Hong Kong 637, 639
and Blue Funnel Line 867, 891
and Britain 639, 826–8, 893
Chinese bazaar 827
Chinese settlers 827
Club 827
as a container port 904, 907
and the Depression 886
merchants 789–90, 808, 824
and Mizrahi Jews 841
opium trade 827, 828
P&O office 892
and People’s Republic of China 639, 892–3, 907
and pirate raids 867
and Second World War 887, 892; and post-war period 892–3
and the USA 893
Victoria Island 826, 867
Wallem shipping company 890
Hong Kong and Whampoa Dock Company 905
Honolulu 903
Hopewell 706
Hoppos, Canton 789
Hoq cave, Socotra 128
Horace 170
Hormuz 8, 254, 264–5, 267, 269, 598–9, 604, 606, 608, 610, 634
Strait of 52, 62, 166, 598, 634
Horrea Piperataria 114
horses 220, 404, 489, 581, 652, 730
horse-breeding on Cape Verde 489, 502
and yellow fever 855
Horta, Azores 750–51
horticulture, Lapita 12–13
Hotu Matu’a 30
circular 321, 324, 329
in circular villages 321
with dry-stone foundations 321
Inuit 399
Madeiran 484
merchant 425–6, 443, 445–6, 838
oblong 321
of timber and wattle 366
Howqua (Hong merchant) 790
Huang Chao 172
Hudson, Henry 665
Hudson Bay 408, 557, 658, 664, 665, 666–7
Huelva 319
Huguenots 676, 696, 697
Hull 447, 451, 462, 871
human sacrifice 367, 368, 730, 809, 810
Humboldt, Alexander von 852
Hundred Years War 469
Hung Wu-ti 219, 220
hunting 302, 304, 306–7, 397, 399
in Greenland 397
grounds 404, 406, 794
by Ming emperors 256
seals 399
turtles 105
whales see whales/whaling
Hussein, sultan of Johor 821–2
Hutchison Ports 905
Hygelac 348
Hyksos 75
Hyogo 218
Iberia xxii, 305 see also Castile/Castilians; Catalans; Galicia; Portugal/Portuguese; Spain/Spaniards
Atlantic culture of 324–5
Bronze Age 316, 322
Christian vs Muslim struggle in 12th century 467–8
circular villages 321
Iron Age 330
Neolithic 308–9, 313
pin-brooches 326
roundhouses 329
ships in Mediterranean from Atlantic Iberia 470
and Spanish Reconquista 468, 477
swords 318–19
visitors to London 455
Ibn al-Muqaddam 182
Ibn Battuta 248
Ibn Hawqal 171
Ibn Iyas 595
Ibn Sab’in 475
Ibrahim Pasha, Pargalı 603, 607
ice 303–4
Arctic 339, 655, 657, 660, 661, 664
glaciers 304
receding 908
Ice Age 303–4
‘Little Ice Age’ of 17th century 767
Iceland xix, 362–3, 383–8
Black Death in 403, 405
and Bristol 461–3
and Columbus 410, 524
and England 461–3
and Greenland 393–8, 400–402
and Hansards 461–3
and Norway 712
paganism 387–8, 400, 407
sagas 370, 380, 384, 386, 387–8, 396, 444; Egil’s Saga 389, 391; Orkneyinga Saga 311, 363, 364, 373, 375, 376
tallow 721
trade 390–92, 461–3
vaðmal cloth 390–1, 403
Ictis island 336
Ideal-X 902–3
Idrisi, Muhammad al- 130, 157–8, 471–2, 475
Ieyasu Tokugawa 629, 630–31, 632, 653–4, 692, 693–4
iguanas 12
Iki island 224
Imari wares 650
Imhof family and banking house 672
Imma 353
immigration see migration
Imperator 885
Imperial Airways 898
Incas 29, 618, 635, 727
incense 71–3, 122, 243 see also frankincense; myrrh
Arabian 94, 115
Assyrian 80
Chinese 286
in Jewish Temple 80
and the ‘Muscateers’ 831
stands/vessels 80
Sumerian 80
Inchcape, James Lyle Mackay, 1st Earl of 884
Ajanta caves 129
and Armenians 706, 707, 708
and the British/English 690–91, 714, 851 see also East India Company, English; and Armenians 707
