Silver Saints MC: Volume 1

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Silver Saints MC: Volume 1 Page 7

by Davenport, Fiona

  He was sitting up, a definite improvement from the last time we’d been here. The bruises and swelling on his face were also going down, though it would be a while before anyone would be commenting about his “pretty” face. Something we all loved to do to get a rise out of him.

  When he spied our extra visitor, his face lit up and he pushed away the small tray of food in front of him.

  “You bring me someone special to kiss away my pain, Blue?” he asked with a lopsided grin.

  Lena’s eyes widened as she took in his appearance and her eyes filled with tears. That was my cue to get the fuck outta there.

  “I’ll be right outside when you’re ready to go, baby,” I whispered to Bridget before beating a hasty retreat.

  Twenty minutes later, both women walked into the hall. Bridget was grinning ear to ear, and Lena was blushing like a virgin on prom night. I didn’t ask for details, just grabbed ahold of my girl and headed home.



  Staring at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, I cringed. I was still in my pajamas. My hair was months overdue for a cut. I looked like I hadn’t slept in forever. And I didn’t have the energy to do more than run a brush through my hair and put on some lip gloss.

  I felt like a mess, and it wasn’t entirely due to my lack of sleep. It was because my dad was coming to the compound for the first time since Mac had thrown down the gauntlet almost eleven months ago in the hallway at Knockers. I’d talked to him on the phone and even met him out for meals a couple of times when I’d managed to sweet-talk Mac into it, but my dad hadn’t seen fit to come visit me here yet. Until today...when Mac didn’t give him any other choice.

  My dad wanted to meet his new granddaughter, and it wasn’t going to happen anywhere else other than the Silver Saints compound. It had taken him seven weeks—and lot of texts with ridiculously adorable photos of Molly—to finally concede the fact that Mac wasn’t going to budge on this. Now that the day was finally here, I was freaking out.

  “You almost ready?” Strong arms wrapped around me, and I lifted my gaze to meet Mac’s eyes in the mirror. He rubbed his chin against my neck, his beard scraping against my tender skin and leaving goosebumps in its wake.

  “I just need to change out of my pajamas. Other than that, I think this is about as good as its going to get today,” I sighed.

  He turned my head to the side to capture my lips in a deep kiss that left me wanting more when he pulled away. “That’s bullshit. You need me to show you how fucking gorgeous you are?”

  “Maybe,” I breathed out. “But it’s going to have to wait because we don’t have enough time right now.”

  “And that’s bullshit, too.” He gripped my hips and flipped me around before setting me on the countertop. “Molly isn’t crying.”

  He yanked my sleep shorts and panties down my legs. “Your dad isn’t here yet.”

  Sinking a finger inside me, he growled, “You’re already wet for me.”

  “After that kiss, of course I am.”

  His finger continued to work me as he used his other hand to unbuckle his belt, unsnap his jeans, slide the zipper down, and pull out his cock. “And I’m always hard for you.”

  I widened my legs so he could step between them. His hands moved to my hips, and he lined himself up at my entrance. “Sounds like the perfect time to me.”

  “Hurry,” I panted as he slid his cock inside me. I wasn’t worried about how long we’d take; I just wanted to feel him move inside me and make me come. Gripping his shoulders and wrapping my legs around his hips, I held on tight while he pounded into me.

  “You’re more gorgeous today than you were when I found you sleeping in your bed when I came to take you.” He swiveled his hips, his cock dragging over my G-spot and making me clench around his hard length. “You were so damn hot that I knew I was fucked before you even opened your eyes.”

  “And look at us now.”

  His gaze dropped down, and he leaned back a little to watch his cock slide in and out of my body. “Come for me, baby. I wanna see your pussy squeeze me until I blow.”

  I slid my hand between us and flicked at my clit, making a growl creep up his chest. Each glide of his cock brought me closer to the edge, until I was suddenly flying over it and taking him with me. I slumped back against the mirror, panting for breath as he pulled out and cleaned me off with a washcloth.

