Caveman Alien's Pride

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Caveman Alien's Pride Page 6

by Calista Skye

  I splash him with water. “Trak'zor much evil! Trick Aurora into thinking not can swim.”

  He lays back and floats comfortably. “Aurora much evil also. Turn back, not let Trak'zor see large enticing chest.”

  He's mocking my cavemanese, but there's that glint in his eyes again. He's a tease, this one. Dammit. I have a weak spot for guys like that.

  I splash him again. “Aurora think Trak'zor only like her for large enticing chest. Also, not want Trak'zor get ideas. Trak'zor take Aurora, tie with string. Aurora furious.”

  He smirks and flicks the wet hair out of his face. Then he jackknifes, showing me a split second of muscular, pale butt, and dives down in the water. It's so clear that I can see him go far down to the gray rocks at the bottom.

  When he comes up from the depths, he'll probably be able to see right up my skirt. Somehow I don't mind that idea as much as I maybe should. He's never seen that before, and it feels kind of cool to just be innocently showing him something like that. It makes my girly bits tingle. Maybe he wants to Worship me right after?

  I frown. That's my kidnapper I'm having sexual fantasies about. Am I going crazy here?

  I try to get some kind of order in my own crow's nest of hair, which is even more of a challenge when it's wet than otherwise. Some of the girls have talked about cutting their hair for practicality, but none of us have actually done it yet. Seems we all want to cling to the things about ourselves that remind us of home, not let this dinosaur planet change us completely. It's a human thing, I suppose-


  Something brushes up against my leg, but the waves make it hard to see what exactly. It has to be Trak'zor. I kick out, not too hard. I don't want him to study my crotch from up close-

  My foot hits something hard. Hard and ... scaly?

  Suddenly the world explodes in a ferocious storm of water and splashes and grunts and hisses and screaming.

  Okay, the screams come from me. The grunts I think are Trak'zor's. But the hisses?

  I panic and scramble through the water to try to get ashore. Before I can get there, something pushes hard against my butt and propels me clear out of the water.

  “Omph.” It's a very short flight before I hit a dry rock on my hands and feet. I desperately climb higher, away from that water which has gone from calm and safe to something like a violent battlefield.

  When I turn around, I want to scream again. Trak'zor is still in the lake, fighting something. Something big. Something that looks a lot like a giant snake. Or many giant snakes.

  It's a total chaos of limbs and scales and white foam and violent splashes, so it's hard to tell exactly what it is. But Trak'zor seems to be losing.


  I slide down the rock to the edge of the water and grab his discarded sword. It's much heavier than I thought it would be, but I manage to draw it out of its sheath. I hold it by the blade with both hands and reach it out towards the desperately fighting caveman.

  “Trak'zor!” I scream. “Take sword!”

  He spots me and throws himself out of the water, grabs the weapon by the hilt as I let go to not be sliced on that blade and falls back into the lake, diving down.

  Then there's silence for two seconds before a dark shadow shoots away from the shore, deep underwater. I spot a dark cloud far down there and Trak'zor surfaces again. He tosses his sword onto the rocks with a clang, crawls up on dry land and lies there panting and coughing.

  I slide down to him. “Not harmed?”

  He breathes hard for a few more seconds. Then his face breaks up into a wide grin of white teeth, and his face has a manly beauty to it. “Only my pride was harmed. I almost lost there. And then I had my sword and could win.”

  “What was that? Big?”

  “Water Big,” he pants. “It's the reason I can't swim to that island.”

  Ah. Yes, of course it had to be something horrible like that. Even taking an innocent bath in the lake can turn to disaster in a heartbeat.

  “Too good to be true,” I sigh.

  Trak'zor gets up and makes no effort to hide his impressive manhood, and I make no effort to look away from it. I see now why the girls who married cavemen are so ... enthusiastic. Because damn.

  He gets his sword and examines it thoughtfully. “Large blades are needed to kill Water Bigs. Hands and feet can't kill. Even harpoon is not enough. Aurora thinks quickly.”

