Zurkerx- The Empire Shall Grow

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Zurkerx- The Empire Shall Grow Page 34

by Eric William Haluska

  As they continue their game of chess, someone walks in. Corgus looks up, surprised to see who it is. The man looks up and sees the expression on Corgus’ face, giving a slight smile as he moves his rook, putting Germani in check.

  “Did anyone follow you?” the individual says softly.


  “Hmm, are you sure? You were coming from a place that had a tight grip on you, a treasured asset they couldn’t afford to lose.”

  “I am nothing more than a fugitive that is sought by two Einnerist Hellhounds. What could they get from me? I wouldn’t say a damn word.”

  Germani moves his King out of check as he listens to the conversation. Corgus sits in silence, listening as well.

  “It only takes one small act to change the entire game, one piece to solve the puzzle. One bit of information to put our plans in jeopardy. You don’t need to say much for them to figure it out. Am I right, Kelin?”

  To protect his King, Germani moves the piece up. Yet, the man then moves his bishop, putting the King in check again.

  Kelin stares at the two men as they continue to play their game. He has managed to escape the Empire and the trip back home wasn’t pleasant. He’s exhausted, lucky to have made it back. But it seems no one cares about his trip back, only caring he’s back now. This agitates him as he breathes in loudly.

  “I have nothing to lose here. I am merely expendable at this point. I think we all know who has the most to lose here. Isn’t that right-”

  “Don’t utter his name!”

  Corgus stands up, pushing the chair violently behind him. He’s infuriated by Kelin’s attitude, his disrespect for the individual who gave him a second chance. The man lifts up his hand.

  “Corgus. Relax.”

  Corgus’ face tightens up. He can’t believe the man is tolerating such rudeness, especially towards him. After all, Kelin was saved by this individual, who aided his escape from Halusnek. Yet, he sits down, knowing it isn’t wise to make the situation more toxic.

  As everything unfolds, Germani moves his King out of check. The man lifts his hand and slides his rook across the board, putting Germani’s King in check. Germani moves his King again, knowing the end is near.

  The man knows his name carries tremendous power behind it. His name itself bears more power than those who govern Zentari, a name that shouldn’t be said distinctly.

  “Kelin is exhausted, he’s not thinking clearly right now. Go, get some rest. We were, after all, successful in our endeavor-”

  “The uprising was a failure,” snaps Kelin. “I told you the Gewerksma weren’t capable of handling such a demanding task and yet, you insisted. We armed these repulsive Neo-Demokrists and they fell apart. How can you sit there and say we were successful?”

  Corgus goes to stand up again, but is halted by the man’s hand. The man then picks up his knight, examining it with care.

  “Neo-Demokrism is indeed atrocious and unfounded. The idea we should abolish automation is poorly founded and interferes with a key part of our plan. While automation does eliminate jobs, it makes goods and services cheaper, reducing waste and costs by increasing revenue needed to provide for the defense and welfare of the nation. As long as the means of production are controlled entirely by the state, then automation benefits everyone.”

  He chuckles.

  “Your idea of success and mine are completely different. Sure, those bastards didn’t stand a chance nor would they have succeeded in their endeavors. This I realized from the beginning. But it was never about overthrowing a government: it was to make Neo-Demokrism look radical and Demokrism a sane and reasonable alternative. More importantly, it was about whether we could initiate a revolution under their noses. The fact we were able to shows that the government lacks the surveillance needed to detect such a poorly run operation. This, and the distrust sown between the Regiment and Golden Civics only makes our chances grow stronger.”

  He hovers the knight over the chessboard.

  “In due time, we and our allies will find more weaknesses across Zentari. To win, one must provoke his enemy, keeping them on edge, hoping they slip up and expose themselves. We as creatures fear unpredictability and things we can’t control and thus, we seek ways to obtain control. The Einneristic system and its subbranches the people have come to embrace only survive because they remain ignorant of the fact that they are being governed by fear and exploitation. Once they realize that Einnerism only perpetuates their fears, they’ll come to reject those ideals and fight back. From there, we gain the momentum needed to spread Demokrism and build our utopia. For the Einnerists, the problems are only growing every day as we expose them. This is the beginning of their nightmares.”

  He places his knight near Germani’s King.


  Germani’s King stands defenseless. Engraved in white stitching reads the word Zentari. In this game of chess, Zentari is once again the loser, defeated by a master tactician and its allies. Germani’s opponent always hated making the first move, believing his enemies should strike first. This practice, he believes, will give them the false pretense that they have the advantage over their enemies, which dissipates as their arrogance dictates their judgment. That’s why the man always goes second.


  DECEMBER 31st, 2060

  4:12 P.M.


  A man stares out into the taiga forest from his prison cell. For 15 years, he has been here; trapped with no hope of escape. His blondish graying hair rests on his shoulders, his blue eyes admiring the beauty of the white landscape around, the little joy that comes to him. He’s surprisingly in good health despite the food they feed him.

