Protecting His Brat

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Protecting His Brat Page 27

by Sorcha Black

  I touched her again, and she screamed, writhing on top of me, her poor, tortured nipples hot against my chest, probably chafing against my chest hair.

  Fuck. I was so fucking close.

  “That’s right, sweetheart. Use that little pussy to massage the cum out of Daddy’s cock.”

  Her body was clutching mine so hard that moments later my own orgasm shot through me, making me groan as I took over, using her trembling body to masturbate with. She went limp in my arms as her orgasm passed.

  She didn’t try to escape, and I enjoyed feeling her there on top of me. I ran my hands over her back and ass in long, languid strokes. When she sighed, I tucked her head under my chin. She leaned up to kiss me, making my cock slide out of her, but I was too blissed-out and sleepy to object.

  “Are you really going to end things with me when we get home?” she asked in a small voice, jerking me out of a doze.

  “I should, but I don’t know if I can bring myself to do it. Maybe you should end things instead. It would be a good decision.”

  “It would be the worst decision,” she declared stubbornly, digging her nails into my chest beside where her cheek rested. “I don’t care what the consequences are—if you want to end things, you’ll have to do it yourself.”

  “I don’t want to, Aberdeen,” I reminded her. “There’s no other choice. You can’t throw away your life because you like fucking your bodyguard.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” she snapped, pushing herself upright and straddling my stomach. “You don’t get to dom me into breaking up with you, you big…jerk. If you want to dump me, you’re going to have to do it yourself. Our relationship isn’t only about sex—not for me. I don’t believe it is for you either.”

  “Well, no.”

  “Do you love me or don’t you?”

  “Love doesn’t solve everything.”

  “I’m not that naïve. It doesn’t solve everything, but my money doesn’t wreck everything either. We can take our time and see how things go. I’m not dragging you to the altar.”

  God, she was glorious when she was angry. No more little girl now, not with the warrior queen sitting astride me.

  “No? I think you’re already picturing walking down the aisle. So, who the hell are you going to invite to the day you ruin your life?”

  She growled at me. Little hellion.

  “Maybe I don’t ever plan to get married. Marriages are a weird, old-fashioned idea—love, honor, and obey…who’d agree to obey without a smackdown?”

  Flabbergasted, I stared up at her. She didn’t want to get married? That was absolutely unacceptable. She couldn’t be single for the rest of her life, and I didn’t like the idea of her shacking up with someone.

  “You need someone to take care of you.”

  “No, I don’t. I like someone taking care of me, but that’s not the same thing. Besides, you don’t have to worry. I’ve already got someone picked out.”

  “Oh, and is that me?”

  “No, I spend all sorts of time naked, sitting on men I have no serious feelings for,” she grumbled.

  “What about Courtland?”

  She was glaring at me so hard I was a bit surprised I hadn’t burst into flames.

  “Why are you so obsessed with him? You’re the one who made me go out with him. I don’t like him as anything more than a friend.”

  “Sure you don’t.”

  “Okay, you caught me. It’s completely true. Now that I have all this sexual experience, I’m going to call him as soon as we get home and see if he wants a booty call. Then I’m going to ask him if he has any friends and work my way through the list.”

  “Are you looking for a spanking?”

  “Are you?” she shot back. “You’re the one being ridiculous. Maybe a nice spanking would help you clear your head.”

  “Try it, and see what happens.”

  We couldn’t stay together just because she wanted to. It didn’t make any damned sense, even if my pride could handle being in the position where my submissive was classier and richer than I’d ever be.

  She was off me in a heartbeat and shoving at me, trying to flip me over. It was such an insurmountable task that she started giggling. “You could help, you know.”

  “If the birthday girl wants to spank me badly enough, she’ll figure it out.”

  She was still shoving at me when I picked her up and draped her belly down across my lap.

  “But Daddy, it’s my birthday! I think you’ve got this backward.”

