Love Grows In The Dark

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Love Grows In The Dark Page 46

by Eli Lowe

  I wanted to say that it is not everything as there will be so many things for them to know yet.

  “Oh! I think I need to work hard to make you remember. After all, it is a memory from so many years ago.

  I believe you remember how you betrayed the alpha and luna of your own pack and murdered them the very same night when you captured Jacob by your nasty means.

  Do you still need any help to recall?” As Kazan went on saying everything out loud before everyone, whether consciously or unconsciously I did not know, he did not stop banging Benjamin's head on the ground without any mercy, letting him bleed the whole time.

  “What? He killed our alpha and luna?”

  “Who is Jacob?”

  “Why would he do that?”

  “What exactly did he do with the Blood Bay Pack? Cause I too remember that someone came to meet our alpha that night when he died. It was just that all it never came to my mind that two things might be linked in such a way?”

  Words like such already started to come to me while I just kept standing there, barely holding myself from ripping his head off, but then again the price will be too easy for him, if I do so.

  As if the moment almost stopped, and everyone was looking at the two who was indulged in some kind of brutal act today.

  “You know what? That time when you thought that it was Jacob who was the only witness for your crime and so you captured him, you were wrong.

  Did you hear me? You were wrong!!!!

  It was me.


  I saw it.

  I saw everything whatever you did to my mother and then my father!!!!!

  You brute.

  You snatched everything from me!!!!!” Kazan's roar almost pierced everyone's ears, causing them all to shiver in utter terror.

  No one dared to move even for a little bit, seeing such wrath of the alpha of the Blood Bay pack before their eyes. Markus was shaking in the utmost anger already while I was no different.

  We were just waiting for our opportunities to get our hands on Benjamin for once to let out all the frustration we had in our lives, due to no one but him only.

  But even before I could approach, a familiar voice came to all of us, which certainly made Kazan turn his gaze this time only to see the miracle before his eyes.

  “I am here. You do not need to taint your hands any more with his nasty blood, my boy.”

  ****to be continued****

  Episode 76

  Summer's P.O.V

  ****flashback continues****

  At last!!!

  They came just in time. Even when others could not realise who exactly he was yet, some of us knew very well whose voice was that, without even bothering to turn around to see the very person.

  Yes, it was none other than Jacob, whom Benjamin was keeping as his prisoner for a really long be precise for years.

  And now he was standing in front of everyone without much of Benjamin's expectations, as his doom, which he will no longer be able to defy. It did not take much time for him to realise that his days of splendour and luxury was going to end any time soon, just when he saw Jacob standing before his eyes. His face turned pale without any doubt, but he was in no condition to escape from such a situation, after getting beaten up ever so brutally by the Alpha of the Blood Bay pack. Having no other choices, Benjamin kept lying on the ground with his broken bones and deformed body with absolute horror written all over his face.

  It seemed that even the members of the Lunar High did not fail to witness such change in their alpha's expression, only after the arrival of the guy named Jacob. And none of them was that naive to realise that something was off, for sure, as no one cared to come forth in order to help Benjamin stood up on his legs, anymore. They just kept watching whatever was going on, since they were totally unaware of the crimes of the one whom they once considered as their alpha in some crucial time.

  Even the warriors, who were always ready to do anything and everything with just one single order from alpha Benjamin, was now standing still, only to understand what exactly was going on right now, about which all of them were completely oblivious of till now, at least.

  Not a single word came out of Benjamin's mouth as he was still traumatised, foreseeing his possible destiny. But even if he did say something, no one bothered to listen to him anymore, when all of us was busy looking at the one who came, at last, to testify all the crimes of that vicious person and mysteries from the past, before each and everyone, only to do justice after years of imprisonment, when he never did anything wrong.

  It was just that, back then, being a true beta of the alpha of Blood Bay and as a responsible member of his pack, Jacob truly attempted to make the murderer pay for his sin, without knowing that he will also get tricked by the same person, which will lead him to the years of confinement and a lot of suffering.

  But the time had changed and the wheel had turned now. As now, it was Benjamin who had to suffer for what I had done in the past.

  Even though all of us was looking forward to what Jacob was going to do next, it seemed that one of us still could not believe what he was seeing with his very own eyes.

  Yes, Kazan got froze completely for the slightest second, while his eyes widened, seeing Jacob after so many years, when he was expecting the least to have such an encounter with the one, whom he was searching for years after years.

  “Jacob???” Just one single word came out of Kazan's mouth, while he was in no state to say further.

  Forgetting about Benjamin, he rushed towards Jacob and pulled him tightly into a hug, as if that was much needed, as if he wanted to make sure that whatever he just saw was not just another mere dream.

  “Yes. It is me, my boy. You do not have to worry anymore, Kazan.” Patting on the shoulder of Kazan who was now completely grown-up compared to the last time when Jacob last saw him as a kid, years ago, it seemed that he really was feeling kind of proud to see how Kazan grew up to be just like his father. A great alpha for his pack.

