Daddy's Girls

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Daddy's Girls Page 14

by Andrews, Stella

  Principal Armstrong looks at me for a moment and then a sly smile breaks out across his face.

  “You know, I may overlook this unfortunate incident just this once if you promise me something.”

  I feel my eyes widen as I see the purpose in his eyes and I know that look - it’s the predatory look of a man who wants something. Marshall Emmerson looked at me in the same way and I feel the blood run cold in my body.

  He licks his lips and smiles. “You know, I often turn a blind eye to certain events that involve my special friends. You have every chance of making that list my dear Mrs. King, or may I call you Ashton?”

  I say nothing as my brain struggles to catch up with what’s happening.

  He moves across and sits on the edge of his desk much like Ryder did on that first day. This time, however, the fear within me is genuine. I look at him with fear and he obviously recognizes my weakness because the excitement sparks in his eyes. He carries on in a low, husky voice.

  “Lets’ just say, if you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. As soon as I saw you, my dear, I knew we would strike up a great friendship. All you need to do is give me what I very much want and I will teach you what it means to be one of my most favored parents.”

  He reaches his hand towards me and I watch it disappear up my skirt towards my panties. He licks his lips and I see the lust in his eyes as he leans further in towards me. Instinctively, I push him away and I don’t miss the surprise on his face as I stand up and glare at him with anger.

  “How dare you? What sort of man are you? You’re supposed to be trustworthy and above any form of manipulation. I’m not the woman you thought I am if you think any part of what you’ve just implied is ok with me. You’re disgusting and I’ll take great delight in reporting you to the authorities. I’m sure the other parents would also be interested to know what sort of monster runs their school.”

  Shaking, I turn to leave but he grabs my wrist in one surprisingly strong move and hisses.

  “Not so fast Mrs. King. You may want to reconsider your rash decision when faced with the possibility of explaining to the police why you are reported as missing and yet parading around Washington with a child who is obviously not yours.”

  The shock hits me like a tidal wave and my legs buckle. I sit down heavily in the chair and look at him in fear.

  He moves even closer and says roughly.

  “I’ve seen your daddy begging for knowledge of your whereabouts on the news. He obviously doesn’t know where you are and has offered a very hefty reward for information on your location. Now, I could just make a phone call and put him out of his misery, and pocket the cash after having carried out my civic duty. But then I thought of a much greater reward for my silence. I’ll keep your secret in return for your favors. Not a difficult choice as so many before you have discovered. Let’s just say that power is a powerful aphrodisiac, my dear. The number of women I’ve had bent over this desk ready to face their punishment would make your eyes water. They relish my attention and nobody need ever know. Cassandra enjoys a school life without fear of trouble and is ensured good grades and the perks of being the teacher’s pet. You get to enjoy a bit of excitement away from the kitchen sink and the demands of a bored husband who goes through the motions every night. What I’m offering is excitement, danger and the hottest sex you will ever experience. Think about it, my dear. The choice is being shipped back to your daddy or living a free life with more excitement than your pretty little body can cope with. If you decide to proceed with your foolish plan to report me to my peers, then it will be just your word against mine. I mean, there’s nobody who would believe you, anyway. You’re a fugitive and running scared, whereas I’m a well-trusted pillar of the community who happened to discover your situation and challenged you. You blackmailed me into silence by offering me your body which, of course, I turned down due to the fact that I’m a happily married man and respectable professional.”

  I can feel the walls closing on me as his words take effect. He’s right, who would believe me anyway? I have no proof, it’s as he said, his word against mine. All it would do is alert my father to where I am. He would be here quicker than I could blink and drag me home to an inconvenient marriage, taking me from my family. I picture Cassie’s face and the tears spring to my eyes. She would be devastated, as would I. Then there is Ryder, and it hits me like an atom bomb. The pain is stifling as I imagine having to leave him and replace him with the abhorrent Marshall Emmerson. He would be no match for them. He may be invincible here but daddy’s network stretches the country. No, it’s up to me to protect what we have and not allow anything to interfere with it.