  “Hurry up, baby.” He bent down to give me a kiss. Then he picked me up and set me on my feet, tucking himself back in and zipping up his pants. “We’d better get down there before hell freezes over and the Hounds of Hellfire President steps foot on Silver Saints soil.”

  I would have laughed, except it really did feel like hell was about to freeze over. I hurriedly changed my clothes while he lifted Molly out of the basinet we kept beside our bed. Her nursery was only one door down, but neither of us were ready for her to sleep in another room yet. I had no idea how he’d managed to have what was basically an entire house added to the back of the clubhouse in less than nine months, and I didn’t really care. I was too busy being grateful that it was ready in time for me to decorate the nursery before I gave birth, even though we mostly used it like a big closet for Molly’s stuff for now.

  “It’ll be okay,” I reassured him as I smiled at the picture my tough biker made with our tiny baby girl in his arms. “Molly will melt all the ice, just like she does your heart.”



  “Spread those legs wide, baby,” I grunted as I licked my wife’s sweet pussy. Shouldering in a little closer, I pushed her thighs out until there was just a hint of pain. Bridget immediately bucked her pelvis, begging for more, and I happily obliged.

  My rock hard cock was dripping with precome, making a mess of our sheets. I give a fuck, though. Our three daughters were spending two nights with Cat and Scout and their kids, which meant I was gonna get my wife dirty over and over again. Not only would I get to hear her scream, I was also determined to knock her up again. I smiled against her pussy before sucking on her clit. Maybe I’d even keep the sheets as a souvenir.

  Nah. That would be crazy. Right?

  I shoved my tongue in her tight hole, and Bridget pumped her hips up to meet every thrust. “Jared! Yes! Yes!” Her walls clamped down and she began to tremble, signaling that her climax was near. I’d already given her one orgasm, but another would make her even more likely to get pregnant. Not that we’d ever had a problem in that area.

  Bridget liked to joke that I could just look at her and she’d get pregnant. I couldn’t really argue with her since babies one through three had been somewhat unplanned—meaning Bridget tried to convince me to wear a condom and I refused every single time. Then I went about seducing her so she forgot all about it.

  She’d gone on birth control after Callie, but she was two now. So this time I’d informed her of my plan and flushed her pills down the toilet. She’d laughed as she did a striptease all the way to the bed. I loved my wife so fucking much.

  The doctors said it would be weeks or months until the contraceptives were out of her system, but I had no doubt my woman would be knocked up by the time our daughters returned.

  “The girls aren’t here, Bridget,” I reminded her when she stifled her next cry of pleasure. “Let me hear you scream, baby.”

  My mouth moved to her clit as I drove two fingers into her channel. Despite my large girth and giving birth to three babies, my woman’s pussy was still virgin tight. And after five years together, I still couldn’t get enough of it eating her out and sinking my cock deep inside her heaven.

  “Oh, Jared! Yes! Yes!”

  After another few seconds, she screamed long and loud as she flew apart. I nearly came at the sound of her ecstasy, but I refused to waste a drop of my come outside her womb. I licked and bit her through her climax, then surged up and slammed inside her without warning.

  “Oh, fuck!” I roared. She clamped down on me immediately, and the bliss ha
d me seeing stars. “So fucking hot,” I growled as I began to move. “That’s it, baby. Milk my cock. Oh, fuck, yeah. Yes!”

  I pumped hard and fast, knowing I wouldn’t last long. Since we were alone in the house, I was able to give over to my wild side, and the headboard slammed into the wall with every thrust.

  “Yes! Yes! Jared, I’m so close!”

  “Come, baby,” I demanded. “Come!”

  Bridget tossed her head back and screamed as she shattered again. Her pussy clamped down so hard, I had no choice but to follow. I planted myself as deep as possible and let go. “Bridget! Fuuuuuuck!” I roared as my cock exploded inside her, filling her with so much come that it would have oozed out had I not been buried so deep that it sealed her pussy and kept everything inside.

