Claimed And Mastered (Wayward Mates Series Book 6)

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Claimed And Mastered (Wayward Mates Series Book 6) Page 12

by Delta James

  He rolled over on top of her and grasped her still tender behind in his hands. “See that you remember it well,” he said as without any further preliminaries he drove himself to the hilt.

  Ava felt every inch of him thrusting deep within her. She experienced the same feeling of penetration and possession as she had when she was on her knees and he took her from behind. She cried out his name as he began to stroke her. This time she was able to wrap her arms around him and to intertwine her legs with his.

  She could feel his powerful buttocks and thighs propelling his staff into her sheath repeatedly. She heard him grunt with exertion and groan with satisfaction. Ava could tell that he experienced their passion on the same primal level as she did. Only he was predator and she was prey. He took what he demanded she surrender to him. And Ava had to admit that surrendering to him was becoming easier each time he took possession of her.

  She squirmed. She wasn’t trying to get away, but her bottom was still tender and sore from the spanking he’d given her the day before. It was hard to believe that only a short while ago she hadn’t even known the man who was plunging his cock in and out of her existed.

  “Come for me, Lizzy,” he whispered as her body started to tremble in anticipation of her climax.

  Her nipples were hard as diamonds and scraped along his chest. The friction of his thrusting made his chest keep them taut with desire.

  Ava was not ready to yield. She hoped that on her back she would have more control of her own response. Declan seemed to get great pleasure and enjoyment out of making her come three or four times before taking his own release. Ava disliked his having the ability to inflict climaxes on her. She preferred to come with a man... like a man... just the one time. Declan had been explicit in telling her that it would be rare for him to only enjoy one orgasm from her before filling her with his cum.

  “Naughty, Lizzy. Do I need to flip you over on your belly?”

  “No,” she wailed, losing the fight for control.

  “Then you give in to me... now.”

  As he spoke the command, Ava’s body capitulated and her pussy wrapped around his hard staff, clenching all along its length trying to coax him to deliver what she needed. Ava cried out in a combination of pleasure, pain, satisfaction, and need.

  “Give,” he said again as he continued to hold her steady while he pounded her pussy into submission.

  “Declan,” she cried as a second climax came crashing down behind the first.

  Ava couldn’t feel any difference in the intensity of his stroking. Relentlessly he drove in and out of her. It was hard to believe that he could hammer her any harder than he already had and yet she could feel him raking his cock along her inner walls. Ava began to lose touch with anything other than the feel of him plunging in and out with greater speed and power and the sounds of his grunts and groans from the effort it took to completely dominate her.

  Once more, Ava could feel her body begin to quiver as it raced toward another climax. If she could have formed words she would have begun to plead for him to give them both the release they needed. But she was beyond that. She was beyond coherency or comprehension. She had entered a realm where only Declan existed where only being with him, surrendering to him mattered.

  As she cried out with no words, Declan growled in the way of her kind. She accepted that he was calling to her and that regardless of how much she wanted to resist, it was not within her ability to do so. The powers that had made them both had inserted a fatal flaw in the DNA of female wolves... in the end they would all heed the call of their fated mate.

  As Declan growled again, Ava gave over to the primal forces that were working within both of them. As she climaxed again, he began to pump his seed into her as she nuzzled his neck before sinking her teeth into the side of it. She clung to him as he continued to unleash a torrent of cum into her.

  She began to descend from the high he had given to her. She could hear him speaking soft words of comfort and adoration and yes, even love. Wolf or no, it seemed to Ava that Declan had accepted and embraced their connection long before she had.

  He chuckled before saying, “It’s a good thing you like to fuck, Lizzy. Hang onto me, sweetheart.”

  She did as he requested and found herself suddenly on top of him. Granted, she was still stretched out and not sitting astride, but it was a start. A feral gleam lit up in her eyes.

  “Don’t get any ideas, Lizzy. I just didn’t want to have to roll off of you or make you bear my weight. You try sitting up or riding me, and I’ll take my belt to your backside.”

  She giggled. The sound startled her. She didn’t recall ever having giggled before in her entire life. “Ever?”

