Consumed By Rage: A Stained Souls MC Novel - Book 1

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Consumed By Rage: A Stained Souls MC Novel - Book 1 Page 28

by Zara Teleg

  He turned the bottle to me. I opened my mouth; my jaw was almost too painful to open. He angled the bottle to my open lips. The cool liquid felt better than anything I could remember. It put out the fire in my throat, until I choked on it. I coughed violently, and some of it came out my nose.

  “Shh,” he said, pulling the bottle from my lips. I caught my breath and kept silent as he instructed. Paige had a few more sips before he walked away from us, without a word, and went back up the stairs, leaving us in complete darkness again. There must have been a boarded-up window at the other end of the basement. I could see daylight through a few holes, probably from bullets, but I tried to keep my mind from going there.

  My pinky found hers, and we kept them together like we did when we were children when she had nightmares. She used to hold my pinky all night. I leaned my head over hers, “We will get out of here,” I promised her. A promise I hoped not to break.

  A few hours later, I heard the door again. The sound of music trailed down the steps. Then a line of light appeared when the door creaked open. I heard voices, but no one came down the steps.

  My body tensed. “I want what you promised to me!” Joker’s angry voice echoed down the steps. It’s been months. I’ve been patient.”

  The door slammed closed again, and the voices became shouts. My body trembled so hard, it was as if I was being electrocuted. Marco was going to give me to Joker and his men.

  “Ana, I won’t let them take you,” Paige said. It was sweet, but she was in as bad of a position as me.

  “I know, we’ll be okay.” I squeezed her pinky again. “Just try to rest and save your strength.”


  Customers gaped as we pulled our Harleys into the busy parking lot. A gas station sat on one corner and a fast food restaurant on the other. My guess was Gavin wanted to meet in a highly populated area. He leaned against his vintage black GTO. Not at all inconspicuous. On any other occasion, I would have complimented his pristine ride, not today.

  I was the first off my bike to walk toward the flashy ex-cop. I expected someone older, not a guy who looked like he could challenge one of us in the ring. Gavin was not as tall, just over six feet, but his build was all lean muscle. He watched me approach. His plain white V-neck stretching across his chest, large ripped arms folded, his legs crossed at his boots. He flicked his cigarette, straightening his stance as I approached.

  He took off his dark glasses. His blue eyes were surveilling me like he was eyeing the competition. “Colt,” he said, reading his cut, and extended his hand. Colt shook it. “Rage.” I ignored the gesture.

  “We are here on business, now fucking spill, and if one hair on my girl’s head is hurt, you are—”

  Colt pushed his hand on my chest forcing me to back up. “Rage, take it down. Now.”

  I gave Colt a death look as Gavin began to speak.

  “I had eyes on Paige. When she went missing, I knew Marco was gunning for her. I didn’t think he knew where to find her, but I underestimated his sources.” A growl escaped me.

  “I have it narrowed down to three possible locations the cartel has been using for transport. However, they have a few safe houses that are tucked in the city and are very undercover. It could be any abandoned building.” Gavin explained as he showed us a few spots on his phone. We worked on getting the info to several club members.

  Colt was pacing on the phone, leaving me with the ex-cop. “So, you’re the lucky bastard she finally let her guard down for?” he asked in an almost sad way.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Are you really asking me about her?” I breathed fire. “All you fucking need to know is that Juliet’s mine and that ain’t going to change. When I get her back, she is never leaving my sight again.”

  “Yeah, I get it. If I had her, I’d feel the same.” He looked at his boots, kicking them like he was reliving a memory. A possessive growl escaped as I studied him.

  He attempted to calm me, “You don’t have to worry about me, man. After I found her beaten, almost dead, I spent close to a year by her side, and I fell in love with her. But she never wanted to be more than friends. Antonio really did a number on her, not just physically, messed with her real bad, and she built walls on top of walls around her.” He sucked in a breath. “She just wanted him behind bars and Paige safe.”