  “It is okay. I am fine now. Let me have a good look at you first. It is been years and you are now just about my hight, my boy. Are you not proud? You always wanted to stand as high as me. Right?” Jacob pulled himself back from the tight hug while Kazan was still reluctant to let him go this soon. It was indeed a heart warming sight to see both of them reuniting after so many years.

  While everyone was busy watching them getting back together after years, no one noticed that Benjamin was still plotting to get away from such a situation, taking the one and only opportunity that he got right now.

  Yes, he was trying to flee, seeing that he had no chance to pretend a victim anymore, just like he did once, before.

  But, not today.

  Cause I was there to make sure that he does not get any way out from the very trap that I had prepared for him at last.

  And so, just when he realised that everyone was busy watching the little show of their reunion after a really long time, he put the last bit of his strength to get up slowly, only to stand on his legs even when it was quite hard for him to do so, after how brutally he got beaten up by Kazan.

  It was quite naive for him not to realise that I was the one who wanted to take him down, as he did not mind me at all and tried to get out from the place step by step ever so carefully, making sure that no one notices his treachery.

  Seeing Benjamin in such a condition, I could not help but sneer in my mind.

  I let him put on all the effort in his futile attempt to flee, so that I could ruin his plan at the last moment, shocking the hell out of him.

  And just when he believed that he can finally escape, I swayed my sword and blocked his way, keeping him at the point of my vicious sword, without much of his expectation.

  “You?” Unconsciously though, the very word came out of Benjamin's mouth, dragging everyone's attention on him once again, as he just could not believe at all, that I would be the one to stop him in the end.

  But, it was his fault,
not mine.

  Without bothering to answer, I gave out a smirk, causing him to burn with his own anger, as it did not take much time for him to realise what I was doing right at this moment.

  But even before he could say any further, to torment me emotionally, dragging my mom and dad in his every single sentence, only to show me how I am acting as a rogue which they might have never accepted if they were alive, Jacob said out loud once again,

  “Yes, you got it right.

  When someone is wrong, no one stands for him at the end, not even the ones who are related by blood.

  Do you know why I just said that?

  Cause, it was Summer who freed me from your torture.

  Yes, you heard right.

  It was your own niece. The daughter of the real alpha and luna of the Lunar High pack, whom you killed without the slightest amount of regret, years ago.” Jacob uttered furiously, making the whole crowd stunned for the time being after such a revelation regarding the matter that happened long ago, and for what everyone kept accusing me, without knowing the actual truth.

  Lots of gasps filled the surrounding within just a matter of a second while the entire crowd broke into absolute chaos with the very words that came out of Jacob's mouth.

  And Benjamin became even paler, finding himself completely trapped by the entire pack of Lunar Hight as well as the huge army that Kazan had brought along.

  “How could you say that?”

  “On what ground you are saying such things?”

  “What proof do you have to declare alpha Benjamin as the murderer of our former alpha and luna?”

  Words like such kept coming from the crowd all at once, declaring the fact that it was still unbelievable for the members of Lunar High to see Benjamin's real face in such a way that none of them might have imagined ever.

  “Not only that, he even killed the alpha and luna of the Blood Bay pack ever so brutally, way before he came to do the same with Lunar High pack.” Jacob replied to all, without giving Benjamin a single chance to say any more lies this time.

  “What proof you have got?” One of the men from Lunar Hight asked right after.

  “I am the proof that you all are asking for.” All of a sudden another voice boomed among the crowd and I knew who it was now.

  Seth came forward at last and went on saying further,

  “As the beta of the former alpha and luna of the Lunar High, you all know that it was my duty to know each and every detail about the pack, besides the alpha himself.

  So, let me say now, what I should have said long ago.

  It was always this vicious Benjamin, who allured Summer away with some fake news about a rogue, so that he can use her as the bait only to kill our alpha and luna.” Seth said in absolute anger, while his hands were already balled up into fists. It seemed that he was dying to let out his rage on the one who was the only reason behind all our miseries for years.

  “But why would he do that?” Another one from the crowd asked.

  “Well, because they got to know about his crimes from Jacob only that day when Jacob came to take Benjamin with him to make him pay for his deeds. But it was just that, this treacherous Benjamin did not spare any of them a single span to act accordingly, and killed our alpha and luna even before they could take any step against him.

  And about Jacob?

  Well, none of you even got to know what exactly happened that night, because, by then he had already captured Jacob by his nasty means, only to torture him for years.

  So, it was quite obvious that that sinner will act naive and pure, when he knew very well that there was no one to stand against him any more as he himself took care of them all.

  And you know what happened due to his lies?

  That night he killed the alpha and luna without any doubt, but all of you became the murderer as well, cause you killed a child along with them at that night.

  Cause none of you cared to look into the matter a bit more, before accusing their only loving daughter as the very reason of her own parent's death.

  Tell me... How are you all less cruel than Benjamin.

  You all believed this murderer over Summer, who was always innocent, and let her stay alive only to suffer out of her own guilt all alone.” Seth was already fuming in anger, while the entire crowd became absolutely quiet. As if they could clearly realise what grave mistake they have done.

