The Unacceptables Series Box Set Two: Books Five through Nine with Exclusive Bonus Chapters

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The Unacceptables Series Box Set Two: Books Five through Nine with Exclusive Bonus Chapters Page 23

by Mazzola, Kristen Hope

  I leaned back in the booth. “How so?”

  “They offered me a prospect slot. The catch is that I have to take out an enemy to get it, the bigger the mark the better.” He gleamed with pride in the information he was divulging.

  “They’re making new guys do their dirty work. I knew Rave’s death was too sloppy for an old guy to have done it himself. Too much was left to chance.”

  “That’s the thing—they want it to look like an accident so it won’t come back on the club.” Ryder put creamer in his coffee as he smiled over at me.

  “I have to hand it to them, it’s a pretty smart move.” I sipped my black joe, chewing on the information Ryder had just given me.

  “Do you have any idea who might have taken Rave out?”

  Ryder shook his head. “I’ve it narrowed down to three new guys. They could have done it together as a group for all I know.”

  “Good work, kid. I’m impressed.” It was a small compliment, but it was true. I felt bad for doubting it, Ryder was proving himself faster than I had expected.

  “Thanks. It’s been pretty easy. They’re a bunch of morons from what I have gathered. I mean, they trusted me really fast and way too much. They all have big mouths once they have a few drinks in them.”

  “Sounds about right.” I chuckled to myself. Our biggest rivals weren’t the sharpest tools in the shed. They believed in numbers, not caring if their grunts had anything going on upstairs. We were the exact opposite.

  Ryder smirked down at his cell.

  “What has you so happy this early in the morning?” I questioned, already suspicious of the answer. It was always a damn girl.

  He bit his lip. “Raine.”

  “Be careful, son. Abel isn’t going to let you get within a hundred feet of that girl, especially if you decide you really want into the club.”

  “It’s just nice to have a friend,” he muttered.

  “I don’t blame you there, and she’s a sweetheart. So, did they give you a hit list or something?” I couldn’t keep talking about Raine with Ryder. She was too much like a daughter to me, and he was too much like me; it just felt too wrong.

  “Basically your entire club. Abel and you are the big targets.” He bowed his head. “Sorry, Pop.” I stopped dead, but not from the danger—there was always a threat on my life. What gave me pause was that it had been the first time he’d referred to me as his father in some fashion other than just stating facts.

  “It is what it is, son.” I shrugged, trying to ease his mind a bit.

  Ryder smiled a little more. “To be honest, I’ve been having a little bit of fun doing this. Thanks for trusting me.”

  “You’ve earned my trust, Ryder. This morning proves it that much more.”

  Chapter 7

  The thickness in the air weighed on me as I sat in the corner of the bar with my brothers scattered about. Everyone had come; even some of the guys from the Arkansas, Killeen, Sweetwater, and Atlanta charters had arrived in droves to pay their respects to our fallen leader.

  Bear, the VP from Atlanta, stomped over to me, leaning up against the wall to my right. “How’re you holding up, Holt?” he asked. Bear would give the shirt off her back to anyone in need but that kind nature was wrapped in a rough-and-tumble exterior blanketed with scars and tattoos.

  “It’s the risk we take, right?” I glanced over at Raine, who was crying in her stepmother’s arms behind the bar.

  “Still, ain’t ever easy,” Bear sighed. “Rave was a good man. He’ll be missed by all of us.”

  “How’re things going in your neck of the woods?” It had been way too long since I had checked in with our other chapters, something I was going to need to get a heck of a lot better about with the shoes I was about to have to start filling.

  “Can’t complain. Seems like most of the action is up here. Should have transferred when I had the chance after Odin lost his marbles.” Bear started laughing uncomfortably. Odin wasn’t someone that any of us really brought up anymore. He was a black stain in our cub’s history books that we wished we could all forget.

  Odin had snapped years before. He was a ruthless man, meaner than sin for the entire time I had known him. When his old lady left him for Rave, there was nothing holding the rage back. He murdered Sherry, Abel’s mom; Colleen, Abel’s girlfriend and Raine’s mother before turning the gun on himself. It was one of the worst situations any of us had had to deal with.