  As my mouth opened to respond, Colt pointed to our bikes. “Rage, we gotta go, now.”

  “What, you’re not gonna tell me anything?” Gavin was surprised when Colt didn’t share intel.

  “This is club business now.”

  Gavin grabbed Colt’s arm. “Are you kidding me? These bastards killed my baby sister. They took Anabelle. You think I’m going to just back off? I’m going with you, and besides, I have connections on the force who want Marco just as bad as we do, and I can help with whatever fall out occurs.”

  Colt and I exchanged glances, a silent agreement that he could come. As much as I hated the fact that he had a thing for Juliet, I saw the familiar rage in his eyes, the agony when he mentioned his sister. Having him around wouldn’t hurt; we’d take any help we could get to get the girls back safe.

  We decided to split up, scouting out the locations until we found something. Colt and I mounted our bikes and took off to the farthest location.


  My mind spun as the hopelessness overtook me. I kept playing that moment over in my mind. I prayed Marco had been lying about Gavin. I couldn’t believe that Gavin would not tell me and have me think he was still on the force.

  Paige had been sleeping for what seemed like hours. I stayed quiet so she could rest. I watched as the bullet holes that had let some light in turned from bright to black. It must be night. It had been several hours since I saw any light. The musty smell was overpowering from the Florida humidity. Even the remainder of my clothes felt damp.

  The door opened, waking Paige. This time it was not Sebastian bringing water. It was Marco’s other thugs. Armed with automatic weapons, they looked like soldiers in suits.

  They scooped us both up without a word. Placing tape over our mouths again before pulling us to our feet and dragging us up the steps.

  Bound together, we were clumsily pushed down a hallway. We passed several rooms. I could see one door open where a man in a suit had a woman, hands bound behind her, by the hair down on her knees in front of him pulling her head back and forth roughly. Paige flinched, terror on her face. She looked away quickly, her eyes pleading with mine. There was nothing I could do to comfort her.

  My stomach was sick. Marco’s men pushed our backs against the wall, guns aimed at us as we waited outside a room where Marco was holding a meeting. I could see half of Sebastian’s scarred face and large body through the ajar door.

  I strained to listen to voices, hoping to hear something that would help us know our fate.

  “You promised only to supply and stay out of my town. That was our agreement.” A man’s voice carried out of the room.

  “Ahh, yes, but you were holding back on us. You neglected to say how hospitable your little town could be. The lack of police presence and the railway will be very valuable to our operation.”

  “That was not our deal,” he said sternly to Marco. I strained to hear more.

  I was shocked by the pistol whip to my face. Blood immediately gushed from my nose. Paige tried to scream, but the tape suppressed it, her eyes went wild looking at me. I ignored the stunning pain as I looked into her frightened eyes. I did not want her pushed over the edge; she had gone there before.

  “You don’t listen to the boss’s business,” the thug with a heavy Spanish accent said as he held my chin, forcing me to look at him. The blood trailed down my jaw and onto my chest in giant spatters. I forced myself to stay strong, biting my lip under the tape. I would not let these assholes break me.

  The door opened the rest of the way. Sebastian gestured for his men to usher us inside the room as he escorted the other man out. Sebastian’s gaze went to Paige after
seeing my bloodied face. Sebastian seemed almost relieved that she had no other damage as he looked her over in a way that was almost disturbing.

  The man who was meeting with Marco stepped out of the room. My eyes nearly fell out of my face when they met his. He managed to stay expressionless, but he knew it was me. He scanned my body and face in the seconds that we passed each other. I could feel his gaze even after I passed him.

  “Hey, turn around and keep walking. They are not your concern,” Sebastian commanded.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Frustration took on a new meaning as the last place Gavin had told us to check came up empty. Goddammit! I roared out my frustration and kicked over the trash cans in the alley, sending them rolling down the block.

  I hoped that Gavin and Hawk were having more luck than we were.

  Colt pulled out his phone to call Cain and tell him we were on our way back. What the fuck were we going to do now?

