Gladiators of Warsong

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Gladiators of Warsong Page 11

by Thomas K. Carpenter

  There was no way that Tormane had given the four unranked members of their clan a unique class, which meant they'd had them before they joined. Alex didn't know what it meant, but it suggested why they seemed more alive than the others. Maybe there were different levels of AI that ran the NPCs.

  When she highlighted Tormane, she saw there was an option to reclaim CPs by taking away his powers. There was a 25% penalty, but if she removed all three, she'd have another 85 CPs to use elsewhere. It appeared he couldn't even use them since they were grayed out. Alex guessed that the position of battleleader gave additional benefits including being able to use higher-level powers than the clan level, which was why he'd never bothered to level it up.

  There were other options having to do with Morale and Renown. The former was based on how the clan was doing with its overall status and the general state of the camp, including the living conditions. Each clan stat had more menus, but until she could affect them, there was no point exploring the details.

  For Renown, it appeared the only way to gain it was to win battles. The higher the renown, the more the other clans heard of you and came knocking on your door. Maybe there were other benefits to a higher renown, but she couldn't tell. Unsurprisingly, Bravebear was Unknown, which Alex planned on changing as fast as possible. Earning 50,000 CPs was going to require a lot of fights, and she didn't want to waste her time traveling to the other clans.

  Before she assigned the rest of the CPs, Alex wanted to explore the physical camp. Alex pushed through the hide covering at the front of the hut.

  The sun was warm on her face. She stretched, admiring the layout of the tents across the grassy hillside. Of course, there were options for upgrading into huts and more longhouses, but that would take CPs, which for now, she couldn't afford.

  Alex was about to head to the unranked tents when a dark shape descended from the heavens, landing on the back of the longhouse.

  "Good morning, Ethel Stormfeathers the Third," said Alex, giving the Great Raven an inclination of the head.

  "Hey, dearie," said Ethel, adding a caw for good measure. "Glad to see you back, wasn't sure I'd see you again."

  "And miss your sparkling conversation?" asked Alex with a wink.

  "Sparkle? Do you have something for me that sparkles?" asked Ethel while craning her head in all directions, including between her thin bird legs.

  Alex scrunched up her face. "Sorry. A figure of speech. And no new baubles here, it seems this place isn't big on loot."

  "Them's the breaks, kid," said Ethel, hopping from one foot to the other. "How do you like your new clan?"

  "I was about to delve into its mysteries this very moment," said Alex. "But if you have any advice, I'm all ears."

  "What a strange idiom," said Ethel. "But advice, I'm not sure how much I can give to a sharp cookie like yourself."

  "Come on, Ethel," said Alex. "Don't hold back on me. I know you know more about this place than you're letting on."

  The Great Raven stared back with her pebble black eyes.

  "I did give you that Glowing Jewel last year," said Alex. "That has to count for something."

  Ethel fanned her wings, airing out her feathers. "I suppose. What do you want to ask an old broad?"

  "How do I battle the other clans? Do they just show up or do I have to go to them?"

  Ethel's shiny black chest quivered, which Alex interpreted as a silent chuckle.

  "The Angry Owl clan is coming your way right now," said Ethel. "I flew over them."

  "What? Merlin's hairy balls. How far out?" asked Alex.

  "They'll arrive in a few hours," said Ethel. "They heard that Tormane was replaced as battleleader, so they headed out right away to challenge you before the others could arrive. They probably want to take advantage of your inexperience."

  "That soon? What happens when they get here? Is there a formal ceremony?" asked Alex as she paced before the longhouse. She looked up to see the members of her clan keeping a safe distance from the Great Raven. Based on their worried glances, she could tell that the large bird was not a welcome sight.

  "There are three types of clan battles. A skirmish, which is a fight between two teams of five gladiators, typically the best of each clan. Then there's a clan battle, which is a larger number of fights agreed upon by the two battleleaders. Everyone can only fight once, so it becomes a game of strategy as much as tactics. And finally, the clan tournaments. Every now and then, the clans of a region gather together for a series of skirmishes until one team from a clan is crowned the winner. Winning the tournament goes a long way towards making it to the Champions Competition at the Arena of the Gods."