  “You know you’ll always have a place here, but that VP flash looks pretty damn good on that cut.” I pointed to Bear’s leather with a drink in my hand.

  “Speaking of vice presidents, why is Abel still wearing his VP patch? Shouldn’t that be on your chest?” The confusion on Bear’s face was little funny to me. He was right, Abel needed to step into his role.

  I laughed a little. “Long story, but it’ll happen, all in due time.”

  Dhonal walked up with beers for the two of us. “You guys look like you need a refill.”

  I chugged the half-empty longneck in my hand, taking the fresh one from his. “Thanks.”

  “Good to see you, Bear.” Dhonal hugged him quickly before turning back to rejoin his old lady and son at their table.

  As I was about to head behind the bar to check on Raine and Crickett, a text buzzed in my pocket.

  Ryder: We’re coming. They know.

  I snapped into action, rushing to Abel’s side. “I need to talk to you in the office right the fuck now.”

  Abel followed on my heels into the bar’s office. “What’s going on?”

  Without a word, I showed him the text.

  “We need to get the women and kids out of here.” His face went white. Of all the low blows, this one took the fucking cake. Even for outlaws on the hunt for blood, them coming for us at a damn funeral was pretty barbaric.

  “There isn’t enough time. Have Crickett get all of them in the back. Any of them that can shoot need to get armed.” I pulled Rave’s ax off the wall, handing it to Abel. “It’s only right that she sees the vengeance she deserves.”

  “Welcome back, butcher,” Abel muttered, slinging the strap of the sheath over his shoulder.

  I cracked my neck before removing my pistol from its side holster. “They want a war, we’ll give them one hell of a damn war.”

  Crickett made quick work of rounding up everyone who needed to be protected in the back. As she started to walk into the back room, I grabbed her arm. “Give Raine a gun. I know you don’t want to, but she’s a better shot than most of the guys in that room.”

  Crickett’s eyes filled with tears as she sucked in a harsh breath. “Did this really have to happen today of all days?”

  “When is timing ever on our side, darlin’?” I kissed her cheek, giving her the sawed-off I kept under the bar top. “It’s what I taught Raine how to shoot with when she started learning how to bartend. She’ll be fine.”


  I locked the door behind her and made my way behind the bar. Every weapon we had was in someone’s hands or strapped to them in some fashion.

  Within seconds, machine gun fire peppered the windows and exterior walls. We took cover but waited. They were going to have to come in if they wanted to get to us. It wasn’t our first rodeo, and it sure as hell was not going to be our last.

  The door burst open, and in a matter of seconds, our bar was filled with new members and prospects from the Sinners.

  Fucking pussies. Not one of the ranking members had the balls to go along with their guys.

  Ryder was standing in the doorway, gun drawn, eyes locked on me. He nodded to the guy directly in front of him. He had figured it out, and just in time. He lined his gun up with the back of the guy’s head, but I shook my head at him. It wasn’t a life for him to take—it needed to be Abel.

  Abel followed my line of sight and smirked. He knew exactly what Ryder had just informed me of without skipping a beat.

  “Now, gents, if you wanted to come to the funeral, all you had to
do was ask. No need to come in here guns blazing, but bravo on a grand entrance,” Abel taunted, his Smith and Wesson trained on the scumbag Ryder had pointed out.

  They were all scared shitless. I had half a mind to just open fire, but that could cause too many casualties on our end. Abel was right: we needed to outsmart them.

  “Ryder, fucking do it!” the asshole yelled, glancing over his shoulder.

  Ryder stayed frozen. This was his initiation. I couldn’t help but almost chuckle at the fuckery of it all. Of course the stupid-ass Sinners would make my kid’s initiation offing someone from my club. Man, they’re all going to feel like idiots within seconds. They were outnumbered by ten to one—first mistake. The second was all the damn hesitation. They should have just come into the damn place shooting, not holding anything back.

  Dhonal started cackling. “Well, isn’t this just the most anticlimactic takeover in the history of gangs.”