  My gut was telling me something was very wrong. I just knew it was worse than my mind could even dream up.

  I was mad at myself as much as I was at the fuckers that had her. This was all my fault. I had let her go. She had tried to explain. I should have listened to her. I should have given her time and then gone back. I would have begged for her forgiveness and never fucking let her out of my sight. What if we don’t find them?

  My vision blurred as we rode back, my eyes stinging as the panic began to take hold. A few more blocks to go. Maybe Hack will come up with something. He had to. We couldn’t end like this. She couldn’t be taken from me the way everyone else had been.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket. I was pulling into the lot on the third ring. Unknown Caller. I hit answer, “Yeah?”

  “Rage, it’s Ramsey.”

  “No time for whatever bullshit you’re calling for.” I hung up.

  I followed my brothers back in the dive bar where we started. My phone rang again, Unknown Caller. This sonofabitch. He probably wanted to taunt me about something, as he had done a million times before. How does this fucker keep getting my number?

  “The fuck do you want, Ramsey? I don’t have time for your bullshit.” The bar was loud. I was getting ready to hang up again when I thought I heard him say Juliet’s name.

  “What did you say?” I started to go back outside, waving the people around me to quiet down. Ramsey started to speak, but I still couldn’t hear. “Wait, I can’t hear you,” I yelled into the phone.” I stuck my two fingers in my mouth and whistled loud enough that people covered their ears. “Quiet the fuck down a minute!”

  “Ramsey, start again.”

  “Rage, you know I don’t really care for you, and you probably think I’m a prick, but I’m not a monster. So, I thought you might like to know that I just saw Juliet.”

  “What?” My heart stopped. I opened the door and stepped outside the dive. “What the fuck do you mean you saw her?” Each shallow breath I took mimicked the speed my heart raced as he spoke.

  “Man, looks like she’s in some real trouble and is in pretty bad shape. I almost didn’t recognize her—”

  “Where is she, Ramsey?” I growled, darkness ready to take me over. “Did you have something to do with this? ‘Cause if you do, I swear to God—”

  “Calm the fuck down, alright? She’s in Tallahassee.”

  “Yeah, I know that. I’m in Tallahassee, been here two fucking days turning this city upside down looking for her. Where exactly?”

  “You’re here?”

  “Listen to me very carefully. Tell me where the fuck she is, right now.”

  “Look, maybe I should meet you. Marco Cordona has her and another girl. The place is guarded and well-armed. I can help you get in…if you help me with something.”

  My head tilted back. I pinched the bridge of my nose and squeezed my eyes tight. You have got to be kidding me.

  “Fine, meet me at the…” I looked around to see where the fuck I was. “Meet me at Lips and Hips on Green and 4th Avenue. You better move your fucking ass, Ramsey. I don’t have time to waste.”

  In the twenty minutes it took for Ramsey to arrive, I thought about why the fuck he didn’t help her. I didn’t care how much he hated her guts ‘cause she ditched him, a man wouldn’t leave a woman helpless among sharks. Then he had the nerve to ask for our help. He was a bigger motherfucker than I thought.

  The second I saw the arrogant asshole, I wasted no time walking straight to him, jacking him up, demanding to know why he left Juliet and Paige there. Three brothers pulled me off. “How do we know this isn’t a trap?” Colt asked.

  “It’s not a trap! Look, I can’t force you lowlifes to trust me, but if you don’t want Devil’s Damned to be the new bikers in town, running a pipeline that goes right through Sugar Maple and up the train into Black Rock and other coastal towns, then you’re just gonna have to trust me and help me out!” Concern and remorse were in his face.

  “Marco Cordona is an ambitious fuck. He’s breaking away from Daddy and his guns. He’s running meth, X, and a whole slew of other designer drugs. He has a wealthy clientele willing to pay. He’s got his network of bikers and rogue members of the cartel to do his bidding, and he’s banking on his brother’s release to help him with the expansion.”

