Seduction: Sex, Lies, and Stardom in Howard Hughes's Hollywood

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Seduction: Sex, Lies, and Stardom in Howard Hughes's Hollywood Page 60

by Karina Longworth

Medford, Ben, 393

  Mencken, H. L., 117

  Mérimée, Prosper, 249

  Metropolitan Pictures, 87

  Metropolitan Studios, 51

  Meyer, Charles E., 263

  Meyer, Johnny

  background of, 225

  biographical sketch, xiii

  De Carlo and, 254

  Domergue and, 208, 216

  FBI and, 225, 274, 275

  Gardner and, 247, 248, 401, 403

  hiring of, 225

  Hughes’s women and, 207, 274, 275, 294, 401

  Meyers, Bennett E., 277–78

  MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer), 17, 165, 331

  Dove and, 70

  FBI and Hughes, 273–74

  formation of, 23

  Gardner and, 204, 210–11, 218, 219–20, 232–35, 246, 248, 249, 399, 400

  Harlow and, 122, 124, 134, 136, 139

  Hepburn and, 172

  Turner and, 288

  Michelsen, Twain, 259

  Midland Theater, 118

  Mighty Joe Young, 308–9, 311–12

  Mildred Pierce, 299

  Milestone, Lewis, 44–45, 47–48, 99–100, 126

  Miller, Ann, 270–71

  Miller, Arthur, 324

  Miller, Marilyn, 20–21, 268

  Minter, Mary Miles, 21

  Miracle, The, 316n

  Miranda, Carmen, 211

  Mitchum, Dorothy, 331, 333–34

  Mitchum, Robert, xiii, 282, 330–40, 351, 352

  Mocambo (nightclub), 253, 275

  Modern Screen (magazine), 102, 147, 169–70, 262, 426, 427

  Mogambo, 400

  Monkey Business, 138

  Monogram Pictures Corporation, 232–33

  Monroe, Marilyn, 367, 405

  arrival in Hollywood, 267–68

  Clash by Night, 349

  Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, 380–81, 393

  Harlow’s image and, 141

  Hughes and, 267–68, 466

  Niagara, 365–66

  Slatzer’s marriage allegation, 458n

  stage name, 268

  Montemayor, Dr., 451

  Montieth, Walter, 39

  Moon Is Blue, The, 383

  Moore, Colleen, 70

  Moore, Terry

  background of, 307

  The Beauty and the Billionaire, 464–65, 464n

  biographical sketch, x

  Come Back, Little Sheba, 371–72, 376, 397, 458

  Cramer and, 407, 418, 446, 457

  Davis and, 358–59, 360, 374–75, 451

  Hughes and, 307–12, 357–61, 371–77, 397, 399, 406, 407, 420n, 446, 450–51, 453

  birth of child, 373–74

  marriage claims after death, 456–64

  marriage proposals, 309–10

  Mitchum comparison, 340

  Vegas incident, 357–58

  Kane and, 225, 357–58, 399, 458

  Mighty Joe Young, 308–9, 311–12

  movie career of, 307–9, 359–60, 371–73, 375–76, 457

  The Passions of Howard Hughes, 464, 466–67

  The Return of October, 307–8

  Morals clause, 352–53, 352n

  Morgan, Michelle, 139

  Morley, Karen, 125, 322

  Morlión, Félix, 312–13

  Mormonism, 307, 311, 312, 375, 420, 420n, 455

  Morning Glory, 156–57

  Morocco, 336

  Morris, Chester, 104, 106

  Mother Carey’s Chickens, 164

  Motion Picture (magazine), 14

  Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals, 322

  Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), 199, 257–59, 272, 313–14, 383–84

  Motion Picture Herald, 302

  Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, 25–26

  Movie business of Hughes, 43–48, 98–110, 124–27, 188, 249–50, 307–13, 327–40, 383–89, 392–93. See also RKO Pictures; and specific movies

  role in procuring women, 125–26, 287–91, 294, 299–300, 346, 377

  role of Mickey Neilan, 45–47, 50–51

  Muirfield Road house, 48–49, 161, 209, 214, 216, 227–28, 230

  Mulholland Drive, 311

  Multicolor, 99, 113, 128, 192, 289

  Muni, Paul, 108

  Munsters, The (TV show), 254

  Murrin, Lee, 169

  My Forbidden Past, 399

  Nash, Alden, 182

  National Insider (tabloid), 438

  Neilan, Marshall “Mickey”

