His Father's Son

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His Father's Son Page 9

by Ruth Ryan Langan

  Cam gave a long, deep sigh. One more complication in an already complicated case. “Why would this woman come forward now?”

  “I was wondering the same thing. Do you think she’s been keeping track of Tio and his father all these years?”

  He shrugged. “Could be. Or maybe she has someone on the inside at the prison. A guard or a staff member who lets her know when there’s any interest in Alfonso’s case.”

  “Or maybe she’s just got her life pulled together and wants to be a mother to her son again.”

  Cam shrugged. “Maybe.” He pushed away from the table. “Come on. I’ll help you clean up.”

  Before he could start stacking the plates she put a hand on his arm. “We can do that later.”

  “Later?” He glanced over.

  The strange Mona Lisa smile on her face had him going perfectly still.

  She moved close until her body barely skimmed his and lifted her face. Her voice was a low purr. “Kiss me, Cam. Quick. Before I lose my nerve.”

  Once, when he’d been about eight, he’d come barreling out of his upstairs bedroom eager to join in a neighborhood sandlot baseball game. At the top of the stairs he’d encountered Micah’s skateboard and had flipped end over end all the way down. As he lay, dazed and battered at the bottom of the stairs, he’d felt as if all the air had been squeezed from his lungs.

  He felt the same way now.

  It was on the tip of his tongue to refuse. Except that she was already wrapping her arms around his neck and brushing her mouth on his. He kissed her, feeling all the blood in his body rush to his loins.

  Through a mist of heat and desire he brought his hands up to hers and peeled her away. “Wait a minute. Wait just a minute.”

  “Cam, I…” She leaned in, but he held her just short of her goal.

  “You said last night you wanted a gentleman.”

  “I know I said that, but…”

  He shook his head. “Sorry. You’ve got the wrong guy. Especially tonight. When a man spends a day in prison, some of that’s bound to rub off.”

  As he released her hands and took a step back, she smiled. Her voice took on that haughty tone he’d come to recognize. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily, Lassiter.”

  “Really?” His eyes narrowed. “What’re you going to do? Bar the door so you can have your way with me?”

  “If I have to.” Laughing, she crossed the room and stood in front of the door. “I invited you here tonight because I’ve had time to think it over. I want you, Cam. And you want me.”

  “Seems to me that was my line.”

  “Yeah.” Her smile grew. “I decided if it was good enough for you, it’s good enough for me.”

  He walked to her until they were mere inches apart. “Don’t kid yourself. I wasn’t joking. I can’t be the gentleman you hoped for. And if you let me love you, you’ll have to accept me the way I am, rough edges and all.”

  She touched a hand to his cheek. Just a touch, but she felt him jerk back as though burned. That only made her bolder. Reaching out, she brushed her fingers over his mouth until his eyes narrowed on her with a fire that had her heart racing.

  His voice was little more than a whisper. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “I do.”

  Before she knew what was happening his arms were around her, dragging her so close she could feel his heartbeat inside her own chest.

  “Then hold on, Summer. It’s going to be one hell of a night.”

  Chapter 10

  He drew her close and took her mouth with his. There was an urgency to the kiss that was unlike all the others. He’d always held something back before, afraid to let her see the depth of his passion. Now he was free to touch, to taste, to take. And he did. With a thoroughness that had her gasping.

  She drew back slightly, her eyes wide.

  His smile sent her heart tumbling. “Afraid?”

  “No, I…” She swallowed, then, feeling steadier, shook her head. “No.”

  “That’s good.” There was a glint of some thing dangerous in his eyes. “Because it’s too late.”

  “Are you saying that to frighten me, Cam?”

  “Consider it a warning.” He dragged her into his arms.

  The hands at her shoulders were almost bruising as he gathered her close and plundered her mouth. She felt the quick jolt of nerves, then the rush of heat and energy as her blood surged through her veins. She sighed as he changed the angle of the kiss and took it deeper. Took her higher. Then higher still.

  This was what she’d wanted. What she’d thought about whenever she thought of Cam. The flash. The fire. The rough, churning need sparking through her. He’d been right to warn her. There was nothing soft or easy about the feelings he’d unleashed. But she welcomed them, as she welcomed the feel of his mouth on hers. His hands moving over her added to the excitement as they touched and teased and tempted. And tormented.

  She offered her lips with a hunger she never knew she possessed. “Touch me, Cam. Take me.” The words tumbled from between her lips, surprising her as much as him.

  “You mean hard and fast and quick?” He gave a mirthless laugh. “That’s too easy.” He lifted a finger to stroke her cheek. “Do you know how many nights I’ve lost sleep over you?”

  She tried to laugh, but her throat felt constricted. “Probably no more than I did.”

  “It’s nice to know I wasn’t alone in my fantasies. But I doubt yours were anywhere near as exciting as mine.” He framed her face and stared deeply into her eyes. “You have no idea the things I’ve wanted to do with you. To you.”

  His eyes were so hot and fierce, she felt a quick lightning flash of fear skitter along her spine.

  Her voice was little more than a whisper. “Show me.”

