Black Mesa Wolves Complete Series Boxset Bks 1-7

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Black Mesa Wolves Complete Series Boxset Bks 1-7 Page 23

by J. K Harper

  Yes. She held her own wolf captive inside her, like the coward she was.

  Never a coward, her wolf instantly thought. Only afraid of what is unknown. There is a difference.

  To her absolute horror, Rielle felt a prickling behind her eyes. She refused to cry.

  One tear slipped down her face. Then another.



  Maybe a half foot short of his taunting target, Caleb ate dirt. Hard. Growling and snapping, he tried to take a chunk out of Rafe's hide from where his brother had body checked him onto the ground.

  “He knows who they are!”

  “Be still! Fool,” Rafe added, his granite-like bark meant to be obeyed.

  Despite the blinding rage, Caleb responded to Rafe's command. His brother had had that Alpha-in-training demeanor his entire life. He'd always given off an air of quiet authority and had the ability to influence other wolves by sheer hierarchy ranking. His will wasn't as binding as that of the actual Alpha, but it was close.

  Caleb lay mostly still on the ground, body trembling from the desire to rip and maim and tear. He knew he would have stopped just short of actually touching the rogue. His father's word still held. But for a second there, he couldn't stop himself from the lunge itself. Hot blood dripping from his mouth....

  No killing. Rafe will make him tell us what he knows, his human whispered. Even so, agitation and barely restrained rage underscored the words.

  He growled.

  “Caleb,” Rafe said. “Enough. I want to take down one particular rogue myself,” he said in grim tones. Caleb knew his brother was thinking of the large speckled wolf who had threatened Sara. “But there is a proper way to do this. We adhere to Pack law. Always.”

  Tense silence held the wolves as Caleb struggled to control himself. The steel-grey rogue didn't move, either, although a defensive snarl still curled his lips back over his sharp teeth in pure instinctual reaction.

  Caleb let the scents of the mountain fill his nose. Tender grass shoots, the sweetness of wildflowers, a patch of blackberries not far off. Pines gave off their earthy scent touched with a hint of what humans called vanilla. The rough stink of a bear danced on the edges of the light breeze before being whirled away on the currents.

  And stabbed through all that were the fading scents of three rogues who had killed a young wolf pack member, thereby bringing their own death sentences down on themselves.

  Caleb growled again. Rafe shook him by the nape of his neck, jaws lightly closed on the fur there.

  “Trying.” Caleb spat out the word, keeping himself motionless beneath his brother's weight. “Make him talk.”

  Rafe whuffed out a rush of air and released his hold on Caleb's neck. Very carefully, he backed off maybe an inch. “Don't be stupid,” he said.

  Caleb jerked his head in a nod.

  “Okay, Luke,” Rafe said, swinging his large golden head toward the rogue. “You do know exactly to whom at least some of these scents belong, don't you?”

  Luke's mouth still curled up in disdain, but he managed a curt dip of his own head.

  Rafe sighed. “Let's hear it. You can't be an Alpha without protecting all wolves in the nearby packs by sharing your knowledge. And you still truly want to be Alpha of your own pack, correct? Sanctioned by the council?”

  A brief hesitation. Tate sat on his haunches, mindful of Rafe's authority but staring at Luke with an air that suggested he, too, might be interested in a fight. Caleb smiled grimly to himself as he watched the rogue bastard's body language very closely. It seemed the rogue battled with himself over something. Ultimately, though, his preference was clear.

  “That is what I have fought for my entire life. Yes.” The rogue's voice came out in part growl, part whine of tremendous frustration and still a bit of sorrow. “They are all from my old pack. One scent belongs to one of the three who attacked you and Sara earlier this year.”

  Rafe's eyes seemed to darken at this. Caleb remembered his brother's anguish after the attack, upset he'd been so unfocused and left Sara so vulnerable. If anything like that ever happened to Rielle...

  Why do I keep thinking about Rielle? his human muttered.

  Caleb whuffed. Because she is mine. He ignored his human's incomprehensible retort and directed his attention back to the rogue.

  “And one of them is....”

  “Is what?” Rafe urged as the rogue trailed off.

