Claimed And Mastered (Wayward Mates Series Book 6)

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Claimed And Mastered (Wayward Mates Series Book 6) Page 7

by Delta James

  “You could have been killed out there. And not just from the elements. Didn’t you hear that wolf? How she got herself over here, I’ll never know, but she was running loose in the woods. You and Bess are going to need to stay up here close to the house. I don’t want either of you down on the beach or anywhere close to the woods.”

  She tried wrenching her arm away. “Let go of me. I’ll go anywhere I damn well choose. Now unless you’ve changed your mind about having me fuck you, get the hell out.”

  Declan drew her in close. His free hand reached up to envelop her breast as he took her swollen nipple between his finger and thumb, feeling its texture and giving it a light pinch. Her mouth flew open to try to make another scathing remark as Declan leaned down and captured it with his own.

  He pulled her more fully into his embrace, releasing her arm and running his hand down her back to cup her bottom and draw her more fully into his body.

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Yes,” he said as his tongue entered her mouth to taste and conquer.

  Declan’s kiss was masterful. It was all encompassing. Ava could feel it from her toes to the top of her head. It went deep within her soul and her core as the banked ember of desire leaped into a full-blown flame. No, not a flame... a wildfire. Declan spent a considerable amount of time doing nothing more than kissing her and idly playing with her nipple. Ava couldn’t seem to get away from him as his other strong arm kept her trapped against him.

  When he lifted his head, he was smiling. Ava was certain from the arrogant look on his face that he knew he’d broken through her defenses. He seemed quite sure that he was in charge. He was wrong.

  Ava brought her hands up to cup either side of his face to draw him down for another kiss. Declan made a sound that reverberated up from deep within him, although this time the sound seemed to have substituted seduction for anger. He pulled her close as his mouth met hers.

  In the same instance, Ava brought her head sharply forward, head butting him at the same time she brought her knee up into his crotch. He was only able to partially shield his balls from her attack.

  “You nasty tempered she-wolf,” he said angrily.

  “You have no idea,” she hissed. “As I said, you can’t imagine the damage I can do.”

  “And you are about to feel the damage I can do to that pretty backside of yours.”

  Declan grabbed her by the arm, sat down in one of the kitchen chairs, and pulled her over his knee, trapping her legs between his as he secured her arms with one of his hands behind her back.

  “Now, you either apologize for that last little move and we’ll have a little talk about who’s going to fuck who...”

  “You’ll be lucky if I let you watch,” she hissed.

  Declan made a humorous rumble. “The only thing I’m going to watch, Lizzy, is your backside turning from this lovely shade of ivory to a nice deep rosy red as a result of the spanking I’m about to give you.”

  “No,” she cried.

  Ava tried to wriggle away from him, but he had her held fast. She hated to be spanked. Hated it. Not only did it hurt, but it was humiliating. The only problem was, if she was being honest with herself, was that never before had a threatened spanking made desire begin to pool between her legs. The other women talked about how arousing it was when it was your mate and how intense the sex was afterwards, but she’d never believed them.

  But now, the possibility of it being true was hard to deny. She could feel Declan’s hard cock trapped between his thigh and her belly. She could feel it throbbing to the same beat as her pussy was beginning to pulse.

  “Yes,” he said seductively as he brought his hand down to connect with her rump in a hard swat meant to get her attention with its painful sting.

  With that Declan began to lay into her. Never before had something felt so painful and yet so right. When she’d been spanked at Calon Onest there had just been pain, humiliation, and resentment that she was being forced to submit. Declan’s spanking stirred up far different emotions. Yes, it was painful, but more than that it was a declaration of sorts. He was letting her know that while she too was alpha, he would be alpha in their relationship. She would follow his lead. She would yield to him. And the worst part was the absolute joy that filled her at the prospect of it being so.

