Mykal's Return to Towbar's World

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Mykal's Return to Towbar's World Page 23

by Dave Hazel

  “There is no need to get into all that right now. We’ll discuss it later. You have much to do before your briefing. Also, I thought I would let you know that yesterday I spoke to Roy Dosch, the junior obviously, and he has decided to go along. He really wants to find out what happened to his father and brother.”

  “Great. I hoped he would go despite everything he told the press to the contrary. I like Roy Jr. and I hope his father and brother didn’t get killed that last day.”

  “And one other little surprise for you.” Jill spoke as if he smiled into the phone. “Lopez and the big muscular guy Jordan both decided they didn’t want to miss out on a chance to make history.”

  “Lopez and Baby Hulk Jordan are coming? Good. They’re both good guys. So the only people not going back for sure would be the two maintenance guys Martin and Currie, the two little children of Doris Holen and Karen Kraft and her two children. My wife and I met with them a couple of days ago and they’re taking it pretty hard with Christmas coming up. Half their family was killed there.”

  “That’s sad,” Jill said. He didn’t sound sincere.

  “What countries are involved for sure?”

  “There are a number of countries. You even have some selected Russians going with you.”

  “Russians? Why Russians?”

  “They asked if they could send some troops to see what Towbar’s world is really like, and it was given considerable thought and those who get paid the big bucks thought it would be great for the east and west relations.”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Mykal said suspiciously.

  “It’s a done deal. Look, let me break it down when you get to the auditorium,” Jill said as he looked at his watch. “You’re ride is going to be there between noon and 12:15. You don’t have much time. So I’ll let you spend it with your family.”

  “Yeah, thanks,” he replied and there was a tightening in his stomach. “I’ll talk to you when I get there.”

  “There’s no turning back?” Pam asked when Mykal hung up the phone. “Can’t they just go without you?”

  “Honey, if I could make that happen I would. But I promise you, when this is all over, I will be done with all of this stuff. I’m a civilian now, and this will be my last mission, my last assignment, my last anything with the military or Uncle Sam period! And then it will be just me, you and the boys,” he promised while pulling her close to hug her tightly.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to come to the sendoff?” Pam asked.

  “No. Definitely not now from what I learned. The roads are gonna be crazy. From the sounds of it, there are gonna be people from all over the country and all over the world here to see us off. I don’t wanna have to worry about you making it through the traffic. I’d feel much better saying goodbye here knowing you’re not dealing with the craziness that’s going to take place.”


  “I see you did decide to make it,” Jill scoffed when Mykal strolled up to the main entrance. Jill looked impatient. “I began to wonder if you were having second thoughts.”

  “The traffic was friggin horrible,” Mykal blurted his frustration. Mykal always hated being tardy and he felt he should have been there fifteen minutes earlier. “It’s impossible to get anywhere. There’s gotta be a million people out here.”

  “I told you there are people from all over the world here for the big sendoff,” Jill said, he still looked angry.

  “I know, but are the streets gonna be cleared so we can get through?” Mykal asked.

  “Yes, but you have to understand that when your force disappears into the green fog, this day will go down in history and everyone wants to be a part of such an historic event.”

  “Well we couldn’t get through the damn streets,” he complained as they made their way inside the building. “I can see security being a nightmare.”

  “It’ll be a little tricky but it should be fine. There are going to be National Guard, US Army and plenty of Air Force Security here to play policemen until your group disappears. They will clear the roads before your convoy heads out. Now, let’s make this quick,” Jill said while they maneuvered through the halls. He handed Mykal an authorized visitor’s pass to put around his neck. He also handed him a binder and charts. “Let me fill you in while the last speakers are finishing up. Hey, where’s Towbar?” Jill nearly panicked when the primary component of this mission was nowhere to be seen.

  “He’s coming. He was talking to some reporters who stopped him.”

  “Here, this one you will need to know,” Jill stopped and pointed to the organizational chart. There are more than fifteen hundred personnel involved.

