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Forsaken Page 12

by Jennifer Julie Miller

  He starts to say something when all of the memories from the last few days start to flash through my mind, but it’s like I am standing back watching it all from a distance. My emotions are all over the place and I feel jittery inside, but the one thing that hit me the hardest was that he actually came for me. Someone finally came back for me!


  Lucas pulls Emma close and tucks her head into his chest. “Breathe through it Emma, things are overwhelming in the beginning. Listen to my voice, calm your heart down to match mine and let us breathe together. I won’t leave your side, honey. You will never be alone again, I promise you that. We will work through all of this.”

  “All things happen just the way they’re supposed too. Even with all the pain and suffering, you have been subjected to in your life; it will all be worth it in the end, I promise.” Lucas is rocking her back and forth.

  “How did I get here? Why did you say all those mean things and hurt me in front of your brother? Why were you gone so long? What happens now, are you going to leave me here alone again?” Emma feels rattled and she is questioning everything.

  “Well, as to how you got here, of course, I brought you. Damn Emma, I'm so sorry about what happened in the library. I let my brother control my actions. At the time, I thought if I was cruel to you. He would lose interest in you and it worked. I never one time, thought you would actually believe the words I was saying to him. I regret not throwing him out of the house. I regret the way I bit you like you were nothing, please forgive me for being a damn stubborn fool. There is absolutely no excuse for my behavior that night and instead of facing you, I ran off.”

  “I know I'm a grumpy old bastard. The years have made me cold and unfeeling. I have separated myself from my family and others of my kind seeking some peace in this world.”

  “I was gone much longer than I thought I would be in London and I'm sorry about that too. I was fighting my attraction to you and I thought some distance would help me get my head straight, but it didn’t. I finally broke down and sent that letter to you.”

  “What letter?”

  “The one I sent Mary, I put your letter in hers.”

  “Mary hasn’t been here since you left weeks ago! I never got any letter. I thought you abandoned me!”

  Lucas had a puzzled look on his face. “I'm so sorry Emma, honey. I had no idea and no one notified me of her absence. Something bad must have happened for her to stay away from you. She was very protective of you. I will address this with her as soon as possible. I really feel bad now, knowing that you were here all alone. Damn nothing is ever as it seems, but I do have some questions of my own. How did they find you here?”

  I put my head back on his chest enjoying his arms around me. I really didn’t want to look him in the face when I tell him this. “I really didn’t think you were coming back, Lucas. After you bit me in the library, you acted like you couldn’t stand the sight of me. Then weeks went by without a word from you. I had no way of knowing you had sent me anything, everything that came to the house was addressed to Mary.”

  “I did that on purpose Emma. I didn’t want people to know you were here.” Lucas pulled her closer kissing the top of Emma’s head.

  “When you didn’t come back, I started seeing and hearing things. I woke one night with a woman standing over me in bed and did you know the walls whisper if you listen close enough?”

  “You still haven’t told me how they found you, quit stalling Emma.”

  “I left the manor. I know you told me not to, but I couldn’t stand it any longer. I know I'm beneath your station in life and that a girl like me would never have a chance with you, but I wanted more.”

  “I'm sorry you were forced to do that in front of your brother and I'm very sorry to have become such a bother in general. It seems like you’re always saving me from something. I know I had become way too attached to you and Rage. Your absence was tearing me apart inside.”

  “I honestly didn’t think you would even care when you came back and I was gone. I felt like I was such a bother to you, just something else to take care of. I was so wrapped up in my own feelings. I didn’t stop to actually think as to why you told me to stay here in the first place.”

  “So I went to the market with the money you gave me and I bought something just for me for the first time in my life. It was a beautiful blue hat that matched the dress you gave me. I have no idea what happened to it after he grabbed me out of the crowd. I had a nice dress on and my hair was tucked up into my hat. I don’t know how he even recognized me, but he did. I screamed and fought but no one would help. The rest is a messy blur.”

