Steal You Away

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Steal You Away Page 2

by Ashley, Victoria

  “Really? From what I can tell, you and my brother are on a break… again.” With his eyes locked on mine, he moves his hand down to unbutton his jeans. The movement has my insides going wild with excitement. “I know you’re lyin—”

  “How does this outfit look?”

  The moment Blaire appears in the doorway, I step around Colson and hurry my way over to Blaire to check out her cute little embellished jumpsuit with a ribbon on the waist and the black heels that she paired it off with. Her strawberry blonde curls are pulled into a messy side bun that tops the look off nicely.

  “You look beautiful, Blaire. Let’s go upstairs to your room and throw on some of that new perfume you got for your birthday. I’m sure Paxton would love it on you.”

  Really, I just want as far away from Colson as I can get. It’s so hard to resist him when he’s looking and talking the way he is. He’s a disaster waiting to happen. A huge one. I’m not sure what has come over him suddenly, but it’s fucking with me big time. He’s always flirted in ways, but not to this extent. If he’s trying to piss his brother off, this will definitely do the trick.

  “Oooh. Good idea. I almost forgot about it.”

  I loop my arm through hers and hurry her out of the kitchen. I can practically feel Colson’s eyes on me, and I know he has that cocky little smirk on his face that I want to slap right off.

  He and I both know if Blaire hadn’t have come downstairs that he would’ve had me right where he wanted me—me wanting him and that’s the last thing I should do.

  * * *

  Blaire left an hour ago, and instead of catching up on some shows as planned, I started packing some of her stuff by myself. The quicker we can get her stuff out of here, the better. I haven’t talked to Dax in weeks and being here with his brother alone feels like a very bad idea.

  In fact, I know it’s a bad idea after what happened downstairs earlier.

  It’s not until I’ve packed a few boxes that I realize the packing tape previously on her dresser when I started is now gone, along with the permanent marker.

  Colson’s room is down the hall, which means the little asshole probably crept in here on the way to his room just to piss me off and make me believe I misplaced them. I don’t think so. I’m not going to spend my night searching this room like an idiot just for him to get a kick out of it. He’s always liked hiding things from me just to work up my nerves.

  “Sneaky little fucker…”

  Pissed off and ready for a fight, I storm my way down the hall and enter his bedroom without knocking. I immediately wish that I didn’t just barge in the way I did, because the sight of him sitting on the bed with his hand down the front of his jeans has my entire body lighting on fire.

  I’m unable to move for a second. I can’t react at all, because the sight of his perfectly sculpted body covered in sweat has me paralyzed.

  My brain catches up. “Holy shit! I’m sorry. I didn’t…” I throw my hand up to cover my eyes and begin backing out of the room, but before I can make my escape the door slams shut, trapping me inside.

  His heavy breathing hits my neck as he moves in closer, surrounding me with his body. His scent, his heat, everything that is him envelops me and it’s so damn intoxicating. Colson Bennett. The guy that every girl wants a taste of. “You didn’t knock,” he growls out.

  “Obviously that was a mistake,” I breathe out, panic setting in. “I didn’t see anything. Just move and I’ll leave and we’ll forget this ever happened. Okay.”

  “Maybe I don’t want that.” I hear his zipper slowly move down, the sound teasing my body, because I know what he plans to do right here in front of me. “I’d rather you stay for this.”

  “Let me out, Colson,” I say quickly, unsure of how to react right now. My body wants one thing while my head is screaming at me to run, to get as far away from his room as I can. Dax and I may be on a break, but I still consider him my boyfriend. This is wrong. So wrong.

  But he doesn’t listen to my demand. Instead, I open my eyes long enough to see him slide his hand back down his jeans, before it begins moving up and down in a slow, steady rhythm.

  This cannot be happening right now. He’s not jerking himself off just inches away from me!

  But he is, and with each growl of pleasure he releases into my ear, the pulsing between my legs becomes stronger. I can barely breathe without moaning out, so I hold my breath and pray that I don’t pass out.