  Another unhappy small whine escaped Luke, although the snarl still roughed his lips. Caleb forced his breathing to keep steady as they all waited for the answer in the clear mountain air.

  “One of them is my brother.”

  * * *

  “I can't believe I'm crying. I don't even know why I'm crying. No, I do know. What is happening?” Rielle gasped out the last words between the sobs threatening to erupt at full volume.

  Otsana continued to stroke her hand with the seemingly absent-minded attention of a mother to a distressed cub, but Rielle saw the thoughtful look on the other wolf's face.

  “Just let it come out,” Otsana said. She smiled at Rielle. “This is natural.”

  Confused, Rielle nodded as her throat seized up again around the hiccuping sobs she tried to keep in. Deep inside, her wolf whined. Darn it. Her eyes were probably getting all swollen. Good thing Caleb wasn't in here to see her looking like an out-of-control idiot who cried over—what?

  “I'll bet you didn't think me asking you to help me with some research would be so dramatic, now did you?” Otsana's voice teased very gently.

  Rielle shook her head, still not trusting what would come out if she spoke again. Otsana had asked her for help looking up some very old, arcane medical information in the library's archives. Despite her initial disappointment at not being able to go into town, Rielle could still enjoy being in the comforting presence of books. Her adoration of the written word always confounded her fashionista human acquaintances in town, while her adoration of pretty, feminine clothing was looked down on by those female wolves in the pack who preferred to dress with more blatant sexiness than sweet sensuality. Caleb, though, didn't seem to remotely mind how she dressed. In fact, he seemed quite appreciative.

  Feels good with him, her wolf murmured. She sent an image of two wolves rubbing against one another, herself and a large male wolf who looked suspiciously like Caleb. Need him.

  “What?” The word burst out of Rielle, startling her. She looked quickly at Otsana. “I—my wolf is thinking things I'm not. Well, not really. Well, maybe. Somewhat. On occasion.” From closed-off throat to gushing idiocy. Wonderful. “What is going on with me?” she said in what could only be described as a plaintive wail.

  The smile still held Otsana's face in an open, encouraging expression. The words that followed, though, were direct.

  “My dear girl. Has this been happening much recently? Your wolf and you not being quite on the same page.”

  Rielle dropped her eyes and studied the backs of her hands.

  “You matured a little late, I recall.” Otsana's voice soothed, despite the words making Rielle want to disappear into a dark hidey-hole. “Always the reader, always designing clothes, always under your mother's watchful eye. That one worried herself into knots over her only cub while you grew up.” Otsana sighed as if with past regret, then briskly shook her head. “You weren't terribly interested in running after the same thing the rest of the Pack females your age were. Boys, boys, and more boys. You were quiet, you enjoyed your studies, you were far more interested in Pack history than discussing the Pack's current crop of eligible males.”

  Rielle couldn't even nod. This was mortifying. Although strangely relieving as well. It felt like she was at confession, having some great burden taken off her shoulders.

  Pausing, the Alpha's mate chuckled somewhat ruefully. “Your parents were overprotective, to be sure. I'm sure your mother could see how pretty you were, especially since you loved to dress up. I think she felt calmed that you were more intrigued by how dress patterns
fit on you than ostentatiously showing off how they looked on you. Rielle, you turned many a young wolf's head when you hit your teens.”

  “I did?” Rielle finally found her voice, although her surprise level remained the same.

  Otsana smiled at her again. “You were never self-absorbed when you were younger. Still aren't, which is a trait that will serve you well throughout your lifetime. However,” she went on more briskly. “You're well a grown woman now, and more importantly, you're a grown wolf. One I haven't seen out on a run for a long time. One I haven't seen in wolf form for a long time.”

  Her wolf whined in agreement. Run. Rielle sensed something she didn't want to hear was about to be laid out in the harsh light of reality.

  Otsana reached out a gentle finger and tipped up Rielle's head so she was forced to look into those understanding green eyes. She knew exactly what was coming and felt the irrational desire to leap to her feet and flee the suddenly pressing room. Her wolf pushed up closer to the surface, conversely wanting to hear whatever was about to be spoken. Rielle felt strangely torn in two.

