To Crave Darkly: Trials Of A Morta: Book One

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To Crave Darkly: Trials Of A Morta: Book One Page 13

by Bailey Grayson

  Lori’s worried gaze met mine, and she took a step toward me. “Are you ok?”

  I put a hand up to halt her progress. It wasn’t safe for her to be near me. I was very far from ok. “I’m fine. I’ll be back shortly. You’ll be safe with Levi.”

  And with that I turned I ran. I ran away from her like a coward and my beast screamed painfully in protest. He wasn’t going to forgive me for this.

  Chapter 16


  I watched as Jasper practically ran out the room, disappearing into the darkness on the other side of the huge glass window. What was eating him?

  I turned to the friendly-looking guy that Jasper had called Levi. He looked to be in his mid-thirties, but for all I knew, he could be hundreds of years old. Large round glasses perched on the bridge of his straight nose, which on another man would be a harsh feature, but on Levi it seemed to add to his pleasant demeanour. Perhaps that was because his wide smile overshadowed all his other features. His bright red hair stood up in all directions like he spent most of the day tugging it in frustration and his green eyes glowed with his thirst for knowledge.

  “Do you know what that was about? It looked like he couldn’t wait to leave.” I was concerned. Jasper had looked like he was struggling with something and I felt like it was my fault. If it was, then I wanted to put it right.

  “I have a theory, but I don’t think it would be right for me to tell you.”

  I turned back to Levi and caught the sheepish look in his eyes. He definitely knew something and as much as I wanted to wheedle the answer out of him, I knew it was probably something that I should speak to Jasper directly about. I’d leave it for now, but I wasn’t going to let Jasper get away with running away from me.

  “Shall we sit?” he asked, his voice pleasant and soft. I still wasn’t sure I could trust him. I didn’t know him, but his eyes seemed kind and Jasper had said that I could. I eyed him warily as I took a leap of faith and sat down with him.

  “How are you feeling?” His voice was sincere, and the question felt genuine.

  “Honestly, I’m overwhelmed.”

  Soft lines appeared around his eyes as he smiled. “I imagine it’s a lot to take in.”

  I snorted. “You’re not kidding.” I leaned back against the wall and stared at the ceiling. Weariness was finally starting to settle in my soul. “How is any of this real? I just…”

  Words failed me. How was I ever going to understand any of this? Everything still felt so far-fetched and beyond belief that I couldn’t even begin to start to wrap my head around it. Vampires were real, the demons were real, magic was real. Hell, I wasn’t even human any more. I was a Sin Reaper, whatever the fuck that was. A thunderstorm swirled round my mind, drowning my sense of normality and understanding of the world. I felt lost and adrift with nowhere to turn. I looked to Levi, my eyes desperately pleading for help.

  “I just want to go home.” God, that sounded pathetic, but I missed my little house. It was mine. I’d worked damn hard to own that pile of bricks and mortar and I had filled it with all my things. I was proud of that space. I belonged there. What would happen to it now that I wasn’t there to take care of it?

  I didn’t belong here in this world full of vampires and demons. I felt like an outcast.

  “It’s ok to feel overwhelmed, Lori. You’ve been brutally thrust into this world. It’s alright to feel like you don’t have a sure footing. You just need to take things one step at a time.”

  “I don’t want to. I never asked for any of this.”

  Sympathy spread across his features. “I know, and I am sorry, but you can’t go home. Until we figure out who is trying to harm you, this is the safest place for you.”

  “But that’s what I don’t understand!” I yelled. “Nobody is telling me anything. Why is someone after me? Why did Orion mark me? I’m just a bartender from the middle of nowhere. Tell me, Levi, what makes me so special?”

  He looked to the floor and guilt sat like lead in my stomach. I hadn’t meant to shout at him. He was being nice and I’d been an asswipe and snapped at him.

  “I’m sorry,” I mumbled. “That was a bitchy thing to do.”

