Steal You Away

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Steal You Away Page 6

by Ashley, Victoria

  Ten minutes later, I’m walking into the bar with two burgers in hand. I can tell by the redness of Kennedy’s face the moment her eyes land on me that she’s not too thrilled about my post earlier today. Either that or she’s not too thrilled about me crashing on her couch. I’m going to assume both.

  “For how long?” Kennedy’s question is aimed at me, but my sister responds instead.

  “One week max. After that, he’s his own problem.” Blaire turns to face me. “Right, Colson?”

  “One week,” I say, my eyes locked on Kennedy’s as I set the burgers down on the bar. “That’s all I need.”

  “Okay good. Then it’s settled. The couch for one week and you will sleep in clothes. If I find you in your boxers or briefs or whatever bright and early in the morning, ruining my eyesight, I will hurt you. Brother or not. I’ll break a limb and not feel bad about it.”

  “I think maybe we need a sleeping pants rule,” Kennedy adds stiffly. “If you don’t own a pair, then I suggest you pick a pair up tonight before you come to our house.” She grabs the burger in front of her. “Thanks for dinner. You owe me after the shit you pulled today.”

  “What shit?” my sister asks in between chewing her burger.

  “Nothing.” Kennedy shoots me an evil glare. “He just sucks at social media. That’s all.”

  “I’d love to see what you suck at, Kennedy.” I say loud enough just for her to hear. “Maybe I’ll find out over the next week.”

  Before she can cuss me out or bring attention to us, I grin and back away, loving her eyes on me the entire way to the door.

  That won’t be the only thing on me before long…

  By the end of the night, I’m dreading going home, knowing that not only do I need to let Dax know his brother is back in town, but also that he’ll be sleeping on mine and his sister’s couch for the next week.

  It’s been months since they’ve seen or spoken to each other, but not much has changed since then. Dax still hates his younger brother just as much as before he left. I know this because he likes to bring him up every now and again. When he has nothing else to bitch about, he brings up all the times Colson pissed him off in the past and how he’s glad his brother is gone. I think a small part of that hatred has always been out of jealousy. People have always flocked to Colson, fast to jump into a friendship with him, while Dax has always struggled with being seen.

  I park outside my house and kill the engine, glad to see Colson’s truck is nowhere in sight yet. Dax should be here any minute, and I need some time to talk to him first. I wanted to tell him this in person. Plus, with our schedules, we haven’t really seen each other in two days. He’s either sleeping when I’m awake or vice versa and when we are together, we’ve been fighting over pointless shit. Telling him over the phone will only make things more tense between us.

  “Where’s your brother?” Blaire is in the kitchen putting the dishes away when I walk inside, so I join her and pour a glass of water. “Did he find somewhere else to stay?”

  Please say yes.

  “No. He went to Travis’s to grab his stuff. He left about an hour ago, so he should be here soon.”

  “Only for one week, right? Not a day longer?”

  “Not a day longer. He’s supposedly getting an apartment in the same building as Travis.” Blaire gives me an awkward smile once she notices my grip on the island. “Are you worried about him staying here or something? Anything I should know about?”

  “No,” I say rather too quickly. “He just works my last nerve. You know how annoying his mouth can be. Not to mention that Dax hates him. Did you forget about your other brother? The one who’s been fighting with him for the last twenty-one years.”

  “Oh, right. I honestly wasn’t thinking about Dax when I offered to let him crash with us. I just felt bad that he planned to stay at a hotel. He shouldn’t have to do that. I’m sorry, but Dax will just have to deal with it. It’s not like he’s going to offer to let Colson crash at his place. It’s time they learn to get along. Dax is twenty-five. He should act like it.”

  I don’t see that happening anytime soon. In fact, he’ll probably hate him even more after this week is up. “Why didn’t he just stay at Travis’s or at another friend’s place? He knows everyone. He could’ve stayed anywhere he wanted, yet he chose our couch?”

  “I don’t know. Something about Travis’s girl not being able to keep her eyes off my brother. I didn’t really question him much. He’s family. It’d have been rude not to offer. He’s my little brother.”