  "What is the Arena of the Gods like?" asked Alex.

  The Great Raven turned its beak to the east. "There is no stadium like it in your world or mine. Legendary battles have been fought on its blood-soaked soil."

  "Wow, feeling rather poetic, Ethel?"

  The Great Raven tilted her head. "Nah, it's part of their marketing literature."

  Alex rolled her eyes, knowing Ethel was messing with her.

  "Any idea who I would fight if I made it there?" asked Alex.

  "The Plains of Warsong are split into halves. You're in the Western Plains. The other is the Eastern Plains."

  "How creative," Alex said sardonically.

  "You wanted an answer, I didn't make up these names," said Ethel.

  "Clearly. Any idea on who might prove victorious from the Eastern Plains?" asked Alex, even though she knew it was foolish to look too far ahead.

  "It seems likely that their Champion will come from the Chaos Hawks. Their battleleader seems to be an unstoppable force," said Ethel.

  "Thanks, Ethel. That helps." Alex glanced at the Great Raven sideways. "Speaking of help, need any...?"

  "Quests? Is this how things work in your world? You just march up to random beings and ask for quests?" asked Ethel.

  "Be a hell of a lot easier if it did. Mostly we have to make up our quest lines and pursue them without rewards while others get all the loot at the beginning of the game without actually having to play," said Alex.

  "Sounds ghastly. No wonder so many of you come here to get away," said Ethel, shaking her feathers as if she couldn't stand to consider such a thing. "I guess I could offer you one little task, though I don't think you'll have many opportunities here to finish it."

  Quest Offered: Bring Ethel Stormfeathers the Third her fallen enemy (+ 20,000 XP/Unknown Reward) [Y/N]

  "I don't suppose you'll tell me who your enemy is?" asked Alex as she accepted the quest.

  "Why, that would ruin the fun," said the Great Raven, adding a squawk for good measure.

  "Thanks, I'll keep my eye out." The wind shifted, bringing the sounds of steel being hammered. Alex smelled the forge with each breath, reminding her that she had CPs to spend. "I should go, Ethel. I have a clan to prepare."

  "Good luck," said Ethel before leaping into the air with a great beat of her wings, flying low over the tents before soaring back into the sky.

  She visited Umber Redhold first. He looked up from the glowing blade he was hammering, soot smeared across his chin. Sparks flew at each blow.

  "Welcome to my humble shop, Battleleader Alex," said Umber.

  "Alex will do."

  The blacksmith arched an eyebrow in her direction and went back to hammering.

  After a moment, she asked, "Any requests?"

  "A new forge, cleaner ore, a couple of assistants," said Umber as he shoved the glowing steel into a wooden trough of water, producing a heavy hiss and ample steam.

  "If I make you a level 2 NPC, what will that get me?" she asked.

  "A fair amount," said Umber, squinting. "I'll be able to make improvements to the weapons, which will deal more damage and hit more often."

  "Right away? Or does it take time?" she asked.

  "It takes time, so the sooner the better," he said.

  "Do you have all the materials you need?" she asked.

t exactly," he said, nodding towards a row of empty barrels along the back of the shop. "I had to replace all my daggers last week."

  Quest Offered: Find a source of blacksmithing raw materials for Umber Redhold (+2,000 XP)

  "Sorry," she said.

  He winked. "Don't be sorry. I'll never complain about more weapons to make, though I prefer to work on gear that challenges me."

  "I see," she said with a sigh. She was hoping for an immediate improvement. If she leveled him up, she wouldn't reap the benefits until after the clan battle. Plus, every time she leveled up, he'd have to make new weapons, which would require more raw materials.

  Alex bypassed Nadia since her answers would be the same. She could come back later and acquire the necessary quests. Instead, she went to Zelda Waterhouse, the clan's wisewoman. She lived in a hut with a deer hide covering the door.

  "Hail Zelda," said Alex from outside. "May I speak with you?"

  A voice that sounded like silk soaked in whiskey answered from beyond the curtain.

  "Come in, Alexandria Duke."

