Sizzling Hot Daddy (Lost Coast Daddies Romance Book 1)

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Sizzling Hot Daddy (Lost Coast Daddies Romance Book 1) Page 4

by Olivia Fox

  She barely looked up from her book, and when she did, she raised one eyebrow at my question. “What tribe are you from?”

  “I was born in Trillium Valley. I’m Yaruk. Why do you ask?”

  “I was just appreciating the amazing tattoo on your wrist. It’s gorgeous.”

  “Thanks,” she said, dropping her eyes back to her book. An obvious signal that I should mind my own business, check out the clothes, and leave her to her reading. It was a quality I could admire. Not everyone was a social butterfly, nor wanted to interact with other humans on a regular basis.

  Although it was a little odd that she had a job in a shop where people would be walking in every few moments to ask questions about the merchandise. It gave me ideas about how my skills could help her shift her business model to an online one that would better suit her introverted personality.

  Still, her predicament as a reticent person in an outgoing position was kind of amusing and quirky.

  Just like this little town. It was full of characters and artists, cowboys, dairymen, and women who wore rubber boots to town after working in the barn all day.

  People called it a “Victorian Village”. Built during the heyday of the timber era when a single redwood would fill an entire flatbed on a train, the main street was lined with extraordinarily well-preserved Victorian era architecture, fronted by cheerful floral plantings.

  I loved to wake up and see what the mountains surrounding the town looked like. The Redwoods that had been cut down decades ago were coming back and, even though just at the fledgling state for their species, they were glorious. Below the tree-topped mountains were huge carpets of luscious green grass, with healthy grazing cattle. Sometimes the clouds would nestle there, creating a misty swath between the branches. Some days, like today, the fog hung low so that the trees poked out through the top, and the same was true for some of the taller buildings.

  Compared to southern California, this place was obviously a temperate rainforest. It was drenched in moisture, as evidenced by the way things grew like a jungle. It was what allowed the people here to thrive for years, raising cows that grazed on grass that grew without effort or irrigation.

  Of course, the land had originally belonged to the ancestors of the young girl in the shop. There had once been twenty tribes in all, and just a smattering of them were left. Those people who possessed modern day wealth earned from huge swaths of land were those families that had killed off huge numbers of the natives during the time of white settlement. It was a clear and recent injustice.

  I understood that I wasn’t exactly representative of someone to be welcomed with open arms by this young woman. But it would be cool if she accepted me just a little.

  “You have some really pretty things in here,” I told her.


  “Is it your shop?”

  “Yeah,” she said.

  I loved her one-word sentences and kept probing. “Wow, you’re really young to own your own business.”

  “I guess,” she shrugged her shoulders.

  “What is it like living in Briarville? I mean, it’s quite a way from Trillium Valley.”

  “It’s okay. I don’t get out much, other than being here at the store, which is plenty for me. I like the fact that its clean and there aren’t as many worries here as there are up on the mountain.”

  The Yaruk tribe held the largest territory of any native tribe in California, and given that the oppression of their people was so very recent, the historical trauma was evident in the population.

  I had read recently in the local paper that the valley had an opioid prescribing rate that was three times the rest of the county, and if you drove out there, it was more than clear. There were wild dog packs running in the street. I had volunteered with the Food for Families food pantry one day and saw grandmothers taking care of children because the parents had checked out and were living with addiction. It wasn’t all that different from the reality that Sofie and I had grown up with, but it was more remote and there weren’t as many services for the families and children who suffered from the impact of substance use disorders.

  “Well, I just moved to this town. My name is Gracie. What’s yours?”

  “Ariana.” She slammed her eyes back to her book.

  “Well, it’s really nice to meet you, and I hope that we get to see each other again soon. There aren’t that many females our age in this town, and it would be great to go out for coffee some time. I actually work in social media marketing and I’d be happy to get your store out there, if it isn’t already. Here’s my card. My fees are super reasonable for local people.” I winked at her and paid for the pink tulle skirt that had caught my eye.

