Twisted Lies

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Twisted Lies Page 18

by C. B. Clark

  It was time she went home. She missed Otis. He had to be wondering where she was. When she’d dropped him at the kennel, she’d promised she’d be back that night. For the past three years, it had been just the two of them. He was always there for her, ready to cuddle or offer his silent, unconditional love. Just thinking of him penned up in the kennel brought the sting of tears.

  The red and green running lights of other vessels moored in the bay reflected on the calm ocean waters as the Minerva sailed into the small marina. Russ steered the craft into its slip and secured the lines, his movements swift and precise.

  “Thank you for taking me to Shelter Island. I…I want you to know that nothing’s changed. I’ll have the lawyer send you the paperwork to forfeit my share of Angus’s estate. Let me know if you find anything about my parents in his files.” She headed to the ladder, desperate to get away before she did something stupid, like kiss him.

  “Athena, wait. Please.”

  Her breath hitched in her throat, and she halted.

  He sauntered toward her with an easy, lithe grace. “Where are you going?”

  “To…to my car.” She swallowed, pinned by the hunger blazing in his eyes. “I…I have to get home. My dog’s waiting.”

  The toes of his boat shoes bumped her sneakers. The heat from his body filled the two inches of air separating them. He slipped a loose strand of her hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering, toying with the curl.

  “I thought—” His strong, tanned throat worked. “—I thought you might stay.”

  “Stay?” The word came out as a croak.

  “Yes. Stay the night.” He pointed at the boat. “Here. With me.”

  Her throat closed tight, and even a single word failed her. All she could do was stare into his heated gaze.

  He grazed the pad of his thumb over her mouth, tracing the outline of her lips. “Don’t think. Don’t analyze this. Just say yes.” His warm breath washed over her.

  The rasp of his callused touch sent shivers rocketing through her.

  Just say yes.

  Was it that easy? Nothing in her life was ever easy. But maybe just this one time, with this man, love could be that simple. “I…”

  He grinned, as if he sensed her weakening. “Say yes.” His grin faltered. “I mean…I…I don’t want to force you to do something you don’t want to, but I think you do want this…us.” He trailed his fingers along her skin, raising goose bumps.

  She glanced at the parking lot. It was the weekend, and the small lot was full. Her rental car was jammed between a black SUV and a white four-by-four pickup truck. All she had to do was walk away from temptation and get in her car, and drive.

  His face was expressionless, but the heat of desire sparked in his golden eyes.

  Once she stepped off the boat, reality would set in, and the situation between them would never be the same. But here on this sailboat, they existed in a protected bubble, separate from the rules and expectations of normal life. She inhaled a deep breath and took the plunge. “Okay.”

  He stilled, and his eyes widened. “Okay?”

  “Yes.” She stared into those hazel irises and trembled. “I think so.”

  “You think so, or you’re sure?”

  “What’s the difference?” Why was he asking so many questions? Why wasn’t he kissing her?

  “A lot.” He backed up a step. “You don’t have to do this. You get that, right? I’ll help you no matter what.”

  She rose on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on his mouth. Fire flamed to life, her analytical brain shut down, and a desperate ache took over.

  He groaned deep in his chest.

  His tongue teased the seam of her lips, and she opened, welcoming his taste.

  Their breaths mingled.

  His hand settled on her hip, and he tugged her closer. His other hand cupped the back of her head.

  The world spun in a dizzying spiral, and she shut her eyes. They’d kissed before, but those kisses were like hot chocolate on a stormy evening, or crisp autumn air. This kiss was different. Hot, fiery, passionate, and demanding. For the first time in forever, her mind was locked in the present. She wanted the kiss to last forever.

  His callused hands roved over her body, awakening a raging hunger. He drew back, and she opened her eyes.

  Swirls of emotion reflected in his handsome face…lust, desire, and something else, something softer, something she couldn’t identify. “Athena.” Her name lingered on his lips as if he savored each letter. “Please tell me this is what you want.”