Buddhist monasteries 118, 128
Cabral in 542
carpets 548
and China 125, 137, 138–9, 144–6, 147, 152, 161, 282–3 see also Indo-China
cloth see cloth: Indian
coastal ethnic/religious diversity in 9th century 183
coins introduced to 102
da Gama in 540–41
and the Danes 712, 714, 715
diamonds 703
and Egypt 182–3, 187–8
da Gama in 543
Goa see Goa
Gujarat see Gujarat/Gujaratis
as interchange point between trade networks 187
and Japan 152
luxury of elite 188
mail sent with P&O 867
and Malaya 282
and Mediterranean 108
merchant guilds 183, 184
merchants from see merchants: Indian
Mughal invasions 604–5
Muslims in 183, 261
de Nova in 542
and Oman 831, 832
and Ottomans 603, 605
pepper see pepper: Indian
and the Portuguese 540–43, 604–5, 606
‘Roman’ merchants and southern India 52
Romans in 118
and silver 188
and Śri Vijaya 161
steamship link with Persian Gulf 868
Tamils see Tamils
trade see trade: Indian
and Vietnam see Vietnam: and India
and West Indies 711–12
wine imports 116
Zheng He in 261
Indian Ocean 43–69, 103
and Abbasid rise 170
and Alexandria 96, 103, 187
and American ‘Red Sea men’ 781–2
and British India Steam Navigation Company 868
and Buddhism 43–6, 118
control struggle over 594–610
Dias’s discovery of link with Atlantic 514, 536, 537
‘extensions’ xxii; Red Sea see Red Sea; South China Sea see South China Sea
and the Genoese 703–4
Greco-Roman xviii
and Gujarat 602
historic exit points 46–7
and the ‘Indies’ 46, 99, 517
and ‘Lascars’ 841
as link between Mediterranean and South China Sea 338
Madagascar as link with Atlantic 758, 780
Magellan’s experience of 568
maritime network 43, 90, 93, 124, 125, 147, 167–70, 279
Mediterranean interaction 98, 116, 117, 124, 167–70, 338, 517
Melaka as link with South China Sea 272, 295, 569, 636
monsoons 50, 51, 52, 96, 102, 171, 182, 546
navigation 117
and Ottomans see Turks/Ottomans: and Indian Ocean
Pacific Ocean contrasted with 43
of the Periplous 103–10, 116, 119, 124, 125–8, 134r />
and Persian Gulf see Persian/Arabian Gulf
piracy widespread through 707
and Portugal see Portugal/Portuguese: and Indian Ocean
Ptolemy’s view of 89, 105, 496, 727
and Red Sea see Red Sea
‘Silk Route of the Sea’ xx, 265; and Singapore 281–9
Singapore as link with South China Sea 272
Spice Islands see Moluccas/Spice Islands
spices in Indian cuisine 714–15
and Strait of Malacca see Melaka (Malacca): Strait of Malacca
tides 103, 107
trade see trade: Indian Ocean
trade routes see trade routes: Indian Ocean
and the Turks see Turks/Ottomans: and Indian Ocean
and the USA 781–2, 795
winds 51, 110 see also monsoons
and Zheng He’s voyages 254–5, 256–69, 280–81, 293
areas covered by term in Middle Ages 46, 517, 523
Columbus and the term 46, 517
East Indies see East Indies; Indonesia/Indonesians
spice trade see spices/spice trade
transatlantic attempts to reach 517, 522–35, 537, 550–64, 566–8, 571–2
West Indies see West Indies
indigo 107, 717, 754
Indiké 120
Indo-China 137, 147, 249–50 see also Cambodia; Vietnam
and Fan-man’s conquests 144
Faxien’s voyages 144–6
and Sanskrit 144
Indonesia/Indonesians 6, 43, 147 see also East Indies; Malaya/Malays
and Buddhism 166
Bugi pirates 819, 823
Chola and Indonesian trade 273