  I couldn’t resist a tulle skirt. I walked out the door to meet Sofie.

  I stepped out of Under My Spell onto the sidewalk and started down the street toward the salon.

  Suddenly, Luke stepped out in front of me after exiting the Briarville Meat Co. I nearly collided into his huge chest.

  I sucked my breath in. Just the sight of him stunned me. That this man expressed his interest in me when I was sure he could have any girl of his choice took my breath away. The sheer size of him made my insides quiver. Heat trickled down to the apex of my thighs like someone had turned a heater on between my legs.

  “Little Girl,” he said in his deep, cocoa-coated voice. This time, the champagne bubbles skittered up my belly, pouring themselves over the tips of my nipples. I was like the Dita Von Tease of this little cow town, spinning naked in my imaginary champagne glass, spinning sparkly tassles on my boobies, all the men in the room longing after me. At least, that’s what it felt like.

  “Hey, Daddy,” I said, looking down at the sidewalk, unable to meet his eye.

  He grabbed both my wrists in his hand and swung them slowly behind my back so that they rested at the top of my buttocks, poking my chest out at him.

  “What are you up to?”

  “I’m going to meet Sofie for a girl’s date at the salon. We’re having pedicures.”

  “That sounds delightful. I’d love to watch, but I have a few more things to take care of in town.”

  “How did your appointment go this morning? Did you get everything sorted out?”

  “What do you know about that?”

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I overheard you talking on the phone. It sounded like you were going to see a counselor.”

  “I’ll tell you about that later,” he snarled and swooped his soft, hard lips down on mine. He pulled my lower lip into his mouth and teased at it with his tongue.

  I inhaled the aroma of his unique perfume, which emanated from his pores and not from any bottle of scent. I couldn’t help it: I moaned.

  And I was not quite oblivious to the fact that news of this kiss on the sidewalk, out in broad daylight, would spread like wildfire in this tiny town.

  I couldn’t care less.

  In fact, just the thought of giving the small-town gossips something to talk about made me suck in a lungful of air and raise my chin up to kiss him harder. This time, it was me nibbling around the edges of his lips and swiping at them with my tongue. He was forced to take a step backward and let up his grip on my wrists. This allowed me to grab two fistfuls of his flannel shirt, pull him toward me, and kiss him even harder.

  This time, it was him that groaned. I stopped kissing him suddenly.

  “Okay, Daddy; I’ll see you later. I stepped around him and walked toward the salon.

  I looked back over my shoulder and saw him standing there, two feet wide apart, still as a statue. Dumb struck.

  But I also saw that his huge shoulders heaved up and down, breathing hard, letting me know that I had accomplished my mission.

  I had cast a spell over my very own Daddy.



  I went back inside the meat company to pick up some tri-tip for that night. Sofie and Logan were coming over for a barbeque, almost making whatever this was between Gracie an
d I look like a normal relationship. One where we had friends over for dinner and cooked stuff; where all of us hung out, talking about the kinds of things couples talked about, instead of me being a craven fool whose mind was completely occupied with ripping Gracie’s clothes off and having her spend all her time naked in my house. Never letting her out. Keeping her captive like a tiny kitten that I could feed morning and night and pet whenever I wanted to.

  Thinking about her tiny form on the sidewalk, the way she had licked at my lips and teased me with her mouth, made me push both my hands through my hair, tug at my scalp, and let out a long, hard sigh.

  “What’s bugging you, Luke? What’s on your mind?”

  Heather had worked at this meat company forever and, by the quirk of her mouth, had seen what had just transpired on the sidewalk.

  “I’m sure you can guess what’s on my mind, Heather. I don’t need to tell you; you just witnessed it.”

  “Well, that’s wonderful news, Luke. It’s so good to see that you have a woman in your life again. It’s been too long since that mean old snake Sylvia left town. She sure as heck didn’t deserve you.”