  Levi’s warm gaze met mine, and I was struck again by how compassionate he looked. A glint of amusement sparkled in his green eyes and a small smile played about his mouth.

  “It would take more than that to offend me.”

  I believed that. He probably had to put up with a lot surrounded by surly vampires like Jasper. My chest ached when I thought about Jasper. For some reason I needed him here. I sighed. Yet something else I didn’t understand.

  My life used to be so organised. Granted, there wasn’t too much to it. It was the same routine pretty much day in day out, but it was my life and I had control over everything. Now, I was in borrowed clothes, surrounded by people I didn’t know. I had no idea when I last ate or where my next meal was coming from and I had no idea what the world wanted from me.

  “Who is Orion?” Levi’s words dragged me from my thoughts.

  “The demon who marked me. I don’t know his real name, but it annoyed me that he didn’t share it so I stupidly gave him one, and now it seems I am tied to him with this.” I pulled my shirt to the side to show him the mark. Levi leaned in closer to inspect the design.

  “May I?” he asked, glancing up from my chest. I nodded, giving him my consent to do whatever he needed to do. His fingers were gentle as they brushed my shirt further aside and I stared up at the ceiling to give him better access. I listened to his little sighs of concentration and musing as he twisted his head this way and that trying to look at the mark from all angles. His fingers touched the mark and an uncomfortable sharp sting sliced through my chest. I hissed at the sudden flare of pain and Levi removed his fingers instantly.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled. “Interesting.”

  Was it? It didn’t feel interesting to me. It felt invasive. Orion, whoever he was, had gone and let me walk myself into this situation. I didn’t know anything about this world. He had used that to his advantage and now we were bonded. I didn’t know what that entailed exactly, but I did know it felt completely irrevocable. Orion was clearly smart. He hadn’t lied per se, but he had withheld certain things that would have avoided me making this bond and to me that was a bigger sin. It was devious and manipulative and I despised him for it. As the rage at his actions sank deeper into my mind a soft fluttering gently rippled across my skin. It was soothing and stopped my rage from growing into a full-blown temper.

  “Very interesting.” I had almost forgotten Levi was there. I turned to look at him and found him studying me with keen interest. His eyes weren’t on my face though. They were focused on my breasts. I scowled and was about to make a snarky comment until I realised that I had subconsciously raised my hand to the mark and was at this very moment stroking my thumb across it.

  Instantly I dropped my hand. Fucking demon. We were going to have some serious words next time we met. This was ridiculous. I needed to find a way to get rid of this mark, I didn’t want it and I certainly didn’t want a demon having such easy access to my mind and body. It was creepy as fuck. I ignored the little twinge in my chest at the thought. Clearly Orion could sense how I felt from wherever he was. Well, good. He should know how pissed off I was. I hope he was sat there stewing whilst he felt my anger. I needed to know more about who I was and Orion would just have to wait.

  It was definitely time for some answers.

  “Levi, what’s a Sin Reaper?”

  His face fell at my question, the charming smile disappearing as fast as his brow descended. That wasn’t a good sign.

  “Please, just tell me. I need to know.”

  He took a deep breath. “There isn’t much on Sin Reapers. They exist very much as the Bogey Man of the supernatural world. All we really know is that they are very powerful, almost as powerful as the Devil himself. I was researching them when Jasper called me.”

  “How did you know to look at those

  A spark of excitement lit his green eyes behind his dark rimmed spectacles as he launched into his explanation. “Jasper said that when you attacked him you singled out all the dark emotions. That you targeted the memories in his mind that were full of rage, pain, and so on. Well, from what I can gather, a Sin Reaper essentially feeds on sins. They connect to their victim and drain their soul of all their sins and convert the sins they steal into pure dark energy.”

  “Dark energy? What would my body do with that?”

  “I suppose you would use it to bolster your powers.”

  I snorted. “Powers? I don’t have any powers.”

  “I beg to differ, Lori. What do you think you did to Jasper? You must know you’re not entirely human anymore. You’re at least a little bit supernatural, and most likely immortal.”