  “Probably. Don’t think I missed that predatory look that came over your face when you realized you weren’t underneath me.” He ran his hands down her back and stroked her still tender bottom gently. “You’re mine, Lizzy and I will be the one in control. You disobey me or misbehave and your sexy ass will pay the price. Agreed?”

  “And if I don’t agree?” she teased, happier than she could ever remember being.

  He squeezed her bottom with just enough force that it made her wince.

  “Then you’ll find yourself face down over my knee getting your bottom blistered. I mean it, Lizzy, you’re going to learn to behave yourself and mind me. And when you don’t, you’ll get spanked and if my hand can’t get the job done, I’ll make damn sure my belt will.”

  “Yes, Decl—” Ava caught herself short. “Oh, God, no. Shit, no.”

  Ava began to struggle to get away from him, but Declan held fast. Panicked, she stared at the trail of blood trickling down from the point on his neck just below the collarbone. There was no mistaking the mark on Declan’s throat... Ava had bitten him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Declan wrapped her in his arms and rolled her back over, pinning her to the mattress.

  “Lizzy, what the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Get off. Get off. Please, Declan, let me up.”

  Declan withdrew from her and allowed her to sit up, but kept hold of her arm as he sat up next to her.

  “Lizzy, what’s wrong? Answer me!”

  “Your neck. I bit you!”

  Declan laughed. “I know. It hurt, but considering how hard I was pounding your pussy, I figured you were entitled.”

  “No, you don’t understand. Oh, shit. Shit!”

  “Sweetheart, it didn’t hurt that bad. I’m not mad at you. You weren’t thinking. It’s not a big deal.”

  Ava knew he didn’t have a clue. “You don’t understand. I need to talk to Bess.”


  “Yes, Bess. It’s important. Please, Declan, just listen to me.”

  She tried to stand and bolt, but he held her fast.

  “Lizzy, what is this all about?”

  She tried to jerk free, but she couldn’t seem to loosen his grip.

  “Let go!” she cried.

  “You convince me that this isn’t some nonsense you’ve cooked up because you got spanked last night and I didn’t let you have your way this morning.”

  “No, Declan. I swear. It isn’t. Please, please get Bess.”

  He nodded slowly. “All right. You get back in bed and settle down and I’ll go get Bess.”

  “No,” she said, her voice once more bordering on panic. “I have to talk to her. We both need to get dressed. Oh, God, what have I done?”

  He pulled her into his arms and tried to console her. “It’s all right, Lizzy. I know I pushed you pretty hard yesterday, but it’s all right. We’re supposed to be together. I know you can feel it too.”

  “Yes, yes, we are. But you don’t know what I’ve done. I swear to you, Declan, I’m not trying to run away or be a brat. But please let me get dressed and call Bess and you get back in bed. Maybe if you don’t move around a lot it will be better.”

  Declan laughed. “Sweetheart, I’m not the one with the bright red fanny and the well-used pussy. I
’m fine. In fact, I’ve never felt better.”

  “Please, Declan, please?”

  “All right, sweetheart. Calm down. Whatever it is, we’ll see it through together. Take a deep breath.” She did so. “There’s my girl.” He kissed her softly. “We’ll get dressed and go downstairs to get Bess.”

  She quickly put on her clothes and watched him pull on a pair of jeans.

  “Hurry! We need to get Bess!”

  “Settle down, Lizzy.” He stopped looking for a sweater to pull over his head. “Seriously, sit your ass down on the bed and stay there.”

  “We don’t have time...”

  “Lizzy.” His voice had taken on the note of command. “If your ass isn’t on that bed seated in the next thirty seconds, I’m going to sit down, put you back over my knee, and rewarm that pretty ass of yours. Now sit!”

  The command in his voice couldn’t be denied. She gathered all of her wits and sat down.


  He leaned over and kissed her. “That’s better.”

  “Fuck this, Declan,” she said as she bounded off the bed and raced down the stairs yelling for Bess.

  “Lizzy,” he yelled from the doorway as he pulled a sweater over his head. “Get your ass back up here right now.”