  “Thanks, Heather. I appreciate it. But I just… I just don’t know what to do with this little girl.”

  “Mmmm… so she’s into Daddies, is she?”

  “Yes, I plan to be her Daddy come hell or high water; it’s just… I don’t know if I can take care of her properly. I shouldn’t even be talking about it, but I can’t stop thinking about it. I can’t get it off my mind. I wanna make her feel safe, but she’s had an upbringing that makes her so scared, so panicky sometimes.”

  Heather wrapped the tri-tip and placed masking tape over the neatly folded ends, just as if it was a Christmas present. She slid it across the high glass case toward me.

  “You know, Luke; if there’s one man who’s going to make a woman feel safe, it’s you. I’ve known you since elementary school, and you’ve always been kind to animals and to those kids who got picked on. You always stuck up for them. I have no doubt you’ll find a way to make this girl feel safe.

  “Mainly women just want to hear that they are appreciated and that they are cherished. If they feel those two things… well, then she will love you in the way you deserve.”

  “Thanks, Heather. I appreciate it. I sure hope you’re right. Right now, she’s driving me crazy.”

  “Well, Luke, sometimes that’s the way true love starts out. Honestly, that’s how it is between me and Bo. We drive each other crazy, not only inside the bedroom but outside the bedroom. Passion does make a person mad. As long as you respect each other and treat each other with care, it’ll all be okay.”

  “I suppose so.”

  I left the store and walked down the street, glancing in the salon to my right. Gracie and Sofie were sitting there chatting, completely oblivious to my presence at the window.

  Gracie had her legs exposed and her feet up. I couldn’t help but want to run my hands up those smooth calves, stroking her knees and then splaying open her thighs. I swear to God, I would do it right there in the salon if I could, not caring who saw.

  Oh my God, the beast was back. I walked down the sidewalk, passing the Country Girl store. I wanted to get something for Gracie. Something to show her how much I wanted to be her Daddy and have her be mine. Show her how much I wanted her to be my little girl that I could put over my lap at any given moment and smack until she forgot everything but my hand on her ass and how I was going to reign over her.

  All her hair in one hand, while spanking, spanking, spanking with the other. Then, when she agreed to behave, when she was whimpering and calling me Daddy, I would give her the gift that I saw in the window: a sweet, little bunny that I knew would make Gracie squeal with delight.

  I stepped inside and picked up the rabbit. It was so soft. I rubbed it to my cheek and was interrupted by giggles from the front of the store. A gaggle of three women were looking at me and laughing about my antics with the bunny.

  “Gotta make sure it’s soft enough,” I told them.

  Just a sweet bunny that Gracie could hold in her arms and hug tight to her so that it rested between her beautiful breasts.

  Oh God, I couldn’t stop thinking about her body and what it did to me. My cock was hard, and I hoped to God these tittering women didn’t notice it throbbing below the counter.

  What was I? Sixteen years old again? Gracie had me out of control, as if I were back in high school.

  I quickly purchased the rabbit and spun on my heel to hide my package as I exited the store.

  Cold showers were clearly a myth. Nothing would make this cock go down. Nothing but touching myself for relief.

  I thought about Gracie, her sweet pussy last night, and the way she had let me lick her little clit and suck it into my mouth. The way she had writhed on the sheets and tossed from side to side. The way I had slipped two fingers inside of that pussy while sucking gently on her clit until she came and I could feel her clench around me.

  Holding that thought, I grabbed myself in my hand and began to stroke. I added soap to make it slippery, pretending it was Gracie’s hand around me. Squeezing tighter and stroking faster and faster, I thought about rubbing her tits in my hand and squeezing her nipples between my fingers.

  God, she was so soft. She smelled so good. I rubbed just the head now. Squeezing harder and rubbing faster and faster until I finally came so hard that I had to fall against the wall of the shower stall and hold myself there. I listened to the pull of air through my lungs and mouth which finally slowed to a normal speed.

