Love Grows In The Dark

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Love Grows In The Dark Page 41

by Eli Lowe

I opened my eyes at last, and looked far ahead of me.

  The ocean sparkled up under the morning sun, while the horizon at the far kept playing with the most beautiful colours of orange, red, pink and purple, right above the never-ending turquoise blue. The sight was indeed marvellous and absolutely breath taking.

  “Did I tell you today, that I love you so much?” He whispered into my ears and pulled me back to his chest even closer than before, and wrapped his arms around me tightly in fear that I might want him to let go of me, once again, like I used to do before. But I had no intention to ask him to do so now. Cause I do not want to regret later thinking that I might have loved him even more, when I had the time and the chance.

  “Yes, you just did.” I replied and moved my head a little bit to my side, so that I can look at him. But he did not let me do that, as he instantly buried his head on the crook of my neck once again. By the slightest glimpse that I could take right now, I clearly saw that his cheeks were surely covered with the crimson hue as well, declaring the fact that his condition was no different than me right now. Seeing the one who always prefers to stay quiet and rough all the time, reacting in such a way before me, my heart started to race even faster, as if that was even possible now when it was already beating ever so loudly.

  “Did I tell you that I love our pups too.” Again he said, without bothering to lift up his head from my neck. His breaths kept fanning on my skin, giving rise to a million of sparks right now. What kind of torture is that?

  “Yes, you did. Always. And I want you to know that we all love you as well, more than you can ever imagine, Kazan.” I turned around ever so quickly, without giving him enough time to hide away once again, depriving me of seeing the most priceless expression that he was wearing right now.

  His eyes sparkled with my words while his cheeks turned into another shade of crimson as he hurried to pull me into a hug right away. But I stopped him from doing so, cause I wanted to take a good look of him. I wanted to remember how he looks when I say him how much I love him each time.

  I lifted up one of my hand without much of my consciousness only to touch his heated up cheeks ever so softly. His warm ocean blue eyes were like made to look at me only. His lips were like dying to kiss mine hungrily

  And I had no intention to wait anymore. I tried hard to bring my lips as close as possible to his, but it seemed that was not enough to enclose our lips together, cause now I have a growing belly in between us to bother us at such a moment.

  Seeing me frustrated, Kazan let out one of his proud smirks, at last, I do not know why and only then he cared to bend down to help me with what I wanted to do in the first place. He sucked my lips clumsily while he shoved his tongue inside my mouth, letting it move in some insane rhythm along with mine.

  Even though we were becoming out of breaths, still he kept on kissing me as if his life was depending on it. He did not stop kissing and nipping on my lips desperately and passionately until they become all swollen. And only when he was done savouring all the pleasure that he wanted to take away, he let go of me at last, leaving me all panting after the hungry kiss of my mate, Kazan, even after all these years.

  “You always make me crazy for you, Summer.” He said in-between his uneasy breaths, after his long and intense kiss right now.

  The soft giggles came to our ears all of a sudden, which made us totally aware of the fact that now there was someone who was watching us all this while.

  Kazan let go of me at last, only to lift up the tiny little body of his pup into his huge arms effortlessly. The soft giggles filled the air all around us in no time, when Kazan threw him up in the air only to catch him right after, letting this naughty boy enjoy playing with his father, like always.

  I have always noticed how Kazan becomes a child himself while he is with his pup. As if they both are of the same age. I wish, he always stays like this way. I want him to see laughing like this for the rest of my life.

  “What do you want to eat in your breakfast? I am cooking today.” Kazan said all of a sudden, seeing me zoning out somewhere else in my mind.

  “I would like to have anything that you make.” I replied in an instant.

  Strangely, I was still afraid. As if this was all a dream only, even though I wanted it to be the reality.

  The very thought made my heart ache like crazy for this moment. Somehow, everything started to feel surreal before my eyes. I started to doubt my own happiness all of a sudden, for some strange reason.

  In the next moment, I saw Kazan turning around only to walk far and far away from me along with our pup, leaving me alone behind.

  The whole beach was quiet and absolutely deserted, but still, as if the howling wind, the sound of the waves had started to bother my ears like hell.

  “Kazan!!!!” I screamed as loudly as I could, but it seemed that he could not hear me at all as my scream got concealed by the sound of the wind and the ocean once again and he kept going farther away from me.

  I started to run ever so desperately so that I could stop them both only to ask him to take me along, but it was like something was stopping from running faster.

  The sand was making it difficult for me to move quicker as well, but I did not stop calling his name from behind with all my might.

  “Kazan!!! Stop. Take me with you. Do not leave me alone here, please. I am scared.” I shouted from the back, but strangely this time he turned around to see me. He must have heard me this time, even though he was gone far.

  His worried eyes and the slightest touch of a smile on his lips, eased my heart for a bit, realising that he stopped and decided to wait for me finally.

  I kept running to go to him, as all I could see before my eyes were my one and only mate, Kazan and there was our pup in his arms. He was waiting for me there, with our little boy. The warm smile on his face and the never stopping giggles of our pup kept giving me the courage to go on with the fight that I was entangled with right now.