  “Rielle, you need to mate. You never have, am I correct?”

  “Oh, my god.” She closed her eyes. This was beyond humiliating. A fiery wash heated her cheeks, her nose, her forehead, her entire face. In fact, it seemed her entire body flamed with embarrassment. This was definitely not a conversation her own mother had ever had with her. Even though Rielle knew every single word of it was true.

  “Being a virgin isn't the end of the world.” Otsana's voice was still soothing.

  “Please feel free to just kill me right now,” Rielle whispered. “Although I might die right here on the spot before you have to do it.”

  Otsana tapped Rielle's hand, causing the younger wolf to open her eyes again. Otsana's face was filled with the sort of compassion Rielle had learned from her. Tears welled up again despite her suddenly savage attempt to keep them back.

  “Rielle, it's nothing to be frightened of. It's part of being a wolf. And your wolf needs you to mate.”

  Yes, her wolf whispered. She sent a sensation of abandon and pleasure and pure delight in a sensual moment pouring through Rielle's head. The welter of confusion gripping her entire body threatened to make her explode in a scatter of crazed, howling escape.

  “That's why she's speaking through you. She needs you to release her. You need to release you.” Otsana's voice turned grave and her eyes sharpened their gaze on Rielle. “I know you love spending time in the human world. I know you love your job in town. But you are Pack, Rielle.” Her tone sharpened more, although not with anger. With the intensity of conviction. “You are a member of this family. As such, you owe it to not only yourself but to us to live as completely and fully as a wolf shifter does.”

  Rielle nodded. “I know. I know. But, it's just all so—so....”

  The struggle for the correct words shocked her already shocked system. She never had to search for the right word. Language was as effortless as breathing for her.

  “Rielle.” Otsana's voice sounded with firm resolve. “There is nothing to fear about it. Not with the right one, that is. And you have your eye on someone, don't you?”

  Rielle's heart almost jolted to a horrified stop. Did Otsana somehow know about Caleb? Not that there was anything to know. Because nothing had happened yet. Although they had been on a sort-of date. Where he'd sort of checked her out, head to toe. And she'd imagined kissing him. And maybe more.

  Noting Rielle's expression, Otsana quickly reassured her. “It's only obvious to me because of how you're reacting now. If your wolf is trying to get out, it means you've been holding her back. And that means you're not allowing yourself the full expression of being a wolf. But if you're interested in someone, she's more eager to come to the forefront, because that's a big part of being a wolf.”

  “Oh,” Rielle said in a faint tone. This was like being in Wolf Shifter 101 class. Not that there was such a thing. “Right.”

  “So,” Otsana went on. Rielle would have sworn—if she swore, that is—she saw a mischievous twinkle in the other wolf's eye. “Is it someone from our Pack?”

  “Ahh,” Rielle managed to get out. She wondered if her cheeks were flaming purple by now. This shouldn't be so difficult to discuss. But it was.

  The door to the library suddenly swung open, startling them both. One of the Pack's younger wolves, Ana Lyall, peeked in with a searching look on her face. Both wolves immediately picked up on her taut body stance. As soon as she saw Otsana, relief swept across her graceful features.

  “Alpha sent me. Hey, Ree,” she added with a nod. Rielle smiled tentatively and nodded back. She and Ana were the same age and had spent a lot of time together as cubs, though they'd drifted apart somewhat over the past few years since Rielle had been spending more time in town. “The patrol is back,” Ana went on, voice nervous. “I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but Caleb is frothing at the mouth about the prisoners downstairs.”

  Otsana's lips twisted wryly even as she looked intently at Ana. “That sounds exactly like my youngest,” she said, eliciting a faint giggle from Ana and even a brief smile from Rielle.

  Ana stepped into the library. “Well, that's true. But what I mean is, it's kind of bad enough that Alpha sent me for you. And, actually, you,” she finished, looking directly at Rielle.

  Rielle creased her brow, half rising from the couch at the worry in Ana's tone. “Me? Why?”

