Rebel Bears MC: (A Bear Shifter Romance Collection)

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Rebel Bears MC: (A Bear Shifter Romance Collection) Page 18

by Celeste Raye

  “The alternative is me turning the tables on you and slamming in until you scream. I still like that idea if you want to change your mind.”

  She shook her head no. There was no way she could take that. Claire wouldn’t be able to walk for a week. She knew that she couldn’t just sit on him, no matter how good he felt. The sensation of stretching was still there, almost painfully so, but she wouldn’t have changed anything. It just felt so good, and small movements proved to feel even better.

  Claire was clumsily moving towards an orgasm when the hands on her hips were much more commanding. She was moving on top of him slowly, not sitting up all the way, trying to take him in small bits.

  It wasn’t enough, apparently, because he pulled her down quickly, making her squeal. The rise up wasn’t fast enough either, and he was basically taking control of everything, leaving her screaming out in pleasure. Once, twice, Claire lost count.

  When she finally was able to slip off of him, she was full of his seed and didn’t care about it. Claire didn’t have a worry in the world.

  Chapter Sixteen

  When Donovan woke up, everything came back to him in full color. While he went on trying to convince himself that everything that happened the night before was just a dream, he knew it was a lie. He’d lost himself with the human, many times.

  Now, he was somehow going to have to make it all okay. That was the tricky part, and he dreaded how it was all going to pan out. His manhood had been the one thinking last night, so now the rest of him had to pick up the pieces.

  Then, he looked over, and she was awake already, staring at him. Her beautiful face was soft, lips supple, and there was a sparkle to her. He closed his eyes, making sure that she wasn’t just a dream.

  “It wasn't a dream, was it?”

  She frowned almost immediately, and he was sorry for the question.

  Claire sat up. “Do you really not remember what happened last night!?”

  If he had been smart, he would have gone along with the idea of it. He had remembered, of course, every single moment that they had spent together. The very idea of forgetting almost made him laugh. She had no idea the way that she had affected him. That, he figured was probably for the best.

  “I remember what happened last night. I was just hoping that it wasn't real.”

  Another frown, another moment to realize that he was putting his foot in his mouth. Of course, she would not like to hear such a declaration made by him. Donovan cursed and tried to backtrack, though he knew with pure certainty that it wasn’t going to do him any good.

  “I know that we agreed to just sex, Claire. Why does it have to change anything?”

  She shook her head and told him that apparently, it didn't change anything.

  “I guess I was the only one that felt something. You can't even remember what happened.”

  That should have been what he wanted. He was trying to push her away after he’d let his need get the best of him. It wasn’t a proud day when a man realized that he hadn’t been able to contend with their basic instincts. No man wanted to be driven by that, especially not a shifter. Control was everything for them.

  “I just know that we shouldn't do it again.”

  She pouted. “Seeing as I was hoping that we could get one out before we hit the road again, are you sure that you don’t want to change your mind? I know that I would feel better if I had a few orgasms. You’re really good at that, you know.”

  His mouth went dry, and his blood was quickly leaving his brain behind. No matter what he said or did, it was going to be wrong. He wanted to tell her she was more than he ever could have imagined and more than he ever needed. He was relieved to find such perfection, even knowing she was never to be his. Why couldn’t she see the admiration that he had for her?

  “We can’t do that again. I'm sorry if that hurts you, but we have to move on. I’m going to grab some gas, breakfast, and coffee. Do you need anything else?”

  Her face fell, and he wished that he would have something better to tell her. He did not want her to think that his weakness the night before meant he’d taken advantage of her.

  “No, Donovan, I don’t need anything that you can give me. I just didn’t realize that what you were offering was so shallow.”

  “You have to know that I didn’t want this to happen. You have to know that, Claire. I didn’t want us to be intimate because I knew there would be feelings.”

  “I did too Donovan, that’s what happens when two people are together. I just didn’t realize that I was going to be the only one that felt anything.”

  Donovan frowned. Her words cut him like a knife, and he felt a massive amount of guilt, even though he couldn’t understand how it could have been any different.

  “Why don’t we go back to my clan for a while, see what we can figure out? Then we will have answers, Claire, and you could be on your way.”

  She shrugged like it didn’t matter, and maybe to her, it didn’t. Donovan wanted to gauge the reaction of his clan. In truth, he wasn’t ready to give her up, not by a long shot. There had to be a way, and Donovan wanted Jake to help him find it.

  They took several days to get back to his home. Donovan was stalling. He didn’t want to think about how Jake was going to react. He knew that his brother wasn’t going to be happy with him, but would he be like Dean, tell him that he had to get rid of her? And if he did, what would Donovan do?

  When they were outside of the clubhouse, he looked over at Claire and asked her what was going on.

  “What do you mean, Donovan?”

  “You look like you’re shaking.”

  “I probably am. This clan matters, and I want them to like me. None of the other ones have liked me at all. I just want them to give me a chance.”