and the Dutch see Netherlands/Holland and the Dutch: and the East Indies/Indonesia
Federation of Malaya and Indonesian Republic 893–4
and Madagascar 132–3
merchants 10, 132, 165
Moluccas see Moluccas/Spice Islands
and the Portuguese see Portugal/Portuguese: and East Indies/Indonesia
and Ryukyu Islands 232
sailings between India and China 125
spice trade with Madagascar 132–3
Sumatra see Sumatra
and Vietnam 143
Zabaj 155–8 see also Śri Vijaya, Sumatra
Indus River 50, 53, 68, 88, 106–7
Indus Valley and civilization 53, 62–9
and Dilmun 66–7 see also Dilmun
pottery 62, 63
seals 63–4
and Sumer 62
trade with Mesopotamia 66–7, 69
industrialization 861, 865, 869–70, 896, 907–8
infant mortality 307
Ingolf Arnarson 384–5
bronze 320
copper 60, 242
gold 156
silver 165
tin 164
Ingstad, Anne Stine and Helge 413
Innocent VIII 513
Inquisition 491, 592, 656–7, 673, 685, 699, 700, 703, 705, 707, 708, 730, 749, 754, 769, 770, 775
Intan wreck 164–5
Inuit 398, 399–400, 404, 405, 406–7, 408, 411, 663
Ionia 82, 85
Ionian Islands 682, 872, 873
Ipswich 353
Iran see Persia/Iran
Iraq 68, 85, 164, 598
Chinese trade with 185
Ottoman government of 831
Sumer see Sumer/Sumerians
Ubaid 53–4
Bronze Age 316, 320
circular villages 321
currachs 331, 382
and the English 767
Irish Free State: and Second World War 888–9; and the USA 885
Irish monks 381–3, 386–7
linen industry 457
migrants fleeing famine 860
monuments 301
and Orkney 311–12
and the potato 752
promontory forts 328
trade 457
and US immigration policy 885
Viking raids 361, 372, 379–80, 381
Irian 280
Irish Channel 312
Irish Sea 313
iron 97, 104, 133, 142, 158, 185, 408, 807, 888
aboard SS London 861
early ironmaking 316
and Greenland 398, 408, 413
and Iceland 391–2
magnetized 243
and Marianas 619–20
nails see nails
and Norsemen 408
ore 242
pyrites 664–5
Spanish 455
steamships 826, 864, 868–9, 882–3
Swedish 724
technology 314–16
irrigation 50
on Hawai’i 25, 26
Irvine, Charles 723
Isaac the Jew 186–7
Isabella of Castile 464, 489, 504–5, 522, 527, 529, 534, 582
death 530, 555
Isadora, Aelia 111
Isbister, Orkney 311
Isfahan 705–8
Isidore of Seville 135, 409
Isis 122
Iskandar Shah 282, 285, 290
Islam/Muslims xx, 94, 546
Abbasid dynasty 164, 170
and Africa 500, 502
Almohads 175, 468
in Bombay 789
caliphate rivalries in 8th century 170
in China 244, 258
Christians vs Muslims in Spain 423, 477
coins 364
and the crusades see crusades
dirhams 366
European struggle against Muslim power 46 see also crusades
forcible conversion of Jews 181
Indian 183; in Calicut 261
and interest payments 837
and Ma Huan 269–70
and Madagascar 759
and Malaya 282
Mamluks see Mamluks
and Melaka 291–2, 293, 295
merchants see merchants: Muslim
‘Moors’ 292, 465–7, 537, 540, 541, 569, 617, 707
Muslim fleets 465–7
Muslim pilgrims 866
Muslims of Persian origin in 9th century 184
and Pasai 276
and Portugal see Portugal/Portuguese: and Islam
‘purity of blood’ doctrine and hiding of Muslim ancestry 696
in Quanzhou 244
and Red Sea closure to non-Muslims 187
relationship between Muslim governments and Jews/Christians 836–8
Shi‘ite 173, 599
in Spain see Spain/Spaniards: Muslim (al-Andalus)
spread along trade routes 146, 166
and Śri Vijaya 147
Sunnis see Sunni Muslims