  Just under thirteen hundred of them are trained military soldiers. Roughly three hundred of the soldiers are from other countries which include Canada, West Germany, France, Korea, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and Australia. And like I said earlier there are some from Russia.”

  “That sure is a strange mix.”

  “There were a few other countries up for consideration, but they backed out or were barred for political reasons. I want you to know that you have under you some of the best fighting men in the world,” Jill declared. “They are all from elite forces from all around the globe. This is a regimental size force and the regimental commander is Major Chick. There is no headquarters so there will be no administrative types save for two or three directly under Major Chick. That could have changed again and be zero under him. We’ll find out shortly. Paperwork and admin work will be down to complete minimum. Major Chick joked with me that he wasn’t even going to carry a pen with him. The primary purpose of the thirteen hundred is to be combat ready. This will be called Operation: Towbar’s Sword. The main objective of Towbar’s Sword is to find, rescue and return with all who disappeared during the early morning hours of November 30. The second objective is to return all, if any, survivors left behind from the first trip to Towbar’s world.”

  “Do they know about--”

  “No, you are the only one who knows of Mister X and the special box,” Jill cut him off in anticipation of his question. “I will leave that to your discretion as to how, when and if you allow others to know about the importance of the target. It needs to come back at all costs. The less who know of it and its importance the better. Above all, I am going to repeat this. Above all, do not allow any of the foreign troops near the box. Especially the Russians. No one is aware of the true nature of your mission so use wisdom and discretion. We’ll talk about this again after the briefing. I want to make sure you have an idea of the regimental formation. But first, did you memorize your code for Mister X?”

  “Yeah. It’s all right here,” Mykal smiled and pointed to his head. He still felt it was something corny from an old spy movie.

  “Okay, look at this chart. Because of the strange mix put together so hastily, we’ve made this very simple. This is not your standard regiment, but what we have done is divided this regiment into three battalions. Two are combat battalions. Both combat battalions have three companies. Each company has four platoons. Each platoon has four squads. Each squad consists of three four-man fire teams and one squad leader. So each squad has thirteen men. Each platoon with the platoon leader will be fifty-three men. Each company with the company commander will be two hundred and thirteen strong. Each battalion with the battalion commander will be six hundred and forty men. Counting Major Chick there will be a total of twelve hundred and eighty-one fighting men of the two combat battalions that will be under you and Towbar. If it comes down to outright warfare, let them do what they do best. When it comes to finding Mister X and his package use them as you need them. They are there for you. Major Chick knows you have a ‘special mission’ and he is there to help you. Oh listen,” Jill said and pointed up as if a speaker hung overhead. “They’re introducing Major Chick now. Let’s get in there,” Jill said and they rushed to the doors to enter the auditorium. “Like I was saying, Chick and those under him are the experts when it comes to warfare
, so allow them to do what they do best. Major Chick and his two battalion commanders know they are to support you.”

  Mykal was surprised when the guards opened the auditorium doors and allowed them through without checking their credentials. They recognized Mykal’s face and Jill flashed his unique access badge. Mykal followed Jill who moved to the side of the stage.

  “I will make this briefing short and sweet, gentlemen,” Major Chick spoke into the microphone. Chick’s voice sounded enthusiastically energized. “Transportation will be here shortly,” he said as he glanced at his watch. “I was briefed that the convoy has already departed Minot Air Force Base and is in route,” he paused so the assembly could hoot and holler. “Towbar,” Major Chick called out when the giant was led into the auditorium. “Please, come up here,” he waved.

  “Mykal Graves is here,” Jill yelled from the stage side.

  “Sergeant-- correct that, I mean Mister Graves,” Chick chuckled at his flub. “Please come up here and join us. I would like to introduce you to the men of Towbar One who will be conducting Operation: Towbar’s Sword,” he said and the applause roared through the assembly.