  Ana shrugged, an elegant movement that seemed to come naturally to her. “Don't know. But Alpha sent me to find you both and ask you to come downstairs. Now,” she added. The urgency in her voice sparked across the room. “I guess the captives said they're from that pack in Canada.” Ana paused and stole an apprehensive glance at Otsana. “Um, the rogue alpha's old pack? I mean, Luke's old pack,” she amended hurriedly. “Something about being sent by a Fen Rawlins?”

  Otsana's sharp inhale and sudden alertness was obvious to both younger wolves. They instantly tensed like coiled springs waiting to be set off. Rielle's wolf surged so quickly and hard to the surface she almost gasped as well. This was the strongest she'd felt her wolf's presence yet.

  With a shake of her head and a firm setting of her lips, Otsana looked at Rielle as she stood and caught her hand, pulling her all the way up. “You need to be very present for this, dear. You are needed,” she said in a lower voice, looking hard at Rielle. By Caleb, were her unspoken last words. Rielle didn't need to hear them out loud to know what Otsana meant. Alpha's mate knew indeed exactly who Rielle had her eye on. Right now, though, nothing mattered except to get to him.

  Heart suddenly battering her rib cage, Rielle could only nod as Otsana tugged her out of the room toward the holding cells in the basement.


  Caleb roared into the room like a freight train jumping the tracks. Even Rafe's breath practically on his neck didn't stop him, despite his brother's raised voice and grip on Caleb's shoulder.

  His murderous gaze landed on two caged cells against the wall of the basement, which held two visibly nervous rogues. Their fear stink filled the room. Bastards had it good. The cells were nice. Clean, well-lit, comfortable. Hot meals daily, private bathrooms, kindness and courteous behavior from their captors. The rogues who'd tried to kill his brother and his brother's mate were living in damn high style, even if they were locked up.

  That didn't matter, though. They were part of what seemed to be an insurrection. For that, Caleb had no forgiveness in his heart.

  Another sudden flurry at the door announced more wolves rushing in. A light, feminine exclamation behind him had Caleb pivoting on his heel. His gaze met Rielle's. Her velvet brown eyes were dark, her mouth slightly open as she took in the high tension of the scene. He barely registered his mother and another wolf with her. Rielle's presence filled almost all his senses at once. His wolf immediately rumbled, Mine, sending out a wave of protectiveness and possession so every other wolf in the room would know it, too.

  He wanted to
yank her out of there, away from the rogues. He wanted to pull her close to him, feeling those curves and the softness under her pretty little dress, run his hands along those legs ending in her sexy heels. He wanted to lick her neck, nibble gently at her lips, claim her mouth with his.

  He'd never felt such a rush of pure emotion before, except when fighting. The urge to protect the small, gorgeous little wolf hovering indecisively in the doorway overwhelmed everything else. Swinging back toward the cages, he growled in sheer menace. His wolf was so close to the surface the sounds came out more animal than human. The rogues in the cages, both in human form, each slid their bodies against the back walls, alarmed expressions quickly becoming naked fear.

  Up on the mountain, as soon as the bastard rogue alpha had admitted his family's part in the whole situation, Caleb had almost lost what little control he'd gained over himself. There was some sort of plot afoot, it involved Luke's family, and nothing made sense. In Caleb's world, that meant treachery and false alliances that were nothing more than bullshit.

  Like Luke Rawlins' so-called desire to be a real Alpha, with a real Pack. Nothing but smoke and mirrors.

  “Caleb, back off!” Rafe's low order sounded in his ear. This time, though, it didn't stop his advancing steps toward the cages. Not only was his entire Pack threatened, and a neighboring allied pack, but Rielle. His wolf was aroused beyond reason. He would wrench the truth from these miserable cowards no matter how he had to do it.

  “Like hell I will! He wouldn't tell us the truth.” Caleb let his enraged tone carry to Luke, who stood impassively in the room next to a still unsettled Tate. Caleb stalked toward the cages. “But you two will. Right now.” He bared human teeth in a snarl prompted by his wolf, still dangerously amped up from the patrol and the knowledge they'd learned.

  A voice cracked across the room like a pistol shot.


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