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Bastion Page 28

by Kyle West

I went silent. There was no way I could trust what Valance was saying, but I had no choice in the matter.

  “What will it be, Prince?” Valance asked.

  “Jorla does not die.”

  “Isaru...” I said. “It’s my parents.”

  “And what makes their lives more valuable than Jorla’s?”

  I wanted to say that she was just a creature, but I knew that wasn’t true. Jorla was a sentient being who was just as entitled to life as either of my parents.

  “She cannot remain alive,” Shara said.

  “You have no other choice,” Valance said. “But we will honor our end of the bargain...assuming you honor yours.”

  “It’s a trick,” Isaru said. “We hand you the Prophecy, and what is to stop you from killing us all? If you think Jorla is dangerous to leave alive, then you haven’t seen me.”

  “Jorla cannot be reasoned with,” Valance said. “She is a beast. You, however...though Elekai, you at least know some restraint.”

  Isaru glowered, but said nothing in response.

  “So, what will it be?” Valance asked. “Either accept our terms, or Shanti’s parents meet a terrible end. That is the only question of this equation. Are you willing to let her parents die?”

  “Isaru is right,” I said. “We are just as dangerous an enemy to leave alive as she. By your logic, that means both of us will die upon returning the Prophecy...along with my parents. Jorla lives, or all of us die. And if all of us long will you have to wait until another Elekai comes to do your dirty work?”

  Both Valance and Shara stared hard at us, but Isaru and I needed to stand together on this. They needed us more than we needed them. Valance, at last, gave his answer.

  “I will call my Peacemakers off,” he said. “Jorla must leave Colonia within the hour, assuming she is not already dead. Your parents will remain safe with us until your return.”

  “Move them out of that dungeon,” I said. “I want them well-cared for. They must be treated like royalty.”

  “Very well,” Valance said. “That should not be difficult. But you must leave now if ever you are to save your dragon friend.” He nodded at Shara. “Go. See that the men are called off.”

  Shara gave us both a venomous glare, but in the end, put a hand over her heart, grabbed her helmet that was still on the floor, and ran on her way.

  Once she was gone, Valance stood alone. He sheathed his blade, and for some reason, did not seem to fear for his life.

  “And what’s to stop us from killing you right now, Hunter?” Isaru asked.

  “The fact that you will never leave here alive if you did,” Valance said. “The entire Bastion is on lock down. You only go by my leave.” He nodded toward our weapons on the floor. “I suspect you’ll need those. Annara speed your journey.”

  I stared Valance down, but in the end, I did as he said. I grabbed my sword, along with my bow and quiver of arrows, as Isaru strapped on his own sword and dagger.

  Isaru and I exchanged a glance. It was completely pointless to go against Valance, unless we wanted ourselves or my parents killed, and for that matter, Jorla. That said, the walk through the torch-lit red halls was tense, and every second I expected a betrayal. But by the time we reached the empty entry hall, it was clear that we weren’t going to be pursued.

  I turned back to see Valance, who had followed us silently, his face unreadable and obscured by shadow. He had followed us to the entry hall, and he drew up his hood. Isaru and I continued walking out of the Bastion.

  We walked for half a minute through the Bastion courtyard before we started running.

  * * *

  By the time we made it past the Inner Wall, Jorla’s screams no longer filled the city, though the cries of humans still did. Several large fires blazed below, sending up plumes of smoke that obscured the stars. I could smell the burning of wood on the wind.

  When we arrived at the Plaza of Sands, Jorla was lying down, surrounded by a circle of soldiers bearing halberds. Jorla, however, was in no condition to fight back. Her chest heaved, and large gashes covered her body, and bolts were still stuck in her softer areas. Even if they had ordered their soldiers to cease attacking, the damage had already been done.

  “Out of the way!”

  Isaru pushed his way through the soldiers while I followed in his wake, until we were both standing right next to Jorla.

  “Jorla…” Isaru said.

  Go, she said, addressing both Isaru and me. I return now to the Xenofold, the singing harmony of creation. That is something these dark ones will never know. Only remember me. For your time will come, too…and when it does, we will all truly be one.