  Her heart fluttered. She could trust him. He’d stop if she told him to. No questions asked. But that wasn’t going to happen. Not a chance. “I hope you were telling the truth about those condoms.”

  The corners of his mouth twitched. “You bet I was.” He claimed her mouth again with a ferociousness that staggered her.

  She was gasping for breath when he broke off the kiss.

  Without a word, he slid his arms under her hips and lifted her, holding her close to his chest. He strode across the gently rolling deck and along the companionway to the hatch. With surprising ease, he maneuvered down the ladder and carried her past the tiny galley into the cabin. He set her gently on the double berth.

  She mewed in protest at the loss of his warmth. Her breathing was rapid and shallow, and her heart raced like she’d run a marathon.

  He flicked on the bedside lamp, and the cozy space was bathed in a warm, golden light. Locking gazes with her, he tugged his T-shirt over his head. The muscles in his chest and arms flexed as he undid the metal snap on his jeans. He unzipped the zipper and shoved his jeans over his lean hips. They pooled at his feet, and he kicked them aside. His boxers were next.

  She licked her parched lips, but she didn’t look away, couldn’t, not even if the world around her erupted in a nuclear explosion. His tall, athletic, masculine body with his sculpted pecs and taut abdomen, and the hunger radiating from his blazing golden eyes set her blood on fire. She lounged back on the bed and opened her arms. “Come here.”

  He stretched his long body beside her, and his heated gaze raked her. “You’re overdressed.” His voice was low and husky.

  “I’d better fix that.” Her fingers trembled as she struggled to tug her shirt over her head.

  He brushed her hands away. “Let me.” Once her arms and head were free of the clinging cotton shirt, he wadded it into a ball and tossed the shirt on the floor. He grasped the waistband of her leggings and slid them over her hips. They met the same fate as her shirt. He undid the clasp on her bra and slid the silk straps off her shoulders.

  She shimmied out of her panties.

  “You’re so beautiful.” His heavy-lidded gaze was scorching. He groaned and drew her against him and kissed her.

  Her tongue fluttered against his. She writhed with a deep, aching need and crushed her swollen and aching breasts against the hair-roughened skin of his chest. An ache built throughout her body, centering between her thighs.

  She tasted his skin, slid her hands down his body, pressed the full length of her bare skin against his, and shivered at the contact. Yet it wasn’t enough. The feel of him, the taste of him… She needed him closer, against her, above her, inside her…everywhere. Right now. Right this instant.

  He raised his head and licked her dark, swollen nipple, taking the turgid peak between his teeth and tugging.

  Gasping, she arched, but just as the pleasure became too intense, he shifted his attention to the sensitive skin on her neck. She released a throaty moan.

  Chapter 28

  He licked her salty skin, thrilling in her response. His chest heaved as he struggled to draw in breath.

  Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes shining.

  The hot steel of his arousal quivered against the softness of her belly.

  Oh man.

  He lurched up and wrenched open the top drawer of the built-in dresser beside the berth. Grasping a small foil packet, he tore it open and removed the condom

  “Let me.” She seized the condom, curled her fingers around his shaft, and slid on the sheath.

  Her touch was fire. Gritting his teeth, he hung on to what little control remained. He calculated interest rates, recited baseball stats, recalled the rapid onset of global warming, world hunger, anything to slow the rush of excitement and prolong the pleasure. Touching her, caressing her soft skin, discovering the places that brought her pleasure, was almost enough.


  Her breathing escalated until she was gasping, begging for release.

  The spark within him grew to a raging inferno. He traced soft, sensuous circles on the sensitive skin of her lower belly and dipped lower, tangling in the nest of auburn curls between her thighs. Panting, his body on fire, he focused on her needs, driving her higher and higher.

  She arched beneath him. “Russ…yes…please.”

  His name on her sweet lips was his undoing. He rose above her, his erection prodding her swollen entrance. Perspiration gleamed on her brow. Her hair was tangled, but she’d never looked more beautiful.

  Slow down. Make this good. For her.