  early movie career of, 12, 17, 30–31

  Hell’s Angels, 90–91, 138

  role in Hughes’s movie career, 45–47, 50–51, 91n

  Nelson, Harmon “Ham,” 176, 177–78

  Never Fear, 326–27, 328

  “Never Gonna Dance” (song), 180

  New Deal, 321, 323

  New Faces Inc., 190

  New Year’s Eve, 216, 393

  New York Herald-Tribune, 315

  New York Journal, 189

  New York Sun, 65n

  New York Times, 33, 329, 451

  New York Times Magazine, 278

  New York World-Telegram, 351

  Niagara, 365–66

  Nier, Henry Victor, 259

  Nissen, Greta, 51–52, 83

  Niven, David, 383

  Nixon, Donald, 390

  Nixon, Richard, 349, 390

  Normand, Mabel, 21

  Nosseck Studio, 430, 432

  Notorious, 419

  Notorious Affair, A, 96

  Not Wanted, 325–26, 343

  Novak, Kim, 301

  Oakland Airport, 52–53

  Oberon, Merle, 380, 382

  O’Brien, Edmond, 403

  O’Brien, Larry, 444n

  Odekirk, Glenn, 145

  Odets, Clifford, 348

  Odlum, Floyd, 283–84

  O’Dwyer, William, 278

  O’Neal, Ryan, 457

  O’Neill, Thomas F., 407–8

  O’Neill, William, 408

  One Million B.C., 293

  One Night at Susie’s, 96–97

  Open City, 304, 324–25

  Ophuls, Max, 261, 280–81, 300–303

  Orgies, 3–4, 11

  Oscars. See Academy Awards

  O’Sullivan, Maureen, 330–31

  Oui (magazine), 462–63

  Ouspenskaya, Maria, 192

  Outlaw, The, 193–99, 327

  Catholic Legion of Decency and, 237–38, 277–78, 314

  musical score, 231

  production, 194–99

  Production Code and, 197–99, 236, 237–38, 257–59, 272

  promotion campaign, 191, 221–22, 238–39, 256–61, 272

  rape scene, 220–21, 239–40, 258

  reviews, 236–37, 260–61

  road show release strategy, 235–42

  Russell and, 191, 193–99, 226–27, 235–42, 256, 257–61, 381, 387–88

  photo shoots, 194–96, 220–23, 387–88

  Outrage, 344–47

  Owen, Reginald, 119–20

  Pageant (magazine), 266

  Painted Angel, The, 96

  Paisa, 304

  Palm Beach Story, The, 249

  Palm Springs, 135, 211–12, 251–52

  Panama Canal, 84

  Pan American Airlines, 276–77

  Parade Magazine, 387

  Paramount Pictures, 23, 192, 319, 376

  Parker, Dorothy, 75, 156

  Parks, Larry, 322

  Parry, Florence Fisher, 139

  Parsons, Louella, 7, 18–19, 25, 93

  Bergman and, 306

  Davis and, 177

  Domergue and, 213, 228, 229

  Harlow and, 139–40

  Mitchum and, 332, 334

  Monroe and, 268

  Peters and, 291–92, 364, 406, 416, 419, 419n, 427

  Pasadena Junior League, 58

  Pasolini, Pier Paulo, 304

  Passions of Howard Hughes, The (Moore), 464, 466–67

ayne, John, 223

  Payton, Barbara, 352n

  People (magazine), 457

  People’s World (newspaper), 322, 347

  People vs. John Doe, The, 70

  Perils of Pauline, The, 13–14

  Perino’s Restaurant, 290–91, 421, 435

  Perkins, Emily, 167

  Peters, Jean

  arrival in Hollywood, 269–70

  biographical sketch, x

  Captain from Castile, 271, 362–63, 365, 367

  Cramer and, 397–98, 406–7, 416–18

  Hughes and, 291–93, 369–70, 374–75, 377, 393, 397–98, 406–7, 447–48

  death and estate affairs, 149, 454–55

  divorce, 438, 447, 448

  first meetings, 262, 268–72

  marriage, 8, 415–19, 424, 426–34, 436–39, 441–45

  separation, 444–46

  A Man Called Peter, 398–99, 406

  movie career of, 362–70, 396–97, 398–99, 406, 446–47

  Niagara, 365–66

  Pickup on South Street, 366–70, 396

  Skolsky Tintype, 363–64

  Strada Vecchia Road house of, 418

  Peters, Susan, 206–7

  Peterson, Les, 218, 219, 220

  Petrali, Joe, 244, 246, 250–52

  Peyton Place, 407, 456

  Philadelphia Story, The, 147, 172, 173–74, 180, 188, 199–200

  Phillips, Clement, 53

  Photoplay (magazine), 14, 16, 32, 54, 55, 92, 93, 100, 101, 260–61, 365

  Pickford, Jack, 19–21, 189–90

  Pickford, Mary, 12, 14, 17, 19, 20–21, 66, 117, 189

  Pickup on South Street, 366–70, 396

  Pilate’s Wife, 415

  Pitts, Zasu, 138

  Plastic Age, The, 3–4

  Platinum Blonde, 120–21

  Playboy (magazine), 467–68

  Players Club, 234, 458–59

  Pollock, Dale, 465

  Porgy and Bess, 430