  “Jorla…I’m sorry. I wasn’t fast enough…”

  Do not blame yourself, dear friend. Never blame yourself for what has happened. Blame only this dark city and these dark ones. Only leave while you still can. I feel your sorrow that this plan did not go as hoped. But I rest knowing the dragonling was avenged, such as she could be. Already, I feel her calling me from the Xenofold. I killed no less than two hundred this night. Long shall they know my terror...long shall they tremble in fear. Do what you must, Isaru, but always remember me...and avenge my name. Tell me this one thing, before my memories depart.

  “I will, Jorla,” Isaru’s said. “I swear it by my blood. Every hour I breathe, my entire core is dedicated to this path. Though there is nothing I can do now, I will watch and wait for the opportunity to strike. This, I solemnly swear.”

  Jorla watched Isaru with a single white eye. The eye, once pained, seemed to soften and be at peace.

  It is well, then. Be well, friend Isaru. Be well, friend Shanti. Do not underestimate these dark ones, for their hatred runs deep. Show them, Prince of Haven, that our hatred runs deeper.

  On impulse, I ran forward to lay my hands on Jorla’s ravaged scales.

  Heal… I thought. Please…

  Let me go, Jorla said. Not even your hands, Anna, could save me now.

  I felt surprise. You know?

  As death comes, all things previously hidden are made clear. I now know the end is near…the day the Elders passed down to us. The day of Xenofall draws nigh…

  Xenofall? Jorla…

  Goodbye, she said. Go north. North is your home now, in the Land Beyond the North Wind. Find the True Hyperborea.

  At those last words, Jorla’s eye closed, and her chest fell. She had breathed her last. Every muscle relaxed and rested against the stones.

  Everyone was quiet, as if in disbelief. I wiped a tear from my eye, feeling an anger I never knew I possessed. Isaru’s gray eyes blazed, seeming to shine in the darkness. I knew he had meant every word he’d said about avenging her death. Whatever chance there had been for peace between the Elekai and the Covenant, small as it was, had been broken this night.

  Beginning now, there could be only war.

  “Let’s go,” I said. “I can’t bear to watch anymore.”

  Isaru stood for a final moment, resting his hand on Jorla’s scales. “Be at peace, Jorla.” Then, more quietly, “You will be avenged.”

  We left the Plaza of Sands and didn’t look back. The streets were empty, though people watched from windows as we passed below. We had come for my parents, only to fail. We had come for the Prophecy, only to fail. And now, with Jorla dead and my parents nearly so, it was failure once again.

  No, I thought. Not yet.

  The only thing we knew was where the Prophecy had been taken. Over two centuries ago, the Elekai had taken it with them into the Red Wild and to Hyperborea, the epicenter of their civilization. At least, that was the story. For all we knew, we were being sent to our deaths by Valance and Shara.

  My mind spun, too overwhelmed with the events of the night. A numbness settled over me, until movement was all that was left. One foot after the other.

  As we walked, I could only wonder at Jorla’s final words: to find the True Hyperborea. What did it mean?

  Isaru and I had a long journey north to figure it


  DAWN WAS BREAKING. WE STOOD on a bleak, forlorn hill, beyond the last of Colonia’s periphery villages. We had run up the Colorado Road without pause.

  On this hill, we caught the last sight of the city, basking golden in the sunrise. I hated to think the city of our enemies so beautiful, but it was — though it paled in comparison to Haven and the alien beauty of the Red Wild.

  The western Red Wild would be incredibly difficult to traverse. We were told not to use dragons and to let no one know of our journey. I didn’t know how they could force us to do that, but so long as my parents’ lives were in the Covenant’s hands, I didn’t want to take any risks. The Selvan would be nearly impossible to traverse, which meant we had to enter the Wild by another way — a path that would take us far to the north before we could head east again, toward Ragnarok and Hyperborea.

  First was the Barrens, and then the Ruins, a great Old World city plagued with bandits and gangs. Then there were the Exiled Lands. I didn’t know what came after that, but I did know we’d have to travel a long way before turning east.