  Donovan pressed his lips together. Although they’d made love several times now, and she was probably carrying his child, he didn’t know if immediately going to that information was best. He didn’t want to let the family know what they were to each other until he knew how they would respond.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t tell them about us for the time being.”

  The brilliant smile that was gracing her lips vanished, and Donovan was upset about that. He liked the way she smiled at him. It made him feel complete.

  “You don’t want them to know that we want to be together? I thought that was the whole reason for coming here?”

  Donovan knew that he had to explain himself better. He was hurting her, could see it on her face.

  “It’s still unheard of, and I am not saying we are going to keep it a secret for long. We’re just going to make sure they aren’t going to freak out first.”

  “What if they do?”

  He sighed and shrugged. “Then we will deal with it then.”

  That wasn’t a good enough answer. She was not happy with it, and he wasn’t either. Finally, he told her what the worst-case scenario was in his eyes.

  “If it comes down to it, Claire, we will leave.”

  She brightened. “You would do that for me?”

  He agreed, though he wasn’t sure when he’d decided. When had he fallen for the human, at what point? Donovan just knew that he felt it. She was his, no matter how little sense it made.

  “Yes, I would, Claire. I would do anything to keep you safe and with me.”

  They hugged, and Donovan didn’t want to let her go, but he knew that he had to. They couldn’t act like they were together going in. They couldn’t see how she looked at him, and the embrace would have been a dead give-away.

  He pulled back and told her that it was going to be okay. Donovan looked back, trying to figure out what was going on. He couldn’t sense his brothers, and though they were right there, he was trying his best to feel them. Something was off, and he thought about the last time he’d come home with the same feeling. Donovan stopped before they got to the door.

  Instead of moving forward, he backed up slowly, like the door was on fire.

  “What is it?

  “Something is wrong, Claire. We need to get out of here.”

  Claire looked confused. “I thought we would be safe here. Your brother—”

  “My brother is no longer here. None of them are. I think my father is.”

  “I thought you said your brother ordered you to kill your father?”

  “He did. It doesn’t mean that I made sure he was really dead.”

  Claire pressed her lips together and moved away from him. He was trying to keep himself calm, but if it was Dean, they wouldn’t be safe anywhere near there.

  “We just need to get out of here, now!”

  The bad feeling was back, and it was making him move faster. There was a worry that Dean would sense him, just as he was picking him up. He switched to his true form, and the man’s smell reeked. He knew then that his dad was back, and it was the first time he wished he’d done what Jake asked of him. It had just been a big thing to ask for. Killing one’s own father. It had felt impossible, but now Donovan knew he would have to. But what happened if he was too late? Where were his brothers? They couldn’t have just all disappeared.

  He didn’t say any of it to Claire, just bent down so she could get on. He was lost for a moment about where to go, but he remembered someone that would help. They liked him and his brothers, but they hated his father. Donovan didn’t want to deal with witches, but the sisters would have answers. He had to find out what had happened while he was gone and how to fix it, taking out his father once and for all.

  The thought was just as unpalatable as it had been the first time, he’d heard it. This time, though, Donovan had a reason far beyond him. He had to keep Claire safe, that was all that mattered and that was enough to spur him on.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Witches, huh?”

  “What, not as exciting as the mermen were?”

  Claire waved him off. He was trying to make light of it, but there was no way to do so. They were standing outside of a graveyard about to meet some witches, and Claire was freaking out.

  “No, it’s not that. I just. I don’t know what to think. You have to have more explanation than you’ve given me. What happened back there? I didn’t see anything happen.”

  “My father is there, in the clubhouse, and none of my brothers are.”

  Claire waited for more.


  “My father was the leader, banished by his sons. Where are they at? Where are my brothers? And more than that, why is my father there? The only answer would be that dad came back, took over, and got rid of my brothers.”


  Claire started to think that she would have been better off not asking at all. Some things, she really didn’t want to know. How was she ever going to stop freaking out now?

  “I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry. It was flippant of me.”

  “No, really. I asked, and I am thankful that you told me. I don’t know why I wanted to know.”

  “It’s not ideal, but if something permanent happened to them, then I would know about it. That I’m sure of.”

  He wouldn’t say the words dead. Claire knew that was what he meant, but it was telling that he couldn’t even say it out loud. It was hard to imagine a time when she would ever feel safe again. Claire knew too much of the world.

  “Did you stay away longer because of me?”

  “No, actually, I would still be gone. You probably saved them, so now we need to know what sort of fate they were saved from.”

  “Your dad wouldn’t really do something, would he?”

  He scoffed. “I know that he is capable of anything. I should have killed him when I had the chance.”

  “Of course, you shouldn’t have. Who would want to do that? You couldn’t have known that it was going to turn out like this.”

  “No, but I knew that he was dangerous and he was never going to rest until he got us back. He’s mad at me the most.”