and Tengah/Muhammad 291–2, 293
and Zheng He 257–8
Íslendingabók 398
Ismail Pasha 849–50
Israel, Jonathan 674, 686
Israel, Six-Day War (1967) 896
and incense 80
and Jewish Temple 80, 81
Italy 115, 240 see also Sicily; Tuscany
bankers 450, 454, 532, 590, 703; in England 454
French invasion 526
and Germany: landward connections 441, 442; and Second World War 889
Greek towns in northern Italy 334–5
and London 454–5
merchants see merchants: Italian
migrants fleeing poverty 860
and Ottomans 601
and Second World War 889
wars with Charles V 611
Zheng He in 254–5
Ivan III of Russia 677
Ivan IV, the Terrible 659–60, 677
Ívar Bárdarson 403–4
ivory 505, 547, 717, 840
craftsmen 503
elephant 47, 59, 61, 62, 63, 76, 105, 107, 118, 121, 122, 153, 233, 265, 278, 323, 324, 398, 405, 833
and the Omanis 829, 831, 833
and the Portuguese 501, 504, 635<
br />
and the USA 833
walrus xix, 385, 391, 397, 404, 408
Izu islands 230
Jackson, Andrew 852
Jacob 782–3
Jacobites 723
Jacobsz, Ariaen 738–9
Jakarta see Batavia/Batavians
Jamaica 520, 530, 749, 761, 769–79
and the English 765, 768, 769–79
Jews 773
Miami ferry service 900
and Panama Canal workforce 853–4, 855
Port Royal 765, 769–79
silver 777, 778
and slave trade 777
and the Spanish 771, 773
sugar trade 777, 779
Jambi 160, 273, 279, 287
James I of England 690
James II of England 777
James III of Majorca 473
James of Bruges 488
church in Azores 491
Jamestown, Virginia 557, 766
Jan Mayen Island 396
Jang Bogo see Chang Pogo
Jansz/Janszoon, Willem 736
Janus Imperiale 454
Japan/Japanese 6, 190–209, 212–29
Ainus 797
archers 211, 230
armour 211
artists 200
Ashikaga shoguns 219, 220, 231
bakufu 212, 217, 222, 223, 225, 229
and ‘barbarians’ 847
on Behaim’s globe 525
bonzes (religious teachers) 647
Buddhism see Buddhism: in Japan
and Cabot 532
and Carletti 621, 647, 648–9
cash 214
Ceremony of National Purification 199
and China 135, 152, 188, 189–90, 192, 197, 198–209, 212–21, 228–9, 235, 236, 251, 287; and Hideyoshi’s assault on Korea 650–51; Hideyoshi’s conquest plans 646; Japanese mercenaries in Manila garrison vs Chinese 626; and Philip II’s plan to invade China 627; trade 201–2, 212–20, 228, 638, 647, 649
and Christianity see Christianity: and Japan
coal 846
and Columbus 524–5, 537
and copper 692, 847
daimyos (warlords) 644, 646, 647, 650, 654
and the Dutch see Netherlands/Holland and the Dutch: and Japan
early ethnic variety 191
and European technology 847
and European weapons 644
and First World War 883
and Germany, Second World War 887, 888
and gold 194, 216, 221, 232, 524, 847
guilds (za) 213
Iki 224
imperial court 191, 193, 194, 196, 197, 200, 203, 205, 209, 213, 214, 215, 217, 222, 223, 228–9
and India 152
inflation 214
Inland Sea 199, 204, 212, 218, 232, 652
inter-clan battles 219, 230
and Java 220
junks 628, 637
kami-kaze pilots 229
kaolin 650
and Korea 190, 191–9, 200, 204, 223, 225, 646, 649–51
Kyushu see Kyushu island
lacquered boxes xix, 216
and Macau 635, 638, 639, 642, 644, 654
and Manila 622, 628–30, 632, 633
Meiji regime 847, 883, 888
mercenaries 626, 628–9
merchant fleets 883, 896
merchants 189, 221, 616, 629, 630, 649
and Mexico 630–31
Ministry of Commerce 847
The Boundless Sea Page 142