  “We should go,” Isaru said.

  We headed north down the hill, the city fading from view.

  The river ran on our left through mangled hills and wide canyons, and we followed the road north, walking the first of countless thousands of steps toward our goal.

  I wondered what was happening in the Sanctum, and what, if anything, they had managed to piece together. It would be long before we saw any of them again, if ever we did. I thought of Isaru’s father, from whom Isaru had been missing for two days. The King would have to wait much longer before seeing his son again. I thought of Elder Isandru, of Isa, Aela, Deanna, Ret, and Samal, and all the rest. What were they doing now? Had Isa told anyone where we were going, and would they be able to follow our trail? Would Isandru be able to even guess?

  I wanted nothing more than to despair and give up hope, but I thought of my parents waiting for me — the same parents I was getting further and further from every second. That was what hurt most of all. Would they know how hard I was working to keep them alive? I hoped that Valance would keep his promise regarding their health and well-being, because if he didn’t, I’d make sure his death was especially unpleasant.

  Though our path was now set before us, I couldn’t help but feel that we had lost it all. Jorla’s death only served as a reminder of the evil of the Covenant, something that I, and especially Isaru, would never forget.

  For now, though, we could only do as we were told. The Prophecy had to be found. My parents had to be saved.

  And vengeance had to be planned.


  Kyle West is the author of The Wasteland Chronicles, a seven-book post-apocalyptic series, and is currently writing The Xenoworld Saga. From a young age, Kyle has always been a voracious reader of sci-fi and fantasy. He graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a degree in Professional Writing. He lives in Oklahoma City.

  Also by Kyle West


  The Wasteland Chronicles









  The Xenworld Saga




  A.R.: After Ragnarok. The date usually used by the Elekai to denote the year. It’s a bit of a misnomer, because it really means after the Ragnarok War, and not after the impact of Ragnarok itself. The Xenoworld Saga begins in 398 A.R.

  F.C.: Founding of the Covenant. The date used by the Covenant to denote the year, and it signifies how many years have passed since the Covenant ousted the Elekai from Colonia. The Xenoworld Saga begins in the year 248 F.C.

  P.Y. Precursor Year. Corresponds to the Gregorian Calendar. The Xenoworld Saga begins in the year 2458 P.Y. – or 2458 A.D. It’s rare to use Precursor Years to denote anything beyond the year 2060, and even then is only used among academics and historians.

  Annajen, The: One of the Three Tribes of the Elekai, the Annajen are the descendants of the gods Elekim and Annara. Their capital is Haven, a Great Silverwood growing in the Grand Canyon.

  Annara: Annara is the matron goddess of both the Annajen Tribe and the Colonian Covenant; however, depending on the side, her character is entirely different. Among the Annajen, Annara is the wife of Elekim; she established Colonia and the Seekers and wrote the Prophecy of Annara, which has been lost, but predicts the eventual ascendency of the Elekai over its enemies – namely the Covenant. Among the Covenant, Annara is the goddess of pure-blooded humanity, and seeks to destroy all that is Elekai, promising her chosen people – the Annarans – that they will one day destroy the demon Elekai, who waged war against humanity during the First Darkness. According to prophecies on both sides, Annara is to lead her Army of the Dawn to destroy the other side.

  Army of the Dawn: Annara’s army during the Second Darkness that is to destroy either the Elekai or the Annaran Covenant, depending on which version of the story one believes.

  Askala: The Radaskim Xenomind that nearly enslaved the world using the xenovirus during the time of the Ragnarok War. These events have been almost forgotten in recent times, but the Covenant remembers Askala as the Elekai’s demon goddess. Among the Elekai, her true nature is better remembered as the Radaskim goddess who was imprisoned by Elekim in the Xenofold at the end of the Ragnarok War.

  Askaleen: A male dragon. They are pink, with tiny scales, and a smooth, rounded frame. They are also rarer than Radaska, the female variety. Because they are the only kind of dragons that the Covenant can tame, they are jealously guarded by the Radaska.

  Atlantea: An Eastern Kingdom situated in the southeast. Its capital is of the same name.