  I can't help but feel pride spread in my from hearing him use the word I taught him. And from his praise. Dammit, why must my kidnapper be so nice?

  We sit there in the sun for a little while, drying out. I should probably put my top on, but the sun feels good. And so do Trak'zor's unashamed glances.

  My heart is still beating hard and fast. But now it's not because of the dinosaur in the water. It's happened to me before – after a dangerous situation has been resolved and nobody has been hurt, the fear turns into something else. Euphoric happiness, of course. I'm feeling that now. But this is still different. Trak'zor fought that dino to save me. He could have just swum away while the monster feasted on curvy Italian food. Instead he came to my rescue, tossed me easily out of the water and then kept fighting. And he won.

  He's made no move on me yet. Which is good. He's been an exemplary abductor so far. Except that leash thing, I guess.

  Sure, I'm pretty much stuck on this island now. There's no way I'm going to swim to the shore if there's a chance I'll be snatched by a lake dino. But this guy is three times my weight and twenty times stronger. I'm still entirely at his mercy. And he has not abused that power at all.

  Maybe it's the months of no male attention, or maybe it's the fact that I feel safe on this island. Maybe it's that I feel more on equal terms with him now that I've helped him beat that water dino. Or maybe it's just that Trak'zor is the best man I've ever met, even with all his mystery and his kidnapping. But you could argue that tying me up and carrying me away was self-defense. I mean, I had shot him. Twice.

  Okay, so now I'm trying to rationalize my arousal.

  My pretty extreme arousal. I'm short of breath and my mouth is dry, but now it's not because I was almost eaten by a dino. Now it's because I'm hot and ready. And the most attractive man I've met is sitting naked right beside me. He just saved my life. And he's at least half hard.

  I arch my back to make my boobs stand out.

  Then I give him a little smile. “That very large.”


  - Trak'zor -

  She's right beside me. The Woman the shaman told us about when we were young.

  At least, I think it's her. He told us nothing about her being armed and shooting us. And we were supposed to find her in the jungle, not in the strange caves at Bune.

  But she is a woman. Everything fits. While in the water, fighting the Water Big that suddenly appeared, I got a short glimpse of what she has under her garment. And just as we were told, there was a little slit. So strange, yet so unspeakably alluring. Like her heavy, double chest and her impossibly round behind with the deep cleft ...

  I try to swallow in a dry throat.

  Yes, definitely a woman.

  I remember thinking that she was out to kill me. After she shot me with her angry sticks. Now I'm not so sure. If she were, wouldn't she let the vrok get me? Instead she gave me my sword so I could defeat it.

  Her question confuses me. “What is large?”

  She glances at my manhood, and it makes it twitch uncontrollably.

  Then she looks up at me with dark, crystal clear eyes. “The Water Big.”

  Ah. For a moment I thought she meant something else. “It was one of the largest. I call it a vrok.”

  “Much dangerous vrok.”


  I can think of nothing better to say. Now that the pain from her weapons is gone and I was able to chase the vrok away from her, my mind wants to concentrate on only her. With all its might.

  My body wants that, too. With a rock hard determination in my loins. For the fir
st time in years I remember with crystal clarity the things that the shaman told us when we were kids, the things about The Woman and her body. Most of all I want to spread her thighs and plunge into that slit.

  “Trak'zor fight many vrok?”

  Her sweet, fresh scent. Her soft voice, so melodious and different from anything I've ever heard. The way she speaks, so wrong, yet so unafraid. Her movements when she brushes her shiny hair out of her face. The way she walks with those wide hips, swaying slightly with each step. Her small hands with the slender fingers that are still strong and agile. It's all overwhelming me. If it had only been the body, then I think the impact would be less. But all of her is so different. In the most enticing way possible.

  “No. Just this one. They're not common.”

