Fighting Secrets: Unbreakable Series, Book 2

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Fighting Secrets: Unbreakable Series, Book 2 Page 17

by D. R. Bohannon

  The other members leave camp, giving privacy to Sarah and Neiamiah.

  Sarah grabs my hand, “Kris. The baby won’t make it.” Tears fall from her once sparkling eyes. She moans again, curling back up in a ball. Sarah squeezes my hand so tightly I feel like it could break. Still, I stay with her.

  Neiamiah sits behind her. Sarah leans her back against his chest. He wraps his arms around her. The pain she feels, he feels. Their baby will not know life here. Life is so fragile. It can be taken away before your very eyes and you can’t do anything to stop it. A precious gift to a loving couple, taken away. I don’t pretend to feel their pain, but I know I can’t let them go through it alone.

  Tyler puts his hand to Sarah’s stomach and closes his eyes for a second. He opens them and looks at me, shaking his head. “Sarah, I need you to give me a few pushes.”

  She pushes twice, and the baby is born. It’s small, only about as big as an avocado. Sarah buries her face into my shoulder. I feel so helpless. I don’t know what to do except just being there for her. Her cries are heartbreaking.

  Tyler wraps the baby in a handkerchief and looks at its little face. He holds the baby’s lifeless body in his hands, shaking his head.

  Neiamiah slides out from behind Sarah, who is now in my arms. He holds his hands out in front of Tyler. “Can I see?”

  Tyler nods, tears falling from his eyes, “It’s a girl.” He hands the baby to Neiamiah.

  Neiamiah kneels beside me, “Sarah, do you want to hold her?”

  She keeps her head pressed against my shoulder. “I can’t.” Her voice so strained I can barely make out what she says.

  Tyler leaves, he can’t take the scene. I want to go after him, but I can’t leave Sarah.

  Neiamiah brings the baby closer to Sarah. He takes Sarah’s hand and guides it over to the baby’s tiny hand. Sarah doesn’t pull away, instead, she is able to hold her hand.

  “You need to hold her, Sarah.” I wipe tears away from my cheeks. “I’ll be right here.”

  Sarah looks at Neiamiah and holds out her shaking arms. He places their baby girl in her hands. The baby is too small to hold in your arms, as you would normally do.

  “She’s so beautiful.” Sarah holds the baby close to her chest. “Meadow, I’m your mommy and I love you.” She kisses the baby’s forehead. “I’m so sorry. Sorry that I couldn’t protect you.”

  Neiamiah wraps both of them in his arms.

  I decide it’s best I let them have some time alone. Sarah’s words pierce my heart like a knife. It’s not her fault this happened, but I know now isn’t the time to talk to her about it. She needs time to grieve.

  I find Tyler sitting on the same tree trunk as before. He has his elbows resting on his knees, his head in his hands. “I don’t know how she’s going to get through this.”

  I know he can not only see her pain, but he feels it. Being able to read each other’s thoughts has its difficulties too. “With love and support. The same way anyone gets through loss.”

  “I’m having a really hard time understanding why this had to happen. Sarah and Neiamiah are the most kind-hearted people I know.” He pauses, “Their marriage is strong. Why must a beautiful miracle like Meadow have to be taken from them?”

  “They’re married?”

  “They wed two months ago.”

  “What else haven’t I been told?” I ask.

  “Kris, it wasn’t to defy you. It was to protect ourselves that we kept secrets. Angela will use anything against you to get you to break. We couldn’t let everything be known.”

  “She destroyed an unborn baby. I think she’s made her point known.”

  Tyler stands and pulls me in close to him. “I don’t want to fight.” He sighs. “I love you, Kentucky.”

  “I love you, country boy.”

  “Your family might still be alive; don’t throw away hope until we know for sure. I will find them. We will figure out how to get them free.”

  I wish I was as certain as he is. I’m not. Angela is a heartless person who leaves pain and destruction in her wake. I lie. “I’m trying to have hope.” I’m numb again. I can’t feel much beyond Tyler’s embrace.

  “We can’t let this consume us,” Tyler says.

  I walk beside him, holding his hand as we make our way back to camp. The sun starts to set and I’m grateful. The day’s emotions have taken their toll on me. I know I won’t be able to sleep much, but at least maybe I can get some time away from this world.


  Sarah and Neiamiah still hold their precious little girl in their arms. I keep my distance, for they need their time together.

  Sarah keeps her eyes on Meadow. “Kris.”

  Neiamiah waves me over.

  I pull Tyler along with me. I don’t want to do this alone. He’s my rock and I need him right now, just as he needs me.