  “There’s nothing wrong with me touching myself for you, Kennedy.” He runs his bottom lip over my ear, causing goose bumps to break out over my entire body. “I won’t tell anyone you enjoyed it if you don’t. My brother never has to know… unless you want him to.”

  Fuck me.

  I squeeze my eyes shut, the sounds of his heavy breathing haunting my mind the closer he gets to his release. Why are you still in here? I can’t force my feet to move. Instead, I stay planted, listening as he strokes himself. His movements are slow and a perfect rhythm to my breathing. It’s so incredibly hot that my skin is on fire. I’d probably burn anyone who touched me right now.

  Within minutes, he growls out his release, his heavy panting against my neck causing the muscles between my legs to throb. It’s no longer just a pulse. It’s a full-on throb, just waiting to explode. This is bad. Very fucking bad.

  “Fuck…” He runs his lips against my cheek, stopping close to my mouth. My heart rate speeds up when I feel his thumb trace my bottom lip. On reflex I run my tongue over it, not expecting the taste of his release on it. It’s almost enough to make me come without even being touched. “Does it feel good to know you’re the first person to get a taste of me?” He grips my throat with his free hand and speaks close to my mouth. “Think about that later when you’re fucking yourself to thoughts of me. Not my brother.”

  Just like that, he backs away and I’m left standing here, fighting to catch my breath. Swallowing, I open my eyes in just enough time to see him zip his jeans up and toss one of his shirts across the room. “I told you to let me out, Colson. That was fucked up and you know it.”

  “From what I could tell you enjoyed it just as much as I did.” He calmly nods to his dresser as if nothing inappropriate just happened. “There’s the tape and marker you came in here for. Need any help?”

  “Fuck no, Colson! Not from you. Just stay away from me for the rest of the night. I mean it.” Angry at myself, I snatch what I came for from his dresser and step out of his room, slamming the door shut behind me.

  Then I go straight to the bathroom and wash his taste off my lips, hating myself for letting him get to me just now. I just listened to Dax’s younger brother touch himself. I could’ve yelled until he let me out, but I didn’t. And because of that, I now know what he tastes like. I know what he sounds like when he comes and it’s the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced.

  And now, I’ll be fucking myself to thoughts of him, and not just tonight like he said, but probably for a long time to come, and he knows it. He made sure of that, and I hate him for it.

  I’m supposed to be trying to figure things out with Dax, and in all the years we’ve dated, he’s never once made me as hot as I am this very moment. All Colson did was confuse me more. I love his brother. Just because I’m not as sexually attracted to him doesn’t mean shit. Right?

  Minutes later, I’m still standing in the bathroom trying to gather my thoughts when the doorbell rings. Blaire’s dad is gone—he’s always gone—so I’ll let Colson answer it. I’m in no condition to face anyone at the moment. I’m too ashamed to even look at myself in the mirror.

  Turning off the water, I stand here in my messed-up thoughts for a few minutes before I exit the bathroom. I’m just about to head to Blaire’s room when I hear Dax’s voice come from downstairs, yelling about how the door was locked. “Shit. What is he doing here?”

  Since Colson and Dax don’t get along—haven’t in years—Dax only comes here when he has to. Dax is just asking for trouble by coming here right now. He k
nows not to come here when Colson is around. And usually he stays away when I’m hanging with Blaire. It’s just my luck that he’d choose now to show up. As if this night isn’t already messed up enough.

  Wiping my hands over my face, I take a second to compose myself before rushing down the steps in hopes of stopping something between them before anything can start. I need to get Dax away as quickly as possible, because if he finds out what his brother just did, they’ll kill each other.

  Dax’s eyes widen the moment they land on me as I enter the living room. “I thought you said she wasn’t here, asshole. Is that why the door was locked?”

  Colson runs a hand through his hair, a cocky grin on his face. “I lied.”

  “Fuck you, Colson.” Dax turns to me, hurt evident on his face. “Why are you alone with my brother? I know Blaire isn’t here, because I saw her with some guy a few minutes ago.”