  Claire touched his hand. She wasn’t sure if they were still pretending or not, but he didn’t pull away, and that was good enough for her. Claire needed the touch to ground her. Everything was so strange, and she was worried about meeting witches. Would they be able to read her mind? Put a spell on her? All Claire knew for certain was that she wanted to be next to him, no matter what.

  “Well, are we ready?”

  Donovan didn’t look ready. He looked like he was going to be sick, and she wasn’t sure how that was going to go. She was worried about what happened next, with the witches, but she wasn’t going to express her concern. By the looks of Donovan, he already had enough to stress about. His dark brows were pulled down, and he had a deep frown on his face. She didn’t like to see him like that.

  He squeezed her hand as they walked up the broken, cobbled steps to an ancient door. After a moment of knocking, there was no answer, and Claire was relieved. She didn’t want to talk to whoever was inhabiting the place.

  “I don’t think that they’re here, Donovan. Let’s go.”

  She tried to pull him away, but he smiled and gently shook his head. “They are here. It just takes them a while to get to the door. They are centuries old.”

  Claire couldn’t imagine it, but it was like most of what she’d witnessed lately: hard to believe. She wanted to worry less, like he was. Calm on the outside but running deep and fast just under the surface.

  “Come in, bear. I’ve not got the energy to receive you properly.”

  The words were weak, coming from the house, and every hair on the back of Claire’s neck was standing on end. It was hard for her not to get a shiver and she moved closer to Donovan, as they moved into the house. She was practically on top of him, and if she could have gotten into his arms, she would have.

  The house was as dusty and in disrepair inside as outside. It was full of cobwebs and several cats. The cats were all black, and their glowing eyes were staring out at her from the dark corners of the house.

  “Come, come. It has been a while since I’ve seen one of you. I can see that your family is using our magic again.”

  “You know, I never understand you witches. You always talk in circles. I would imagine that’s why Dad never wanted to deal with you.”

  “But deal with us he did, and now here you are. I suppose that you are not here to visit, so you must want some of our magic as well.”

  “I came here to find out what happened to my brothers. They are not at the compound, and I don’t know where they are.”

  “And your father is back?”

  Donovan looked disturbed.

  “Right. Where did my brothers go, witch? Do you know? I will give many favors for the information.”

  “And what of the one thing you don’t want to give up? Will you sacrifice her?”

  She eyed Claire, and the woman moved behind him a little bit more.

  “There will be no deals for now. I need the information, and our clan has done business with you and your sisters for centuries. Would you stop the tradition?”

  Evelyn smiled and waved him off. She looked younger suddenly, like she wasn’t so tired and frail anymore. Claire didn’t know how it happened, but the age of the woman started to melt away. There was a young woman sitting before them now.

  “I forgot how old school your kind is. I also forgot how handsome you are, raw desires that pour out of you. Does your family know about the little human you’ve impregnated?”

  Donovan’s face tightened. “I’m not here to talk about that.”

  “Why not? You know that is what you care about the most.”

  Claire listened to the exchange and wondered if the old woman’s words were true. It certainly didn’t feel like it. Claire tried to push the thoughts from her mind. They shouldn’t be worried about that right now. They needed to find his family, not worry about what was between the two of them.

  “Wait, pregnant?”

  Claire’s mind took a moment to process it. She was trying to figure out what she was going to do if that were true.
The witch couldn’t know, right?

  “Yes, child, but we will get to that soon enough. For now, let’s talk about your brothers. I see them clear as day.”

  “Are they okay?” Donovan asked with rushed words.

  “Oh, yes, they seem to be fine, happy.”

  “How can they be happy? What’s happened?”

  Claire put her hand on his shoulder, trying to offer him some relief. It wasn’t like the witches didn’t know about the two of them. It was nice to have one place where Claire didn’t have to hide how she felt about Donovan. One place where they could just be. Too bad it was in a decrepit old house in the middle of a cemetery.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Donovan’s mind was blown. When the witch said that his brothers were happy, he didn’t believe her. He’d never had cause to worry about the validity of her claims before, but this was different. It had to be.

  “How can they be happy? What’s happened?” He had to repeat himself, his voice rising several octaves.

  “It’s rather simple, really. Your father couldn’t kill them, for many reasons, and he knew they wouldn’t let him take over. So, he had a few witches wipe their memories while they slept. It wouldn’t have been that hard to do, as long as these witches had access to the people that needed it. Your brothers are happy because they do not know that they shouldn’t be. You could leave them that way; let them think they are humans.”

  Donovan was offended by the suggestion. The last thing he wanted to do was leave them in such a state. How could they not know that they had a beast inside of them? How long would they be able to go on with the lie, knowing that every part of their being would fight it? Donovan wasn’t convinced, and quite frankly, he needed them back. He’d just gotten them back in a way, and he wasn’t going to let them down again, none of them.

  “Did you do it?”

  Evelyn smiled and disagreed. “No chance. I am not going to say that he didn’t come here and ask me, but I took his suggestion, made him some tea, and he will never remember coming here.”


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