam sitting astride his lap. Oh well. Cam could work with that. He wiggled his butt until their cocks were touching with only two layers of leather separating them and slipped his arms around Roger’s neck.

  “Oh yes, we’re getting to that,” Roger said, his warm smile lighting up his face, his eyes twinkling. “But I just wanted to talk to you for a moment first.”

  “What’s wrong? Did I say something, or do something or…” Cam hadn’t been happy for long enough to trust it and the moment Roger said he wanted to talk Cam’s freaking nerves kicked in and his mind frantically went over the things he had done that evening. He would be mortified if he had done or said something that might have embarrassed his mate.

  “There’s nothing wrong. You were perfect tonight,” Roger said quickly. “I am so proud of you and the pack love you already, just like I knew they would. So many of the older wolves especially really love the idea of having an Omega in the pack at last. Pearson was right, it was what we were missing all along.”

  “So,” Cam said slowly, trying to read his mate’s face. Unfortunately there was nothing on it but Roger’s smile that lit up Cam’s heart every time he saw it.

  “So. Firstly, Pearson wanted me to tell you that Stavia and some of his enforcers will be here tomorrow to talk to you. I told him that was fine so long as we were all there with you, and that you were well protected. That’s why we didn’t head home tonight.”

  Cam nodded. He knew that Stavia wanted to talk to him. He didn’t know what about exactly, but he could handle it so long as Roger was with him. Enforcers, an Alpha and an Alpha Mate were just a bonus.

  “Secondly,” Roger said, and his voice went deeper. Was Roger blushing? “I wanted to know if you knew anything about the mind link some mated couples can have.”

  “Oh yes,” Cam said, relieved they had gotten off the subject of vampires. “That’s when both mates claim each other and they can talk to each other in their heads. Most mated couples in my old pack had done that.”

  “Did you know gay wolves can have it with their mates?” Roger asked. “Pearson and Dante have it, so do Kyle and Teric. I know Devin and Ace have it and Steel has it with Levi too.”

  Cam shrugged his shoulders. He didn’t know that gay wolves could claim each other because in his experience wolves were either dominant or submissive. If they paired up, then the dominant one claimed the submissive one, and that was it. But then before he came to the Washington pack Cam hadn’t known any other gay wolf shifters either, so what did he know? If Roger said it was true, then Cam had no reason to doubt him.

  “I’d really like to share that mind link with you,” Roger said and his voice softened. “I’m going to do my best to make sure nothing ever happens to you again, but if we have the mind link, then I can stay in touch with you even if we’re apart for any reason.”

  “So I’d just have to bite you? Is that how it works?” Cam didn’t mind doing that. He’d be thrilled for his mate to wear his mark. He might be Omega in status, but he was still a possessive wolf and he had noticed through the evening that more than one little sub had gone up to try and make nice with his mate. If Roger was clearly marked then maybe the little wannabes would back off.

  Claiming his mate wasn’t anything he would have done without Roger’s permission though. His mate was the Dominant one in their relationship and always would be. A bite wouldn’t change that, but just the thought of having a mind link with his mate, made Cam feel special and his insides glowed warm and fuzzy.

  “It’s a bit more than that for gay wolves, little one,” Roger said breaking into his thoughts with his customary grin. “You are going to have to claim me just like I claimed you.”

  “But you just bit me,” Cam said, feeling more than confused. That’s what claiming was right? Wolves bit each other. After all women could hardly penetrate their male mates. It was the bite that claimed a shifter.

  Roger leaned forward, putting his head on Cam’s forehead, staring deep into his eyes. “I bit you while plunging my cock inside your ass and coating your passage with my spunk. That’s the only way gay wolves can claim each other. Spunk and blood together, marking a mate inside and out,” he said with a delicious rasp of lust in his honeyed voice. “Now it’s your turn to do it to me.”

  “You want me to what?” Cam squeaked and if Roger hadn’t been holding onto him so firmly, he would have fallen over backwards and ended up on his ass on the floor.