  He seemed to consider a moment before his hands came around her, cupping her hips as he dragged her roughly against him. With his mouth on hers he took her on a wild, reckless ride. She could feel herself climbing, climbing, so high it left her gasping. Just as suddenly she was falling.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and held on for the ride of her life. She gasped when she realized she’d been backed against the door. And still his mouth moved over hers, while his hands, those strong, clever hands, moved over her at will, stroking, arousing until she was half-mad with desire.

  “Cam. Please.” She could barely get the words out. Her breathing was labored, her heart pounding furiously in her chest.

  “Not yet. I’ve waited so long. So long.” He brought his mouth to her throat and ran wet, nibbling kisses along the sleek column of her neck.

  She sighed, and tipped her head back, giving him easier access. The sound that escaped her lips reminded him of a lazy cat dozing in the sun. But there was nothing lazy about the way her body moved against his.

  He pressed soft, feathery kisses over her collarbone, then lower, until his lips closed around one erect nipple. Despite the barrier of the soft cotton midriff, he nibbled and suckled until she felt her knees buckle.

  She clutched at his waist to keep herself anchored.

  He reached a hand to the buttons of her shirt, all the while watching her eyes. When he slid the fabric from her shoulders, he encountered silk and lace. In one smooth motion he tugged it aside to reveal pale, smooth skin that had his throat going dry. He unfastened the long skirt and watched as it drifted to the floor to pool at her feet. Now there was only a tiny strip of lace, which soon joined the rest of her clothes.

  Moonlight filtered through the balcony windows, gilding her flesh, bathing her in a golden glow.

  “You’re so beautiful, Summer. I’ve waited so long to see all that cool, white skin.” His eyes glinted with a dangerous light. “To touch it.” He ran his hands over her and felt her tremble. “To taste it.” He brought his mouth to her breast.

  The nipple hardened instantly at his touch.

  Without warning he found her, hot and wet, and brought her to the first peak.

sp; Stunned and reeling, all she could do was clutch blindly at him and hold on while he took her to places she’d never been before. She would surely have fallen except for his hands, and the cold, smooth wood of the door behind her. With lips and teeth and tongue he moved over her, making her aware of feelings she’d never known she possessed.

  “Cam. Wait. I need to…” She tugged his shirt over his head, needing to touch him the way he was touching her.

  Excitement rippled through her as she passed a hand over his hair-roughened chest. Felt the way his muscles bunched and tightened as she gripped his arms. His stomach quivered when she reached for the snaps at his waistband. It thrilled her to know that he was so affected by her touch.

  When his clothes had joined hers on the floor, he drew her close until she could feel the imprint of his body on hers. They came together in a kiss so hot, so hungry, she wondered that they didn’t devour each other.

  He framed her face with his hands. The look in his eyes had her heart leaping to her throat.

  “I’ve tried to be gentle, Summer. But I can’t hold back any longer.”

  If this was holding back, she wondered what it would be like when he let himself go. Her words tumbled out between strained breaths. “I don’t need you to be easy, Cam. I just need you.”

  He lifted her, intending to take her to the bedroom. But the need was too great. Instead he paused to kiss her again and found himself dropping to his knees, dragging her down with him. His kisses were no longer gentle, his hands no longer careful as they moved over her with an intensity that had her gasping.

  They came together in a firestorm of passion and need. Breathing shallow. Heartbeats thundering. Bodies slick.

  The world beyond this room no longer mattered. The night air filtering through the screen was sweet with the masses of flowers on the balcony. The water from the fountain was a soothing backdrop. Crickets chirped, and a moth beat its wings against the screen. But the man and woman locked in each other’s embrace took no notice.

  Summer sighed. No man had ever made her feel like this. With a kiss he could erase all the cares of the day. With a single touch he could make her shudder.

  One minute she felt calm, cool, settled. The next she felt her heartbeat beginning to speed up, her breath burning her throat as she struggled to hold back the desperate need that had taken hold of her senses.

  Cam forced himself to move slowly. To taste. To savor. He brought his mouth to her breast, to nibble and suckle, until she writhed and moaned and clutched at his head. Then he moved to the other breast, to tease, to torment. He thought of all the fantasies that had crowded his mind since he met her. None could even come close to this flesh-and-blood woman in his arms.

  She lay, steeped in pleasure, her eyes heavy-lidded with passion. By the light of the stars that filtered into the room she was like a fairy-tale princess, a goddess whose hair was touched with gold, whose skin was pale as milk. Her eyes were large and luminous, touched with moon glow. And fixed on him with rapt attention.

  It thrilled him to know that it was his touch she craved. His name she whispered. His. Only his. That knowledge fueled his passion and touched his heart in a way he’d never believed possible.

  The thought of taking her now, and ending this terrible torment, was almost more than he could resist. But he’d waited so long. Wanted so desperately.

  His hands moved over her, watching the way the storm inside her was reflected in her eyes. It was exciting to watch as it gathered strength, gathered fury. He bent his mouth to her breast. Teased. And watched as she let herself ride the storm.

  Her lips parted, and she tried to speak his name, though no words came out. Still he held back, wanting to drive her, and himself, to the very edge of madness. And he did. With lips and tongue and fingertips he took her up, then over. And then, giving her no time to recover, took her again.