  Mykal and Towbar joined Major Chick on the stage. Towbar looked comfortable since he was a natural leader of men. Mykal felt uncomfortable. Partly because of the angry mail he got which was dwarfed by the positive mail and messages he received concerning the mission back to Towbar’s world. Some of the disapproving correspondence, from former and active duty military personnel, complained that despite his sudden rise in fame and popularity, he had no business leading such a large military campaign. At the time of the angry correspondence it was believe to be a force of 500 men, which had been cut to 300, and then approved to over 1500 personnel.

  Mykal wanted to respond to some, though he was strongly advised not to engage such people. “People like that can’t be won over so don’t try,” Lieutenant General Jefferson had advised when Mykal brought it up to the three star General for advice. “Don’t waste the energy on it Myk. The positive responses outnumber the bad 1,000 to one.” The negative comments got to him because they didn’t know the true nature of his ‘forced’ mission. It bothered Mykal that the detractors thought it was all about his ‘big head’ and that ‘he thinks he’s better than everyone else’ type of comments. When he mentioned to General Jefferson he just wanted to set the record straight, he had been strictly forbidden from responding. His true mission classification was Top Secret. He couldn’t jeopardize the mission in any way. “You just have to button your lip and deal with it son,” Jefferson said with his pipe clamped between his teeth. “You’ll forget about those dip-sticks and those dip-sticks will forget about it too. Some people, even military people, have nothing better to do with their grumpy ol’ lives so they complain just to hear themselves talk.”

  Major Chick looked awed when Towbar stood beside him. Being his first meeting in person Chick didn’t realized how big the giant was. Major Chick looked like a twenty-six year old young man though he just celebrated his forty-first birthday a week before Thanksgiving. His body had remained solid and tight from years of his strict regimented exercise routine. “Let me introduce to you Mister Graves and Towbar,” he called into the microphone and the auditorium erupted again with all the military and all their family and friends.

  Towbar raised his hand and gently nodded his head and quietly expressed his thanks.

  “How is everyone doing?” Mykal called to the crowd through the microphone. “I take it everyone is ready to go on the greatest rescue mission the world had ever seen, right?”

  “And to kick some Soso ass,” a young Marine yelled out. The gathering erupted again, including some of the more reserved officers.

  “Good. Very good,” Major Chick said. “That’s what I want to hear. From what I understand we may be doing a great deal of that. From a self-defense point of view, that is,” he quickly laughed out knowing some of the press was on hand. He didn’t want to come across like the blood thirsty savage Sosos they were going to rescue the lost people from. Chick looked happy and continued to smile. Chick knew after they return he would be sewing on the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. “Mykal would you like to say anything before I give a quick briefing.”

  “Yes,” he said and stepped up to the microphone stand.

  Major Chick placed his hand over the microphone. “I’ll give you the last word when I’m finished as well,” he whispered into Mykal’s ear.

  “I just would like to say how impressed I am that such a large powerful group was put together in less than a week. And to think that you’re all volunteers makes me even more proud to say that I am part of such a force. I don’t know any of you yet, but I hope I get to know all of you. Major Chick will conduct a quick briefing and then Towbar and I will have a closing word and then we will be on our way.”

  The auditorium broke out with loud approving thanks.

  Major Chick returned to the microphone. “While putting this force of Towbar One together, I know you men have attended numerous briefings, in a short amount of time, to cram as much information into you young men as humanly possible,” he chuckled. “And some of you who are not so young,” Chick said to get a laugh. “The only item I would like to cover for now, is the organization of Towbar One, so everyone has an idea what we are made up from since this force was put together hastily,” Chick said and took the microphone from the stand and turned to the large white screen that had been lowered while the lights dimmed. “The handout that everyone was handed is a clear cut chart of this small army. But you men are professionals. There will be no problems. If you are not aware, Mykal Graves is a civilian. He is no longer a member of the Air Force. He and Towbar have been placed above Towbar One.”