  I look up and see the sparkling eyes of the Principal and nod, lowering my eyes in defeat.

  “What do I have to do?”

  I can almost touch the anticipation in the air and smell his triumph. Before he can reply, however, the phone rings on his desk causing him to frown.

  He answers it gruffly.

  “What? I said I wasn’t to be disturbed.”

  I watch as he listens and see the irritation wiping out the previous triumphant look. He nods. “Ok, I’ll be right there.”

  Sighing, he replaces the receiver and looks at me with regret.

  “This will have to wait until tomorrow. Duty calls and I must put that first against what I would much rather be doing.”

  Then he stands up and reaches me and pulls me from my chair. He leans towards me and I feel his hot breath fan my face. He whispers, “I’ll see you here at 9am sharp. Don’t be late because I love to punish my students who disobey me. I would like nothing more than to rip those panties off your ass and bend you over my desk while I cane you to within an inch of your life. What’s more, you will love every minute of it and plead me to fuck you. So, with that thought in mind, have a nice day, Mrs. King and I will very much look forward to our meeting tomorrow.”

  As soon as he releases my arm, I sprint from his office like a deer in flight. The panic rises and I choke on my tears as the enormity of the situation hits me. Lou’s words ring in my ears as I go

  “The guys like their women, hot, sexy and independent. It’s why they teach us how to defend ourselves and encourage us to sort things out in our own way.”

  I can’t go to Ryder with this. He would be forced to defend me against the very people he wants his daughter to aspire to be. He would head in all guns blazing and Cassie’s future would be ripped away from her faster than we could enroll her in the state school. All my life I’ve hidden behind others who fight my battles for me. First Tyler and now Ryder. It’s time I stood on my own two feet and grew a backbone. The only trouble is—how?



  Jennifer is waiting and looks at me with concern. “What’s the matter, honey? You’ve gone whiter than milk.”

  I struggle to regain a normal expression and shake my head.

  “Cassie was caught punching a boy yesterday and his parents have complained.”

  Jennifer grins wickedly.

  “Oh yes, Imogen told me about that. Apparently, Samuel snuck up on them and pulled Imogen’s hair and took her candy. Cassie was angry and chased him and as Imogen said, punched him and stole it right back. Typical playground behavior, I wonder why his parents complained? I mean, it’s a bit embarrassing for him, really. Then again, his father’s a wet lettuce and his mom a first-class asshole.”

  I smile but don’t feel very much like laughing. If only she knew the rest. Jennifer smiles sympathetically.

  “It’ll all be over by tomorrow. Get Cassie to write a letter of apology and that’ll be the end of it.”

  She grins. “Anyway, how about grabbing a coffee with me? I could use some water to dilute the neat vodka swimming in my veins.”

  I look at her with surprise and for the first time note the tired lines around her eyes and the unhappiness in them. So, I push my own worries away and link arms with my only friend here.

  “Come on then. I’ll driv
e though. You may need a ride home as well. I’ll pick up Imogen later and bring her back.”

  Jennifer nods sadly and we head off to the local coffee shop.

  Driving home later, I focus on Jennifer’s problems rather than my own. It didn’t take much before she spilled her own secrets, largely due to the Dutch courage inside her. It appears her husband has been doing more than working on his trips abroad and has got another woman pregnant. He wants to leave Jennifer and move to France to be with his new family. This would leave her with no money other than the allowance he gives her and they would have to sell up and move to a cheaper house in a rough neighborhood. No more Harvey-Vallard and no best friend for Cassie.

  I worry about her because she doesn’t appear to have anyone else to turn to. Her family live in Massachusetts and she moved out here to be with her husband. She could move back but her family disowned her because she got pregnant out of wedlock. They’re puritans and don’t believe in sex before marriage. They may take her back as a sinner but her child wouldn’t be welcome.