  “No,” she called up to him. “Bess! Bess!”

  The older woman came out of her separate quarters off the kitchen.

  “For heaven’s sake, Lizzy. What’s wrong? Don’t think you’re going to put me between you and Declan. If you’ve disobeyed him, I support his taking you to task over it.”

  “No! No! Oh, Christ, Bess. I bit him!”

  “You what?” Bess said in dismay.

  “I bit him. We were having sex and he was pounding me pretty hard, and I got caught up in it and I... I bit him.”

  Declan came trotting down the stairs and found the two women in the kitchen.

  “Lizzy, did you hear me?”

  “Yes, Declan, I did. And I’m sorry, but I bit you.”

  “Sweetheart, I told you it’s not that bad.”

  “Oh, my God, Declan, she bit you,” cried Bess. “She broke the skin; there’s blood.”

  “I’m aware,” he said, turning to Bess before turning back to Ava. “Answer me, Lizzy, did you hear me calling to you?”

  Her eyes were wild.

  “I heard... in more ways than you can possibly know.”

  She started to giggle in a tone that bordered on hysterical. “But you’re going to know now. Oh, God, Bess, what have I done?”

  “Lizzy, sweetheart. What has got you so upset? I told you I wasn’t angry...”

  “Yet,” she said, once again looking at Bess with a panic-stricken expression.

  Declan turned back to Bess. “Do you know what’s got her so upset?”

  “She bit you hard enough to draw blood,” said Bess.

  “I know, but as I said to her, she kind of had cause.”

  Ava stared at Bess. “Remind him of that down the road,” she said, giggling again.

  “That’s not funny, Lizzy. How are you feeling, Declan?”

  “I’m fine,” he said, looking between the two women he held most dear. “A little Bactine and a Band-Aid and I’ll be right as rain.”

  Ava was starting to shut down completely. “Help him, Bess, please.”

  “He’ll be fine.” Bess reached across and took her hand. “I’m going to go call Roz. They have a doctor down there, Greg’s his name. He’s got quite a bit of experience and went through it himself. I’ll call them.”

  “No, you can’t. Not Halsey. He knows Griffin and Ioan...” said Ava.

  “You bit him, Lizzy. Halsey is in the best position to help him.”

  “Who the hell are Halsey, Griffin, and Ioan?” asked Declan.

  “It doesn’t matter,” said Ava. “But he can make sure he’s going to be okay?”

  “Roz seemed to think so when I spoke with her earlier,” said Bess.

  “You promised me you wouldn’t tell Halsey,” accused Ava.

  “I didn’t. I told his mate. And don’t you take that tone with me. You and I can’t handle this ourselves, we’re going to need help and help that knows what it’s doing.”

  “You’re right,” said Ava. “I’m sorry. I kind of lost it.”

  Declan reached out and pulled her to him. “Just breathe, sweetheart. I’m fine and we’ll get his sorted out. Are Ioan, Griffin, and this Halsey guy what’s got you so spooked?”

  “I wish.” Ava shook her head as silent tears started down her face. She turned to Bess. “I’d take Colum’s strap a hundred times over not to have caused this.”

  “The only person who’s going to be taking a strap to your backside is me,” growled Declan.

  Bess came forward and gave her a hug. “I know, Lizzy. But it was bound to happen at some point. And the pack is geared up to come help.”

  “Pack?” asked Declan. “What the hell is going on?”

  “It’s a long story and perhaps best left for another time. But Lizzy, you may want to tell Declan your real name. I have a feeling Roz knows who you are.”

  Ava took a deep breath.

  Declan looked between Bess and Ava. Not her real name? He’d been spanking and fucking this woman and didn’t even know her real name. His understanding and patience were quickly being replaced with annoyance.

  “I’d listen to her, Lizzy. Telling me your real name and why you aren’t using it would be a really good place to start.”

  Ava looked at him and smiled weakly. “I’m so getting spanked for this, aren’t I?”

