Love Grows In The Dark

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Love Grows In The Dark Page 32

by Eli Lowe

  At last, I let my wolf out to run free through the fresh morning air, the empty streets, and the quiet serene surrounding, letting my black far shine under the soft sunlight. I must say that it felt like an eternity since I let myself free like this and I had to let myself enjoy for once, at least for some time.

  I stretched my huge body and loosened some of my tensed muscles just before I took my bag in my mouth and started running to somewhere I had already planned to go once again.

  The soft morning breeze brushed against my fur, soothing my already messed up mind for a little bit. I kept running through the off-road, making sure that I stay behind the trees all the time, at least until I reach the exact same place where I and Kaith came yesterday.

  Yes, the woods opposite the lake.

  When I reached the spot, I saw that my bike was still parked at the side of the road where I kept it the last time, and this time I needed to take it back with me for sure.

  I dropped the bag from my mouth on the ground near my bike and headed inside the woods in no time. The place indeed appeared not that dark what it seemed at night.

  Night turns vicious in here with no doubt at all, leaving not a single trace of its terrifying deeds to find out in the next morning.

  Who could have ever guessed that this place was also linked to my horrifying past in some way?


  Now, I clearly remember what exactly happened that night years ago, which made me desperate enough to look for the rogue to prove myself worthy as the future Alpha of my Lunar High pack.


  “Uncle! Uncle Benjamin! Where did mom and dad go all of a sudden? They promised to watch me during my pack training this evening. So, I was worried that they might be late, cause the training is about to start and my turn for the combat will come soon. And I do not want them to miss watching me fight. You know what? I will definitely make mom and dad proud in today's match. After all, dad trained me all by himself. He is the strongest. Isn't it right, uncle?” I asked uncle Benjamin with a lot of excitement as I was indeed looking forward to the match this evening. But I was anxious too, seeing that mom and dad were not around when they should have.

  And to my surprise, uncle looked a bit concerned as well, for what reason I did not know yet. Even if I wanted to know, I can even bet that no one would care to tell me anything about it, giving me the only excuse that I was not that big enough to deal with such problems as I was just thirteen years old.

  And it happened always.

  “Well, your mom and dad are busy right now. They had to sit for an urgent meeting at the office. Someone came to see the Alpha and Luna, and they had a very important matter to discuss at this moment. Decisions need to be taken as soon as possible, so I think, being in the meeting is far more important than watching you at the match, Summer.” Whatever uncle Benjamin just said, sparked up my curiosity without any doubt and I wanted to know more, cause I just could not help myself after knowing that some crucial matter is up in our pack to deal with.

  “Uncle, do you know who came? And what actually is the important matter that they needed to call for a meeting at such short notice? What news did the person bring?” I asked cautiously, keeping my ever so energetic eyes fixed on alpha Benjamin, hoping that he might blurt out some of the information at least, so that I could carry on with my own investigation about the matter, just like a true Alpha.

  “No. And even if I knew anything about it, I should never tell you. Do you get that? You must stay away from all of this. It is indeed dangerous and only the strongest and the capable one should dare to deal with it. So, remember my words, Summer...stay away.” With that, uncle Benjamin went away just when his phone started to ring all of a sudden, and he needed to pick up the call urgently, I guess. But how could I have killed my newly raised curiosity? So, I decided to follow my uncle, only to hear if he was talking about something which was related to the current matter.

  And just what I had guessed. He was indeed talking to someone over the phone about what I needed to know ever so desperately.

  “Yes, some rogue was seen in our territory, indeed. A man came with the information and it seems that the news is right. But, I am afraid that we might be late to take quick action regarding this matter. Cause the rogue is still roaming somewhere near us, which is definitely a threat to all of us.” I eavesdrop his words from behind, making sure that he does not get to know my presence ever.

  And he further said,

  “No. That is what I am worried about. Alpha just can not leave all of us behind, unprotected, to find out the rogue while his beta is busy with some other job that alpha had assigned him to look after. Yes, Seth is not here, right now. I wish only if we had someone else with us, who could prove to be as strong as our alpha to take down the rogue on behalf of him.” I heard him clearly, but I was feeling a bit disappointed for some unknown reason. I wanted to help but it was like I was never allowed to.

  “No, no. That can never be possible. Cause Summer is still young and she is not at all prepared to face such dangers and most of all she is a girl. She can never compare with the strength of a male, even when she has the blood of an alpha.” And that was the last thing I heard uncle Benjamin talking to someone over the phone, which was enough for me to take the quick decision right then and there, without thinking about anything else.

  The only thing which kept clouding my mind at that moment, was that, how was I not as strong as any male? I was born to be an alpha too and I will become one in later times for sure. So, why not now I grab the chance to prove myself worthy as the alpha?

  Yes, that was what I suppose to do.