  “I think not.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  The bouquet of hothouse flowers was so huge I couldn’t see my TV when I sat on the couch.

  “Can’t I throw them out?” I grumbled again.

  “No.” Blue couldn’t see the TV either, but it didn’t seem to matter, since he was mostly staring at me. It was amazing what leaving two extra buttons undone on my formerly unsexy blouse could do to change a look. “He’s happy you’re safe and you’re home. You should go out with him again.”

  “You can kiss my ass.”

  “Aberdeen Arabella,” he growled.

  “Yes, Daddy?”


  “Maybe you should make me.”

  His eyes flared with heat. I wasn’t sure which of us liked me misbehaving more. I’d read a few books with regular dominance and submission, and it was nowhere near as much fun to me as this was.

  Slowly, he rose from his seat, towering over me. Oh, was I in for it! The glee I always felt in that moment always outweighed the potential of being sorry once he’d blistered my butt.

  “What did you say to me, little girl?”

  “Who, me? Nothing. If you heard anything bratty coming out of my mouth, I’m sure it was some sort of age-induced hearing issue. You’re not getting any younger, you know.”

  “You little shit—come here.” He tried wading through my knitting stuff and the pillows I’d shoved off the couch, but I scrambled away, ditching my knitting project and going over the arm of the couch, not caring if I lost a few rows.

  He made a swipe for me but missed—probably on purpose.

  “Getting slow, too, I see,” I said from the far side of my bed. I stuck out my tongue for good measure.

  He was a strange shade of purple, probably because he couldn’t figure out if he wanted to laugh or strangle me.

  “You should come here, princess. You’re only making things worse for yourself.”

  I bit my bottom lip and shook my head. “Why don’t you want to come get me? Is your rheumatism acting up, old man? Maybe it’s going to rain.”

  He advanced, and I danced away, knowing full well I was backing myself into a corner. There were only so many places for me to go without leaving my suite, and I had no real interest in escaping.

  “Aberdeen.” His tone made my panties damp.

  “Cranky? Maybe you need a nap.”

  He lunged, and I squeaked, but unfortunately squeaking was about all the mouthing off I could manage as he shoved me down. I’d been expecting him to turn me over his knee, but apparently he had other plans.

  His fingers tangled in my hair, and I melted, but playfully tried to pry his fingers free as he unbuttoned his dress pants and pushed down his boxer briefs. For a man who was supposedly annoyed, his dick was suspiciously hard.

  “Daddy, why are you so hard?” I asked, poking it with my finger. “Is that what you’re going to spank me with?”

  “You really need to learn better manners, miss. Open that sassy mouth.”

  “Ewww! No, Daddy! You can’t put your thing in my mouth, that’s so gross.” I clamped my lips shut and smirked.

  “Do it now or you’ll be sucking a bar of soap instead.”

  I huffed, wordlessly admitting he’d thwarted me, and I opened my mouth, grimacing as though he was about to feed me something disgusting—meanwhile, I was horny as hell and wishing he’d hurry up.

  Maybe I’d been daydreaming about the rough sex on the floor of
the cabin. He didn’t need to know that.

  “Maybe getting your mouth washed out with cum more often will help you remember to behave.”

  He pressed the head of his cock into my mouth, but I didn’t respond, blinking up at him with my mouth hanging open as if I had no idea what he wanted me to do.

  “Suck, baby.” The harsh rasp of his voice made me gasp and squirm as I widened my mouth to take him deeper, sucking, swirling my tongue around his cock. Before I’d met him, I’d assumed this act would be disgusting, but I loved it—maybe because of his quiet groans, or the way he stroked my face, petting me for being his good girl.

  He traced his fingers around my lips where they were stretched around him. It tickled, and so I giggled and tried to swat him away, but he grunted with pleasure at the vibration of my mouth.

  “I love the look of your sweet little mouth stretched wide around my cock.”

