Taken by Storm (Storms of Blackwood Book 1)

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Taken by Storm (Storms of Blackwood Book 1) Page 22

by Elle Middaugh

  Dan chuckled and spun back around, taking my hand in his.

  Gods, I loved the feel of his skin against mine.

  "No, Sexy Lexi. Ever hear of a massage?" he asked. "It's not quite as satisfying as an orgasm, but it's damn close."

  I hadn't, but based on the description, I was more than willing to give it a go.

  He led me to a store with soothing mint green walls and a big overhead sign that read: Blackwater Massage Parlor. It was situated next to another building with a similar color scheme and title: Blackwater Hair Salon.

  I frowned, unsure of what to make of these places.

  "So... you can literally just stroll up here and pay for someone to brush your hair and give you almost orgasms?"

  Dan busted up laughing. "No, Lexi. The salon does more than brush your hair; you can get it cut, washed, and styled as well. And the massage parlor isn't technically an orgasm shop. It's a place where you strip down to a towel—"

  "Right, nothing like a whorehouse," I cut in teasingly.

  He chose to ignore me.

  "—lay on a bed—"

  "Go on. I'm almost convinced."

  "—and get your body rubbed."

  I nodded. "So, absolutely nothing like a whorehouse. In those, you strip completely. The towel is clearly what makes all the difference."

  Dan rolled his beautiful green eyes and slipped his hands around my hips.

  "The workers use fragrant oils that they rub into your skin.”

  He pressed his thumbs into my hip bones and circled around them.

  My thoughts darted back to the last time his hands were near this area of my body, stroking me, building that torturous, orgasmic pressure until I almost exploded.

  “Then they apply pressure to your muscles until they're nice and loose.”

  He grabbed a handful of side-ass and dug his fingertips in, making me gasp. The momentary pain sparked a fire of lust within me.

  “By the time they're done, you'll feel completely relaxed."

  "Clay in your hands," I whispered, desire thick in my voice. “Ready to be molded into whatever you want.”

  "Just how I like it."

  His lips were barely an inch away from mine, and though there were people all around us, I leaned in and pressed my mouth to his. Pleasure radiated through my very veins at the sensual contact. He pulled me closer, and I ran my fingers through his sandy brown hair as our tongues teased and tempted.

  He broke the kiss and moved over to my ear, sucking on my lobe as he whispered, “We can skip the massage and find an inn instead, if you want.”

  My heavy-lidded eyes cracked open, and I suddenly realized people were staring. Biting my lip, I gently pushed on his chest and smiled. “One orgasm at a time, Sea Prince. I was promised some body rubbing.”

  “Why settle for just one, Sex Princess, when I can give you several? And I can give you all the body rubbing you want. I’ll fucking worship at this perfect temple.”

  His lips found my neck and kissed up and down my sensitive skin, steaming away every last wrinkle of restraint I possessed.

  Just as I was about to take him up on his delicious offer, a worker in a breezy, mint-colored gown stepped outside and crossed her arms. She had her long blonde hair tied at the nape of her neck and her eyebrows were sharp and perfect.

  “Can I help you two?”

  I jumped backward, blushing like mad, but Dan simply turned around slowly and shot her a charming smile—one that instantly had me feeling jealous as sin.

  One look at him, and she immediately dropped into a low curtsy. “Your Highness, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. I’ll just... go back inside.”

  But instead of going back inside, she kept on talking.

  “Were you two in need of a massage today? We’d gladly and eagerly offer you the most luxurious service in all of Blackwater."

  I cocked my head and looked up at the sign once again. What could it hurt? If nothing else, I'd get to see Dan mostly naked, and that would be more than worth it in my book.

  Then again, she would also get a healthy eyeful of my Sea Prince, and I wasn't particularly interested in sharing. Okay, fine. Technically he wasn't mine... yet. But that didn't mean I wanted to sit there and watch her hands glide all over his body.

  "We are looking for a massage, in fact. Especially Sexy Lexi here," he said, jerking a thumb in my direction.

  I wasn't sure whether to feel embarrassed about him using my naughty nickname out in public or pleased that he obviously didn't plan to hide his attraction to me.

  "She's feeling a little stressed," he whispered, loud enough for an old man across the street to turn our way.

  The woman smiled and shot me a wink. "Well then, we have the perfect masseuse for you, Your Highness."

  Your Highness, eh? She'd obviously heard about the jewel miner from Blackleaf who'd very recently been granted royal status.

  "What about you, Your Highness?" she asked Dan.

  He pursed his lips like he actually had to think about it. I rolled my eyes.

  "Oh, I suppose I could join her. Can we be in the same room?"

  "Absolutely. Anything for a prince of Blackwood."

  "Excellent. Ready when you are, then."

  The young woman led us inside, and I was surprised to find it only dimly lit. I assumed there'd be windows everywhere with lots of natural sunlight pouring in, but I was way wrong. It was neat, tidy, and very minimal, with only a few flowering sticks shoved into vases for decor, but there were no windows at all. Tiny groupings of candles provided the only light.