  Eventually, I surrounded her with my arms and rolled to my back, keeping her on top of me and my dick gloved in her tight heat. “Gonna give me a boy this time? I need help protecting my girls.”

  Bridget giggled. “I’ll work on it.”

  “I love you, baby,” I said gruffly before I kissed her on the top of her head.

  “I love you too, Jared. So much.”


  40 weeks later

  “Be very quiet, girls. Your brother is sleeping.”

  I opened the room to the hospital door and ushered in Molly, Dahlia, and Callie. They all entered on their tiptoes, making me smile. Callie had no clue what was going on, but she liked to do everything her sisters did.

  I loved my girls with everything I had in me, but fuck, I was relieved Bridget gave me a son. I’d just have to keep the girls from dating until their brother was old enough to kick their date’s asses. An opinion I should not have shared with my wife since it had been quite the argument. But at least the makeup sex had been epic.

  Bridget was resting against a pillow, awake but clearly exhausted. Which was to be expected, considering she’d just delivered a nine-pound baby boy. I was so fucking proud of my woman. She amazed me every day. As a wife, mother, friend, and anything else someone needed her to be. She had more capacity for love than I’d ever seen in another person. There was no doubt I wasn’t worthy of her, but I would never regret kidnapping her, and I would love her until the end of time.

  “Dane just woke up,” she said to the girls quietly. Molly bounced on her toes excitedly but whispered when she spoke.

  “Can I hold him mommy?”

  “Sure, sweet girl. Just hop up here next to me.” She patted the bed beside her, and I lifted Molly up and set her there. Then I gently scooped Dane from his little hospital bed and carefully placed him in her arms.

  “He’s really wrinkly,” she stated, scrunching her nose.

  I stifled a laugh and Bridget tossed me a warning look, causing me to grin because she looked so hot when she did that.

  “He’s a brand new baby,” my wife explained. “They all look a little red and wrinkly because he was inside mommy’s tummy.”

  “So, he won’t always be ugly?” she asked, her tone colored with relief.

  “Nope, he’ll be handsome like your daddy.”

  Molly nodded, looking solemnly down at him. “It’ll be my job to protect him,” she announced. “I’ll kick all his date’s asses.”

  Despite the moment being fucking hilarious, I groaned. I was in so much trouble.

  Extra Epilogue


  Sprawled on Mac’s chest in our bed after we’d both come hard seemed like the perfect time to bring up a subject I knew he didn’t want to discuss. There was a slim chance that his orgasm had mellowed him out enough to be reasonable, but probably not. After pressing a quick kiss against his pec, I tilted my head back and murmured, “Molly wanted me to talk to you about the Homecoming dance.”

  “Does she want me to book a limo for her group again this year?” He stroked his hand down my spine, his palm coming to rest against the dimples just above my butt. Molly had gone with some of her friends as freshmen and had planned to do the same this time around.

  After what had happened at school yesterday, she was hoping her dad would relax his stance on dating so she could toss her current plan for the dance out the window. “I’m pretty sure the back of a limo is the last place you’re going to want her to be when she goes to Homecoming this time.”

  His pale green eyes narrowed, and his lips pressed together into a flat line before he asked, “How come?”

  “There’s this new boy at school who she’s had a crush on since the first day of classes.” I felt his muscles tense up beneath me and hurried to get the whole story out before he blew a gasket. “I didn’t really think much of it before now since she’d only barely mentioned his name when talking about school stuff. I guess she didn’t want to rock the boat with you too much since she didn’t think he liked her back, but that all changed yesterday.”

  “What’d the boy do?” he rumbled, his voice sounding low and deadly.

  “He did one of those cute ways to ask a girl to a dance that you see on the news this time of the year.” I stroked my hand across his chest in a soothing gesture. “He brought a box of cupcakes from that new bakery in town, a dozen of them in different flavors so he could be sure there would be some that she’d like. And he got them to put a letter on top of each cupcake to spell out H-O-M-E-C-O-M-I-N-G with two question marks at the end. All of her friends thought it was super sweet and pushed her to agree to go with him, but Molly knew better than to say yes without getting your permission first.”