  Too late. He was lost. “Sorry. I can’t….” The thought trailed off as a bolt of excitement sizzled through him, and he plunged into her with a single, deep thrust.

  She moaned, the primal sound thick with passion.

  The muscles in his arms corded, the veins bulging as he held himself immobile and stared into her eyes. “Look at me, Athena.” His command was a hoarse rasp. “I want you to watch me when I take you.”

  She met his fervid gaze. “I am looking.” She lifted her hips, and her inner muscles clenched.

  “Yes, sweetheart, yes.” A groan exploded out of his mouth, and he thrust into her, again and again.

  She convulsed around him.

  The friction built to a crescendo, and he stiffened, his breath rasping, coming apart, and he spilled into her. As the exquisite sensations faded, he collapsed on top of her, his heart pounding like a speeding locomotive.

  Minutes—or was it hours?—later he levered his body off hers and settled on the bed beside her. He gathered her in his arms and drew her close, nuzzling a gentle kiss on her shoulder.

  The only sounds in the cozy space were their tortuous breathing and the gentle lap of waves against the hull. The musky scent of sex settled over them.

  He relaxed, each limb deliciously heavy. His eyelids drifted closed, and he was on the verge of sleep when she spoke so quietly, he had to strain to hear.

  “I hope we won’t regret this in the morning.”

  “Wh…what?” He leaned back, but her eyes were closed, the light too dim to read her expression. “What did you say?”

  “Nothing.” She rolled onto her side, so she faced away from him and tugged the rumpled blankets up to her chin. “Let’s get some sleep. This has been a long day. We’ll talk in the morning.”

  Get some sleep?

  As if he could sleep after that statement. Did she regret making love? Because he sure as hell didn’t. The sex had been great. He grimaced. More than great. Something about her drew him in, something he hadn’t found in any other woman, but whatever the attraction was, he wanted more.

  The question was—did she?

  He’d known making love to her was a mistake. Sex would complicate an already complex situation. But he couldn’t stop. No man could have, not when she was so open and willing. A gentle snore broke through his turmoil.

  Her brow was furrowed, and her eyelids fluttered. Her legs twitched, and her kiss-swollen mouth opened. She moaned as if she were in the throes of a nightmare.

  He leaned over, turned off the light, and drew her closer until her bottom nestled against him, her back against his chest. He closed his eyes and tried to stop thinking.


  Her eyes popped open, and in a nanosecond, she transitioned from the fog of sleep to stark reality.

  Russ sprawled beside her on the bed, lying on his back, naked, snoring lightly. The hard lines of his face had softened, providing a peek into what he’d looked like as a young boy.

  Unable to resist, she smoothed her hand across his chest, and just like that, she wanted him. Again. That was crazy. Making love with him was supposed to be a one-time occurrence, an itch that needed scratching, and once scratched, forgotten. They had separate agendas. Getting emotionally involved would make a challenging situation more difficult. But it was too late. She was already in too deep. The truth of the matter was that sex wasn’t enough. Not for her. She wanted the whole nine yards—love, marriage, babies…a forever life.



  With him.

  Certain heartbreak faced her if she stayed. He was attracted to her. He even liked her. That was obvious, but she was a fool if she thought there was anything more between them. Not on his part. Better to get the hell out of there before it was too late, but deep inside, she knew with a sinking heart she was doomed. She already cared far too much.

  The bone-deep ache for a drink settled over her like an all-too-familiar friend. She closed her eyes, imagining a tall frosty glass, ice cubes clinking, the smooth, tart alcohol sliding down her throat, tendrils of warmth spreading through her body…oblivion. Her mouth watered.

  She had to get off the boat.


  She shoved back the covers and slipped out of bed, careful not to wake him. Scrambling into her rumpled clothes, she tiptoed out of the cabin and snuck up the ladder. Shoes in hand, she crept across the deck and climbed overboard. Jumping onto the pier, she slipped on her sneakers and bolted.

  Fumbling with the key fob, she unlocked the rental sedan, opened the driver’s door, and collapsed on the seat. God help her. She loved him. Her breath sawed in and out. Sweat dampened her brow, and small beads of perspiration slipped between her breasts. The keys fell from her nerveless fingers.