  Porter, Darwin, 148–49n

  Portrait of Madame X (Sargent), 384

  Post, Wiley, 168

  Pot and Spigot Grill, 34

  Powell, Dick, 392–93, 394

  Powell, William, 136–37, 139–40, 141

  Power, Tyrone, 267, 362

  Powers, Mala, 344–46

  Pre-Code Era, 63

  Preminger, Otto, 430

  Price, Vincent, 272, 335–36, 342

  Private Hell 36, 356

  Production Code, 9, 25–26, 63, 155

  Cock of the Air, 105–6, 108–9

  The French Line, 383–89

  Kitty Foyle, 181

  The Miracle, 316n

  The Outlaw, 197–99, 236, 237–38, 257–59, 272

  Pre-Code Era, 63

  The Racket, 47–48

  Scarface, 108–10

  Stromboli, 305–7, 313–16, 316n

  Supreme Court and, 316n

  Prohibition, 19, 19n

  “Project Baker,” 382–83

  Prostitution, 4, 16, 18, 46–47

  Public Enemy, The, 120

  Publicity and press coverage of Hughes, 7–8, 168–70, 215, 228n, 265–67, 278, 293–95, 370–71, 413, 448–49, 453

  Quality Street, 162

  Quarberg, Lincoln

  biographical sketch, xi

  Dove and, 101, 102, 103, 104, 107–8

  Harlow and, 122

  Hell’s Angels, 55–57, 81, 88, 90n, 99, 124

  hiring as publicist, 55

  Hughes publicity and, 99, 265

  Scarface, 107–9

  Quine, Richard, 206

  Quirk, James R., 92

  “Rabbit tests,” 333n

  Rachel and the Stranger, 332

  Racism, 13, 27–28, 429–30

  Racket, The, 47–48, 105, 108

  Raft, George, 125, 319

  Rain (1932), 126

  Rains, Claude, 330

  Ramsden, Frances, 249–50, 281

  Rancho Santa Fe, 436–37

  Rapf, Harry, 4

  Rappe, Virginia, 21, 25

  Rashomon, 351

  Rathvon, Peter, 287

  Ray, Nicholas, 338, 392, 393

  Real, Jack, 413n, 449–50

  Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, 17

  Red Channels (pamphlet), 347

  Red Dust, 129, 130–32

  Red-Headed Woman, 117–18, 122–24, 380

  Reed, Luther, 51

  Reenie (Ava Gardner’s maid), 401–2

  Reinhardt, Max, 192

  Reno, 32–33, 41

  Return of October, The, 307–8

  Revere, Anne, 322

  Rex Motion Picture Company, 15

  Reynolds, Debbie, 405

  Rice, Ella. See Hughes, Ella Rice

  Rice, William Marsh, 40

  Rice Institute. See Rice University

  Rice University, 33, 40

  Rivers, Jerry, 463, 465, 466

  RKO Pictures, 8, 190, 282–89, 294, 340

  Bel Geddes and, 300–301

  Bergman and, 304–5, 306, 312–13, 314–15

  Domergue and, 328–30

  Hepburn and, 151–52, 156, 162–63, 165–66, 377

  Hughes and Communist infiltration, 264–65, 347–54

  Hughes and women, 288–91, 294, 346, 377

  Hughes purchase of, 283–89

  Hughes’s sale of, 352, 407–9

  Hughes’s shareholder buyout, 390–92

  Jarrico and, 352–54

  Lollobrigida and, 316, 317

  Lupino and, 327–28, 347–48, 354–56

  Mitchum and, 331–34, 340, 351

  Moore and, 308–9, 311–12, 359

  public relations and publicity, 315, 330

  Rogers and, 111, 162–63, 180, 181, 200, 377

  Russell and, 340, 341, 342–43

  Schary and, 282–84, 286–87, 291

  shareholder lawsuits, 379–83, 391

  Roach, Hal, 85, 86–87, 293

  Road House, 320–21, 324

  Roberts, Agnes Lapp, 456

  Rogers, Ginger

  arrival in Hollywood, 110–12

  biographical sketch, ix–x

  Hepburn and, 162–64, 163n

  Hughes and, 111–12, 179–87, 204, 377, 454

  Kitty Foyle, 181, 183–87, 200

  marriages, 110–11, 179–80

  movie career of, 180, 181, 183–87, 300, 320, 343

  Rogers, Lela, 111, 112, 180, 181, 182, 320

  Roman Holiday, 396

  Rooney, Mickey, 165, 211, 218–20, 376

  Gardner and, 211, 218–20, 232, 234, 246, 248

  Roosevelt, Elliott, 274, 275

  Roosevelt, Franklin, 185–86, 274, 323

  Rope, 300

  Rosseau, Rene, 378–79, 390

  Rossellini, Roberto, 304–5, 314–15, 316n, 324–25

  Rossellini, Roberto, Jr., 314

  Rossen, Robert, 322, 323

  Rosson, Hal, 134

  Rowlands, Gena, 363

  Roy, Rosalie, 84–85

  Russell, Ernestine, 237

  Russell, Jane

  abortion of, 223–25

  arrival in Hollywood, 191, 192

  background of, 191–92

  biographical sketch, x

  The French Line, 383–89

  Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, 117, 118, 380–81, 386, 393