  "This way, please," the woman said, directing us to a room in the back with a thick layer of pillows covering the floor. "Please remove your attire—including undergarments—lie belly down on the pillows, and cover your tushies with a towel. I'll give you a moment of privacy."

  As she slipped from the room, my eyes widened and locked onto Dan who was smiling a mile wide.

  "You knew this was going to happen, didn't you?" I accused. "That's why you requested that we be put in the same room."

  Somehow, his smile stretched even wider. He grabbed the back of his dress shirt and pulled it up over his head, exposing a perfectly chiseled chest and torso. My mouth went dry as my skin flushed with heat. Seriously, he looked like one of those statues of the gods. Absolutely flawless.

  "I told you how the process worked, Lexi.”

  “Yeah, well I was distracted.”

  “Not my fault.”

  “Totally your fault!” My gaze lowered as he started unbuttoning his pants. “Oh, my gods, okay, you turn that way and I’ll turn this way.”

  He chuckled but shook his head and spun around. “A moment ago, you were about to jump into bed with me. Now you’re too shy to see me naked?”

  I turned around too and started wiggling out of my gown. “More like I’m afraid we’ll end up fucking right here, right now, and instead of having almost orgasms from the massage, we’ll end up having real ones.”

  “I fail to see the issue with that.”

  So did I, if I was being honest.

  After we were lying on the pillows, thoroughly naked and barely covered with the scanty towels, we stared into each other’s eyes from across the little room.

  “What?” I asked deliberately, almost certain he was thinking something.

  He smiled and warmth filled his pale green gaze. “You’re absolutely beautiful.”

  My heart did all sorts of crazy things. It swelled, ached, flopped around, shot into my throat, then melted. Putty in his hands, that was what I was.

  The blonde woman returned, this time with a brute of a man in tow. He’d give Cal a run for his money in the size department.

  “Your Highnesses,” she said with a curtsy, and the big guy bowed. “I’m Caterina and this is Franz. We’ll be your masseuses today. Please just relax and enjoy the best Blackwater has to offer.”

  Caterina knelt down beside Dan and uncorked a bottle of oil, but he seemed way more c
oncerned with Franz as he knelt beside me.

  “Hey, big guy. Franzie. What are you doing?”

  Franz raised a brow as he slathered a thick layer of rose-scented oil onto my back. “Miss Alexis is the one who is most stressed, yes? I am the very best at working out the various crooks and kinks of stress in the body. No worries.”

  Caterina grinned. “He’s not going to crush her, if that’s what you’re worried about, Your Highness. Franz is very skilled with his hands.”

  As she said that, those very hands stroked down my sides, briefly skimming the outsides of my breasts. Dan’s eyes darkened, and I could practically feel his jealousy from over here.

  I stretched my right arm across the pillows, and luckily, he took the hint and stretched his left over to meet me. Our fingertips barely touched, but it was enough to get my point across: I’m here with you; I don’t care about the burly brute.

  Despite the fact that I could literally feel him relaxing, he muttered, “This was a bad idea.”

  I giggled, then moaned as Franz worked out years’ worth of knots and kinks from my back.

  “A terrible fucking idea,” he muttered once more.

  But I was already gone, lost in a glorious haze of bliss and tranquility.

  Chapter 23

  “You’re right,” I told Dan as we exited the massage parlor hours later, hand in hand. “That was definitely better than an orgasm. I think I’d be okay if I permanently replaced sex with a massage, as long as I could have one every single day.”

  He pulled me closer, releasing my hand to wrap his arm around my waist. “Sounds like you haven’t had good enough orgasms yet. I can remedy that for you, sexy girl.” He leaned in and kissed my neck, sending goose bumps skittering deliciously across my skin. “But not yet. I have more plans for our date.”

  I glanced up at the sky, realizing the sun had long ago passed high noon. It would probably be setting in just a few hours, and we still had the journey back to Nightshade ahead of us.

  “Can we eat first?” I asked, feeling the familiar pangs of hunger squeeze at my stomach.

  “No, because a picnic dinner at the lake is literally the next item on our agenda.”

  Oh, thank the gods.

  Dan led us around town, gathering items here and there and tucking them neatly into a wicker basket he’d bought off an elderly woman who was selling them at a tiny vending stall. I was pretty sure the coins he’d given her were more than she’d make all day if she sold a basket every minute.

  When our container was full—including a bottle of sweet red wine—we headed to the east side of town, where Blackwater dipped its toes into a massive freshwater lake.

  “The closer you get to my kingdom,” Dan explained as we walked, “the more you’ll see these bodies of water. The hills flatten out and the trees taper off, and the salty scent of the sea rides the air like the surf rides the tide. That’s my favorite smell in the whole world.”

  The corners of my lips tugged up. “I’d love to see the ocean one day.”