  “Lord Emma, if you had just got that letter, all of this could have been prevented. Do you remember calling the Hellhounds to you?”

  “No, I thought Rage did that!”

  “How do you think Rage knew how to find you, Honey, you guys are connected. You know, he’s a Hellhound and how do you think you walked out of that fire without a single burn on your body, you have their blood in you. A Hellhound always protects it’s own and let me tell you. That was a sight to behold, watching you walk out of that smoke with those blood red eyes. I thought you were one of the Hellhounds at first.”

  Emma rubbed her eyes. “I remember some of it. I know the power inside of me was very intense. I did a lot of things that I should feel bad for, but I honestly feel nothing at all. They deserved everything they got.”

  “Yes, sweetheart they all did. Emma, I have a theory about last night and a few others in your life actually. I know you got extremely sick the same time Katherine did, but do you remember ever being sick after that?”

  “The reason I'm saying this is because, it was the puppy that bit you in the barn that made you so sick. Your young friend lost her life after that scratch, but you somehow survived. That puppy was Rage and he accidentally infected you with his Hellhound blood.”

  “Wait a minute, you mean Rage killed Katherine? Are you telling me that a damn scratch ruined my life? That something so insignificant made my life an utter Hell for years!”

  “When I figured all of this out, I wasn’t going to tell you. Rage would never hurt you on purpose honey, remember he was just a baby then. I have no idea why it didn’t kill you too. No human has ever survived a bite from a Hellhound. When I found Rage as a puppy, I had to lock him up in the house night after night. He was always trying to go back to Ione Manor, but now it all makes sense. He had marked you as his human. I think your immediate sickness weakened his attachment to you and that’s why he never went to look for you again, until the night we found you in the cemetery. No matter what I said he flat refused to leave you there.”

  “Now, as to why the Hellhound essence only protected you at certain times in your life. I don’t truly understand. But, I believe something had to trigger it. Anger seems to be what sets Rage off now, so I'm sure you’re no different. When you were fighting for your life with the Cook, who was bigger and stronger than you were, you won. Then they captured you and sentenced you to death. Instead of wallowing in the sadness you got pissed. When you’re not mad or your life isn’t in danger it lies dormant inside of you. But when it senses extreme anger it awakens. That’s how you survived the fire untouched.”

  “But, I died Lucas, I felt it! I was gone for a long time, but the darkness wasn’t silent like I thought it would be. I kept hearing someone call my name over and over, but I must have been dreaming. I could have sworn I saw Katherine playing with Ghost at the graveyard around her tombstone.”

  “You did die, honey. And I died right there on the ground with you. I stood there and watched the Hellhound blood turn on your human body. The heat was too much for your mortal organs to withstand. I watched you convulse in my arms and I made a choice. The very thought of you not being in my world anymore was more than I could take. So, I turned you into the same monster I am and I will pray for your forgiveness every day if I need too. I don’t know how your body is going to react to my blood now. Your
Hellhound blood fought me to the very end. My own body didn’t handle it well either, that’s the first time I have been sick in centuries.”

  “So we don’t know if I'm like you, or even how long I have, right?” I look away from him, not really wanting him to answer that.

  “None of us know how long we have, but I believe you have a small Angel watching over you. I believe I met your Katherine. She has a very domineering prescience when she wishes to be heard.”

  Lucas lifted Emma’s chin back up to eye level, as he looked into her beautiful eyes. He immediately noticed they were different than before. Her green eyes had a ring around them. The pale green in her eyes was lined in red with a solid black lining behind it. Her eyes had layers to them. Her powers were marked in her eyes for all to see. Her body had chosen both, she was a Hybrid and Lucas had no way of knowing what that meant.

  As Lucas pulls Emma’s face closer she reaches her hand up and touches his cheek gently “Your black eyes have changed; there is a green ring in them now. What does that mean, Lucas?” She asked quickly.