  I ache to Worship her, to get closer to the mystery I caught a glimpse of under the water. Before, I imagined that I would find The Woman and Worship her on the spot. It was a pure fantasy. Now that I've actually met her, it's obvious that she's her own being and that I can't just spread her thighs and dive in.

  Or can I? Is she perhaps waiting for me to do that?

  I want to slap my forehead. Of course that's what she's waiting for! Why else are we sitting here on the rock, doing nothing?

  I sit down a little closer to her and look into her eyes. I can see my own reflection in their crystal clear darkness.

  Her mouth opens slightly and she looks down at mine. Despite myself I place my lips to hers.


  - Aurora -

  He leans in and kisses me with such tenderness I almost faint when our lips touch and his manly scent fills my nose.

  He withdraws a half inch and I look into his luminous eyes, which it seems to me are a little darker blue right now. Even with the cultural gulf between us, even though we come from different planets, it's obvious what he's doing; he's checking on me, making sure I'm okay with this.

  His care makes me throw any concerns to the wind. All he had to do was show me that's he in total control of himself. That opens the door in my mind. Now he can do whatever he wants to me.

  “Yes,” I whisper, because I don't think my voice will carry right now.

  He puts his hand behind my head and pulls me to him, kissing me with greater force. I greedily open my lips and slide my tongue against his fangs while he explores me too.

  We disengage and I gasp for breath. For a caveman who's never seen a woman before, he's pretty damn good.

  He straddles me and gives me a flurry of hot little kisses all over my cheeks and the side of my head and my neck. He moves further down to my collarbone and my shoulders, placing his lips all over them.

  I can't hold back a moan, and a liquid heat shoots to my center. This is not far from the ultimate erotic dream – being explored by a caveman who's never seen a woman before. This is entirely primal.

  I arch my back even more in invitation, and he immediately places a kiss at the side of my boob. I gasp again, and he grips both breasts with his hands and kisses and licks them all over. Every time his mouth crosses a nipple, hard flashes of heat shoot to my crotch. I've never been this sensitive before. Shit, there has to be something special about that tongue of his. Some kind of texture that gives my flesh exactly the right stimulation. Oh fuck, what is that going to feel like further down?

  The thought alone gets me to moan again. Why exactly am I trying to control that? This is exactly what I want.

  “Yeeeaaahhh,” I groan loudly as he flicks his alien tongue across my nipple again while his thumb circles the other one.

  I have to ask him how he can be this good. Did his shaman teach him this, or is it just instinct? Whatever it is, he's turning me on so hard I'm starting to tense up in expectation for something that has to happen now.

  I put one hand on the top of Trak'zor's head and push on it. “Further down,” I moan.

  He keeps squeezing my boobs lightly while his mouth continues south, past my ribcage and my stomach, getting closer to the main event.

  I think he must be able to smell my arousal. I'm pretty sure I can.

  He spreads my knees and licks the inner thigh on both sides, one long lick from the knee and most of the way up. The heat and the cold and the sheer feel of his tongue right there, leading right to my hot center, make all the hairs on my arms stand straight up, and my knees twitch.

  Okay, fine. I don't think I need any more warming up.

  Trak'zor moves further up to lick and kiss my stomach, and for a change it doesn't make me self-conscious. He has never seen a woman before, so he has nothing to compare me to. It lets me relax more.

  Then I hear him growling softly, and it hits me – he's not doing this to get me ready. No, he's enjoying himself with my body.

  I almost faint at the thought. He's having the time of his life, and I'm pretty happy myself.

  He's working his way around my hips and thighs, circling the center of my existence right now, inching closer to that part of me that really has to be steaming.

  I'm really not needing this whole foreplay thing, and if it were any other situation, I'd just shove his head down there so he'd know it was time. But Trak'zor is really having a great time, judging by his sounds. It's like a deep purr in his chest when he licks and kisses my skin, driving me crazy with need.

  Closer and closer, little electric kisses on hot skin, me squirming and whimpering because I need it right there.