  Blue switched his grip and dug his big fingers into the sides of my hair, wrapping behind my head as his thumbs put gentle pressure on my cheekbones. He moved in my mouth, fucking it with shallow, lazy strokes, looking down at me as I gazed up at him. God, he was beautiful. There was nothing conventional about his looks—all grimness and harsh lines, but he was mine and I’d never met a man who could be so sweet and so gentle when the mood took him. He seemed to reserve those softer sentiments only for me. The warmth in his gaze made my heart sing.

  I wrapped my fingers around his shaft as far as they’d go, stroking uncertainly, and looked to him for direction.

  “That’s right. There’s my good girl.”

  He never mocked me for my ineptitude, and his encouragements made me bolder.

  I worshiped him with my mouth, taking my time and enjoying the act of love and service. His skin was warm and smooth and smelled mildly of soap, and I sighed with contentment.

  “Does my baby like to suck?” he murmured.

  Ugh. Dirty man. He always made me squirm.

  Hopefully it was a rhetorical question because it was impolite to talk with a full mouth.

  I blinked up at him, and he grinned his lazy, sexy grin that made me lust harder for him. Although I didn’t want to stop, I also wanted him inside me. My pussy was needy, and my breasts ached for his hands, or maybe his mouth.

  There was a sharp rap at the door, and I lurched backward as he rushed to untangle his big hands from my hair.

  Shit! I’d locked the door, right?

  “Aberdeen, have you heard from the lawyer yet?” Mother demanded as she barged into the room. Thank god Blue had his back to the door. She was looking at her phone, which was the only reason she didn’t see Blue zipping his pants up. I hissed in pain and grabbed the tendril of my hair that had caught in his fly and jerked it free.

  “What are you doing on the floor?” Mother demanded.

  “I dropped one of my sapphire earrings. Mr. Köhler is helping me look for it.”

  “I hardly think your bodyguard is interested in participating in your little treasure hunt. You need to be more responsible with your things.” Mother frowned. “Call a maid to do that. Kincaids don’t kneel on the floor.”

  “Not even with incredible incentive?” I mumbled, shooting the impressive bulge in Blue’s dress pants a look of longing.



  Blue held out a hand and helped me to my feet, his body blocking my mother’s line of sight. I straightened and surreptitiously groped his balls as I stepped around him.

  My jaw was sore, and my lip gloss felt smeared.

  “What on earth have you done to your hair?”

  I reached up and patted my curls, realizing they were probably a complete mess from a certain someone using my hair as a handhold.

  “Oh…I got frustrated with my knitting.”

  “So you let rats nest in your hair?”

  “I’ll go fix it in a minute. What was that about the lawyer?”

  “I told him to book you an appointment since you haven’t done it yet. Has he called you?”

  I had to force myself not to wipe my smeared lip gloss away with the back of my hand. It was clear, but I had to be shining all the way down to my chin.

  “Not yet. I didn’t realize there was a rush.”

  “Kincaid Holdings has plans for that influx of cash, Deen. We’re expanding. I know it’s not important to you since I indulge your every whim, but this is important to the company.”

  I bobbed my head.

  She stared at my neck, and my cheeks flamed hot, wondering if Blue had left a hickey on me or something.

  Her eyes narrowed. “Does that necklace say ‘Daddy’s girl?’”

  My hand flew protectively to my necklace. I had to be seventy-two shades of red.

  “Um…” How had it slipped out? It had been hidden by my blouse when I’d gotten dressed this morning.

  Oh, right. I’d undone a few buttons to tease Blue.

  “Really, Aberdeen? Maybe you need to talk this through with your therapist. You can’t even remember him, and you’re going to walk around wearing something so pedestrian?”

  “I like it.”

  Mother sighed and rolled her eyes. “Of course you do. You may have inherited your grandmother’s money, but unfortunately you also inherited her lack of taste.”

  Was she honestly upset about the style of the necklace, or did wearing it seem disloyal to her because she thought it was about my father?

