Rebel Bears MC: (A Bear Shifter Romance Collection)

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Rebel Bears MC: (A Bear Shifter Romance Collection) Page 16

by Celeste Raye

  She was trying to figure out what was happening between them, but then the Silk leader, Moon, came over and asked them if they were ready to smoke the equivalent of their peace pipe. Claire never did anything like that before, and she was a little worried, but he assured her that it would be fine.

  “I'm going to be right here. Nothing is going to happen. It is just a few herbs.”

  “Nothing too serious, right?”

  Donovan told her that it would be a life changing experience. Claire didn't know what that meant, but she trusted Donovan, and that seemed to be enough.

  She hoped so anyway. Her eyes kept cutting to him, trying to imagine how it all worked. Claire caught his gaze, and she had to look away. She felt guilty, hoping that he didn’t know what was on her mind.

  Chapter Twelve

  Claire could feel the herbs hitting her rather quickly. She didn’t know if it was the effect of the greenish herbs in the pipe or something else, something magical. She’d never felt so loose and free in all of her life. It was the sensation that nothing was ever going to touch her. It was perfect, and she started to relax for the first time since she’d been taken by the Bennigans.

  Moon and a man named Joseph picked up their pipes and left. It was just Claire and Donovan together on a couch in one of the small houses clustered around a huge fire pit. They were looking up at the stars through a skylight.

  “Have you ever done this before?”

  “What, looked up at the stars?”

  She giggled, something she didn’t often do. Claire stretched towards him, feeling like he was a mile away. She wanted to touch him, have some connection to him.

  “No, silly, smoked this stuff. What was it called again?”

  He shrugged. It wasn’t something that he’d heard of before. The Silks said that they had used it for centuries, and he wondered if it was some sort of ocean plant. Whatever it was, Donovan told her that he felt good.

  “I don’t know, but I know that I want to get a bit for the road. We could just smoke this with all of the people I’m supposed to meet. Then everyone would go along with our plans, and there would be no more trouble out of any of them.”

  Claire had to agree. She couldn’t even think of one thing that was negative at the moment. Her very spirit was free. Her hand caressed the one that was holding it. His skin was rougher than hers, and he had hair that made her fingertips tickle at the touch. It was all just too much, and she tried to pull her hand back. Donovan stopped it though, interlacing his fingers with hers. It felt very intimate to Claire. She didn’t know what to say or what to do.

  Donovan moved in for a kiss. She saw it coming, but there was no answer within her. She didn’t know if she was supposed to get out of the way or let it happen. What would be the repercussions?

  Finally, his lips were upon hers, and there was no more time to decide. She didn’t even know what her answer would be. Claire didn’t move, and when his lips reached hers, she sighed at the touch. It was exactly what she’d needed, even if it terrified her. One kiss from him last time had started several balls rolling in her mind. That wasn’t always a bad thing.

  Her body was underneath him quickly. Claire wasn’t sure how she had gotten there, but she knew that there was something going on, something that she wasn’t supposed to do. This was wrong, he’d said so, but his mouth on her neck and his hard body pressing against her certainly didn’t feel wrong. It felt wonderful, like he should have been doing that for her the whole time. Claire wasn’t sure when it happened, but then his hands were on her most sensitive areas, and she was doing her best to pull it together.

  She was shaking, and her thighs pushed together. Everything was magnified because of the herbs. Claire was convinced that’s what it had to be. There couldn’t be another explanation; not one she was willing to accept anyway.

  “I want to make you feel good, Claire. I want to do more to you than that, but for now, I just want to make you feel good. I can’t sit next to you and hear all those outrageous questions of yours without doing something back.”

  His fingers were opening her to the rest of him and she gasped as he pushed down on her nub. Claire was sensitive all over. She clung to him, letting his digits do all the work. Her eyes were closed, and Claire was trying her best not to call out. She remembered where they were and was terrified of someone catching them. It was wrong, after all. He’d made that clear.

  “You sound so damn good, Claire. I can feel the need inside of you and how it is ready to burst out. I wonder what it would feel like if it was me in there, tearing it up and making you cry out like that.”

  There was an overwhelming feeling of completion, and she couldn’t help the sounds that came from her. She buried her face in his chest, but some of it was still able to get free, and she was embarrassed that she couldn’t manage to hold herself together any better. There was just something about him.

  Claire was almost ready to explode, when there was a noise behind her, and she jumped, pushing his hand away. He chuckled at how fast she moved, but Claire didn’t see the humor in it. What would they do to them if they were caught?

  “Why did you make me stop? You were just about to lose it again. I love the way you sound when it happens, Claire.”

  “How do you know that?”

  His knowledge of her body was scary. She didn’t like the idea that he knew her better than she knew herself.

  “Are you going to say that you could smell me again?”

  He smirked and kissed her. “No, I can hear your heart racing and your breath come out faster. It’s a pretty tell-tale sign. Although I must say, your smell is amazing. I should bury my face there. It’s not what I want, but it will have to do.”