  Sarah’s red puffy eyes meet mine, “Do you want to hold her?”

  The question brings back feelings. I try to numb myself, but I can’t. Tearing up, I sit beside Sarah, my knees toward my chest, and extend my hands.

  Sarah hands me Meadow and smiles. “She would’ve loved you, Aunt Kris.”

  I rest Meadow on my legs, holding her sides gently with my hands. Staring at this perfect little girl, so innocent and beautiful. It takes my breath away. “She’s perfect, Sarah.”

  Tyler rubs my back and looks at Meadow from over my shoulder.

  A part of me feels grateful this baby won’t have to feel pain or know what it’s like to see the hate this world has in it. The other part of me is sad. Sad because Meadow didn’t even get a chance at life. I kiss her forehead lightly and hand her back to Sarah.

  “From the beginning, I knew I would lose her.” Sarah takes my hand, “Sacrifices have to be made for life to continue to be sustained. A life for a life.” She releases my hand and smiles, “I took an oath and I have to live with the consequences.”

  Tyler squeezes my shoulders.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  Sarah cradles Meadow in her arms, “In time, you will understand.”


  The sun has almost completely set when the time comes to lay Meadow to rest. Neiamiah holds Sarah in his arms. She’s no longer hysterical but is still weak and needs support when standing.

  Along with the rest of the group members, Sarah, Neiamiah, and I stand in a circle. Tyler’s in the middle of the circle, holding Meadow in his hands. He sends up a prayer to the universe in their language. I can’t understand it, yet it still brings more tears to my eyes.

  Tyler gently lays Meadow in a small box he made. He carefully places the tiny coffin in the ground. I go with Sarah and Neiamiah back to camp, the others follow close behind. At camp, I sit alone by the fire. Sarah and Neiamiah want to be alone. Kyle, Alex, Vi, and Beau are practicing their combat skills. I know Alex is just trying to keep himself busy, to keep from thinking about our family.

  Tyler hasn’t made it back to camp yet. It’s been over an hour. I know he must have completed the burial. I guess he just needs some time alone, too.

  Chapter 29

  Everyone else is sleeping. I’m still sitting by the fire alone, poking at the coals with a stick. Tyler should’ve been back by now. It’s early morning and there has been no sign of him. No one seems to be worried, just me. Then again, most of them can communicate through their mind reading skills. It’d be nice if they could share the information with me.

  I can’t sleep with him gone. Especially when I don’t know where he is. I know our camp is only temporary. We will have to move soon to keep ahead of Angela and her robot deputies.

  “He’s looking for your family.”

  Vi’s voice makes me jump. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “It wouldn’t have made a difference. You know how he is.” She sits beside me, “You sleep any?”


  “Don’t you think you should?”

  “I can’t. My mind won’t let me sleep. Plu
s, I want to keep an eye on her.” I nod towards Sarah, “I worry she’ll do something to herself.”

  “Kris, trust me. Neiamiah has it under control.” Vi takes the stick from my hand, “Get some rest.”

  I sit and lean my back up against the trunk of a tree a few feet away from the fire. My eyes are heavy and I feel like I could sleep for days. Closing my eyes, I concentrate on clearing my mind. It doesn’t take long before I feel sleep taking over me. Louisa is there waiting for me. Holding her hand out to me. I take it and walk with her through the streets littered with rubble.

  “You cannot save everyone, my dear girl,” Louisa says.

  “Isn’t that what I’m supposed to do?”

  “Where there is hate, there will always be death.” She stops and turns towards me. Meadow is in her arms, “Love and kindness will always defeat hate.”

  A gasp escapes my throat as I see Meadow breathing and laughing. She’s no longer a baby, but a toddler. Meadow reaches her hand out to me.

  Louisa nods.

  I take Meadow’s hand. The world shifts. We are no longer standing on a street littered with burned rubble but on a plush, green hill. Sweet air blowing all around us.


  “Time is what chains humans to life. No other living thing lives their life based on time. Meadow isn’t bound to one place, nor is she human.”

  That makes little sense. Of course, she’s human. I witnessed her birth and death. Her heartbroken mother who loved her laid her to rest. “I don’t understand.”

  “She’s your hope and miracle.”

  I wake with a jerk.

  Everyone’s eyes are on me.

  I stand, my body shaking, “Sorry.”

  Vi, Beau, Kyle, Alex, Neiamiah, and Sarah go back to eating breakfast.

  Tyler hugs me tightly. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. When did you get back?”

  “A few minutes ago. Vi said you hadn’t slept. I didn’t want to disturb you.” He kisses my lips softly, “Did you see her?”

