Rise of the Necrotics (Book 5): Bob's Bargain Basement

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Rise of the Necrotics (Book 5): Bob's Bargain Basement Page 4

by Bates, Bradford

  “We wait, and hope the cops find something better to do. We can’t be the only ones trying to make a run for it.”

  “And maybe get some sleep,” Holly added stifling a yawn.

  I looked around the inside of the loading dock and then back to Holly. “We better poke around first and lock as much of this area down as we can.”

  Holly pulled out one of her nine millimeters and started walking towards the only other door we could see from our position. “Who knows, maybe they have donuts.”

  I started to follow her, pulling the Desert Eagle free from my hip. Most of the open space was filled with empty pallets, but there were a few that still had plastic wrapped packages on them. A quick glance as I walked by confirmed they were full of canned food. What kind of store had we broken into?

  Holly stopped at the door and made sure I was following before yanking on the handle. The door didn’t budge. She tried it again and then put her shoulder into the door as she pushed. Nothing happened, and she let out a growl of frustration. “You want to give it a try?”

  That was one of those trick questions women liked to ask. Say yes, and you’re a chauvinist pig, say no, and you’re not doing enough to help. It was like walking a tightrope when you had to answer a question like that, but I’d been walking one all day. “I think you’ve proven that you know how to open a door.”

  “Asshole,” Holly muttered as she turned around to see what I was doing.

  “I was just thinking we could tie it off to make sure someone can’t open it without us knowing, and then we should eat something.” I looked back toward the Bronco. “If the cops haven’t found us by the end of the meal, I’d say we're safe to take a nap.”

  “But what about the donuts?” Holly asked sounding forlorn.

  “I don’t have any donuts, but I happened to spy something just as good.” Turning away from Holly I holstered my gun and pulled out my utility knife. A few deft cuts later and I was tossing a box of Honey Buns to Holly. “I’m going to see what else is back here. We might as well try and save our dehydrated food for the road.”

  Holly smiled as she looked over the box of sugary sweets. “I’ll go see if I can find something to make the floor a little softer. Sleeping in the Bronco just doesn’t seem that appealing.”

  “You mean you’re not into the smell of cheap cigars and BO?” I couldn’t keep the snark from my voice.

  Holly didn’t miss a beat. “Speaking of BO, maybe you can track down some water and take a shower.”

  “I’m not the only one.”

  “Whatever,” Holly quipped before taking a sniff at her shirt. “At least I was in a helicopter crash. What’s your excuse?”

  “You’re right. It probably doesn’t have anything to do with the man you shot in the head earlier during our mad dash out of the hospital.” I felt the smile spreading across my lips. “But I learned a long time ago to never argue with a woman when she’s right.” I gave my own shirt a sniff. “And you’re right.” I started chuckling at the look of disgust on Holly’s face. “I’ll find the water.”

  Holly started walking back toward the Bronco, and I turned into the maze of pallets and continued poking around. It didn’t take long to track down some water. Along with our new water supply I managed to locate a couple cans of chili and a package of hotdogs. The meal wasn’t going to win any awards, but it would do for now.

  Returning to the Bronco, I saw Holly had found some foam packing sheets and had made us a couple of beds. Our sleeping bags were on them, and she even had the mini camp stove out in preparation for my return. Holly took the cans and the hotdogs from me and set them down, before grabbing one of the two and half gallon water jugs from me.

  “Let’s get cleaned up before dinner. I try and make it a priority to not eat before I’m clean.” Holly moved to the other side of the Bronco for some privacy.

  With Holly out of sight I started stripping out of my gear. A full shower would have to wait, but since I had a clean shirt in the Bronco I used mine to give myself a good scrubbing. It wasn’t ideal, but after the day I’d had it felt pretty damn refreshing. I finished by dumping a bunch of water over my head and shaking myself dry.

  I turned around to find Holly staring at me. She quickly masked the look of desire on her face, if there had even been one in the first place. I was tired, and not exactly in the position to be evaluating someone’s facial expressions. If she was interested, it was going to have to wait. Not that every part of me didn’t want to try and indulge in a little end of the world lovemaking, but it would have to wait.

  Holly handed me a shirt as I walked up. I slipped into it and motioned for her to take a seat. She sat down, and I started cracking open the cans of chili and dumping them in a pot. Once the chili was in, I added the cut hot dogs. Every single father’s go-to meal. Hot dogs were simple enough anyone could make them and feel like a champion.

  “Not sure that’s going to help with the smell?” Holly said with a laugh as she gazed at the pot of bubbling chili.

  “The smell thing I can’t control, but it sure is going to taste good.” If there was one thing I loved, it was unhealthy food, and lots of it. “Even if this is the worst chili in the world I’m hungry enough to eat all of it.”

  “You’re not the only one,” Holly grinned as she picked up her fork ready to defend her half of the pot.

  Things hadn’t exactly gone the way I wanted, but we were safe for now. When we got up it would be time to start moving again. Whatever happened, we had to find a way to stay one step ahead of this thing. And at some point we’d have to reach out to the Hilltop Initiative and let them know we were coming. Maybe we’d even rate high enough for a ride, or at least Holly would.

  The risky part would be getting in touch with the Hilltop without giving away our position to Director Chen. I’d have to breach the subject with Holly soon, and I knew she wasn’t going to like it. She deserved to get a little rest before she had to start worrying again, so that conversation would have to wait. I picked up a bowl and started ladling out some slop. Holly accepted the bowl gratefully, and once I had my own ready we started to dig in.

  This one goes out to Daniel. The man is as tough as rocks, and has a soul that refused to wither and die. There is a long road ahead of you my friend, but I know you will face the challenges head on, with smile of gritty determination on your face.


  Ascendancy Legacy

  The Arena

  Jar of Souls

  Guardian of the Grove

  Demon Stone

  The Rising Darkness


  Ascendancy Origins

  Rise of the Fallen

  Butcher of the Bay

  Night of the Demon

  The Bozley Green Chronicles


  The Galactic Outlaws

  Forced Compliance

  Genetic Purge

  Smuggler’s Legacy

  The Black Citadel

  Fortune Hunters

  Star Talon

  Lost Signal

  A Galactic Outlaws Story

  The Marchenko Incident

  Smuggler for Hire

  Origin Ice

  The Forgotten System

  Reapers of Justice

  Shadow of the Empire

  Standalone Titles

  Rise of the Necrotics

  Crimson Stars




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