  Sighing, I turn into the drive to the compound. Maybe I can find Bonnie and talk it through with her. She’ll know what to do.

  As I bring the SUV to a standstill I’m surprised to see Cara, Ryder’s sister waiting by her car. I haven’t seen her since that first day and she looks about as welcoming as she did then.

  Mustering a smile that I don’t feel, I walk towards her after parking nearby.

  I feel her appraisal and the anxiety grips me. What she thinks matters to me because she’s the only family Ryder has. I know she has Cassie’s best interests at heart so I try to calm my nerves and smile happily.

  “Hi, it’s Cara, isn’t it? I’m sorry we didn’t get much time to talk the other day.”

  She looks at me with a hard look and smiles thinly.

  “So, you’re still here then.”

  Trying not to let her words affect me, I shrug and laugh nervously.

  “Yes, like Ryder said, I’m his wife now, and that’s for life in my book.”

  Cara rolls her eyes. “Then you’re as stupid as I thought you’d be.”

  Fixing her with a hard look I say, “Excuse me. What did you call me?”

  She grins.

  “There, that got your attention. I had to see if there was any backbone behind that pretty facade. My brother has a habit of surrounding himself with vacuous vessels who are there to just serve as a parking place for his dick. I was hoping that his wife would be different.”

  Despite her words, I laugh softly. “You know him so well.”

  She laughs. “Unfortunately, I do. I mean, don’t get me wrong, we haven’t lived together for most of our lives but we’re all we’ve got. Like most brothers and sisters, we fight a lot and don’t tolerate each other’s weaknesses.”

  I smile wryly. “I have a brother too. We get along well - united in our common hatred of our father. You’re lucky if you don’t have one like him to deal with.”

  Cara looks interested and I nod towards the house.

  “Come in and I’ll make us a coffee. I expect you have a lot of questions that need answers.”

  Cara follows me inside and in no time, I set a coffee before her and take the seat opposite. Then I fix her with a hard look and say, “Right, what do you want to know?”

  For the next hour, I answer all of her questions as honestly as I can. I skirt around the reason that brought me here and can tell she isn’t fooled. Luckily, she doesn’t press the matter and just seems more interested in finding out about Cassie. One hour soon turns to two and I find myself warming to Ryder’s sister. She is hard and uncompromising, yet has a softer side that shows the deep love she has for him and Cassie. I do everything I can to put her mind at rest and as she stands to leave, she smiles at me warmly.

  “I’m glad I came, Ashton. It’s been worrying me and now I can see that my brother hasn’t made another dick decision I will sleep easier in my bed. I also wanted to ask if I can have Cassie to stay on the weekend. I’ve missed the little terror and can’t wait to see her.”

  Smiling, I walk her to her car. “I’ll check with Ryder but it shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll call you.”

  As she climbs into her car, she smiles warmly.

  “Thanks, Ashton. Now, remember, don’t let my cocky brother run rings around you. Stand up to him and play him at his own game. Men like a challenge and a weak woman does nobody any favors, least of all herself. Men like Ryder need a strong woman to come home to, don’t be any less than that for all your sakes.”

  As I wave her off, I feel the resolution setting in. She’s right. I need to be strong, not weak. Men like Principal Armstrong better watch out because I’m not the girl I was when I came here. Ryder won’t have to deal with my problem because I intend on sorting it out myself.

  The only trouble is, I don’t know the first thing about doing it.



  “Man, that was hell.” Snake’s words echo my own thoughts. Going after a drug lord was never gonna be easy and the shootout that followed is still ringing in my ears. Job done, though. One very dead fucked up criminal along with twenty of his men. The clean-up crew ain’t gonna thank us for this one.

  Looking around at my men I’m relieved to see just the usual minor injuries that a job this size involves. Nothing that a night of alcohol to deaden the pain, followed by the soft embrace of a woman won’t fix.

  Wearily, I shake my head and nod towards the barn.