  Ramsey looked guilty and disappointed in himself. He shook his head and said, “One day I was selling them a property along the river, but before I knew it, I was sucked in. I don’t know how the fuck to get out.” His face, normally filled with arrogance, now had a look of desperation.

  “What does any of this have to do with Juliet? Fuck, how are we getting her? Where is she?” I spat questions out like bullets.

  “They are camped out in an abandoned house on the north side as their temporary headquarters. I can show you where on a map. But, I gotta be honest, I don’t know how much time Juliet has. While I was waiting to see Marco, there was a Devil’s biker there. He had crazy eyes, rotten teeth, and smelled pretty bad. He wore a big ring with a jester on it. He complained that he hadn’t gotten his money, and he was getting impatient. I heard him talking about the bitch promised to him. He bragged how he beat her pretty good trying to get her there. He went on and on in great detail about the disgusting vile things he had planned to do to her to make her pay. After he has his fun, she’s a marked woman.”

  I lifted a table, tossing it across the room. I swiped the nearest bottle of whiskey, finishing it before throwing it against the wall as the last drop burned down my throat. The shards of glass spread across the floor. Two bouncers started toward me, but my brothers took care of them, knowing my current mood could leave them hospitalized.

  Hack pulled up a map of the location where Juliet was being held hostage. It was an hour until midnight. We all armed ourselves inside and out. Cain had a blackout van that was perfect for getting close.

  “Fuck, man, they have a camera system,” Hack said.

  “Great, just what we need,” I grumbled.

  “No, you don’t understand. I can get into the system and manipulate the cameras to repeat the moment you get in. Those fuckers won’t see a thing.” He pushed his small glasses up his nose as he typed so fast his fingers were a blur on the keyboard.

  “Amateurs,” he grinned, amused at the low security. “I’m in.”

  We went over the plan maybe twenty times in the van. Ramsey was too much of a pussy to come. He stayed with Hack, guiding him through what he saw and where in the building. Hack gave us mini cameras and mics. Luckily, he had every gadget known to man and spent every penny he had on the latest tech gear.

  1:10 am. We pulled up to the façade of an abandoned building.


  “Where do you want them, boss?” Sebastian asked.

  Marco held up his finger, answering his phone. He started screaming and yelling in Spanish. He hung up, looking furious. He unbuttoned the top of his shirt; his brow was covered in a sheen of sweat.

  Marco’s eyes met my bloodied face, a smile of sa
tisfaction spread across his face. He put his suit jacket on before dishing out instructions in Spanish. The only word I understood was baño, Spanish for bathroom.

  He looked at me again. “Our fun will have to wait awhile. In the meantime, because I’m a kind guy, I am letting you use the restroom. No funny business, got it?”

  We were led to a bathroom where each of us struggled to take a turn, being tied up and gagged. One man stood outside the stall. My eyes frantically looked for anything in the bathroom that could be used as a weapon. There was a loose screw in the toilet paper holder. It would have to do. I used my fingernail to twist the screw the rest of the way out.

  “Let’s go. What’s taking you so long?” The man was yelling from outside the stall. The screw popped out, and I caught it before it fell to the floor. It was sharp and over an inch long. I was able to conceal it easily.

  Stepping out the stall, he grabbed a fistful of my hair, adding to the hurt of my already throbbing head. I could feel the gun pressed against my back as Marco’s men guided Paige and me back down the stairs. Paige’s eyes were wild. She was prone to panic attacks and anxiety. She had almost gotten admitted to a clinic once. She had spent most of her life in and out of therapy. That look on her face told me that she was in a dark place.

  When the basement door opened wide, I tried to take in everything I could about the area. I scanned it for exits. How the hell was I going to get us out of this?

  The moment we were alone, I wiggled the screw through my fingers and tucked it far in my palm. I didn’t have much choice with my hands behind my back. We found each other’s pinky again. The tape was loose on my mouth. “Sleep,” I said, as loud as I could. Paige must have understood. Her body relaxed against mine. Even with my mind racing, my body screamed for rest. I couldn’t fight staying awake any longer.


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