  Declan kissed her forehead and then sat with her on the couch, holding her hands in his. Reining in his irritation at her for not being completely honest with him, he said, “For the bite? No. I told you, it isn’t that bad. And given how hard I was riding you, it’s not totally unexpected that passion and instinct were at the forefront. Why Bess thinks I need some specialist I’ll never know. I’m fine. It doesn’t even hurt anymore.” He kissed her again. “But for lying to me about your name... unless you have a damn good reason, then yes, that’s going to get you spanked.”

  Ava looked at Bess who was grinning from ear to ear.

  “You don’t have to look quite so happy about this,” said Ava. “But if you’re this calm, I guess this pack doctor must know his stuff.”

  “He does. And I warned you about keeping secrets from Declan. And you bit him. If ever a naughty girl needed spanking, it’s you.”

  Declan chuckled. “Not to worry, Bess, she’ll get that and more when we get back upstairs.”

  Bess patted him on the arm. “You might want to hold off on taking Lizzy upstairs and disciplining her. You should try to rest. When our guests get here, I’ll try to help you make some sense of it. Before I go make that call, I would like to know her real name.”

  Declan looked at Ava. “I think that’s the least you owe her.”

  “It’s a long story,” started Ava, reluctant to have to admit how badly she had screwed up everything.

  “I think you’re trying to make it complicated so you don’t have to tell me. I’ll bet it’s actually very simple. I’ll lead you through it,” offered Declan. “And if you don’t think you can do this sitting on the couch holding my hand, I’ve got no issue putting you over my knee, baring your backside, and laying into your ass.”

  The words were spoken sweetly but Ava could hear how truly pissed he was. And if he was this pissed at not knowing her name, he’d never forgive her for turning him.

  Ava drew a deep breath. “You probably already know I’m not American. I’m Welsh by birth. My name isn’t Elizabeth Owen. It’s Ava Rhys. This won’t mean anything to you, Declan, but Bess, I’m from Calon Onest.”

  Bess’ eyes registered surprise. “That’s an old and venerated pack. They must be out of their minds with worry over you.”

  “No, I left because there was nothing for me there and no one really gave a damn,” said Ava sadly.

I doubt that,” said Bess consolingly. “They’re going to want you to come home.”

  Declan growled, startling Bess. “This is Lizzy’s... Ava’s home. She’s already home.”

  “He started growling before I bit him,” Ava said as she shrugged her shoulders.

  * * *

  Bess left them in the living room and walked back into the kitchen. She pulled out her phone and dialed Roz directly.

  “Bess? Why is it I don’t think you’re calling to just check in?”

  “I’m afraid not, Mistress.”

  “Bess? At the moment I’m having to sit on a pillow...”

  “I’m sorry, Roz. I now know Lizzy’s real name. Her name is Ava Rhys.”

  “I was afraid of that.”

  “Why? Has she hurt someone? Done something?” Bess asked anxiously.

  “Not really. I understand she was something of a pain in the ass in her pack. Ioan Smith-Davies has posted a sizeable reward for information leading to her safe return.”

  “Perhaps he doesn’t need to know?” offered Bess.

  “No way. When I tell Oliver who she is, he’ll be on the phone with Ioan letting him know she’s safe. But you sound a whole lot more concerned over something other than just learning her name. What’s got you upset?”

  “She bit him... Declan. It wasn’t her fault. I understand they were in bed and it just sort of happened.”


  “She’s not a bad girl, Roz. She’s actually very sweet in her own way.”

  “So she bit him in a nice way?” Roz said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. “Oh, lord, this is going to be a mess. I guess we’d best not put the cart before the horse. Let’s get Declan through the change first and we’ll sort out the rest later.”

  “Declan won’t let them take her.”

  “He may not have a choice.”

  “He isn’t one of us, Roz. He won’t understand, but he will fight for her. As I said the last time we talked, he’s her fated mate.”

  “She bit him, Bess. He may not have been one of us before, but he damn sure is now... or at least he will be. We can figure out all the rest of it later. I’ll get Greg and Oliver and we’ll be there as soon as possible. Try to keep him quiet. Any kind of exertion could bring the change on faster and I’d rather we were there when it starts.”


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