  Declan’s hand came down again and again on her upturned bottom. Ava had had no idea that a human hand could instill that level of heat. She could feel her bottom turning red and beginning to swell as he landed each successive blow in a precisely targeted manner. She could tell he had no intention of letting up anytime soon.

  Ava renewed her struggles and finally resorted to trying to bite him through his jeans.

  “You brat,” he said as the strength and speed with which he spanked her increased. “You are not going to bite, head-bump, or knee me because you’re getting the spanking you so badly need and deserve. When I put you over my knee, you’d best just give in and accept the discipline I’m going to give you.”

  “Let me go,” she cried.

  “No. You’ve been digging at me since the first time we met. It’s going to stop as of right now. You are going to behave yourself.”

  Declan continued his assault on her derriere. Ava wanted to be angry. She wanted to be resentful, but he was right. She had been needling him since the beginning. Had she wanted him to do this? Was he right? Did she need him to do this? Part of her wanted to deny that with vehemence, but there was no denying that as much as the spanking hurt, it was also arousing her in a way she had never experienced before. He was touching not just her physical body or causing a physical reaction. His swats were breaking down the walls that surrounded her deepest and most profound emotions.

  “Declan, please stop. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”

  Declan paused in his thrashing of her backside. Ava was on the verge of tears and prayed to whatever deities might listen that he would accept her apology and stop.

  “That’s a good place to start, Lizzy. But I don’t believe for a minute you won’t go right back to being the brat you’ve been ever since we met. I’m going to make sure you remember what happens when you behave foolishly and don’t listen to me when I tell you to do something.”

  Ava’s rebellious nature reared its ugly head. “You’re not in charge of me, Declan. I decide what I do regardless of how foolish you might deem it to be.”

  Declan chuckled. “There’s the naughty girl I knew was over my knee.”

  He began to spank her again, even harder if that was possible. She began to yowl, which became tears as he began to incorporate her sit spots and the backs of her thighs as part of the punishment.

  Ava was furious. She did not seem to be able to break free. And all the while she tried, Declan’s cock underneath her became even harder and throbbed with increased intensity. The worst part was that she could feel herself getting wetter the longer he held her firm and spanked her. She tried to rub her sensitive clit along his thigh to give herself some relief.

  “Naughty, Lizzy,” he said as he swatted between her parted thighs and connected with her wet pussy.

  Ava couldn’t decide whether it was more pain than pleasure that she felt. He landed three hard slaps, making a decidedly wet splatting sound before returning to her bottom.

  “Declan, stop.”

  “No, Lizzy. You’re going to learn from the get-go that you’re going to mind me and that includes not pleasuring yourself.”

  The seductive growl-like sound came forward again. It was almost Ava’s undoing. As painful as the spanking was, it was far preferable to the thought that she could feel when he unknowingly called to her. He might not know, but she knew that his soul did and that it instinctively reached out to its fated mate to call her to him. She was fighting with herself not to heed that call... and she was afraid she was losing.

  Declan settled back into a rhythmic spanking. She had no doubt she was going to be every bit as sore from Declan’s discipline as she ha
d ever been from Colum’s. But how was it that while all she felt when Colum blistered her backside was anger and resentment, Declan’s spanking caused arousal and remorse? She regretted scaring him, for having been such a bitch, and for lying to him. She hated hearing him call her by a name other than her own.

  “No,” she wailed.

  She didn’t want him to stop. No, that wasn’t true, she did want him to stop. Her verbal response had been because she was quickly losing the ability to truly fight him.

  “Yes, Lizzy. And the sooner you get it through your pretty head that until you settle down and submit to your spanking, the sooner I’ll think about stopping, the better it will be for you. But you just keep fighting, little girl, and I’ll just keep paddling you.”

  Realizing she had no choice but to at least do as she was told, Ava quit struggling. With no anger or fight to hold onto, she began to cry in earnest and pleaded with him to stop. He let her cry for a few more swats. Now willing to do or say whatever he wanted in order to get her punishment to stop, she began to tell him that she would be a good girl. Declan stopped spanking her for a second time.