  My jaw dropped. Oh god, I felt like I was going to throw up. This can’t be happening.

  Levi looked at me curiously. “Tell me, how do you feel?”

  A manic bubble of laughter gurgled up my throat. “Like I’m in some crazy dream and I am desperate to wake up.”

  “Apart from that, do you feel more powerful?”

  I frowned. I didn’t really want to examine how I felt but I sensed that Levi was only trying to help, so I turned my thoughts inwards and took stock of what my body was doing. I didn’t feel more powerful, but I did feel like there was something different. Like there was something sitting in my skin that wasn’t quite me.

  “I’m not sure. I do feel like there is something there that wasn’t there before,” I mused.

  Levi pursed his lips in thought. “Perhaps you expended some of it with Jasper…” He broke off and a blush crept up my neck. He meant when I decided to stick my tongue down Jasper’s throat.

  He coughed nervously, clearly as embarrassed as I was. “Sorry, I’m not very good at keeping my thoughts to myself. I think better when I talk out loud.” He grinned sheepishly and I couldn’t help but chuckle. He was such a nerd.

  “So, what happens to the victim?” I asked. I wanted to know what I had done to Jasper. It pained me that I had hurt him, more than I think it should have done.

  “Well,” Levi pondered, “going off the few texts and stories I can get my hands on, when a Sin Reaper feeds, they attack the soul. So, logic would suggest the more they feed, the more soul they take.”

  Ew. “I ate Jasper’s soul?”

  “Like I said, I don’t have much to go on. But when I examined Jasper there was nothing physically wrong with him… he was just showing symptoms of exhaustion… but perhaps it’s not the soul you eat?”

  Levi’s eyes glazed over as he disappeared into thought.

  “Yes!” he said so suddenly my heart jumped. “What if it’s not about the soul? What if it’s about the energy?”

  I raised an eyebrow. “The dark energy?”

  Levi stood up and started to pace in front of me. Jasper was right. This guy did seem to thrive when he had a puzzle to solve.

  “What if the Sin Reaper steals the sins for energy? Like how an incubus feeds off sexual energy but a Sin Reaper’s isn’t limited to just one form of energy.”

  “You did say Jasper was tired,” I added.

  “Yes, but we would have to run some tests to make sure. I’ll need you to come to my lab so we can start figuring this all out. Would you mind?”

  Would I mind? Yes. I bloody well would. But if it would help me get some answers…

  “Sure, I’ll do that.”

  Levi smiled like Christmas had come early and I suddenly regretted agreeing to be a willing lab rat. Oh god. What had I done?

  I wasn’t given a chance to think about it. Levi grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet before eagerly dragging me to his secret lair.


  Levi’s secret lair had turned out to be an ordinary medical laboratory. I had almost expected to be greeted by a dark room with giant glass cases filled with humanoid shapes submerged in some kind of gloopy substance. But it was a bright white space, clean and very clinical.

  “Are you a Doctor or a scientist?” I asked as he finished taking another vial of my blood.

  “I’m actually both. I trained as a Doctor but my desire to question the unknown pushed me down a more research-based path. Here in the Conclave, I am given the opportunity to do both. My research has proven invaluable and I am also very adept at patching up the various different species that find their way into the Med Bay. All done for now.” He smiled up at me as he placed a plaster on the injection site.

  “That’s it? No Reaping experiments?” I was disappointed. I thought we were going to start getting some answers.

  “I need to examine your blood work first. It will give me a better idea of what we’re looking at. Besides, you’ve been through a lot. I think some rest will do you a world of good.”


  “Doctor’s orders, Lori. Now, Jasper should be here to take you back to the Base. I think you’ll be staying with Jasper and his team for a while. I’ll go find him.”

  I wasn’t left alone for long. Jasper strode into the room and his gaze immediately locked with mine. My heart soared at the sight of him.