  “Yes. I know now.” I should be happy Meadow isn’t truly gone, but I don’t feel that way. Why couldn’t she stay here with her mother and father who loved her? “Sarah is very selfless. I admire her even more for it.”

  “Yes, she is.” Tyler pauses and takes my face in his hands, “You are too.”

  I smile, “I only wish that were true.”

  “I don’t know how you don’t see it, Kris. You’re risking your life to save humanity. That seems pretty selfless to me.”

  He’s right, but I don’t feel like someone who should be admired. I try to change the subject. “Did you find them?”

  “Vi can’t keep her mouth shut, can she?” Tyler’s face falls, “Yeah, I found them.”

  I already know, he doesn’t have to say. This is why I assumed the worst.

  He turns me towards the two gigantic trees the others came through. My mom stands, thinner and bruised but alive.

  “Mom!” I run towards her. A big smile fills my face.

  Her arms are open wide. She smiles and embraces me tightly. Tears flow down her cheeks. “Kristina, I’m so happy you’re alright.”

  “Where’s dad and Janet?” I ask.

  Mom takes my hand. “They’re gone, baby girl.”

  All my excitement quickly turns to anger. “What?”

  “Truth is. I died, too.”

  “How is that possible? Your right here?” My voice shakes.

  “Tyler used his healing powers to bring me back.” My mom pauses, tears gather in her eyes. “Only, it wasn’t entirely his doing.”

  Sarah now stands beside me, tears in her eyes. “A life for a life.”

  “A miracle.” I throw my arms around Sarah, hugging her, “You are a wonderful and selfless person. I don’t deserve you as a friend.” I know she did not have a choice whether her baby lived or died. It was all out of her hands from the beginning, but I believe she needs to hear how truly wonderful she is. My body shakes uncontrollably with the surges of emotion.

  “Fate has its own set of cards, Kris. Don’t give me all the credit. If my baby was going to die, I didn’t want it to be for nothing.” Sarah squeezes my hand and walks over to my mom, hugging her. “Your daughter is special. I don’t understand why you kept this a secret, but I’m happy you guys still have time to be together. Cherish it.”

  Sarah walks back to the fire. Neiamiah embraces her and they sit alone talking. It hurts me to see them this way.

  “Let’s get you something to eat, Mrs. Goodman,” Tyler says.

  “I think we’re past the formalities. Just call me Molly.” She smiles, “Plus, you’ve kept my daughter safe and I can’t ever thank you enough.”

  “She takes pretty good care of herself.” Tyler winks at me, “She’s a warrior.”

  The comment makes me laugh. I’m glad he thinks so. No one else here at camp would agree with him. “I’m a decent opponent, but I wouldn’t consider myself a warrior.”

  “I’m still grateful. You taught her to protect herself. Something I should’ve done years ago,” my mom says.

  “You did,” I say.

  “Not for this world I didn’t.”

  Chapter 30

  I sit near the fire with Tyler by my side. I watch the other’s sleep peacefully. The crickets chirp and the fireflies light up the night. My body aches, but it’s more than that, my soul aches. Tyler wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me in close to him. His warmth helps subside my aching soul.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t save them,” he says.

  “It was never your responsibility to get them out.” Tears find their way down my cheeks. I don’t fight them. I just let them flow. “Thank you. You saved my mom and I can never repay you for that.”

  Tyler kisses my forehead and wipes the tears from my cheeks. “Your love is all I need.”

  It warms my soul, even more, to hear him say that. I’m emotionally drained. The past couple of weeks have been like a bad dream, pulling me farther and farther into it. I keep hoping I’ll wake up and things will be as they were. Me, a famous actress who fell in love with a small-town country boy. My brothers, Sam and Alex, happy and thriving with their own lives. Janet, my agent and second mom booking me for auditions and interviews. My dad and mom living simply at home in Kentucky.

  That’s not what the world has dealt me. I’m no longer that person. I’ve lost Sam, Janet, and my dad to Angela’s hateful hands. Not to mention, Meadow, Sarah and Neiamiah’s daughter. A perfect and innocent little baby. Without her sacrifice, my mom wouldn’t be here either. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take, Tyler.”

  “Stay strong. I know it’s hard, but you have many people backing you up.”

  He makes it sound so easy to stay strong. I’ve been strong all this time and I feel myself letting go. Angela is wearing me down. A lot of people have been hurt or killed because of me. Too many. “I’m trying.”

  “Come here.” Tyler lies on his back. His arm is wrapped around me and his other hand is over my heart.


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