  Abel joined in with the laughter. “I couldn’t agree more with the damn mick.”

  “Ryder, you fucking pussy!” The guy turned around, and Ryder pointed to his piece, which was level with his head.

  “I think you’re the pussy here.” Ryder winked and cocked his head to the side. “Hey, Dad, told ya I would find the asshole that killed Rave.”

  “You fucking traitor!” Famous last words.

  Abel removed the ax from his sheath and swung hard right into the side of his leg. He wailed as he fell to the floor.

  “Oh stop your griping—I could have decapitated you.” Abel spit on the Sinner as the rest froze and trembled.

  Our guys moved in, forcing the Sinners to put their weapons down.

  I heard the door slam behind me. Pivoting on my heels, I saw Raine’s rage-filled eyes lock onto the guy sprawled out on the floor.

  Before I could stop her, she took aim and shot him right in the side of the head.

  “Baby, no!” Abel yelled as he ran to his daughter’s side. She collapsed into his arms.

  I jumped onto the bar top. “I should let my guys take each and every one of you out just for the principle of how terribly y’all fucked up today, but that’s too easy on you. Get the fuck out of here and tell your president he shouldn’t be sending boys to do men’s work.”

  * * *

  The threat had been neutralized for the time being. Once all the Sinners were heading down the road, we swept up the glass and threw the dead enemy into the back of a van to be dealt with late. We were in the middle of a memorial and come hell or high water, we were going to honor Rave’s memory.

  “Nice shot.” I pulled Raine into my arms while wiping a few tears away from her eyes.

  “I shouldn’t have done that,” she sobbed into my chest. “I just couldn’t let him live.”

  “He wouldn’t have, sweetheart. You just sped up the process a bit and probably saved a few of the other guys’ lives in the process.” I hated that Raine had taken a life, it was something that would haunt her, but there was no going back.

  Crickett came up to us, brushing Raine’s hair behind her ear. “I know this is not what a mother should say at a time like this, but I am so damn proud of you, honey. I am kind of jealous that you had the guts to do it and I didn’t.”

  Abel joined us with Ryder following behind him. “We really are one fucked-up family, aren’t we?”

  Raine giggled while wiping her eyes. “It’s better than being normal, right?”

  “You got that right.” Ryder grabbed my whiskey and chugged it down.

  “You did good, kid.” Abel handed him a cut. “You earned this today.”

  “And I think you can finally wear this.” I handed Abel Rave’s president flash.

  “Thanks, VP.” Abel winked at me before cutting his own patch from the leather.

  All the guys in the bar started clapping.

  “Long live Abel!” Bear hollered from the back, and the horde hooted and cheered.

  “And the man of the hour! Brothers, and all the rest of our family, I am pleased to introduce our newest prospect and Holt’s son, Ryder.”

  The cheering got louder as I hooked my arm around Ryder’s neck. “You’re in for one hell of a ride, kid. I hope you’re ready.”

  “I think I was born ready.”

  The End.

  Deleted Scene: Unstable

  Years Later

  Walking into my house, following Ryder into the living room, I was finally able to breath a much-needed sigh of relief. Most awkward fucking dinner of my life.

  “Everything all right, son?” I asked as I slumped down onto the couch.

  Ryder nodded, digging the keys out of his pocket. “Yeah, why?”

  “Dunno, you just seemed a little off this evening. Offering to take on more work when you’re already working fifty-plus hours a week seems a little much, don't ya think?” I knew why he was offering and it wasn’t just to lend a helping hand when the club was in need.

  I had known for years that Ryder held a torch for Raine, but sitting at family dinner with half of my club, there was no ignoring it. Raine was like a daughter to me and way too good for my son to be messing around with. Most dads would be excited for their boy to be with someone half as good as Raine, but it scared the shit out of me. She was born into a biker family, but that didn’t mean that we needed to drag her down into the muck with us. Raine deserved to get out, become something truly amazing.

  Swallowing my feelings, I took a beer from Ryder as he sank onto the couch next to me. It was time to play the good dad for once.