  She didn’t like that he knew so much, but she also knew that in his hands, she was like putty, and that wasn’t a good look either. Even still, Claire whimpered and moved till his hand was back to her.

  “I thought someone was coming; one more then?” His mouth moved towards one of her nipples, teasing it with his tongue and then teeth. Claire jerked hard in response, a small sound escaping her lips.

  Donovan laughed, and she hid her face, embarrassed that he had gotten her into such a state. It wasn’t hard to see that Donovan was in need as well, though he didn’t seem as bothered with his own desires. Donovan was just focused on hers, and when he moved down her body, his mouth getting closer and his intent known, she closed her eyes and waited with great anticipation. No longer was she worried that someone was going to catch them. Now all she was worried about was the fact that she was so close.

  His hot breath took over, and before he even touched her the first time, Claire was calling out, and he was covering her mouth. Maybe she had lost it, but it appeared that Donovan had not. He had more to lose, she reasoned to herself.

  Her dress was pulled off a little unceremoniously, and Claire was left gasping as he grabbed her waist and settled her down. She was unable to get away from his hungry mouth.

  She forgot about the mermen, the werewolves, but never the bear. Claire’s hands touched his manhood, rubbing and stroking him before he pushed her away. She wasn’t able to get a good look at it, but she did get the idea. He was right. He was rather large, though Claire was up for a challenge.

  Donovan wouldn’t give it to her, though. He left her satisfied beyond belief, but Claire was thinking of the one thing he refused her. The one thing that she wanted most.

  Though the two of them had not gone all the way, Claire was sure that it would have if given the chance. Someone had walked in on them. They were able to cover themselves quickly enough to hide what they were doing. Claire felt that the two of them needed to discuss business, so she excused herself.

  Unlike at the Bennigans, she didn't feel like she was going to be jumped at any moment, so she was able to relax a little. Standing at the edge of the ocean, she looked out and wished for a moment that she wasn't just a human. Claire could have been so much more, if she’d been born that way.
r />   Cool sea air kissed her face and left moisture behind. She was just about to wipe it off when there was a disturbance in the surface of the water right in front of her. It was big enough that she stepped back, not wanting to be too close when whatever it was came out. She was hopeful that it would be one of the mermaids or mermen that she had heard so much about. She still had so many questions that no one seemed to want to answer or even take seriously.

  Donovan had been quite offended when she had asked about them earlier. If she hadn't known any better, Claire would have thought that he was jealous, though that didn’t make any sense. Why in the world would he be jealous? This was just a moment of madness that would very soon have to end.

  When something finally broke the water, Claire was taken aback by what she saw in front of her. Everything that she’d imagined was right and she got an eyeful before realizing that she was staring.

  The merman was just like any other man on top. Claire was more interested in the anatomy of the bottom part, and her eyes didn’t waste any time getting there. Everything about the merman was normal, except for the legs were covered in shiny scales. Donovan was right; they were much bigger in other ways. She couldn’t tell if it was covered in scales as well, though it wasn’t from lack of trying to see.

  She was more shocked by the fact that the legs weren’t attached and there wasn’t a fin. It was just normal legs, though the toes were webbed a bit. Her face was hot from the intimate assessment, and she wanted to stop the thoughts going through her head. It wasn’t necessarily towards the merman, but remnants from what she’d done with Donovan.

  Claire was instantly drawn to him, and she thought about sirens. Is that why she was pulled to this man? His deep, piercing blue eyes and full mouth? His expression was calm, but his eyes were like a stormy sea. It made her shiver, and she finally had to look away.



  Claire stammered and hoped that the merman did not hear the quaver. She knew he did, though. How could he not have, when it was so clear to her own ears?

  “You do not look like you belong here, little human. Are you lost?”

  She took a step back. There was a predatory look in his eyes. She was still turned on, maximum overdrive, and hadn’t rinsed off.

  “I am here with my travel companion. He is from the Rebel Bears, here to give your clan a message. I am sure he is looking for me right now.”

  “Is that so? Why would a bear have use for a human?”

  He moved closer to her, and her anxiety was raised, as well as Claire’s hackles. What in the world was wrong with this man?

  “Yeah, that is so, Jarvis. This is our guest, Dean's second-oldest son. You remember Dean, don't you?”

  Jarvis looked from Claire to his father. He did not like the sudden change in events; his face said as much. His mind was on something else, and Claire wanted away from him, though she didn’t feel immediate relief when she saw Donovan standing there.

  “Does that give him a reason to bring a human among us? And such a curious one at that?”

  Claire did not pay attention to what was said next. She was far more interested in getting next to Donovan. It seemed like every time she was away from him, bad things happened. His world was full of danger, and Claire just kept finding it, whether she wanted to or not.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “You know, Claire, I’m starting to think that it is impossible to leave you by yourself.”

  Claire pouted and gave him a dirty look. “I can't help it if most of the shifters we have met are kind of rapey. I’m surprised you don't have half-breeds everywhere as much as I have been stared at the last few days.”

  “I told you, you draw them in. I’m not sure what is about you I can't seem to resist it either. I've never had this happen before.”