  I stayed a little bit longer to hear any kind of hint about the place where the rogue was seen last, and just when I got to hear what I needed, I did not waste a single second to rush out of our pack, without telling anyone about my plan to take down the vicious rogue all by myself.

  No, I did not even tell Kaith, neither did I say anything to uncle Benjamin as well.

  My mind was only fixed to my sole plan to prove my worth in front of the whole pack.

  Little did I know, that it was a great mistake what I was about to make in any time soon.

  ****end of flashback****

  I could not even pull myself back from my trance, as the very familiar smell once again hit me in no time.

  I panicked and tried to look around me desperately for quite a while, but strangely, no matter how much I tried to but I just could not see anyone here right at this moment.

  Kazan was not there nor was Markus. And clearly, no huge black wolf could be seen right at this moment, even when the forest is not at all dark like how it happens to be in the night time. Cause the bright daylight made sure to lighten up each and every spot inside the wood, right at this moment.

  But then how did I smell my mate, even when I was not at all thinking about him?

  I decided that it was not safe to stay here for any longer as I needed to go somewhere else too. So, I hurried back to the exact spot where I kept my bike standing since yesterday and shifted back in no moment. Without wasting time, I put on all the clothes back again, and got on my bike so that I could turn the wheels towards another destination where I must go before I head back to attain school.

  I speeded up my bike, attempting to reach the place about which no one ever knew, except me and my dad. And, I was so assured that it could definitely lead me to the one who is still alive, at least I believe so.

  But, one thing was certain that my one single step would raise a tremendous upheaval from the very moment, without any doubt. Chaos will occur, if not to everyone then obviously to uncle Benjamin, which could even become life-threatening for me.

  But nothing could stop me now.

  Episode 53

  Summer's P.O.V

  I was again walking through the dark tunnel right at this moment, while keeping my mind calm enough to take each and every step ever so carefully. Cause I knew exactly where the tunnel will lea
d me in no time, as I had been here before.

  The whole place was extremely scary as not a single trace of light can come inside here to make it a bit easy to take a step further, showing the way ahead. And on top of that, the tunnel was full of dirt and the vicious stinky smell was all around the air, as if each and every sewage of the town meets here to make the place even more deadly to cross through.

  It was not that the place was completely lifeless, cause it was not. As the rats were all around the place and so was the other kind of insects.

  Even when I was feeling extremely sick for being in such kind of atmosphere down here, that I even wanted to puke for once, but still I was determined to do the very thing for which I had come here in the very first place.

  So, without running out of the tunnel, I kept going forward, even when the air was becoming more and more poisonous to breathe in.

  With each of my careful step towards the destination, I kept thinking that why I had never thought of going to this place to check out if anything was wrong or not, after Mom and Dad died strangely that night, leaving so many loose strings for me to tie, in order to solve the mystery of the past. Why did I never bother to find out those loose ends which were always there right in front of my eyes, only if I cared to look for them?

  It seemed that all these years since that night, I was so involved with my own losses and miseries from the past which indeed left a huge impact on my present life, but without any doubt, I did fail to look for the most important hint which might have helped me to find out the truth behind Mom and Dad's sudden tragic death. I should have tried to find out the one who was always hidden behind the lies for years, even now.

  But this time, the truth must defeat the evil, once and for all. And that was what I was intended to make it happen.

  So, keeping aside all the thoughts about what I could have done before and what I should do afterwards, I kept going ahead where the tunnel turned out to be even darker and narrower. But still, it had enough space for me to walk in without any trouble.

  All the sounds from the outer world could not even enter this very place as I could hear nothing except the noises of all the insects and the sound of my own heartbeats which were now appearing no less than drum beats.

  Of course, I was scared.

  Cause I knew very well, that if today I got caught somehow, so many efforts of so many people for years would go all in vain, and I just could not let that happen, never ever. And not just that, cause if I got to succeed today, I can never back down from what I had started and I must be prepared to face the ultimate.

  I knew very well that I have to fight which I will for sure.


  After quite some while, I was finally standing at the bottom of the stairs, which will lead me to the trapdoor, from where I can enter the room. And it was just the door which was now standing in between me and my fate which was yet to decide.

  Standing at the bottom of the stairs in the dark, I tried to calm down my heart for a little bit, but it seemed that it was not going to happen, not now at least, when my luck was about to be tested.

  So, seeing myself unable to loosen up, I went forward to put one of my foot on the first step and then on the second. I kept moving forward little by little, giving myself enough time to breathe in and breathe out as much as possible. As I was about to reach underneath the wooden trapdoor, I clearly heard another sound of heavy breathing, which was not mine for sure.

  I have to say that I was not at all startled right at that moment as I supposed to be. Cause I was pretty much expecting someone to be present in that secret room. But I also thought that my assumptions might be wrong as well. And that was why I decided to check by myself.

  Though I took a bit more time, before coming in here, cause I needed to make sure that this passage to the room was still unknown to everyone. And when I was assured enough, I decided to begin my quest at any time soon, but never thought that I had to take action this fast.