  Yet, that little bit of joy dissipates as a frigid wind strikes his clean-shaven face as he shivers. There is no insulation to shield him from this chilly wind that blows ferociously into his cell. Only the thick steel bars, which his hands never touch, provide any protection from the elements.

  But it isn’t the wintry weather that’s on his mind. The man’s mind is on his friend who locked him away. Believing he was being passed over in power, his friend led a coup that overthrew him, establishing himself as the new leader of the nation.

  This act of betrayal saddens him, his heart broken by someone he once called a friend, a person he trusted in their fight for liberty. Despite his treasonous act, his friend spared his life, sending him to a prison in the far north of the country, where he would rot away.

  He breathes in the frigid air around him. It’s going to be another brutal winter he knows, perhaps colder than last year. He has lost count of the days that go by, unaware that he’s about to enter a new year. He then exhales slowly. His white breath lingers.

  Author’s Biography

  Eric William Haluska is a native of New Jersey. In the writing of this book, he got his inspiration from the online government simulator called NationStates. From creating his own nation from NationStates, he takes from his knowledge of politics, history, and business, which he enjoys as hobbies on the side. When he isn’t writing, he likes to fish, hunt, and pursue other activities with friends and family. He currently has his bachelors in accounting from the University of Stockton and plans to pursue his goals of becoming an accountant along with his goals of becoming an author.

  * * *

  [1] Resembles the term Ecumene, meaning First Inhabited.

  [2] Language of the First Inhabited. It resembles ancient Greek and Latin.

  [3] The Speakers.

  [4] The Voice of One. It resembles German.

  [5] The Warriors- Wusu. The Peaceful Ones- Kuma.

  [6] Land of Invaders.

  [7] The Constitution of One. It has a mixture of the United States’ Constitution, Magna Carta, and elements of parliament style of governments.

  [8] Calm Bay.

  [9] Land of One.

  [10] Money of One (Ƶ).

  [11] God’s Way.

  [12] God.

  [13] Book of God.

  [14] Oneself. It was a combination of Capitalism and Individualism.

  [15] Sovereign Individual.

  [16] Assembly.

  [17] Land of God.

  [18] The New Voice of One. It would be considered today’s English.

  [19] Faith Believer in Zurk Tech, it resembles a moderate form of Reyso.

  [20] The New Lands.

  [21] The Highlands.

  [22] Silent Creed.

  [23] Great Guardians.

  [24] Silent Ones.

  [25] In present day Zurkerx, there are 600 members.

  [26] Local Leader. It’s eventually renamed to Mayor during the 20th Century.

  [27] New Heaven.

  [28] Common Way. It is the equivalent of today’s Socialism with elements of Democratic Socialism, Marxism-Leninism, and Industrial Unionism.

  [29] Vanguards, The Vanguard Committee, and Vanguard Leader.

  [30] Union Force. They resemble the Bolsheviks and Socialist Labor Party.

  [31] Union Soldiers. They resembled a hybrid of the Waffen SS and Free Syrian Army. The change in the Gewerksma resembled that of revolutionary socialists.

  [32] Punishers.

  [33] A combination of NATO and the United Nations, all member nations automatically got one seat and for every 500 million people, they got another seat.

  [34] Power of Laboring People.

  [35] The vote was 18-3 with Galnosian delegates voting against the resolution.

  [36] The currency in Halusnek.

  [37] Resembles Wikileaks. It leaned towards the Demokrist cause and opposed the Tarus Family’s rule, perceiving them as corrupt and traitors to their values.

  [38] Resembled the Negative Income Tax.

  [39] Resembled the Carbon Fee and Dividend.

  [40] All calculations based on the United States’ population (P*325 million), GDP (G*19.4 trillion), Budget ((B*2)4.2 trillion), and trade (T*-43.5 billion) between 2017-2018, with P, G, B, and T being positive or negative. G, B, and T can be different, but no greater or less than .5 difference from P. Some numbers have been rounded.

  [41] Other is classified as Education, Basic Income, Health Savings Account, and Commerce.

  [42] 1 Zureu equals two US Dollars.

  [43] Resembles the Revision Military Kinetic Operations Suit and Dragon Skin Armor. It’s based off the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS), which the United States Military is currently researching and developing.

  [44] The President at the time was Rodger Roberts, a member of the Royal Party.

  [45] The Miktsrod, under the control of the Royal Party, passed the MEA to also reduce costs for the Empire’s military. Every nation in Zentari would adopt some form of the MEA by 2030.

  [46] Resembles the MP-40. It was developed by the arms manufacturer Myen Kroft.

  [47] Albric in Zurk Tech means Albert, Sadara is Sandra, and Donin is Donald.

  [48] Resembles the MSR. It is a bolt action rifle that holds ten .338 rounds capable of reaching far with deadly precision.

  [49] Protector. It resembles the Ninjatō. At the end of the blade, about an inch is sharp on both sides.

  [50] Considered the largest militia within Zentari, they are the only pro-government militia, serving as informants for the government to spy on Zentari. In exchange for their services, they are given leniency on the laws at hand, giving them a free pass on crimes that would otherwise be prosecuted in court.