  After making myself come and having discussed things with that therapist that I’d rather avoid, I was tired. I went into my bedroom, fell onto my sheets, and lost consciousness.



  After Sofie and I had had our pedicures done, we decided to do a little window shopping. First, we took a trip to Sweetness and Delight to purchase two of the caramel truffles that we loved. I also decided to get some homemade vanilla cupcakes with buttercream frosting.

  They would be my secret weapon to perform a little life trick I had in mind on Daddy, to go along with my newfound confidence in my ability to stop him in his tracks. Just like I had done on the sidewalk.

  I needed him to understand that when he commanded me in the bedroom, it actually did make me feel secure and meant that I didn’t have any monsters under my mental bed. I could only concentrate on what was happening with my body and on what I wanted to do to his. Nothing else mattered.

  Our next stop was Bohemian Ecstasy. In the window display was an outfit I was enamored with: an opalescent costume which was basically suspenders connected to a very short skirt of half-inch sliced strips made from radiant rainbow-colored leather. The skirt reminded me of something a futuristic female gladiator would wear. I imagined myself wearing this only for Luke.

  I went in and checked out the pretty costume, also picking out some sexy stockings which I knew would drive him crazy.

  “These stockings are so great and versatile, you can wear them under anything or all by themselves for a special someone,” the clerk said as she tended to me. There was no mocking or embarrassment to her tone, which was the main reason as to why the store was so amazing.

  The young women who worked there appreciated every body type that came through the door and stocked sizes to accommodate all. They knew how to use all the sex toys that lined the two back walls of the store. They were also very happy to demonstrate or describe how each piece of equipment can be used to its best advantage.

  “Is there anything else I can help you with?”

  When I wore the stockings for Luke, my pussy and bum would be completely exposed and available to him. They needed a little something up top to complete the effect.

  “I’m wondering if you have any kind of shelf bra that supports and lifts the breasts but doesn’t cover any of the nipple?”

  The friendly clerk led me over to a selection of shelf bras, and I admired her rai
nbow-striped tights as she walked. She found my size in black and, when I tried it on, made even me have to admit that I looked stunning. My plump tits were held up almost as if a sign was pointing to my nipples that said, “Suck me”. Below the breast hung a silky black fringe. The effect was spectacular.

  “Tell you what. Is it okay if I just go ahead and wear these home today after paying?”

  “Of course,” she said. “We’ll give you a bag for the panties and bra you’re wearing so you can put them in there now. Is there anything else that you need? Toys? Lubricants?”

  “No, I’m good. I loooove this outfit. I think it will bring him to his knees.”

  “Your body is just luscious! I haven’t seen anyone fill out that bra like you do. It’s almost like it was made for you.”

  There were a few hours before tonight’s barbecue. Plenty of time to implement my sexy plan for Luke.

  Thankfully he had left the door open for me. It was a huge wooden contraption that was Moorish in its appearance, similar to doors I had seen in pictures of Morocco, and had a huge brass ring that served as the door handle. I twisted it, and it creaked in a reassuring, aged kind of way when I pushed it open. I locked it behind me.

  I paused in the bathroom and undressed, leaving on only the barely visible push-up bra and the garter belt stockings. Whereas the bra invited my nipples to be sucked, the stockings offered a similar invitation for my ass and pussy.

  As if I’m wearing an Alice in Wonderland cake box that says ‘eat me’, I thought to myself.

  “Luke?” I called out.

  No response.

  I wandered to the library but didn’t find him there. His truck was in the driveway, so I knew he was here somewhere. His bedroom door slowly swung inward, and I saw him there on the bed.

  Time to implement my provocative plan.

  I went back to the kitchen and fetched a vanilla cupcake which I placed on the nightstand of Luke’s bed. He looked gorgeous laying on his belly, his head to the side. His breathing was soft and slow.


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