  His Kind of Woman, 334–36, 388

  Hughes and, 6, 191, 192–93, 195–99, 223–24, 225, 226, 290, 351

  The Las Vegas Story, 341, 342–44, 350–51, 353–54

  Macao, 334, 335, 336–40

  movie career of, 253–54, 334–39, 341–42, 379–81, 383–89, 404–6

  The Outlaw, 191, 193–99, 204, 220–23, 226–27, 235–42, 256, 257–61, 381, 387–88

  photo shoots, 194–96, 220–23, 387–88

  Underwater!, 404–6

  Waterfield and, 192, 223, 240, 241–42, 256–57, 341–43, 351

  Young Widow, 253, 282

  Ryan, Robert, 282, 300–303

Jacob, 380

  Sadomasochism, 368–69

  Sagor, Frederica, 3–5, 13, 46–47

  St. Johns, Adela Rogers, 128–30

  Bergman and, 305

  Harlow and, 116, 128–30, 131, 137, 141

  Hepburn and, 146, 152

  Hughes profile, 146, 266

  Salome, Where She Danced, 254

  Sammis, Fred R., 260–61

  Samuel Goldwyn Studio, 23, 29, 30

  Saratoga, 140

  Sargent, John Singer, 384

  Saturday Night Kid, The, 87

  Scarface (1932), 101, 108–10, 124–25, 195, 236, 322, 327

  Schary, Dore, 282–84, 286–87, 291, 294, 314, 407

  Schenck, Joseph, 17, 99, 106, 209

  Schenck, Marvin, 204

  Schiff, Louis, 380

  Schlusser, Freddy, 192

  School of the Theatre, 192

  Schubert, Tom, 464, 464n

  Schubert, Yvonne, xiii, 413, 414–15, 419, 431, 434–35

  Schulberg, B. P., 17

  Schulberg, Budd, 17

  Scleroderma, 457

  Scorsese, Martin, 146

  Scott, Adrian, 283

  Scott, John L., 364

  Scott, Randolph, 148–49

  Scott, Vernon, 442–45, 449

  Scott, Walter, 445

  Screen Actors Guild, 322

  Screenland (magazine), 79n, 103, 124

  Screen Writers Guild, 343–44, 349

  Screwball comedies, 100

  Sea-Air, 172–74

  Sea Wolf, The, 322

  Sebille, Bruce G., 56

  Selznick, David O., 151–52, 190, 199, 303, 382, 383

  Selznick, Irene, 152, 174

  Selznick International Pictures (SIP), 190

  Sennett, Mack, 17, 18

  bathing beauties of, 18

  Sennett Studios, 43

  Sensation Seekers, 71, 73

  Server, Lee, 334

  Shalitt, Jack, 290

  Shamroy, Leon, 268

  Shanghai Express, 336

  Shanghai Gesture, The, 336

  Sharp, Dudley, 28

  Sharp, Estelle, 27

  Sharp, Walter, 27

  Shaw, Artie, 255

  Shearer, Lloyd, 266, 405

  Shearer, Norma, 4, 70, 190–91

  Sheehan, Pat, 414–15

  Sheridan, Ann, 380, 382

  Sherwood, Robert, 104

  Show Boat (1951), 399–400

  Siegel, Don, 333, 334, 356

  Sikorsky S-43, 244–46, 250–52, 263

  Simon & Schuster, 464

  Simpson, O. J., 450

  Sinatra, Frank, 399, 400–401

  Singin’ in the Rain, 95

  Sin of Harold Diddlebock, The, 250

  Skeene, Burton, 53

  Skofic, Milko, 316–17

  Skolsky, Sidney, 65, 65n, 363–64, 375

  Sky Devils, The, 110, 126

  Slatzer, Robert F., 458, 458n

  Smalley, Phillips, 15, 70–71

  Smith, Frances McLain, 253

  Smith, Ludlow Ogden “Luddy,” 150, 156, 157, 170, 171

  Snively, Emmeline, 268

  Son of Lassie, 307

  Souls for Sale, 31, 128

  Soviet Union, 321

  Spensley, Dorothy, 101

  Spitfire, 162

  Split Second, 392–93


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