  I saw his nostrils flare and his gaze flicked to the vials Levi had left on the counter next to me. His jaw visibly clenched and his eyes darkened to a deep sapphire blue. My pulse spiked in anticipation. Heat pooled at my core and I suddenly wanted to feel him against me. To feel his skin against mine, his mouth on my flesh, his back beneath my nails as I marked him as mine.


  Whoa. That was not a natural response. What the fuck?

  A soft growl filled the air. Wait. That was me. I made that sound.

  Jasper took a step toward me.

  Yes, come to me. Take me.

  “Well, she’s free to go.” Levi walked back into the room and the tension snapped like a rubber band. Jasper’s face fell in horror and dread settled in my stomach. What the hell was that?

  Levi looked between us, clearly oblivious to the fact that I was about to throw myself at the vampire.

  “Shall I come back tomorrow, Levi?” My voice was breathy, and I still had my eyes locked with Jasper’s.

  “Only if you feel up to it. Have Jasper or one of his team escort you here when you’re ready. It’s dangerous out there.” Levi came up to me and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. The movement distracted me from staring at Jasper and Levi’s cool green gaze found mine. Jasper took that moment to leave the room. He was leaving me behind again. He was such a pain in the ass.

  “Better catch up. I don’t think he’s going to wait for you.” Levi chuckled as I grabbed my jacket and ran out the lab to chase after Jasper. He’d already made it to the end of the corridor, and I had to run to catch up to him.

  “Why do you move so fast?” I asked breathlessly.

  He snorted but didn’t answer. I rolled my eyes. Right. Vampire speed.

  “Levi said I’m moving into the Base with you. Is that right?”


  Great. We were back to one-word answers. My gut told me it had something to do with whatever had just happened in the lab and earlier in the holding cell. Memories of his mouth devouring mine flashed before my eyes and a shaky breath escaped my lips as I tried to dispel them. I really needed to get a handle on my libido. I’d never been this desperate for sex in my life.

  Jasper had stopped a few paces in front of me. His back was ramrod straight and his fists clenched at his sides. Whatever was happening between us was affecting him too, but I figured that Jasper was probably just going to ignore it and hope it would go away. Somehow, I knew that it wasn’t going to go away. Knowing my luck, it was probably only going to get worse and that thought settled uneasily in my stomach.

  I huffed out a breath and forcibly turned my mind to other things.

  “I thought you wanted to get rid of me. Why am I moving in with you all of a sudden?”

  “Plans change,” he replied bluntly.<
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  “You don’t have to be such a dick about it.”

  That got his attention. He looked at me over his shoulder, pure murder blazing in his eyes. He let out one of his maddeningly frustrating sighs and I rolled my eyes at him.

  “Come on, Jasper. Whether we like it or not, we are stuck together. The least you can do is be a man about it and not behave like a petulant child.”

  He growled at me and a smirk crept across my face. It was way too much fun winding him up.

  “Nobody talks to me the way you do,” he snarled as he turned his body round to face me.

  I marched right up to him. “Well, maybe it’s about time someone did.”

  He grunted before leaning down to whisper in my ear. “If you were under my command, I’d punish that smart mouth of yours.”

  Wetness pooled between my thighs. Yes. God yesss.

  I felt the tip of his tongue flick the shell of my ear and I leaned into him. Then he took a step backwards and looked down at me with a sadistic gleam in his eyes.

  “Come on. I’ll get you settled back at the base and you can meet the rest of my team.”

  Then he turned on his heel and strode off down the corridor leaving me in a pool of my own desire. Urgh. Stupid vampire. He was so infuriating.

  “I hope they aren’t all as grumpy as you,” I shouted down the corridor after him.

  His laugh echoed back. “No. Some of them are worse. Much worse.”


  Chapter 17


  For a military base, this was not what I was expecting. I expected barracks, a mess hall, large buildings, hangers and obstacle courses. Not a giant mansion that looked better suited to a horror film than a base of operations. It was huge. And it had a turret. A fucking turret.

  I was almost disappointed there wasn’t a moat surrounding the place.


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