  “I have no idea my Love, but hopefully we will have an eternity to find out. I want you to stay with me, Emma! I know I am a grouchy old bastard, but I can’t imagine my life without you. My heart was empty until you came along. I fought my attraction to you, but I can’t do it any longer. Say you will stay with me, please! And if your time comes before mine, I will follow you into the light. I promise to never leave you again.”

  “Do you know that’s twice now that I can recall you calling me Love? Lucas, I want you to show me what it’s like to be held, to know passion and the glory of belonging to someone! Make love to me now! I know this is terribly forward, but what if this is all we have. I don’t want to waste another minute of our time together. All I can think about is how you feel against me now and how I want you to make me truly yours. I want you to know my body better than you do your own because if I'm dead and this is my last dream, I want to live it to the fullest!”

  Chapter Twenty:

  Lucas slowly slides his hand behind my head. I look up into those black and green eyes, not knowing exactly what to expect when I feel his breath against my lips. He slowly brushes his lips back and forth on mine. I hear a growl leave his lips and the feelings consume me as our breaths intertwine. The passion that has been dormant my whole life comes rushing forward, as I grab his shirt wiggling my body closer.

  Lucas’ kisses were a drug that I couldn’t get enough of. I wanted to climb inside of him. I didn’t notice I was completely naked until Lucas’ strong hands grasp my bare breast and rubs my nipple between his thumbs. He releases my mouth and starts sliding his fangs down my neck as he nips gently at my flesh. Lucas latches on to one of my breast, then the other. His hands pull me closer; I could feel his power pulsing all over me. All I could do was hold on to him as he devoured my body. I was on sensory overload, as his mouth and hands awakened my body.

  Lucas stops and looks up at me. “Are you sure this is what you want? I can stop now, but believe me, I really don’t want too. It’s taking everything I have to just be gentle right now.”

  “Ohhh yes, please make me yours, Lucas. Can I touch you?” Lucas nods yes. I reach down and pull his shirt out of his pants, opening each button one at a time. Bravely, I move my hands down his chest feeling every muscle as I was memorizing every curve. His body was like solid stone under my fingertips. Lucas’ body was fascinating to me, we were so different. He was all strength and muscle. The hair on his chest tickled my sensitive skin. I was scared and excited at the same time, as I slowly inch lower, making my way towards the seam of his pants. I can tell he was holding his breath as I push my hand through his pants and stroke his length. I was thoroughly enjoying watching and hearing the tortured sounds coming from him as he starts to lean over me on shaky arms.

  Lucas puts his hand over mine. “You have to stop this, or it’s going to be over before it gets started.” I can feel the warmth of his eyes as they start to roam all over my body. Lucas is kissing his way down my stomach. I was so caught up in the feelings he was introducing me to, I didn’t realize where he was heading. That is, until I feel his tongue against my feminine folds. My body instantly inflamed. I try to push him away. “Lucas that’s dirty you shouldn’t do stuff like that.”

  He bites the inside of my thigh, “Lie down and enjoy yourself. There is never anything dirty between us. I plan on teaching this little body of yours every joy that can be experienced. You’re lucky. You have just become my new favorite snack. He nips my leg gently. ”

  I lean back as my senses leave me. Each swipe of his tongue leaves me gasping for more. I grab his head, not knowing whether to pull him closer or push him away. He inserts a finger inside me stretching and teasing the most forbidden part of my body and I start to quiver.

  “Let go, Emma, I have you baby. I’ll always have you.” I hear him say.

  The intensity of that moment I will remember always. I had never felt such pleasure. My back arches under the pressure, my fingernails digging into the covers. I squeeze my legs together, trying to escape the intense torturous pleasure he was continuing to give to me. No wonder the other girls giggled about the pleasure in the dark. Finally, I open my eyes. My body lay sweaty on the blankets like mush.

  Lucas has a smug look on his face. “Oh, my love, we’re going to have so much fun, your body is so responsive to me.”