  And Benjamin?

  Well, he was nearly trembling as I did not at all put my sword down the whole time, and kept standing against him only to stop him from making even one single movement.

  I was dying to see him begging me for mercy, which I was never going to grant him, ever.

  Even if he goes down on his knees to ask for forgiveness, nothing was going to save him from my claws anymore.

  Cause, I was determined to write his fate with my own hands now.

  And I will never allow him to die that easily, as he must suffer even more than he made us all suffer for his own sake.

  And now it was his turn to pay.

  ****to be continued****

  Episode 77

  Summer's P.O.V

  ****flashback continues****

  “If you all are still not convinced enough, I have something else to testify that whatever Seth and Jacob just said are all true.” After staying quiet for all this while, Kazan said out loud for the first time, only to show how the members of Lunar High was so little by their heart as well as their mind as they never cared to judge the matter before declaring Summer, the very one who was supposed to become their Alpha in future, as the reason for the death of the alpha and luna of their pack, and that too for what? To ridicule and loathe her until she had no other options left to stay away from them all?

  Only after hearing whatever Kazan just said, I bothered to turn my gaze from the murderer of my mom and dad who was still trembling before my eyes, and looked at Kazan, with a lot of curiosity.

  Did he just say that he has something else to prove?

  What could that be?

  Even if I tried to guess, this whole situation right now, did not allow me to think properly, as I was already becoming impatient to end all this soon, by venting all my anger on Benjamin right now.

  Without bothering to let the murderer slip away from the threat of my vicious blade, I took a glance around the entire place quickly, only to find out what was going on.

  Even when I did not see anything special yet, as Kazan just said, I did notice that Jenny was standing a few hands away from us and there was no doubt that she was completely terrified after witnessing such brutality before her sight.

  Everything happened so fast that I could not even realise before that Jenny too had come along with Seth and Jacob. But she should not have come here today.

  I knew that she was no fighter, neither she experienced any situation like this one. So, it would have been better for her to stay away from all this mess, but I never thought before that she would choose to come for the sake of us, instead.

  Even so, I just could not afford to be concerned for anyone right now, as all my attention was now only on one person, whom I must not let free...not today, not tomorrow, in fact never in the future.

  “Jeremy, bring them here.” Kazan's horrifying scream pulled me out of my trance all of a sudden, and it seemed that the earth even rumbled underneath all our feet.

  No one might have noticed, but just when Kazan screamed the name, someone moved as if some deep-seated feelings were compelling him not to stay calm anymore.

  Yes, Jacob, it was.

  Since we were busy to make this day happen, we all forgot about one important thing that the father and the son were yet to meet.

  Definitely, hearing the name of his son, whom he did not see for a really long time, Jacob was dying to unite with his only son, all of a sudden.

  But how?

  This situation is not right. Even when he knew this very well, it seemed as if his heart was not trying to listen at all.

In no time, Jeremy appeared, dragging a man ruthlessly by his hand. By looking at the man, anyone could tell how badly he was beaten up. It was sure that he did not belong to any of the pack like us.

  In that case, I was certain that he was a rogue. But the question was, what he was doing here? And even, what did Kazan have to do with someone like him?

  A lot of questions kept coming to my mind, but it was no the right time to hurry unless Kazan discloses the matter himself.

  It was just the matter of a flash of a second when Jeremy was already standing there in between us, while he threw the man under Kazan's feet with no mercy at all.

  Still, he was absolutely unaware of what surprise was waiting for him just within a few hands of distance.

  Being the beta, he did not have much time to look around, as he came to stand beside Kazan.

  But, seeing that man, Benjamin became even paler and started to sweat more than ever before. And seeing such a traumatised reaction from Benjamin, everyone could tell very clearly that he was very familiar with that rogue.

  “Tell them whatever you had informed me.” Stepping his foot on the rogue, Kazan shouted furiously at the man, who was lying underneath his feet, being completely unable to move.

  “Who the hell is he? How is he even related to all these?” A man from the crowd asked impatiently as it was very clear that the whole crowd was now absolutely stunned and curious to know more.

  Yes, now they were curious.

  But it was not Kazan this time, who replied, cause Markus came forward and sneered hastily, just before he said,

  “If not you all, I guess, your so-called alpha Benjamin is very familiar with this man, after all, he is a very good friend of him. Am I right, you traitor?” Markus turned his blazing gaze towards Benjamin, who was still was struggling in his mind, thinking about how he was now going to get out of all this, when he was already exposed.

  Even when everyone from the crowd also glared at the man, who was still standing against the tip of my sword, Benjamin cared the least to answer.

  “If you are feeling shy to tell your men, then let me help you a bit. This is the leader of the rogues we recently caught. And he is none other than the one who helped Benjamin with the very plan of killing the alpha and luna of the Lunar High, years ago. But I believe you have much interesting thing to hear from the rogue himself.” With that, Markus went to the side of Kazan, but only to drag the limp body of the rogue from underneath the foot of Kazan, which was suffocating him out of his breath till now.


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