  She was wonderful to watch. Her eyes glazed over, and she reached blindly for him. This time he let her draw him to her. Found her mouth with his. Laced his fingers with hers as he entered her.

  And then he was drowning in her. Caught in a whirlpool of his own making. He breathed in the fresh, clean fragrance of summer flowers. Filled his lungs with her even while he filled her body.

  The depth of her arousal caught her by surprise. She wrapped herself around him, feeling each long, deep thrust all the way to her core. Then she was moving with him, climbing with him.

  “Summer.” Her name was torn from his lips.

  At the sound of that hoarse cry, she struggled through a haze of passion to focus on him. All she could see were midnight-blue eyes, fixed on her with such intensity. All she could hear was the way his heartbeat matched hers. Thundering wildly out of control.

  They moved together. Climbed together. They felt such incredible strength as, with breathing labored, hearts racing, they took that final step into space.

  And soared.

  “That was—” Cam took in a long, deep breath “—amazing.” He buried his lips in the little hollow between her neck and shoulder. “And so are you.”

  Summer lay perfectly still, waiting to settle. In her whole life she’d never had an experience to compare with this. Had the floor shifted? Had the building tilted? She felt wildly disoriented. Completely out of focus.

  She felt like standing on her balcony and shouting to the world. She felt like weeping. She felt too drained to move.

  As the silence dragged on Cam looked at her with concern. “Am I too heavy?”

  “No.” She lifted a hand to his hair, loving the feel of it against her fingertips.

  “You’re awfully quiet. I hope this doesn’t mean you’re sorry.”

  “Oh, Cam.” She touched his cheek. “How could I be sorry after something so…wonderful.”

  He felt his heart begin to beat again and realized he’d been holding his breath, afraid that, in his passion, he’d hurt her.

  “Sorry about the floor.” He glanced over. “I guess I could have made it as far as the sofa. I wasn’t thinking very clearly.”

  Summer gave a laugh, as clear as a bell. “There wasn’t a thing wrong with your thinking. It was as muddled as mine. Maybe next time we’ll try the sofa.”

  He cocked a brow. “Next time?”

  “I was hoping…” She started to push away until his hand on her arm stilled her movements. She knew she was blushing. “I thought you might like to stay the night.”

  “You’ve got that right.” He was grinning like a fool. “Wild horses couldn’t drag me away now.” He rolled aside, then drew her into the circle of his arms. “If you’ll give me a minute to catch my breath, we’ll try out the sofa. Or the bed. Your choice.”

  She was laughing, as much from relief as from his typical male attitude. “Are you suggesting that in just a minute you’ll be able to work all that…magic again?”

  “You’re having some doubts, Ms. O’Connor?”

  “You didn’t tell me you were a superhero.”

  “I didn’t think I had to. I thought you knew.”

  “Uh-huh.” Still laughing, she leaned up on one elbow, her fingers playing with the mat of hair on his chest. “What I know is that you’re very sure of yourself.”

  “At least where you’re concerned. There’s never been a doubt.” He folded his hands behind his head and gave a contented smile. “Do you know what I thought, that first time I saw you in my mother’s office?”

  Intrigued, she leaned closer. “What did you think?”

  “That I’d just run into Joan of Arc, burning with zeal and ready to go to war.”

  She nodded. “Close. Maybe not about being Joan of Arc. But I was certainly ready to do battle with the hotshot lawyer who thought he was so smart.”

  His smile grew. “I could tell. You practically had flames shooting out of those beautiful eyes. You were such a contradiction. All prim and buttoned up. And then I saw those fabulous legs and I knew I was hooked.”

  She glanced down. “It was my legs?” She
turned to him and fluttered her lashes. “And here I thought it was my great mind that turned you on.”

  “That, too.” He brushed a hand down her hair, then drew her close for a long, lingering kiss that had them both sighing.

  When they came up for air, he scrambled to his feet and lifted her into his arms.

  She snuggled close and turned her face to his throat. “Where are we going?”

  He gasped for breath, loving the feel of her lips on his flesh. “I was hoping to make it to your bed. But when you do that thing with your mouth against my throat, I lose control.”

  “You mean this?” She brushed soft kisses across his neck and shoulder, causing him to moan.

  “I think we’d better settle for the sofa.”

  “It’s pretty narrow.”

  “That’s all right. For what I have in mind, we won’t need much space. Besides, I’ll never make it to the bedroom.”

  “Why, Mr. Lassiter.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and nipped at his shoulder. “You really are a superhero, aren’t you?”

  His grin was absolutely wicked. “I’ll accept your apology for that sarcastic tone later. For now…” He lay her on the sofa and stretched out beside her.

  “For now?”

  “This. Just this.” His mouth crushed hers.

  There was no need for words as they took each other once more into that dark, delicious world that lovers have known from the beginning of time.

  Chapter 11

  “Where are you going?” Feeling the mattress shift, Cam reached out and snagged Summer’s wrist before she could slip away. In the darkness he could read the bedside clock. It was almost three in the morning.

  “I’m hungry. I thought I’d hunt up some food.”

  “And here I thought your only hunger was for me.”


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