  “Good, because my answer is no. Molly can go on a date when she’s thirty, and the same goes for her sisters.” Mac tightened his arms around me as he made this declaration.

  I knew that the subject of his oldest daughter dating a boy from school was closed as far as he was concerned, but I wasn’t ready to let it drop yet. “You can’t keep the girls locked up in our house and away from all boys except for when they’re at school.”

  “I sure as fuck can,” he disagreed with a hard shake of his head.

  It was time for me to bring out the big guns. “She’s only two years younger than I was when you took me, Jared.”

  “You’re not doing our little girl any favors by pointing that out to me,” he gritted out, a muscle jumping in his jaw.

  I shifted positions, rolling onto my stomach with my legs tucked between his. Flattening my forearms on his six-pack abs, I interlaced my fingers and propped my chin up with my hands. “My dad tried the same thing with me, remember? Keeping me away from boys, safely protected within the walls of the compound until you breached them. Everyone in the Silver Saints thought I was the spoiled princess of the Hounds of Hellfire, but all that pampering was part of the reason why I provided the ladder for my own kidnapping.”

  His lips quirked up in a slight smile before he pressed them together again. “And here I thought that you helped me take you out your bedroom window because you couldn’t resist me.”

  “Feeling stifled by my dad’s overprotectiveness was what made me think of the ladder in the first place.” I pressed closer against his body, his dick nestling between my breasts. “My fascination with you was what had me actually suggesting you use it to get me out of the compound.”

  “Damn straight,” he murmured, his hand drifting lower to rub my butt cheek.

  Before things got heated between us again—the desire we felt for each other hadn’t lessened over the years, and we often went more than one round a night—I turned the conversation back to the point I’d been trying to make. “Molly is sixteen now. She’s a straight-A student who never gets into trouble. She’s also fierce since you’ve taught her how to defend herself. If we try to keep her away from this boy, under lock and key, at some point she’s going to rebel against the rules and do something crazy like supply the ladder for her own kidnapping.”

  “Fuck.” He pressed the back of his head against the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. “What’s the boy’s name?”

  Asking about the kid was the first step to g
etting him to agree, so I had to work hard not to flash him a smug grin and ruin the progress I’d made. “Robert Sutton. He’s sixteen, gets good grades, and plays soccer.”

  “Our girl has a crush on a soccer player named Robert?” I nodded, and he chuckled. “Fine, she can go to the dance with him but only if he comes here to pick her up. None of that waiting for her out in the car bullshit, though. He does this right and comes to the door like a fucking gentleman. And one of us needs to sign up to chaperone so we can keep an eye on them while they’re at the dance.”

  “I’ll do it,” I quickly volunteered before he decided to do it himself.

  “Then I guess our girl is going on her first fucking date.” His fingers dug into my butt cheeks. “Now get up here and give me a kiss before I change my mind.”

  Molly was going to be thrilled when she found out that her dad was willing to let her go to the dance with Robert. At least until he actually came to the house to pick her up for the dance and discovered her dad and most of the Silver Saints MC sitting on our front porch ready to intimidate the boy.


  Lincoln “Link” Nash was as good at cracking heads together as managing money as the Silver Saints MC Treasurer. The last thing he wanted to do was play babysitter to Harlowe Reed—some kid the club offered to protect.

  Then Harlowe arrived with her sassy mouth and sexy body. She may only be a year older than his daughter, but she’s all woman. Link knows he’s too old for her, but it won’t stop him from keeping her.



  “Link. Prez needs to see you,” Dax, the Silver Saints MC Sergeant at Arms, informed me as he poked his head into my office. I lifted my chin to let him know I’d heard before turning my attention back to my baby girl. Who wasn’t really a baby anymore. Especially now that she had a man.


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