  This time he rubbed her extremely tender backside soothingly. For the first time in her life after being spanked, Ava parted her thighs, hoping he would touch her more intimately.

  The low grumbling noise sounded again and she felt it race across her skin the way the elements had when she had been dancing in the storm. She sighed as his hand delved between her legs and his finger found her engorged clit and stroked it in a circular motion. She squirmed again but this time to try to get closer to him.

  Declan ran his finger from her clit to her pussy, where he parted her labia to stroke her inner core. She moaned as he did so and tried to give him easier access. He only fingered her pussy lightly before drawing his digit up between her painful butt cheeks to lightly finger her back entrance. No man had ever fondled her there.

  He gave her bottom a last tender touch before he helped her up then stood before her. He took her by the chin and tilted her face to his.

  “You do not run around naked on the estate. When we’re alone, you being naked is fine, but not outdoors and not when anyone else is around. Understand?”

  Ava searched his eyes. There was something there; something she’d never seen in any man’s eyes. There was a depth of emotion and feeling that she didn’t know how to respond to so she said nothing.

  The hand that wasn’t holding her chin connected sharply with her already painful backside, causing her to yelp and jump forward, crashing into Declan, who absorbed the blow without so much as a backward step.

  “Naughty, Lizzy...”

  “Don’t call me that.”

  He grinned. “I’ll call you what I like, Lizzy. When I ask you a question, I expect an answer and a truthful one at that. I asked you if you understood you’re not to run around naked, do you?”

  “Yes, Declan.”

  He leaned down and kissed her lightly on her lips. “Good girl. And clothed or no, you do not go out and play in a cold, wild storm. Do you hear me?”

  There was a part of Ava that desperately wanted to capitulate and agree to what he was telling her if only he would deepen that kiss. Oh, who was she kidding, she wanted him to go back to playing with her nipples and having his hand between her legs. She was standing pressed against him and could feel that his cock was in need of relief. She longed to have Declan on his back as she rode him to provide that relief for their mutual pleasure.

  Deciding to get what she wanted out of the encounter, Ava reached down to open the front of his jeans. The hard swat that turned up the heat on her rump was swift and decisive.

  “All right, Lizzy, since you seem intent on misbehaving, let’s you and I have this chat with you face down over my knee again.”

  Before she could absorb and react to his statement, Ava found herself once more lying across his hard thigh with her bottom upturned for punishment.

  “No, Declan, please,” she cried.

  Declan didn’t respond except to swat one ass cheek and the other until she was once again crying and begging him to stop.

  “No, we need to get the rules settled now and that’s best done with you getting spanked. Now, you do not go out and get yourself drenched and cold in a storm. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Declan,” she said without a moment’s hesitation.

  “Until I get that wolf caught, you are to stay off of the beach and out of the woods. Clear?”

  “But I...”

  Her answer was cut off by two more hard swats to her already well spanked fanny.

  “Not a debate, Lizzy. Clear?”

  “Yes, Declan.”

  “Better,” he said with resignation.

  He helped her up a second time. He ran his hands up the sides of her body and then brought his hands around to enfold her breasts in them. He leaned down and once more took possession of her mouth. This time she offered him no resistance and wound her arms around his neck. He tweaked both of her beaded nipples before running his hands down her back to gently cup her bottom.

  “Now, Lizzy, go stand in the corner by the bed.”

  She stomped her foot. “I won’t.”

  He swatted her ass. “You will, or we can discuss why you will with you over my knee again. What’s it to be, Lizzy, you going to behave or not?”

  “Jesus, Declan, that hurts.”

  “Watch your language, Lizzy, it’s supposed to. Now, corner or knee?”

  “I hate you,” she hissed, her alpha persona coming back to the fore.