  While she shouldn't have been surprised that the wisewoman knew her name, the knowing way that she answered put a touch of hesitation into her step.

  The inside of the hut was as dark as starless midnight.

  "I must apologize for the view, or lack thereof," said the wisewoman's voice from somewhere across the darkened hut. "There should be a lantern on the wall."

  It took Alex a moment to feel along the frame to find the lantern and then light it, but by the time it bloomed into existence, her eyes had adjusted and the flash of brightness made her put her hand in front of the glare.

  "I feel your success," said Zelda, a comment that seemed odd until Alex laid her eyes upon the wisewoman.

  Alex sucked in her gut at the sight of Zelda's sewn eyes. Thick, jagged black stitches crisscrossed the bottom of her lids, connecting them to the lower part. Alex found it difficult to see past the sutures, but when she took a second look, she was a little startled at the picture before her.

  Zelda Waterhouse was as beautiful as a winter storm, pale and fierce as a blizzard. She sat on a chair made of thorns, wrapped in a crimson shawl.

  Alex sensed the power within the wisewoman, who was far younger than her title suggested.

  "Are you alright?" asked Alex, hand reflexively reaching out before she placed it behind her.

  "You wonder about my eyes," said Zelda.

  "Worry, not wonder," replied Alex.

  "Fear not, Tormane did not do this to me," said Zelda.

  Alex bit her lower lip. "Then who did?"

  "Me," said Zelda. "I was born without eyes. While this mask I present can be quite fearsome, it's nothing compared to the empty holes in my head."

  "I see," said Alex, then immediately shook her head. "Sorry."

  "If you can't get past this," said Zelda, motioning to her eyes, "then I'm not going to be able to help you."

  "Right. I'll do better."

  Zelda's feral smile gave Alex pause. "Good. How may I help you, Battleleader Alex?"

  "That's a good question. What do you do for the clan?" she asked.

  "Enchantments, potions, magics. I deal in the arcane," said Zelda.

  "Can you teach me spells?" asked Alex.

  "At the appropriate levels," said Zelda with a tilt of her head, "and with the appropriate reagents and power items."

  "Which you probably don't have," said Alex.

  Zelda's face twitched above her cheekbones. It looked like it was supposed to be a wink.

  Quest Offered: Find 8 different herbs for Zelda (+1,000 XP)

  "We can start with that, but of course, if you find other strange items, bring them to me," said Zelda.

  "Oh," said Alex, reaching into her Handysack. "Speaking of strange items. I have something for you to feel for me."

  Alex handed her the mysterious box. Zelda rotated it in her smooth hands, taking extra time to scratch along the edges with her fingernails and even placing it against her cheek as if she were testing its warmth.

  After she was finished, Zelda handed it back and placed her hands in her lap.

  "Well?" asked Alex.

  "I have a few ideas, but I don't have the spells to investigate it yet," said Zelda.

  Quest Completed: Ask the wisewoman about the mysterious cube

  You have gained experience: 1,000 XP

  Quest Chain III: Help Zelda Waterhouse reach level 5 (+5,000 XP)

  The plethora of quests was a nice change from the Warped Forest, but Alex was feeling a little anxious with so many in progress. It seemed this one was going to take a little time, given the clan would have to reach 5 before any NPCs could.

  "Thank you, Zelda. I'll keep an eye out for the herbs," said Alex before returning to the camp to figure out where she wanted to spend her remaining CPs. Her preference would be to create a few healers from her pool of gladiators, but it cost 250 CPs for each one.

  There was no point in leveling up the crafts since they didn't have the materials, and she preferred not to make every level of weapons and armor. Better to skip multiple levels of gear to maximize her crafters' time and materials. But it meant she needed to find a line on more ore and raw leather if she wanted that plan to come to fruition.

  In the end, Alex decided that the best way to increase her chances of winning the clan battles with Angry Owl was to increase the level of her warriors. It cost 20 CPs for a base class and 35 CPs for a named class to level to 2. She had 166 CPs to work with after removing Tormane's abilities, which she hated doing, but since they weren't usable until much later, there was no point in him having them.