  So, I must not lose hope, no matter what.

  I am never letting you leave me alone, Kazan.

  You must take me along, wherever you go.

  So, wait for me, until I could finally come to you both, even if I had to fight against all the odds in the world.

  Wait for me, please.

  Episode 68

  Summer's P.O.V

  All of a sudden I was consumed by the darkness completely. Everything that was before my sight just a while ago, was now gone and it was just the darkness where I kept struggling only to get the slightest bit of light in my life...only to get back all that I had with me just a few moments ago. As if I was down in a deep dark pit from where I needed to go out as quick as possible, cause I knew that there was someone waiting for me out there. I knew that all my happiness was still there and the only thing I needed to do right now was to fight until I could go beyond the darkness where I might again find all those people whom I had already lost.

  I kept on struggling in the dark with no intention to stop, at least not before I could find the tiniest source of life in such pitch-black darkness. So I kept trying and trying. And then after quite some while, I saw it. I saw the light and kept running towards the source only to see how the tiny spot of light was becoming bigger and bigger with each passing second.

  And at last, all of a sudden the darkness was gone.

  The sudden bright light seemed quite bothering to my eyes, right after coming out of the darkness, but when I opened my eyes once again at last, after adjusting myself with the light around me, I could not see the face that I was dying to see first.

  I looked around but nothing seemed familiar to me right now.

  The beach where I was a while ago was no more. The sea, the sweet morning breeze, the soft giggles, the warm touches and everything else that I had before, was gone too. And I found myself in an unfamiliar room all of a sudden.

  I tried to sit up, but it seemed that it was not at all possible cause I was already entangled with a lot of medical equipment unnec

  Am I in a hospital right now?


  I tried to think for some moment and then each and every piece of the memory about what exactly happened last night started to come to me one by one, causing me to absolutely lose my sanity with the most unbearable agony of my life.

  My heart shattered and tears did not bother to stay in my eyes any longer and started running down on my cheeks without much of my consciousness while I did not realise that my entire body was already trembling, imagining something horrible which I might have to hear in any time soon.

  I could not speak any word, neither I could call for anyone so that I could ask where he was was he doing? Even though I was dying to see just a glimpse of my mate as I was barely holding myself back from running to his side right at this instant, it was just that I was so afraid to see him like the same way I did last night.


  Please be okay.

  “Hey!!! Hey!!! What happened? Why are you crying like this? Sam?” I heard Kaith all of a sudden. I did not even realise when he came into the room, but seeing him at such a vulnerable moment, I just could not hold myself together anymore.

  “Kaith....Kaith...!!!! I...He... “ No matter how hard I was trying to form a proper word out of my mouth right now, it seemed that nothing meaningful was going to come out from me now, as I was completely devastated right at this moment, that I could not even speak properly, neither I could stop crying even for a moment.

  “What is it, Sam? Stop crying. Everything is fine. You are fine. This little one inside you is super fine. Okay? There is nothing to be afraid of. The doctor said that you can go home as soon as you wake up. Then why are you crying your heart out while sitting here all alone?” Seeing me in such a miserable state, Kaith rushed to my side and sat on the bed in front of me only to pull me into a hug and coax me for a little bit so that I could stop crying. But little did he know what my heart was feeling right now. How could I even make him understand why my tears are not stopping no matter whatever he says?

  I just kept crying, holding Kaith's arms strongly with my hand, while I was still completely unable to speak about what my heart wants right now.

  “Kaith...Kaith... Tell me he is fine. Tell me nothing happened to him. Please tell me.” At last, even when I was finally able to speak my heart out for a little bit, letting him know that I was dying to get some news about Kazan, I again burst out into tears, without saying the rest of what I intended to say.

  “Look at me, Summer. First, you stop crying. The way you are crying the hell out of you, it is not going to do any good to you as well as your pup. You have to think about you two first. Do you get that?” Kaith lifted up my face with both of his palms on either side of my cheeks, and wiped away my tears with his thumbs but as if that was going to stop my tears from falling down even more.

  “Why are you not saying anything about him? Is he okay? Tell me Kaith? How is he? Where is he? Please, Kaith. I am begging you.” I was behaving like some insane, but nothing I was doing intentionally right now. Cause right now a huge storm was going on inside me, and I was left to do nothing but to let the storm destroy me completely. I did not know why but I was throwing my fists at Kaith for no reason at all, even though he did nothing at all to get beaten up by me like this, at such a moment.

  “Stop it, Sam. You need to calm down. Everyone is fine. But at least give me some time to speak.” Kaith shouted while he made sure to grab my wrists only to stop me from throwing a tantrum in order to save himself at the same time.

  But whatever Kaith just said did not fail to fall on my ears which made me stop in an instant whatever I was doing.

  “Yes, Sam. Kazan is out of danger. Even though he is still unconscious, doctors said that he will be awake soon. He is stronger than you imagined, Sam. He never stopped fighting all this while when he was severely injured and his wound was fatal as well. I am sure he will be, okay. So, you do not worry, and take care of the one who is going to come in several months.” Instead of Kaith, Jenny said all of a sudden, declaring her presence in the room as well. She came through the door in no time, with a bag full of fruits and foods in her hand and placed it carefully just beside the bedside table, in case I want to eat them later.