  “Come on, we’ve earned a shot or two. The women will be home soon with the kids and normal life will kick in.”

  Snake nods. “Sure, I could use a shot or two. Bonnie’s at College ‘til 6 and the house will close in on me if I head back there.”

  Brewer grins. “Well, my old lady will be warm and waiting. No kids for an hour or so frees her up to look after me for a change. Enjoy your drinks guys, I’ve got a much better proposition waiting.”

  Laughing, I follow Snake inside. Most of the guys head that way, others head home no doubt to mirror what Brewer is up to. As I think of Ashton my cock strains at the leash. It’s good to have something so sexy to look forward to. Deep inside her, I will drive the hard images of the day away.

  Snake, Flash, Rock and I hit the pool table and try to unwind. We need this time to sort our heads out before family life kicks in. Flash is the only one of the four of us who has a whore in his sight tonight. Like I was, he’s free with his favors and shares his dick around generously. I’ve even known him have more than one in his bed at a time and ‘man whore’ doesn’t come close to describing him. He’s always been a favorite with the ladies, given his good looks and cocky choice of words. The joker of the pack and after me the hardest to pin down. One day it’ll hit him as hard as it hit me. Until then he’s free to play the field and if there was a league of ‘players’ he would top it every time.

  Two hours in and I feel human enough to head off and find my family. Cassie will be back from school and I can’t wait to hold her on my lap and kiss her soft cheeks. She’s everything to me and now we have Ashton, my world is complete.

  As soon as I head inside, Cassie runs up shouting, “Daddy, daddy, swing me high.”

  She jumps into my arms like a gazelle and I swing around like an airplane until she can’t breathe for laughing.

  Ashton stands in front of us with an odd look in her eyes. My heart twists inside me, something’s wrong. She’s smiling but I see the pain in her eyes and the blood rushes through my body like fire.

  I put Cassie down and follow them into the kitchen, looking at Ashton with questions in my eyes. She looks serious.

  “Cassie, darling, come and sit down. We need to talk about something that happened at school.”

  My heart starts pounding as I join them and we sit either side of Cassie. Ashton takes her hand and looks at her with a smile.

  “Now, it’s ok but Principal Armstrong told me that something happened yesterday at recess. Do you want to tell us wh
at happened?”

  Cassie’s eyes widen and her lower lip trembles. Instantly, my back is up and I narrow my eyes. Ashton looks at me reassuringly and I relax—a little. Cassie says quietly.

  “Samuel Buckland pulled Imogen’s hair and stole her candy. I didn’t think it was very nice, so I chased him.”

  I say gently. “Then what happened?”

  She turns to look at me with her big adorable brown eyes and says loudly.

  “I did what you showed me, daddy. I got him in a headlock and punched him in the face.”

  The look on Ashton’s face almost makes me lose it. It takes all of my self-control not to laugh out loud and heap praise on my daughter. Ashton, however, is not amused and shakes her head.

  “Honey, you do know that was the wrong thing to do, don’t you?”

  Cassie looks surprised.

  “But daddy always told me if anyone hurt me or anyone I loved then I was to stand up to them. That’s right, isn’t it daddy?”

  I actually don’t know what to say. She’s right, I’ve always said that but from the look on Ashton’s face, that isn’t gonna cut it. So, I smile and pull her onto my lap. The love that I feel for my girl has no limits. She can do no wrong in my eyes and the pride at how she dealt with that situation is threatening to overwhelm me.

  Instead, I kiss her gently and say softly. “You were right, little princess. The trouble is, when you’re at school they have different rules. The right thing to do in this case was to tell a teacher. When there’s someone in authority around, you tell them and let them deal with it in the right way. Now you’re the one in the wrong because you’ve made this boy a victim, not the bully. You’ll be punished because he did wrong in the first place. It’s why we have laws and police to act on our behalf. You only fight your way out of a situation if there’s nobody to help you or act on your behalf. Do you understand baby girl?”

  Her nose wrinkles up as she thinks it through.


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