  Augurs, The: One of the Seven Sects of the Seekers, who specialize in the art of diplomacy. They serve as advisers for kings and rulers, not only in the Red Wild, but in the Eastern Kingdoms. In times of old, they also interpreted signs given by the Xenofold, though this responsibility has fallen by the wayside in recent centuries. They also recruit new initiates for the Seekers’ Sanctum among the nobility of different lands.

  Bloodless: The collective term Elekai use to describe all non-Elekai. It’s not pejorative, though it can be used in that way.

  Brevia: A city on the western coast, in southern California. Once a colony of Colonia, it was conquered by the Shen in 348 A.R. It is the only Shen city that outsiders are allowed to enter, and even then, permission is granted only sparingly. A large collection of books has been gathered there, in what is known as the Brevian Archives – the main reason for which anyone would want to visit the city.

  Clerics, The: One of the Seven Sects of the Seekers, who specialize in ministry to the local Elekai population, anthropology, and Xenohealing. They are also responsible for recruiting initiates for the Seekers’ Sanctum among the general population.

  Champions, The: One of the Seven Sects of the Seekers, who specialize in the art of combat. In times of old, they fought in battles to defend the Elekai from Covenant encroachment, but in more recent times, they serve as bodyguards for other Seekers, such as Augurs, Scholars, or Sages, whose duties take them far afield in places that might be dangerous.

  Colonia: The city of Colonia was founded shortly after the Ragnarok War, as a colony of the First Empire, known of old as the Nova Roman Empire. It was ruled by the gods, and over the years, grew into the seat of an Elekai empire by the same name. Colonia’s history is divided into two periods: Old Colonia, which lasted from roughly 1–150 A.R., and Covenant Colonia, which lasted from 151 A.R. until the present day.

  Old Colonia was ruled by the Elekai, and was originally their capital city. The true descendants of the heroes of the Ragnarok War formed an aristocracy, called the Godsblood. Below them were Wilders, the descendants of those who became Eleka
i in the years following the Ragnarok War. On the bottom rung were the Bloodless, commoners without Elekai ancestry. However, by the fourth generation of the Godsblood, the government grew corrupt, favoring the Elekai nobility over the Bloodless masses. This, in time, led to the Annaran Uprising. The civil war lasted twenty years, ending with the Elekai being defeated and ousted from the city they had founded, their numbers greatly reduced. The Annarans took control of the city, founding the Annaran Covenant, which vowed to destroy all Elekai in accordance with Annara’s will.

  The Covenant ruled in Colonia for the next two hundred and fifty years, and at its height around 320 A.R., the Covenant controlled most of what used to be the Southwestern United States.

  Colorado River: The main river flowing through the Red Wild and Colonia. The river is much wider than it was during the Old World, and nurtures the growth of both Elekai and Covenant society. The Colorado flows not only through the city of Colonia, but under the roots of Haven, the main enclave of the Annajen tribe, along with Coloso, which is built on its mouth.

  Coloso: A Novan city at the mouth of the Colorado River. Over the centuries, it is has changed hands between Nova and Colonia numerous times. It is strategically important, because it is the gateway to Nova and it also provides a means to enter Colonia by river.

  Covenant, The: The Covenant, or the Annaran Covenant or the Colonian Covenant, began as a resistance against the corrupt Elekai aristocracy that ruled Colonia. The goddess Annara became its figurehead, but instead of an Annara that was the heroine of the Elekai, this Annara was a champion of the Bloodless and reviled all things Elekai. In time, the Annaran rebellion took place, and after a twenty-year-long war, the Elekai were nearly wiped out, and what was left of them fled into the Red Wild.

  The Covenant rules with a firm fist, using religion to control its population. It was the strongest power in the late Third Century, but by the Fourth Century, incursions by both the Shen and Nova made it lose much of its former territory. The Covenant has a policy of exiling or outright killing anyone who disagrees with its theology, and openly hunts Elekai within its borders. The Covenant is ruled by a Grand Pontifex and a Grand Council of seven members, officials appointed by the Grand Pontifex from each of the seven kinds of priests.


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