  “Why are you bothering her, Kaith. Why did you not tell her that Kazan is doing good when she asked you in the first place. Can you not see how worried she is for him? Is it funny to see her suffering like this?” Jenny made sure to scold Kaith on behalf of me while I was in no state of mind to do that. Even though I got relieved for a little bit, still my heart was dying to run to Kazan, to touch him, to be by his side, but I did not know how was I suppose to do that when yet I did not get to hear where he was.

  “I was going to tell her, but only if she is patient enough to let me finish whatever I intended to say.” Kaith tried to defend himself but it was just that he can never afford to go against his mate. So, he accepted the defeat even before they started.

  Even though, they were talking in front of me during the whole time, it seemed that the words were barely coming to my ears as my mind kept running to somewhere else while I even heard my wolf whimper back in my mind, I a desperate need to got to our mate right at this instant.

  “I want to see him. Can you take me there? Please?” Wiping my tears away in no time, I asked both of them, hoping that they might agree to my request and I can finally see Kazan.

  “Are you sure? Cause you still need some rest, you know.” Jenny said, turning all her attention back to me once again while her eyes did not fail to convey how worried she was right now.

  “Yes. I want to go to him. Please take me there, right now.” I even did not hesitate to beg them even though there was no need but it was just that I was more than desperate to find Kazan better than how I had seen him before, last night.

  “Tsk. Are you never going to think of you and your pup first? He got Markus by his side, all the time. So, you did not need to go, you know.” Kaith even dared to say. But I was in no mood to engage in a fight with him now for all those nonsense he managed to speak at such a crucial time when I was becoming more and more impatient only to see Kazan.

  “Only you can say those words, Kaith. Cause you are a fool. You know nothing about love, do you?” Jenny replied while she came forward to help me get down from the bed, while Kaith called the nurse to open all the channels as I was already awake now.

  And after some while, with the help of those two, I went to stand in front of a closed-door. The most alluring smell of Kazan, was still there all around me which was enough to bring my heart at ease but still as if my heart was racing with yet another thought.

  Although I came all the way here to see him, but there was no doubt that I was indeed afraid to take the last step to get into the room.

  For some reason, I was scared thinking that I might see Kazan before my eyes but how was I going to hear his voice once again. Would he pull me into his warm hug even now like each and every time before, just when I will stand before him? Would he wake up?

  I was scared.

  My heart was pounding inside me while I kept standing still before the door, only to gather some courage to face him right at this instant.

  But, strangely, the door opened before I could do it myself, and there was standing Markus just before my eyes. He looked absolutely devastated as his hair was all messy while dark circles grew underneath his eyes, declaring the fact that he was hell tired as he might have not slept for how long I did not know.

  “Summer!!! I was worried about you like a hell. You do not know how happy I am seeing you safe and sound right now. I was just going to visit you but I did not know that you were going to come here yourself.” Markus leaned forward and hugged me in a sudden impulse. Even though I could understand all his anxiety till now, it was just that I could not react accordingly as my mind was absolutely in denial to look at anyone or anything else except the only one who was now lying on the bed in a little distance
from where I was standing.

  Seeing me standing still with no reaction and no words at all, Markus let go of me at last only to pull me by my hand, towards where Kazan was lying.

  I could not hear what others were saying right now, cause nothing was coming to my ears except the loud banging of my heart after seeing Kazan in such condition and that too for me only.

  I just kept looking at him for how long I did not know. The only thing that I could think of right now was that,

  Only if I was not up for getting back at Kazan...

  Only if I did not ask him to leave me last night...

  Only if...

  Nothing might have happened to him then.

  Episode 69

  Summer's P.O.V

  “Kazan!!!” I called his name desperately hoping that he would answer but it seemed that it was not going to happen now. I was not that fortunate that I would get to hear his voice this soon, even though I was dying to hear his voice just for one time.

  I never realised before that this day would come, or I would have never pushed him away from me ever.

  Tears started running down on my cheeks once again without my approval while my heart kept shattering into a million pieces, seeing my mate lying unconscious before my eyes. His dusky skin that I had liked very much had now turned pale. His eyes were still closed, and no matter how much I wished, I could not see those captivating ocean blue eyes and all the warmth in them which was always for me only.

  Unconsciously I lifted up my arms only to touch his face, so that the warmth of his body could show me how badly he was fighting still now...for us.

  I leaned down a kissed his cold lips but he did not respond this time like he always used to do. My heart ached while again the warm stream flooded in my eyes and ran down on my cheeks all the way and fell on his cheeks in the end.

  “I love you, Kazan. Please wake up.” I pleaded but nothing changed as he was still lying on the bed without any consciousness.

  I moved my hands only to trail down to his neck, his chest and every other place on his body where the flesh was brutally slashed by the wolves last night, leaving him innumerable deep mark on his skin. And among all the cuts, one was still there and yet to heal completely.


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