  “Is that supposed to be a compliment?”

  “No, more of an observation. Like I said before, I don't understand it either. All I know is even though there are a million rules against it, all I want to do is kiss you. I want to do more than please you with my hands and mouth. I want to be inside of you so badly. I want to put a baby in your belly, so you’ll always be mine, Claire, and that’s just unheard of.”

  Claire moved back like she’d been physically attacked. She couldn’t believe that he’d just said that. What was he talking about? Babies? What? She was stunned. It was the only word that made any sense. Shocked, stunned, silenced. What in the world was he talking about? Claire was just horny; she wasn’t thinking all of that. Why was he?

  “That was too much. I’m sorry. It just came out.”

  She tried to say something else, but he interrupted her. All Claire could do was just look at him, mouth agape.

  “This is why I tell you that there are rules in place. This isn’t normal. I shouldn’t want you. I shouldn’t be thinking about all of this. Babies? I’ve never thought about a family in my life. Not once.”

  He was freaking out, and he backed up like it was his proximity to her that was bothering him the most. He was acting like she was the one that was going to hurt him. Claire still hadn’t said anything. Donovan was anxious, and finally, with no answer coming, he stepped up, hand on her cheek, and touched his lips to hers. It was soft, and she leaned in.

  He moved to kiss her again, this time with a little more purpose. Claire did not move back at all. She wanted to feel the reassurance of his lips on hers, even if she was so confused about what was going on between them.

  Claire did not want to go down this path with Donovan. She had stopped it from happening before, and now she needed to do the same thing. He was a man that would take over all of her senses, and there would be nothing that she could do about it. Donovan was a man that wasn't even a man at all. There were so many questions that ran around inside of her, and Claire knew that the best thing to do was to keep her distance. Easier said than done.

  She pushed back, reluctantly, and frowned when he pulled away too.

  “I don't think that's a good idea, Donovan.”

  “It doesn't matter if it's a good idea or not. I know that you can feel this tension between us. I've been on this Earth for many years, and I've never felt this way before. Not until you.”

  While she liked all the compliments that were coming her way, it would just make things more complicated, and what they had done together had certainly made it more convoluted than she was ready for. And babies? Claire certainly wasn’t ready for something like that.

  Claire waved him off, but he didn't seem to be paying attention. All of his focus was on her, and she had to look away, barely able to breathe from the intensity in his eyes.

  She said something about being ready for bed, and he agreed, though neither one of them said much to each other. Claire was trying to figure out a way to make it all work, but at the same time, she knew that it never could. She was human, and he was a shifter. She was never going to be good enough. No human ever would be.

  “So, where are we going now?”

  He shrugged and didn’t give her an answer. Claire was sure that he had all the answers. Donovan did not know, though. He told her it was because he had never been that far before. He’d also never gone from clan to clan, trying to get them to work with his. It was all a bunch of new things that he never imagined would be part of his life, and that left a lot of unknowns.

  “I really don't know, Claire. At the moment we're going to the next clan.”

  She pouted, and he asked her what the problem was.

  “It’s just that I think we need a little bit of time alone. Don't you?”

  He wasn't sure. Donovan had already gone too far, said too much, and even though he didn't regret the sounds of pleasure that he had wrought from her, it did not mean he was stupid enough to do it again. Or maybe he was...

  “No, Claire, I do not think for one second that we need alone time together. The effects of the smoke from the Silk’s village is still in my system. So are the ideas and images of w
hat we have done together. We weren’t supposed to do that, and I’m glad you stopped me earlier. It’s just the herbs.”

  Donovan saw that she immediately frowned, and he knew he had said the wrong thing.

  Just because they had not gone all the way did not mean that he was not ashamed of what he had done. It wasn't because she was human. It was because of other things, like the fact that he desired her as greatly as he did. Still. Knowing what he had done was wrong and knowing that he could not be with her properly didn't seem to change anything. He still wanted her just as much as he had before. Now, the best thing he could do was to stay as far away from her as possible.

  Donovan couldn't say all of that though, so he just told her that they had a lot of ground to cover in a little bit of time.

  “So, are you going to switch to your other person?”

  “My other person?”

  “Yeah, you know, the bear.”

  He looked at her little funny. “Why would I shift into my bear, Claire?”

  “Because that's the way we've been traveling the whole time, unless something changed that I don’t know about.”

  He agreed with a smile but didn’t move to shift. The truth was that there was no way Donovan could even think about that happening. He could already feel her warm legs on either side of him, and there was no way that he was going to be able to ignore the hot box on his back. The smells of her arousal.

  The best thing to do in that situation was nothing at all. He just needed to convince her that a bike was better.

  “I think that it would be best if we borrowed a bike. Like you said, what kind of biker would I be without one?”

  Again, she looked at him strangely and asked why he was doing that. “Why are you acting so weird, Donovan?”

  “I don't know what you're talking about.”

  She sighed and disagreed. “I think you do. I want to know why you're acting so strange all of a sudden.”


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