  Anyway, that does not matter, when I was all ready to face the consequences.

  I kept waiting underneath the trap door only to observe if there was any other movement in that room or no, and just as I had expected, there was none, except for the heavy breathing of someone. And that was the moment when I finally gathered up enough courage to push the door open ever so quietly.

  But it seemed that, I could not stay as quiet as I had decided, cause the door was closed for years and I had to put a lot of strength to open the wooden door, so that I could climb up into the room. And finally, after a few attempts, I did succeed.

  The room was familiar to me as well, as I came here a long time ago. The walls were still dark and horrifying as I remembered them from my childhood. There were no windows made, inside the room, which was enough to make the entire place so much suffocating without any doubt. Only a usual door was there which opens to the other side and I knew where the door leads to. Other than that, small holes were made on one side of the wall, allowing them to pass the air for a little bit. Except that there was no other passage made to escape from the treacherous room, unless someone knows about the secret trap door.

  Without wasting much time to inspect the familiar room, I carefully claimed up there through the trap door only to drag the rest of my body up on the cold hard floor of the dark room.

  While I was busy inviting myself in, I realised that the heavy breathing was still there but this time it became even faster than before, declaring the fact that the one who was kept inside the room was now totally aware of my presence and there was no doubt that the person was scared too.

  I tried to look around in the dark, and after a while, in the slightest light which was coming through the holes on the wall, I clearly saw a shadow of a man who was hanging from the ceiling, as his hands were tied with the silver chains ever so cruelly. I could even smell the iron of blood all over the air around me. And it did not take much time for me to realise that he was kept as a captive, for how long I did not know that yet.

  “You should not have come here. Run away, as long as you have time.” A deep, heavy and extremely exhausted voice came from the middle of the room where the man was left to hang ever so mercilessly. His voice did not at all fail to declare his much devastated he was, and not just that, he was tortured without any doubt. His hoarse voice was enough for me to realise that he might be speaking after a really long time. But this was no time to talk, as I knew that I needed to hurry.

  Markus's P.O.V

  “Kazan! Stop being so stubborn. Why don't you go and talk to her directly about all that what is going on in your mind right now? Cause the longer it stays in your mind rather than coming out from there, the scarier you will become with each passing time.

  And about me...well, I told you before already and even now I would say the same, that, even though I just can not stop thinking about her, I promise I would never cross the line again. Cause she is the one I want to protect and of course I want to see her happy. And I believe, she wants you, not me.

  You know that too, right?

  But I don't know what happened between you two that you both are now acting this way, as if you two are enemies and nothing else. And I am telling you, if I am the reason for such hatred between you two, then I am all yours to punish.

  What I am trying to say is that, Summer was always innocent, Kazan. So, do not do anything wrong with her again, and that too for someone like me.” I never cared to explain that much to anyone else before, how much I had to do now, only for the sake of Summer and Kazan. And I knew that I was also somewhat guilty for such turmoil between them, today. And this time I needed to make everything right once again, whatever I messed up before.

  I have to, no matter how.

  “You don't have to mind in my business. Do only the things I ask you to.” Kazan's replied in his deep and grumpy voice, showing a lot of disgust on his face for all the words I just said to him.

  I knew that he was not at all as heartless as he shows to be, b
ut this time I was totally startled to see Kazan this way. He seemed as if he does not even care about his own mate for whom once he was even ready to die or kill, before.

  “How could you say that? Don't you have any feelings for her anymore, just because I acted stupid and kissed her even when she was unaware? If so, then it is me whom you need to accuse, not her.” I could not help but yell at Kazan, seeing his such indifference towards his own mate, whereas I was dying to run to her to know if she was fine after what happened last night. But the thought that I have no right anymore to do so, stopped me for so many times since when I managed to hear the news.

  “Are you done?” Kazan bothered to say that much just before he turned around to leave the school ground, but I knew very well what can make him stop right here right now.

  “Are you sure that you do not want to see Summer ever again?

  Do you really not want to know what happened to her just after you left the woods last night?

  Cause I know very well, how worried Kaith was for her last night that he even had to take her to the hospital even when he was badly injured himself.” Just when I said, Kazan turned around sharply in no time. His eyes were already burning with so much anger while he could not even stop gritting his teeth in the utmost rage, but for whom I could not realise.

  Maybe for me, or maybe for himself.

  But, I had something else to be concerned about.

  “What the hell happened to her after I was gone? As far as I know, she was in a pretty good condition in the night and even this morning. Then would you care to explain to me, that how she got injured last night? Why did she even need to be taken to the hospital?” Kazan screamed like an insane without caring much about the other students who were currently present in the school ground right at this moment. After hearing Kazan's terrifying voice, all those who were rushing to enter the school in time, stopped on their tracks, totally forgetting about the fact that school was about to start in any time soon.


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