  “I get it,” I force out, wishing that I didn’t. She’s always been closer with Colson than Dax. “I just wish he’d chosen to stay somewhere else.”

  “A week isn’t very long. It’ll be over before you know it. Just ignore him. That’s what I do when he gets on my last nerve. He eventually gets the hint and backs off.”

  Really? Because I can’t tell.

  I nod and force a smile. “I guess one week won’t hurt.”

  “Exactly. I’m sure it’ll be fine. What damage could he cause in that amount of time?” She yawns and heads toward the hallway. “I’m going to bed. I told Colson to be quiet when he gets in, so he shouldn’t disturb you once you retire to your room.”

  “Sounds good. Thanks.”

  “No problem. If he doesn’t listen, you know the drill. Just kick his ass. I won’t judge. Night, babe.”

  Once I’m alone, I stare at the couch, stupidly imagining Colson lying there in his underwear, his sculpted chest and abs on display, making my body hot with need. The image in my head has me quickly pouring another glass of cold water to cool off.

  I’m so lost in my inappropriate thoughts that I don’t even hear Dax come in until his arms are wrapped around me from behind, his body pressing me against the sink. “Miss me today?”

  I smile and kiss his arm, setting my glass down. “Maybe…”

  “Are you going to give me a maybe every time? It’s getting a little old.”

  I spin around in his arms to look up at him. His brown eyes lock on mine, growing worried. “Sorry. I don’t want to fight tonight. It’s just been a long day and I’m exhausted. That’s all. How was work?”

  “The same as usual. It was boring and I couldn’t stop thinking about getting here to you.” His hand tangles into the back of my hair as his lips move in to meet mine. “I really hate your job sometimes. I don’t get why you want to run a bar. Let Sally do it. You could always come work with me at the bank so you could have decent hours.”

  “We’ve already talked about this,” I say against his lips. “I’ve worked hard for this opportunity. Please don’t start on that again.” I exhale, frustration setting in. “I need to tell you some–”

  “Hey.” Blaire pokes her head out her bedroom door, stopping to make a gagging sound at her brother’s lips on mine. “Didn’t mean to interrupt this disturbing moment. Just wanted to let you know he’s on his way now. Told him to lock the door behind him so you can go get comfortable and not have to worry.”

  “Who’s on his way?”

  Blaire’s eyes widen once she realizes I haven’t told Dax about their brother yet. “I’ll let Kennedy explain. Off to bed. It’s way past my bedtime.”

  She slams her door shut and Dax’s eyes turn to me. “Is someone staying here with you guys that I don’t know about? He?”

  I swallow nervously. Thanks, Blaire. “Colson is back in town and needed somewhere to crash for a few days. I would’ve told you sooner, but—”

  “Wait, what?” He releases me and takes a step back, his muscles bulging from the tenseness that’s kicked in at hearing his brother is back. I expected this reaction. “He’s back in town? Since when?”

  “Yeah. For a couple days now. I just found out yesterday when he showed up at the bar to work the food truck. No one knew he was coming back. He just showed up. Not even your dad knew.”

  “Hold up. Not only is my Colson going to be crashing here on the couch under the same roof as y
ou, but you hired him to work the food truck?” He takes another step back and runs his hand through his dark hair in frustration. “I need a drink.”

  I stand back and watch as he walks over to the cabinet to pull down the bottle of Vodka he keeps stashed here. He doesn’t even bother with a glass. He just tilts the bottle back, taking a huge swig. “I didn’t hire him. Like I said, I didn’t even know he was back until he showed up for work. Dixie did, though, apparently. I’m not sure when they communicated, but they did. There’s nothing I can do about it now, except learn to deal with it.”

  He shakes his head in aggravation. “Yeah, well, Dixie always did have a soft spot for that asshole. I still don’t understand why.” He stops to take another huge swig. “So, what about when you take over the bar? Then what? You gonna let him work there still?”

  I shrug and pour myself a weak drink. Just a little something to take the edge off. “It’s not like I can just fire him without cause. So, yeah. There’s a huge chance he’ll be working the food truck for a while. At least until I find someone more qualified.”