  “I’d do anything for this family, that’s all.” Ryder lied through his teeth. The only thing on his mind was finding ways to help Raine.

  “That’s my boy. Gotta look out for the best interest.”

  He pursed his lips after taking a swig from his freshly opened beer. “Exactly.”

  “So, does she know yet?” I just had to come right out with it, I couldn’t let him think that he had pulled the wool over my eyes.

  He stared down at his beer. “Does who know what?”

  I chuckled a little. “Do you really think I am a fool, Ryder?”

  “She knows.”

  “When are you going to tell Abel?” The question made my skin crawl—it was going to be Ryder’s funeral when Abel found out.

  He shook his head. “He won’t approve. Raine’s trying to keep it a secret for now.”

  “Shit always hits the fan, son. You need to man up.”

  Ryder pursed his lips. “I can’t go against her wishes.”

  After staring at my beer for a few seconds, I finally looked up at my son. “You cannot let fear stand in your way. It’ll make you weak, and one thing we are not, my boy, is fucking pussies.” It was the best fatherly advice I could give, against my better judgment. I wanted to slap him across his face and tell him how big of a mistake he was making, but that would just turn all of this into a damn Romeo and Juliet saga that wouldn’t be good for anyone.

  “I’m going to turn in.” Ryder shoved up from the couch, making his way to his room.

  * * *

  I must have dozed off on the couch for a bit. The vibrating of my cell in my pocket startled me.

  “Yeah?” I answered, wiping the drool off of the corner of my mouth.

  “I just caught Ryder in Raine’s room.” Abel barked into the phone. He was seething.

  “Fuck.” I didn’t know what else to say.

  “Did you know?” I could hear him pacing.

  There was no way I was going to tell Abel that I had known since the day in the garage when Ryder first got to town that he had feelings for Raine, I wasn’t a damn moron with a death wish. “Of course not.”

  “I’m going to kill him.”

  “Let me talk some sense into him.” I heard Ryder’s bike pull into the drive way.

  “You fucking better.”

  I strode out onto the porch, ready to kick the kid’s ass myself. No more playing nice guy. The gloves were coming off.

  “Get your fucking
ass inside.”

  “Dad, please.” He bowed his head as he walked up to me.

  A beer gripped in my hand, I spit on the porch in front of his work boot. “You’re lucky Abel didn't kill you, son. What were you thinking?”

  I followed Ryder as he walked through the front door, he looked so defeated. “I love her, Dad.”

  I took my place back on the couch, staring at up at my son. I could see him heart breaking in his eyes. “This ain’t just a chick that you fuck and pretend to love, son. She deserves more than this. More than us.”

  “Fuck.” He started to pace around the living room. “Don’t you think I fucking know that?”

  “Then why would you ever think a guy like you could be with her?” My nostrils were flaring as I tried to calm my temper.

  “Didn’t you hear me? I fucking love her. I’ll give it up, all of it. I’ll turn in my cut. I’ll walk away, take her away.”

  I took a long swig, glaring at him. “Do you know what you’re really saying, Ryder?”

  He nodded and sank onto the couch next to me, beaten down and shaking.

  “Then prove it. Fight for her and prove to Abel that you mean it. Win her and show you deserve it.”

  “What if I can’t. What if Abel never approves?” He glanced at me, slumped over.

  “All you can do is try, son. But, if you fucking hurt her, Abel will be the last person you need to worry about. I will kill you myself.”

  “I’d never hurt her. She’s too perfect.”

  Want more of the Unacceptables?

  Unacceptable is the first book in Kristen Hope Mazzola’s Best Selling Noir & Vigilante Justice Romance series, the Unacceptables MC Standalone Series. Don’t miss out on the other heart revving stories in this series!


  It’s finally my time.

  Time to escape from my mother, her crazy antics and questionable morals. I'm getting the heck out of Dodge, leaving the trailer park, to make something of myself. Everything was fine until I walked into The Unacceptables' bar and met Abel Hellock. With his gorgeous muscles, tattoos, motorcycle and perfect smile, my knees quaked. My life was about to be sucked back into the seedy underbelly I fought so desperately to climb out of.


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