  He rises back up above me and I see him take himself in hand stroking it casually before he starts rubbing the head of it up and down my folds. I look at him in total fascination; surely it isn’t normal to be this open with one’s body. I wanted to watch his every move, to bask in the beauty of him as he leans proudly over me, his large member slick with our juices in his own hand. He smiles down at me. He enjoys watching me squirm. Lucas pushes forward slowly until he feels me tense up as my walls stretch slowly, adjusting to him. “Baby this is gonna hurt for just a second, take a deep breath for me.” He pushes hard through my barrier. I tighten down on him holding him tightly inside of me. “It’s ok, Honey. I promise it will only get better from here on out, just relax.”

  He was right. There was no more pain, but immediately, I felt his enjoyment. We were connected in a way that many would never experience. I could feel his happiness and his arousal in my own mind. The sounds coming out of my mouth and the feel of me gripping him was pushing him towards the same happiness I found earlier. I feel the intense strength of his body under my hands as we rock back and forth, in a dance older than time.

  That day will be forever branded in my mind as I watch the pleasure in Lucas’ eyes as he cums inside of me for the first time. I could have lain right there for eternity enjoying the warmth of his body lying on me as we try to catch our breath. He was all I was ever going to need.

  “Are you ok?” Lucas asked me as he lifts his body off of mine and rolls, tucking me into his side.

  “Will it always be like this?” I snuggle in closer.

  “Time will only make it better, that I can promise you. Sleep, we have a whole new world to explore together. For once, I now look forward to the next day because I will have you to share it with.”

  Chapter Twenty-One:

  I suddenly awake to voices upstairs. Not wanting to wake Lucas, I slowly slide out of the bed. The floor is cold under my feet. I am looking around in the dark trying to find a shirt or something to put on, when I spot a robe lying on the floor, slipping it on. I start wondering how do I find my bedroom from down here. Then all of a sudden, I find myself standing in the middle of my own bedroom. I reach out, grabbing the vanity, trying to steady my shaky legs. I start to laugh at myself, “Lord that was unexpected.” I apparently have a few things to learn.

  I have no idea how to get back to Lucas now. I know there are hidden entrances here somewhere. I hear someone calling my name. It takes me a second to realize it’s Mary looking for me. I slip out of Lucas’ robe in a hurry and just pull on one of the dresses out of the wardrobe, as Mar
y walks in the room.

  Mary rushes towards me hugging me closely. “Ohh, dear Lord Child, we were so worried. I have been all over this house looking for you. When I couldn’t find you, I sent Sam outside to search the grounds. We were on our way over this morning when I stopped in town to get a few things. Town was crazy. Everyone was saying that Mr. Ione burnt a girl at the stake last night. Some of the women said they could hear the screams all the way through the valley last night. I stopped one of the vendors and asked what the girl looked like they dragged away. She described you to a tee. I ran screaming for Sam and we got here as quick as we could.”

  After she hugs me tightly I pull away from her. “Mary as you can see, I’m fine, but I have missed you terribly.” I have to turn away suddenly. She smells amazing and I don’t remember her ever wearing perfume before today.

  I turn to watch Mary straighten the room. She had her back towards me talking about something. For some reason, I was suddenly so hungry. I feel gums rip and my fangs lengthening in my mouth for the first time. I start to take a step towards Mary, my vision once again mapping the veins in her body. I jerk myself to a stop and immediately cover my mouth with my hands. I head towards the vanity trying to see my fangs in the mirror, but I'm not there. I wave my hand in front of it but I’m still not there.

  She is still talking, but I have only heard pieces of what she is saying. I am still standing in front of the mirror with my hand over my mouth, trying not to breathe. I need to get away from Mary before I hurt her.

  “Please forgive me Emma, my daughter went into labor early and we almost lost her and the baby. We had to send for a doctor all the way from London. She wouldn’t be with us now if not for that man. Mary stops talking for a second. “Emma dear, are you sure you’re ok? I can’t place it, but you look different to me somehow.”


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