  “Blaire left to go on a date. I’ve been packing up her things. Besides, it’s not like I’ve heard from you in two weeks. Don’t give me a hard time.” He moves in close enough to wrap an arm around my waist, but I push him back a little, feeling guilty about what I just witnessed his brother do. How can I touch him after that? “You wanted this break, remember? You need to calm down.”

  “Not anymore I don’t. Fuck that.” He yanks me closer to him, not giving me a choice but to touch him. “Break is over,” he says, mostly to his brother.

  “You heard her. You’ve got five seconds to release her and walk the fuck out of here before I throw you out.” When I look over, Colson is leaning against the island, pulling out a match. He’s calm and collected as he strikes it and lights up the cigarette between his lips. “Your five seconds starts now, Brother.”

  “Shut the fuck up and let me talk to my girl. I’m here for her and I’m not leaving without talking to her. You stay out of it.”

  Colson takes a long drag off his cigarette before exhaling the smoke and putting it out on the island behind him. “Time is up.”

  Before I can make out what’s happening, Colson grabs Dax by the back of his neck and yanks him away from me, before swinging out and punching him across the face.

  They both get in a few swings, before Blaire and her date walk in and he manages to separate the two.

  “You’re lucky you’re leaving again, you piece of shit!” Dax spits blood into his hand. “Hopefully you stay gone for good this time. I’m not an idiot. I know you’ve always wanted what’s mine. And as long as you’re around, I’m going to want to hurt you.”

  “Dammit, Dax! Just go!” Blaire shoves him toward the door, so I help her get him outside before anything worse can happen. Once he’s outside, I join him and slam the door shut behind us.

  “Dammit, Dax! Why did you come here? We’re on a break. Why start shit with your family? You know what happens every time you and Colson end up in the same room together.”

  “Because I fucking miss you. That’s why. It’s been two weeks. I was sitting alone, thinking about you. About us. The fight we had was stupid. I should’ve never asked for a break.”

  “I can’t do this with you right now. I have too much shit on my plate with the bar and helping Blaire move. This is bad timing. You can’t just show up here, start shit, and then expect us to work things out on the spot. I’m tired.”

  “Stop it, babe. Come here.” He grabs my face, but I back away, unable to handle his touch right now. Not when Colson’s taste was just on my tongue. It’s incredibly messed up and I know it. And I should probably tell him, but I know what’ll happen if I do. Colson has always been hot-tempered. It’ll be Dax who ends up with a broken nose. Besides, it’s not like Dax didn’t do worse on our last break.

  “Don’t babe me, Dax. And don’t come looking for me until you’re ready to commit to us.” I shake my head and take a step back, needing to be strong. I’ve given in too many times and it’s time I put my foot down. “No more fucking around. If we get back together this time, there will be no more goddamn breaks. I mean it. This is the last one. I’m so sick and tired of not knowing where we stand. It plays with my emotions too much.”

  He flexes his jaw. “If we get back together? What are you saying? That you don’t want to? Did my brother get to you?”

  “No. And I’m not saying that. But I’m tired of this same shit. There will be no getting back together unless we’re both all in. This shit ends now. Make a choice, Dax. Either commit or walk away for good.”

  After a few seconds, he throws his arms up in defeat. “Fine. No more breaks. It’s you and me for good this time. I promise.” He moves forward and grabs my face, kissing me before I can stop him.

  My heart hammers out of my chest from guilt of what happened in Colson’s room just less than ten minutes ago. I might’ve washed away his taste, but I can’t erase it from my mind. Truth is, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to for a long time.

  “I want us back, Kennedy,” he says the moment our lips part. “Tell me I have that and I’ll leave. I won’t cause a scene. I’ll let you and Blaire finish packing so you can get far away from my brother. You have my word. I’m in no mood to fight with him tonight. I have an early morning at the bank.”

  “Fine. You have that,” I force out, unsure I’m making the right decision. “You have me. I promise.”