  “I want you to fuck me, something no one has ever done before. I want you to come while you’re deep inside of me, and when you do, I want you to bite me and make me yours.”


  Roger would have laughed at the look on Cam’s face if it wasn’t such a serious moment between them. He really didn’t want to do anything that would make his mate feel any worse. Roger could clearly see what Cam was thinking – the shock, the concern and the worry was written all over his darling man’s face. If Roger was going to get anywhere with this, and he was bound and determined to, then he was going to have to top from the bottom. Not something he had done before, but he’d had enough subs over the years trying to do it to him and he was confident he could do the same.

  “You do want me, don’t you little wolf,” he said putting a small growl in his voice, watching as lust warred with shock in Cam’s eyes.

  “Always,” Cam said, barely breathing. His face might be the mask of worry and nerves, but Cam’s cock was still hard, giving Roger something to work with. He just had to get his mate out of his mind with lust, and let Cam’s own natural instincts take over.

  “Then all you have to do is follow my lead, and we’ll be double mated before you know it.”

  His poor little mate was still aroused, still in shock, and probably over thinking things. Roger needed to stop Cam’s brain because now he was committed to his course of action, he had no intention of stopping. He would feel Cam’s bigger than average cock in his ass, and the joys of having teeth in his neck, before the night was over.

  Picking Cam up, Roger took the few steps into the bedroom. He quickly stripped off Cam’s pants, boots and shirt, before putting his mate on the bed. He was just as quick in getting rid of his own clothes, his mate watching his every move. When he was completely naked, Roger took the time to grab the lube and a small dildo from his bedside table, before confidently moving onto the bed. Although he planned to ride his mate, for now he wanted Cam to get some confidence in simply exploring his body so he lay down on his back, his arms and legs slightly apart, relaxed and open to anything.

  “My body is yours, and I want you to take the time to explore what makes me happy.” Roger didn’t want to give Cam a direct order, so he kept his tone light, but the instruction was clear and concise, giving Cam no time to think or worry. Not that Cam seemed inclined to argue with him. Those bright green eyes gleamed with satisfaction, and Cam eagerly moved towards him, his hands hovering as though not sure where he wanted to touch first.

  Roger closed his eyes as Cam kissed him, giving himself over to the sensation of touch. Before meeting Cam Roger had only been with someone as a Dominant, and
he wasn’t usually into body worship as he felt it was such an intimate thing to do with someone he didn’t really care for beyond a scene. The thrill of Cam touching him, caressing him, kissing every inch of his body, while he just lay there like some giant cat – yep, Roger got the irony of the analogy and grinned to himself at the idea. But Cam did quite literally worship him and every touch with lips or hands was exhilarating.

  Letting his inhibitions go, Roger surrendered to pleasure, making sure he let his little mate know exactly what he was feeling. Although they had enjoyed sex many times since Cam’s return, it was usually rushed as Roger was happy to admit he lost all semblance of control every time his little mate rubbed against him. This was a new experience for both of them, and Roger was determined to enjoy it.

  Soft moans turned into heartfelt groans as Cam lost himself in his exploration. His sexy mate was doing his best to ensure not one part of his skin was left unloved. Like a slow burn, Cam was turning his initial rush of arousal into something more solid, more encompassing, all without touching his cock. Roger’s nipples ached, his balls were hard and heavy, and he had to keep his hands fisted in the sheets to stop himself from flipping Cam over and pounding into what he knew would be an already prepared ass. Mating an Omega had a lot of benefits, and knowing that Cam could accept his cock in an instant, was tugging at Roger’s control like nothing before.

  Soft lips on his hips had Roger grabbing his knees, exposing himself to his mate. He loved ass play although he’d never allowed anyone or anything to penetrate him before. Cam’s quietly insistent tongue was the first thing to breach his stubborn muscles, followed, after prolonged torture by that dexterous appendage, by a slim well-lubed finger. Roger was still trying to work out when Cam had the time to grab the lube, when a second finger followed. Hissing at the strange intrusion, Roger quickly forgot his discomfort, as his entire cock was sucked into the warmth of Cam’s mouth.


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