  [51] Resembles the V22 Osprey.

  [52] Cyber Bio-Weapon. It is classified as a WMD which is capable of either destroying or collecting information from cyber infrastructures. This includes a nation’s power grid, government servers, and military defense programs.

  [53] The Reform Party embraces a Social Market Economy, Fair Trade, and is Pro-Choice. The Royal Party embraces Civil Unions, Pro-Business, and Protectionism. The Workers Alliance embraces Demokrism, though it has a Neo-Demokrist faction.

  [54] ECS stands for “The Empire’s Constitutional Ship.”

  [55] At 1,850 ft. and 100,000 tons, this monstrous ship joins the ranks of her other two sister ships: ECS Titan and ECS Hamlet.

  [56] The One Market, it resembles the concept of the free market.

  [57] Resembles the Pentagon, it’s where the Empire’s Defense Department is.

  [58] Resembles the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

  [59] C&U stands for Cover and Uncover, it’s a software program used by intelligence agencies to virtually redact documents. It also can remove redactions, but only if done virtually.

  [60] Iron Hold.

  [61] “I believe you dropped something” in old Zurk Tech.

  [62] Resembles the Type 90 Kyū-maru, a Japanese Main Battle Tank.

  [63] Resembles the StG-44 and AKM. It was developed in 1946 in Zurkerx and is considered the first assault rifle in Zentari. With a rate of fire of 550 RPM, it holds thirty 7.62x39mm rounds. There are roughly 400 million of these rifles circulating throughout Zentari, making it the most common gun.

  [64] The Common Crusade in Jekarian. It is a Demokrist guerrilla movement.

  [65] Encrypted Smart Phone. It is currently being manufactured in Zurkerx by a manufacturer that no one except a few knows about.

  [66] Resembling the Zippo Lighter, this lighter is unique in that when the lighter is opened, the flame automatically pops up and can survive whipping gusts up to 100 mph. Feur means fire in old Zurk Tech.

  [67] Envision an armor outfit that resembles samurai armor, with futuristic elements taken from Star Wars.

  [68] Resembling the Adaptive Combat Rifle and M27-IAR, it fires a 6.5x39mm. It holds thirty rounds and has a rate of fire of 600 RPM.

  [69] Resembling the Colt M1911, it fires ten .45 Caliber rounds.

  [70] Think of the RPG-7 but smaller, more accurate, and with the ability to lock onto vehicles.

  [71] Resembling the M67 Grenade, it has ten small explosive balls that bounce, detonating within seconds of the initial explosion. These grenades activate when someone presses the button.

  [72] Good Individual, a philosophy the Krenma follows. It has elements of Stoicism, Bushidō, Taoism, and Yin and Yang.

  [73] His name means entrusting.

  [74] Gary in Zurk Tech.

  [75] Resembling the KGB, CIA, and FBI, it was an Omericoan intelligence agency that fled during the Omericoa-Jekarian Crisis. They specialize in espionage, assassinations, and have law enforcement responsibilities as well, serving as both a domestic and foreign agency.

  [76] The collaborators.

  [77] It’s a cyber security and tech firm.

  [78] Only the President or a simple majority within the Miktsrod can call for a Session of Silence. It is generally used for classified hearings, although it can be used to facilitate further discussion on bills.

  [79] Resembling the Heckler & Koch MP7, it has a rate of fire of 750 RPM.

  [80] Resembles Semtex. It translates to Plastic Explosive.

  [81] Resembles the Antonov An-72. It’s a futuristic and slimmer version.

  [82] Resembles the MG-42. It fires .338 Caliber at 900 RPM.

  [83] Resembles the AN/SEQ-3 Laser Weapon System.

  [84] 1.5 times the size of an M1A2 Abrams, it costs Ƶ20 million. The Crew consists of a commander, machine gunner, gunner, loader, and driver.

  [85] Resembles the Barrett M82.

  [86] Zurk Tech for Charles.

  [87] Resembles the UH-60 Black Hawk; it’s a smaller version of the Imperial Jax VTOL.

  [88] Resembling the M-14 and M1-Garand, this railgun fires a copper scramjet projectile that’s similar in size to the .338 Lapua round. The “EC” stands for Electron Corporation, a company that built the railgun.

  [89] Resembling the PPSh-41, it was designed in 1941. It is estimated that there’s 280 million of these SMGs and variants in Zentari. This SMG has either a 30-round magazine, or a 54 or 65-round drum of .45 caliber, with a rate of fire of 650 RPM.

  [90] Armored Personnel Carrier. It is a lightly armored vehicle that
can hold six people.

  [91] Resembles the M2 Machine Gun; it has a rate of fire of 550 RPM.

  [92] Resembling the Humvee, it has shell-like shaped body like a tortoise. MPJ stands for multi-purpose jeep.

  [93] One’s Challenge; it’s a fighting style that resembles Isshin-Ryu, Krav Maga, Systema, and Kobudō. The Krenma and Red Skulls practice this fighting style.

  [94] A dagger that resembles the Qama but is smaller.


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