  He smiles and kisses me on the forehead. “Then I’ll see you tomorrow night after work. I’ll be at your place waiting.” He backs down the steps but stops, his jaw hardening. “But if Colson touches you… I’ll kill him. I won’t be able to stop myself and you know it. Don’t let him get to you. Promise me that.”

  “I promise.” I swallow and watch as he turns and walks away. It’s not until he jumps into his car and drives off that I feel like I can breathe again. I take a few minutes to compose myself before walking inside, straight past Colson, avoiding eye contact.

  I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to face him again. Especially since Dax and I just made a deal. It’s what I always wanted. No more breaks. I’ll be damned if I’m going to be the one to fuck that up and ruin it. Colson is about to leave town again, and possibly for good, so it couldn’t have come at a better time. “Let’s finish getting you packed.”

  I look around the bar. It’s hard to believe that I’ll be managing it in two weeks. It’s small—not even big enough for a kitchen—but to me, it’s perfect. Ten stools around the bar. Six round tables for chilling with friends and one pool table for the regulars that like to hang out and play all night. This place is like a second home to me.

  My grandmother opened Dixie’s Alibi when I was seven, and I can still remember the day she brought me here and sat me on this old mahogany bar top, telling me that one day I’d manage this place when I was older. It should’ve been my mother to take over, but I guess Dixie knew way before the day came that she wouldn’t be sticking around long enough to run the place for her. She was right because on my fifteenth birthday my mother left to buy me a birthday gift and never returned. That was nine years ago.

  So the day I turned twenty-one—Dixie as she likes to be called—waltzed into GiGi’s, the tanning salon I’d been working at with Blaire and told me to grab my shit, because I had a bar to run, and that would take time to learn. To say I’m anxious about taking over is an understatement. I’ve been working hard to prove to her that I’m ready.

  “Everything good, child? You’re thinking too hard over there. It’s scaring me.” Dixie looks me over and brushes her graying hair out of her face.

  I close the lid on the fruit and move on to stock the straws that sit at both ends of the bar. “Stop worrying. I’m just thinking about the huge changes coming soon. It’s all I’ve been thinking about for months now. I’m ready. I promise.”

  “Good.” She motions for me to stand up straight, before grabbing my shoulders and looking me in the eyes. “You should be thinking about them. I won’t be around much once you take over. I’ll only be here once a week to check in on things. You sure you can handle that? It�
��s a lot of responsibility. We have other options if not. Sally can take over for a couple of years if needed. Just say the word and I’ll make the arrangements.”

  “No, I’m more than ready. I’ve been working my butt off to make sure of it. It’s not that. It’s just going to be hard replacing Roger with someone who can run the food truck. He’s been cooking for this bar since you opened it. I don’t even know where to start looking. I’ve checked online, in newspapers, and looked through applications, and I haven’t liked anyone I’ve interviewed. They’re all wrong for the job and I’m running out of time.”

  My grandmother’s smile widens as she gives my left cheek a light tap. “Don’t you worry about that, child. I’ve already found the perfect replacement. He’s out front training with Roger right now. That was about to be our next conversation.”

  “Really?” I question, relieved. “He has experience on a food truck?”

  “No.” She walks away to pour herself a glass of Jose Cuervo. I know this before she even grabs the glass from the shelf. It’s something she does often before leaving for the evening. “But he’s a hell of a cook.”

  “How do you know this? You’ve tasted his cooking before?”

  “Oh yeah.” She laughs and sets her glass down in front of her. “You have too. It’s just been a while.”

  I narrow my eyes at her, my stomach twisting into knots at the first person that comes to mind. He’s the last person I would want working here. Outside in the food truck or not, it’s still here. “He’s back?” I swallow nervously.

  “You haven’t heard?” She finishes off her tequila and cracks her knuckles. “He got back the other night. Do you have a problem with him working here?”

  The way she’s studying me as if she knows something has me uneasy, so I lie, pushing that night from two years ago out of my head. “Nope. I just didn’t know he moved back. Apparently, Blaire forgot to mention that little detail to me.”


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