  So Alex settled on leveling up Blaze Frostmane, Sophia Lionheart, Mancalf, and Nayiri Shadowmarch to level 2. With the remaining points, she leveled up Andreque the Bold as well. It wasn't much but it was all she could do for now.

  Alex was about to go in search of her friends to see how the increased level had improved them when three long horn blows echoed from the plains. A moment later, the horn from her clan answered with three short blows.

  "The Angry Owls are here."

  Chapter Fifteen

  The banner for the incoming clan presented an owl sitting on a tower. It was the first thing Alex saw as the rival clan crested the nearby hill.

  She ran her fingers through her hair, tugging on the backside as she considered how to approach the coming clan battle. There was so much she didn't know. Alex headed to the longhouse to find an elite clan member that might know what to expect.

  When she burst through the hide covering, she found Tormane huddled together with a trio of elites. As soon as they noticed her, the group broke up, Tormane marching past her wearing a scowl. The others wouldn't meet her gaze, but she noted their names in case they caused trouble later.

  Alex found Sophia Lionheart seated next to the firepit, rewrapping the leather around the handles of her warhammers. She glanced up, the corner of her lips twitching into a smile momentarily.

  "Battleleader Alex," said Sophia, inclining her head.

  "Just Alex will do," she said, then glanced behind her. "Should I be worried about Tormane?"

  "He's a great warrior," said Sophia, but the flatness in her gaze suggested it came with risk.

  Alex noted that other members of her clan were within listening distance.

  "We'll need him against the Angry Owls," said Alex eventually.

  "This is true," said Sophia.

  Alex sighed. "Speaking of, I'm ignorant of how this whole clan battle is going to go down. Can I enlist you as my advisor?"

  "I'd be honored, but my experience with a successful clan battle is limited. Tormane kept his own counsel," said Sophia.

  "And the clan suffered for it," said Alex.

  Her next question was squelched when Nayiri slipped through the hide covering.

  "Are we really going to get to fight the Angry Owls?" asked Nayiri eagerly. She looked ready to bounce out of her boots.

  Alex only nodded
because she was too busy admiring the angle of Nayiri's neck to talk, at least until Sophia cleared her throat.

  "Sorry, yes," said Alex, heat rising to her cheeks when Sophia raised an eyebrow in her direction.

  At that moment, a group of men and women warriors that Alex didn't recognize entered the longhouse. The man in front had a hawkish nose and a scar that ran the length of his jaw. He came straight over, bowed before Sophia, and handed her an ornate dagger with a crimson ribbon tied around the handle.

  "I am Rinvet Oldhome, Battleleader of the Angry Owls. I hereby challenge the Bravebears to a clan battle," he said.

  Sophia sheepishly accepted the dagger, a hint of rose rising to her dark cheeks.

  Rinvet seemed to sense Sophia's discomfort, paired with her lack of response, and looked around to determine the reason. That he had come straight for Sophia told Alex a lot about her rival clan leader's expectations. She hoped to use that against him in the battle circle.

  Alex picked the ceremonial dagger from Sophia's hands. "I am Alexandria Duke, Battleleader of the Bravebear clan. I accept your challenge."

  His mouth formed into a little "o" before he reoriented himself towards her. Alex guessed that he'd thought Sophia had surpassed Tormane as battleleader due to her skill.

  "The clan that bleeds together," said Rinvet, then looked to Alex expectantly.

  After a long pause, Sophia responded, "Bleeds as one."

  Rinvet's face wrinkled, so Alex responded, "Bleeds as one."

  "As hosting clan, what say you on the rules?" said Rinvet.

  "Uhm, regular rules," said Alex after a long pause.

  Rinvet blinked a couple of times before nodding curiously.

  Alex gave Sophia a prompting glance.

  "Oh yes," said Sophia, "the Bravebear clan wishes to fight five on five, victory to the clan with the most wins."

  "We can field nine teams," said Rinvet.

  Alex quickly did the math. "We can field six."

  Right after she answered, Sophia wrinkled her nose, suggesting that she'd erred, but there was no time to correct.


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