  He gets really close with his lips. Then he goes quiet, and I think he must be taking a good look from up close. I'm feeling slutty, so I spread a little more. I hope he understands that I haven't seen a razor for months, and of course-

  My whole body jerks when he finally puts his mouth on my pussy, carefully licking the length of it, from the bottom almost all way up, setting off little sparks of delight in every damn nerve ending I have down there. He stops short of the clit, and that's probably just as well, because sparks and pent-up frustration like mine will probably create quite the bomb.

  I just mewl while he explores my sex with his insanely textured tongue that must have some kind of extra features. Because I've been eaten out before, but not like this.

  The sounds coming from down there are so wet and so scandalous that I really should be blushing, but Trak'zor is purring again as he feasts on my girly parts, and that's creating some kind of vibration that's hitting my clit pretty well, even if he hasn't touched it at all.

  “Aaaahyeeahhhhhh!” A sudden shot of heat goes through me.

  Okay, so now he has touched it, just barely with the tip of his tongue. But when the tip is vibrating like this, then ...

  I lose all conscious thought and just let him toss me over the edge, as easily as he tosses me over his shoulder, licking and slurping and vibrating me to a hard, blazing hot climax on the rocks of his island.

  It goes on for a good while, not least because he won't stop with his licking.

  But my pussy is getting tender, and finally I have to push his head off me.

  “Enough,” I pant. “No more. Aurora dead now.”


  - Trak'zor -


  I raise my head to look at her, worried that those sounds she made that I thought might be noises of pleasure were in fact death rattles. Nobody told me Worshiping her might kill her! It's not a part of the prophecy I have been told about. But of course I was also never told that The Woman would attempt to kill me.

  Her softly curved abdomen rises and sinks fast. So she's still breathing, at least. And when I place my fingertips gently on the side of her neck, her heartbeat seems to be quite regular. Incredibly rapid, though. Much faster than anyone I've known, except little children.

  My blood freezes to ice and my arousal vaporizes. I ignored her anguished noises, thinking it was pleasure. Holy Ancestors, is this turning into a disaster?

  I bounce to my feet. There might still be time to run and get the Magic.

  Then Aurora opens her eyes to little slits, and I think I can see a
small smile on her alien mouth. “Almost. Not really. But Trak'zor worship Aurora, make feel much good.”

  She stretches and yawns. Well, that doesn't look like any dying person I've ever seen.

  I start breathing again and retrieve my sword and loincloth from the edge of the water, still keeping an eye on Aurora.

  The joy I felt gradually returns. I have Worshipped The Woman! And it turned out to be much more wonderful than I had ever dreamt. The sounds, the smell, the flavor, the feel of her silky folds – it was all beyond description.

  She slowly sits up and smiles at me. “Trak'zor enjoy Worshipping Aurora?”

  “I did. Much more enjoyable than the shaman told us.”

  “Aurora enjoy too. So much enjoy!”

  She puts her garments back on. Somehow she's just as attractive with them on as when they come off.

  Fine. I have Worshipped her. Now I want to give her everything in the world.

  I turn around and take in my island. Before, it seemed perfect. I had prepared everything for the arrival of The Woman. Now it looks ludicrously primitive and ugly to me. Now that I've met her, I realize that a radiant being like her can't be satisfied with this.

  I shield my eyes from the sun and look over at New Island. As always, its dark shape shines with some inner power. Surely there is a connection here. There must be something on that island that Aurora will need. Something important. Why else was it placed there so recently?

  She gets up and stands beside me. “Very strange island.”

  “Strange,” I agree. “It is new.”


  “It was suddenly there. I was away on a hunt, and when I came back, that island was there. Three seasons ago. I call it New Island.”

  She frowns. “Suddenly there? How?”

  I shrug. “One day it was there.”

  “Tats ouirdas fuk,” she says in some alien language.

  “That happen before?” she continues. “Island suddenly there?”

  “No,” I say and turn my back. I can never go to that island. The Water Bigs will kill me if I try.


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