  Guilt burned my chest and stiffened my resolve when it came to the money I was inheriting. I’d been stewing about it for weeks—since even before we came home. She and I weren’t close, but the money wasn’t important to me the way it was to her. Instead of investing in the company, what if I handed it over to her? I could keep a bit to live off of, and the rest would be hers to use as she saw fit.

  It would make her happy.

  Maybe she’d finally like me, or even just respect me. We were so different, but maybe giving her the money would build a bridge between the two of us.

  I opened my mouth to make the offer but wasn’t quite sure how to broach the subject.

  “For goodness’ sake, Aberdeen, stop gawping at me and go fix that mop. I know you don’t care what you look like, but think about me for once in your life.” Mother turned away. “All that obnoxious red hair. You’d think your father would have screened for that.”


  But she was gone.

  I thought about going after her, but the throwaway comment about my hair stung, even though it was hardly the first time she’d mentioned it.

  Seeing the indecision on my face, Blue rose and shut the door, and stood in front of it like some sort of large, second door.


  “Don’t what?”

  “She doesn’t deserve it.”

  “What?” I asked. There was no way he could have known what I was planning to say.

  “She treats you like shit. She doesn’t deserve to have you running after her begging for forgiveness. For what? You haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “I think my necklace hurt her feelings.”

  “I think she saw something new and decided to use it to make you feel inferior, the way she always does.”

  It rang true, even though part of me wanted to cling to the theory it had hurt her feelings.

  I touched the necklace again, bumping my fingertips over the words. “Maybe she felt betrayed.”

  Blue raised his brows in disbelief. It hurt, but he was probably right. He wrapped his arms around me, and I rested my head against him, breathing him in.

  “And then there’s the money. She’s got plans for it, and I’ve been avoiding the lawyer. I’m sure she’s under a lot of stress. People like you and I can’t understand the pressure she’s under. It’s easy to judge when we’re not the one whose life has been taken over by a company. So many people count on her for their livelihood.”

  “Think about that for a second—think about how she treats the household
staff, for starters. You think she gives a rat’s ass about her employees?”

  “Of course she does!” I objected a little too fervently. Maybe she didn’t, but if that was the case, I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.

  “You care about people, so you assume she does. But if she was going to care about anyone other than herself, wouldn’t she have started with you?” He led me to the couch, where he sat down and pulled me into his lap.

  “She didn’t want me, remember? She got saddled with me when my father died—that has to be frustrating.”

  “I didn’t say she had to be Mother of the Year, but treating people with a little human decency shouldn’t be beyond her. If she only resented you, she could just ignore you, but she jerks you around and keeps you dependent and off-kilter. She’s raised you to try to please her while throwing you tiny crumbs of approval—just enough to keep you hungry for more. It’s more cruel than ignoring you. You second guess every little decision, and always want her direction and approval. She’s raised you to be meek and biddable, and to doubt your intelligence and abilities.”

  Wow, was he pissed. His words were quiet, but the anger in them was unmistakable.

  “I’m sorry—I know you love her and want her to love you back, but all she does is manipulate you. It’s weird, gaslighting shit. It’s so toxic.” His arms tightened around me, and I snuggled in.

  “So you think…what? That I should stop trying to please her? Maybe cut ties with her?” I’d tried to imagine it so many times—leaving her behind. Starting fresh.

  How did people function without the constant pressure of their mother’s disapproval and contempt? Who would I be without my struggle to please her?

  “I think you should consider what you want in life, and figure out the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. You deserve to have people in your life who love you and are supportive.”

  “I try to be a good person,” I said, my throat tight. “I don’t know why she hates me so much. I wish I was what she wanted—or at least that I wasn’t so embarrassing.”

  “You’re not embarrassing, baby. I swear she’s cruel for the sake of cruelty. She’s like one of those mean girls from high school who bullies people for fun.”


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