  “Well, shit!” His face hardens as he grabs my waist and yanks me to him. “I don’t like the idea of him working for you, and I sure as fuck don’t like the idea of him sleeping on your couch.”

  “Well, he won’t be sleeping on the couch for long. He’s already been told one week and not a day longer. Your sister says he has an apartment lined up already. I don’t get what the big deal is. Just ignore him until he’s gone. It’s not like you’re here every day anyway.”

  “You won’t be either. You’re staying with me for a week. Grab some things and we’ll head out before the asshole gets here. The less time with him the better. I don’t want you under the same roof as him. Not if I can help it.”

  “Fuck no. That’s not happening.” I pull away from his grip, not wanting him to touch me right now. Not with him thinking he can give me orders. “If there’s anyone I hate in life, it’s your roommate. Steve has caused way too much trouble between us in the past. I get that you don’t like your brother, but honestly, I’d rather put up with him than see Steve’s smug face every day while you’re at work. That’s why I never spend the night there as it is. What makes you think I’ll pack up my shit and stay a whole week?”

  “Come on, babe. Just forget about Steve for now. I know he’s a huge dick, but I’ll make sure he doesn’t bother you. We both know my brother is nothing but trouble. I don’t trust him around you. I never have.” He grips my waist again, moving in until his lips are brushing mine. They’re the only lips I’ve ever kissed, and I know he wants to keep it that way. I do too. His brother being here isn’t going to change that. “He’s had a thing for you for as long as I can remember. He’ll probably do everything in his power to be where you are just to piss me off.”

  “There are plenty of women throwing themselves at him. Trust me. He’s not going to follow me around like some lost puppy.” I place my hands against his chest to give me some space. He’s holding me so tight I can hardly breathe. My nerves are already wrecked enough tonight, I don’t need this shit. “If he does anything inappropriate, I’ll kick his ass. Simple as that. I’m not helpless. I can handle Colson Bennett. So stop trying to control me. It won’t work.”

  “Fine.” He exhales in defeat before grabbing the back of my head and pressing his lips against mine, kissing me long and hard, before pulling away. “I’ll kill him if he touches you. Just know that.”

  “He’s not going to touch me. I wouldn’t let him even if he tried.”

  “You sure about that?” I stand up straight, my heart pounding at the sound of Colson’s voice. I look around Dax to see Colson standing beside the couch with a cocky grin. “Hello, Brother. Miss me?”

  “You’ve been back for less than five minutes and I already want to strangle you, so no.” Dax grumbles, his eyes landing on the duffle bag Colson drops beside the couch. “The couch will be the only place you’re sleeping, so get comfortable, little brother, but not too comfortable, because you’ll be gone in a week. Got it?”

  “The couch will do just fine,” he says, his dark eyes on me, making me nervous.

  “All right.” My voice breaks a little, and I’m hoping neither of them notice. But this is too intense for me right now. I need to ignore Colson’s sexual innuendo and get far away from him. “Well, now that you boys are reacquainted, I’m going to bed. Dax, I’ll see you in a few. Colson, enjoy the couch while it’s yours. No fighting while your sister is sleeping or you’re both out.”

  I disappear into my bedroom and throw on something to sleep in. I’d usually sleep in my underwear and a T-shirt, but since Colson will be in the path of the bathroom, I throw on some shorts too not wanting to give him the wrong idea.

  I barely crawl into the bed and turn on the TV when my bedroom door opens to Dax stepping inside. He hardly sleeps over on the weekdays due to him having to be up early for work, but I have a feeling he’ll be making an exception tonight. I sort of hope he does since Colson will be right outside this door. “I’m staying tonight.”

  “Good, but no more fighting. Got it?”

  He nods.

  I smile and pat the bed, wanting him to see I want him here. I don’t want his brother here, and I need Colson to see that so he keeps his distance. “One week will be over before we know it.”

  “I doubt it.” With his face hard, he strips down to his briefs and crawls on top of me. The way he spreads my legs with force causes me to let out a surprised gasp. It’s not very often he’s rough with me, but I’m guessing having his brother here is going to bring out his aggressive side.