  Heart thundering, she retrieved the key fob from the floorboards and inserted the key in the starter. The car rumbled to life, and she pressed a button to roll the windows down. Fresh morning sea air wafted into the car. She leaned her head against the headrest and closed her eyes.

  “Hey, where are you going?”

  Her heart jumped at the words, spoken quietly, but so near, and her eyes flew open.

  Russ leaned in the open window, his eyes narrowed, a furrow between his dark eyebrows. His hair was rumpled, and he hadn’t bothered to fully dress when he chased after her. He wore jeans, but no shirt, and his feet were bare. The jeans were half zipped and threatened to fall down. “I thought we had a deal.”

  Memories of the shared intimacies of the previous night rose before her. Blood rushed to her face. “Deal? What deal?”

  “Don’t you remember? I promised to help you find out what happened to your parents.” He threaded his long fingers through his hair, mussing the shiny locks further. “I told you. I’m a person of my word. I thought you were too.”

  Disappointment doused her spurt of hope like a water bomber pouring retardant on a forest fire. He hadn’t come after her because he cared. He was worried she’d renege on her offer to sign over Angus Crawford’s estate. His actions had nothing to do with his heart and everything to do with money. “Don’t worry.” Her voice was wooden, devoid of her inner storm. “I’ll hold to my end of the bargain. You’ll get your company and the money, just like I promised.”

  The planes of his face hardened, and his lips thinned. “I wasn’t talking about the estate. When I make a deal, I keep my word.”

  She snorted. “You’ll do anything to gain control of Angus’s business. That’s what this is all about—money and power. Isn’t it?”

  His eyes flashed fire. “Look who’s talking? You’ll do anything to find answers to your parents’ disappearance, even sleep with the enemy. You don’t care who you use.” Anger was there, hot and controlled, but his voice remained cool.

  The bitter words hung in the air.

  She punched the button, and the wind
ows slid closed. Jamming the car into gear, she sped off. The car’s back wheels spurted gravel. She glanced in the rearview mirror as his tall, lean form receded in the distance. Tears filled her eyes. The road ahead blurred, but she kept driving, uncaring if she crashed.

  Chapter 29

  Russ stood in the middle of the gravel parking lot, watching her car disappear around a bend as dust and gravel settled around him in a thick cloud. He scrubbed his hand over his whiskered cheeks, struggling to make sense of her sudden departure. No, not departure. She hadn’t just left, she’d fled as if the hounds of hell were after her, as if she were afraid. Of what? Him?

  He stumbled to the wire fence enclosure and leaned against it. She’d enjoyed last night. No doubt about that. A vision of her flushed face and scream of release rose before him. She’d wanted him, and he’d damned sure wanted her. Hell, he still wanted her with a deep-seated ache that floored him.

  He’d agreed to help her solve the mystery of her parents’ disappearance. What more did she want? But she’d raced away and left him—literally in her dust. His jaw ached from grinding his back molars. The worst was how much he cared. He hadn’t wanted to. Hell, he didn’t know her, not really. He’d taken her sailing with the intention of finding out her plans for Angus’s estate. She’d thwarted his scheme by offering him everything he’d ever wanted. And then some.

  Her generous offer had blindsided him. Even more ground shaking—he’d fallen for her. Not because she was willing to sign over Angus’s fortune, but because her selfless act showed her true nature. She wasn’t the conniving bitch he’d imagined. Far from it. Even more surprising, she’d battered through his defenses and wormed her way into his heart. But just when he realized how much he cared, she’d fled and left him standing in the parking lot like a fool, his heart shredded on the ground, crushed beneath her cold disdain.

  The roar of an engine echoed from down the road, and his heavy heart lightened. She was coming back! He grinned.

  A blue SUV rounded the corner, and the driver pulled into an empty slot.

  Russ’s smile faded, and the breath he’d been holding seeped out. His knees sagged, and he stumbled a step.


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