  “As you can see at the top of the chart there are three leaders for Towbar One,” he said as he turned to a handful of new reporters being ushered to the front. “Towbar One is the name of our regimental size organization and the mission is called Operation: Towbar’s Sword. Mykal and Towbar will be counting on each and every one of you to assist with your leadership skills and experience. I think that is all that needs to be said on that point.

  “There are two sections of Towbar One. The first being the largest is the military. The smaller section is the civilian / noncombatant section. The civilian / noncombatant section all clearly understand the dangers involved and all will be armed with at least a side arm,” Chick had to pause when many of the young warriors hooted and yelled their approval. “They too understand the uniqueness of this mission and have agreed to come under the command of the leadership of Towbar One. We have simplified the command structure of Towbar One. I will be the regimental commander.

  “Under myself will be three Battalions. First Battalion, Second Battalion and Third Battalion. We needed to keep it simple for the Army guys,” he laughed and most of the crowd roared while others playfully booed. “Just kidding men,” he snickered but they all knew Chick was a US Marine. “First Battalion is made up of Alpha Company, Bravo Company and Charlie Company. All three companies are comprised of United States Marines,” he paused.

  “Ooh-rah,” yelled the unified battle cry of a majority of the Marines. Many others grunted and yelled out as well.

  “First Battalion will be headed up by Major Innes and Second Battalion will be led by Captain Taylor. Captain Taylor will have a mixed force under his command. Delta Company is made up of all US Army Special Forces. Mostly the famous Green Berets,” he said and paused to allow the army soldiers to announce their presence.

  “Hooah,” the Army yelled in unison though not nearly as loud as their Marine counterparts due to the numbers.

  “Thank you gentlemen. Echo Company is varied with first platoon complete with Army Rangers, second platoon is from the 82nd Airborne Division, third platoon are Navy SEALs, and finally the fourth platoon is split with some of our foreign visitors. Two squads are Thailand Army Special Forces and two squads of Korean Special Forces,” he paused while the auditorium
welcomed them and they shouted their thanks.

  “Foxtrot Company is all visitors. In the first platoon we have two squads from Canadian Special Service Force and two squads from the Australian SAS. That is Special Air Service for those who may not be aware of who they are. Second platoon has two squads from the West German GSG 9 Police Unit. Second platoon also has two squads made up of the French Foreign Legionnaires. The third platoon has varying units from the United Kingdom. One squad from the Gurkhas, one from the Royal Marines, a third squad from the Parachute Regiment and the fourth squad entirely of the British SAS. Last but certainly not least, the fourth platoon is made up of various forces from the Soviet Union.

  “Third Battalion is headed up by Major Hansen who is the chief medical officer of our group. Third Battalion is not really a battalion but we didn’t want them to feel left out,” he chuckled and the auditorium responded humorously. ”All who are not classified as combat warriors are grouped into Third Battalion. All the food service personnel, medical personnel, vehicle maintenance and fuel personnel, the helicopter crews and maintenance personnel, the reporters, et cetera are all grouped under Major Hansen. This is the entirety of Towbar One,” Chick paused again and as if on cue everyone applauded and yelled wild calls of appreciation.

  Mykal couldn’t keep from smiling. He was excited to see how pumped up everyone was and he was glad they had such a force to go back to Towbar’s world. “These are the most amazing warriors from my world,” he yelled into Towbar’s ear. “These people will be a thousand times better than what we had before.”

  “This is very good my friend,” Towbar said but had to bend over to speak into Mykal’s ear.

  “I will make sure we put a hurting on the Sosos that they will never forget.”

  “Thank you my friend.” Towbar smiled and nodded while Major Chick quieted the assembly.

  “I have just one final thing to say before I turn it over to Mykal and Towbar. Men, this day, you are making history. You will be a part of something that your great grandchildren will be talking about. Be proud of who you are and as professionals we are not different countries and we are not different branches of the US military. We are Towbar One!” He declared loudly encouraging a raucous response. “Does everyone have their patch on their uniform?”


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