  “You like that?” he breathes into my ear. “I’ve been wanting a taste of my girl for days now. I’m going mad.” His lips move along my neck, his strong fingers working along my body to undress me, and as turned on as I am, I can’t stop thinking about his brother being right outside on the couch. Knowing him, he’s probably listening at the door just to piss me off.

  I fight to push him out of my mind as Dax slips a finger between my legs and digs his teeth into my neck. “You’re wet, babe; so damn wet.” He slips another finger inside and I moan out a little too loudly, causing embarrassment to creep in. “Does that feel good? Go ahead. Let my brother know you’re mine.”

  “Really?” I shove his hand away and slam my legs closed.

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “Do you really think I want to give your brother a show? Is that why you’re still here? Because if so, then you can leave. I won’t play your game.”

  “Oh, come on, Kennedy,” he grunts in frustration, adjusting his thick erection. “The fucker needs to know to stay away from this bedroom while he’s here. I’m just trying to ensure that happens.”

  “I don’t have any plans for him to come anywhere near my bedroom, but I’m not going to moan and put on a show for him just to prove a point. Did you forget that your sister is right next door? She doesn’t want to hear that shit and I definitely don’t want her too either.”

  He exhales and runs a hand through his hair. “You’re right. I was being an asshole and not thinking.” He moves in and kisses the top of my head. “It’s late and I have to be up in a few hours. Maybe we should just get some sleep and continue this tomorrow night.”

  I nod and lay back when he pats the spot beside him. “Probably a good idea. Everyone’s tired and stressed out tonight. Let’s just forget your brother is here and get some sleep.”

  “Good fucking idea.” He wraps his arms around me, his scent surrounding me as he trails kisses over my neck. His lips are soft and smooth. I’ve always loved that about him. “Goodnight, babe.”

  I close my eyes and lay here for what feels like forever, but I’m unable to fall asleep as expected. Dax, of course, was out like a light within two minutes of me crawling into his arms.

  Moments like this make me wish sleeping came easily for me. I can’t shut my mind off, knowing that Colson is right outside on the couch. It doesn’t he
lp that I have to pee. I’m holding off, hoping that he’ll fall asleep first. I don’t want to be alone with him tonight. Not even for a second.

  Twenty—maybe thirty—minutes pass before I wriggle my way out of Dax’s arms and quietly open my bedroom door, doing my best not to wake anyone. The living room is dark, so I’m hoping I gave Colson enough time to fall asleep.

  The silence leads me to believe that I did, until I exit the bathroom to find Colson standing right outside, half-naked. His boxer briefs ride up high on his thick, muscular thighs, exposing ink that reads – we live with the scars we choose. As my eyes trail higher it’s not hard to see that he’s semi-hard. I hate myself for wondering just how big he’d be fully aroused. You’d think by now I’d train my eyes not to go there. My thoughts too.

  “I thought we already established you’d be sleeping in pajamas while staying here,” I say as firmly as possible, trying to hide the fact that my eyes are trailing along the birds tattooed down the right side of his V that leads down into his waistband.

  He smiles as if noticing and moves in close to my ear, his breath soft and warm against my skin. “I don’t own any. Besides, touching myself to thoughts of you is a hell of a lot easier with less clothes.” He grips the back of my head, holding me in place as his lips brush over my neck. “But I’m sure you know that with all the times you’ve touched yourself to thoughts of me. We should just do each other a favor and touch each other.”

  “No…” I place my hand on his chest and push him back until he releases his grip on my neck. “…we shouldn’t. And I hope you’re lying about masturbating on our couch. That’ll get you kicked to the curb a lot sooner than a week.”

  “Really?” He licks his bottom lip, the sight sending heat straight to my core. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not out fucking any girls right now, so you can just assume I’ll be fucking myself quite often.” With his eyes on mine, he backs me up until my back is pressed against my bedroom door. I fight the urge to moan out when he suddenly spins me around and pins me to the door with his body. “Unless you want to let me fuck you right here with my brother on the other side of this door. I’d be happy to make you scream for him.”


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