  He laughed. “No, you don’t. Your nipples are hard and your pussy is drenched. But if you’d rather I tended to that nasty attitude of yours instead of relieving that ache, I can put you back in position and spank your sexy ass to an even deeper shade of red. Or I understand leather can be useful in bringing naughty girls to heel.”

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Then go to the corner. Now.”

  His voice wasn’t unkind but it left no doubt in her mind that he meant to be obeyed. What frightened her was part of her wanted to do as he told her to do if for no other reason than he was telling her to do so.

  Ava turned and walked to the corner and then turned to face him.

  Declan shook his head and folded his arms across his chest. “You turn around and put your nose in the corner. Now, Lizzy.”

  She thought to defy him until he uncrossed his arms and took a step toward her. Thinking that for once discretion was the better part of valor, she turned to face the wall. She heard him walk across the floor. She could hear and feel him right behind her, and her pussy vibrated with need. She realized that it wasn’t just a need to feel a cock inside it, but to feel this man possess her in a way that would be new to her.

  “The next time I tell you to go stand in the corner, I expect you to go to whatever corner I designate and face it without my having to tell you a second time.” He swatted her once, making her yelp.

  “Yes, Declan.”

  He swatted her again. “Behave yourself.”

  She heard him walk away. Surely, he didn’t mean to leave her standing there. “God damn it, Declan.”

  “Lizzy, you swear at me one more time, and I’ll wash your mouth out with soap before I spank you for doing it. Clear?”

  “Yes, Declan,” she said in a resentful tone.

  “And watch how you answer me, Lizzy.”

  “Yes, Declan,” she said in a more resigned tone.

  “That’s better.”

  Oh, that was it. She was not going to put up with this. Ava hated the fact that a warm feeling had rushed over her when he’d praised her. But only a very small part of her wanted to turn and challenge him. Mostly she just wanted to stay there behaving hoping that he too felt the call and that he’d come take care of the fire he had ignited... not just on her backside, but deep within her.

  Chapter Nine

  Declan stood watching Lizzy stand in the corner. Her ass was bright red from the span
king he’d given her. The light outside was dying so he lit a fire and several candles to cast her in soft light. He couldn’t believe he’d just spanked the ass of woman he hadn’t even known this morning. But it didn’t seem wrong. In fact, he wasn’t even surprised. It felt right. It was as if he’d been waiting for her and she for him. It seemed as though she needed that spanking to get through all the bullshit. He knew it would take more than a single spanking for Lizzy to settle down and learn to answer to him, but given how good her ass felt while he was blistering it and how wet it had made her, he figured they’d be just fine.

  He watched as the flickering light danced across her body. She was truly beautiful, that beauty enhanced by her well-punished ass. His inclination was to re-join her in the corner and simply claim what they both already knew was his. But he wanted this first punishment and, yes, the first time they were together to be more memorable than that.

  He went into the kitchen, opened the fridge, and grabbed himself a pale ale. Lizzy had good taste in beer and beer-like beverages. He walked back into the bedroom area and sat down on the bed. He continued to admire her ass and his handiwork, musing on the circumstances that had brought them together as he sipped from the long-necked bottle. He shook his head, smiling. None of it made sense, but he knew in the marrow of his bones this was the way it was supposed to be.

  “All right, Lizzy, you can come out of the corner.”

  She turned around.

  “Come over to me.”

  “You’re not going to spank me again, are you?” she asked quietly.

  He smiled. “Probably, but if you behave yourself, not again tonight. Come here.”

  She approached him, her demeanor cautious. Declan tossed a pillow on the floor between his legs.

  “On your knees,” he said, offering her his hand to help her kneel.

  She sank gracefully to her knees.

  “Take my cock out.”

  Ava opened his fly and released his hard cock. She licked her lips expectantly and a feral gleam entered her eyes. It occurred to him that if he gave Lizzy any inkling of control at this point, he might well undo all the good the spanking had done her. As she reached for him to draw him to her mouth, he ran his fingers through her hair and grasped a handful, tilting her head back so that she was forced to look at him.


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