  He squeezed my hand before depositing me and our basket into a small rowboat waiting at the shore. “You will. I’ll make sure of it. Everyone deserves to see the ocean at least once in their life.”

  He hopped in, and the boat didn’t even rock. Perks of being a Sea Prince, I supposed. Then he tossed out the oars and took a deep breath. The next second, we were moving, coasting through the water way faster than I could run. I gripped the sides of the boat with boney white knuckles as my hair whipped wildly in the wind. It was both exciting and slightly terrifying. Not only the speed at which we were moving, but also the distance I now found myself from dry land. I’d never been completely surrounded by water like this.

  When we reached what seemed to be the very center, Dan exhaled, stopped the boat, and smiled cheekily.

  “Did you enjoy the ride?”

  My mouth fell open. “Seriously? You’re not even winded after holding your breath that long?”

  “It was only a few minutes.”

  My gods, I’d have suffocated after seconds.

  Instead of answering his question, I glanced at the vast expanse of water all around us. “You know I can’t swim, right?”

  “You know I’m the Sea Prince, right?”

  I wanted to smack him with something, but I didn’t have anything other than the picnic basket that would reach, and I refused to waste such a mouthwatering dinner.

  He chuckled at me, then scooted closer and grabbed the bottle of wine, popping the cork. “Seriously, Lexi, I won’t let you drown. That’s completely contrary to what I want.”

  I smiled as he pulled two crystal glasses from the basket and filled them with a pale pink, bubbling liquid.

  “And yes,” I said as he handed me my glass, “I did enjoy the ride. And this sunset is gorgeous. Its reflection in the water makes it look absolutely massive.”

  I stared at the peaches, pinks, and purples in the sky and took a sip of wine, pleased to find it was sweet and fruity and not at all dry.

  “You think that’s impressive?” Dan asked with a cocky grin. “You should see the reflection of my dick in the water. Enormous.”

  I burst out laughing, accidentally sending a spray of wine floating on the dusky breeze.

  “Classy, Lexi. Classy.” He wiped a hand down his face as he smiled.

  “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to spray you. I was just not expecting you to say that.”

  “I can tell.”

  I apologized again, scooting closer to wipe his face myself.

  But before I could get my palm over there, he took it and kissed my inner wrist. “It’s okay, Lexi. I like making you laugh. It makes me feel good. Like I’m doing something right.”

  He said the last sentence as if he were some kind of fuckup, and my inner defense system kicked into gear on his behalf.

  “Doing something right? You’re always doing something right. You’re practically perfect. All of you are.”

  He smiled softly and stared at the floor of the rowboat. “Thanks. It’s just been a while since...” He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “Since Sofia. I flirt like crazy and have charm out the ass, but when it comes to being emotionally available or boyfriend material or whatever, I can barely remember what to do.”

  I laced my fingers with his and leaned in closer. “You’re doing awesome, okay? Just be yourself. That’s all I want.”

  As we ate and talked, the sun sank beneath the surface of the lake, leaving us in a wake of peaceful shadows. The moon seemed to brighten as the sun disappeared, casting just enough light for us to see each other’s faces. Dan’s smile was small, but the look in his eyes was brimming with warmth. It was another one of those melt-my-freaking-heart you’re beautiful moments.

  “Want to see something cool?” he asked, and I nodded eagerly.

  He held his breath and tapped his fingers out at the water. Little droplets shot up from the surface as if he’d just thrown a rock, and as soon as the water was disturbed, it started... glowing. He repeated the process all around us, splashing the water and somehow illuminating it.

  My mouth fell open, and I rushed to the side of the boat, clinging to it tightly. Blues and greens lit up the lake like some gigantic magic potion.

  “It’s algae,” Dan said, no longer needing to hold his breath.

  “It’s incredible,” I decided as I stared at the lake in awe.

  “Wanna go for a swim?”

  I glanced over at him. We’d been over this. I couldn’t swim, but he swore he wouldn’t let me drown. Besides that, my own peachy magic wouldn’t let me die like that. There was really nothing to fear, and the night was so beautiful...


  “Yeah? You’ll try it?”

  I nodded, and he started stripping off his clothes. The blood drained from my face and pooled in other areas. “Wait. What are you doing?”

  He chuckled. “It’ll be easier to stay afloat with less layers. If you get that gown wet, it’
s going to sink like a sexy red anchor.”

  Right. Of course. I totally knew that.

  So, for the second time in a single day, we were once again stripping without the prospect of sex immediately following the action. So weird.

  When we were both in our undies, he took my hand and grinned at me. “Ready?”

  I bit my bottom lip and nodded. If I didn’t get it over with, there was a serious possibility that I’d chicken out, and I really didn’t want to.

  “On the count of three,” he said, squeezing my fingers tighter. “One... two... three!”

  We jumped and I was airborne for all of half a second before plunging beneath the surface of the freezing cold lake. Gods, I never dreamed the water would be so fucking cold! I struggled to hold my breath as Dan pulled me up to the surface.

  When my head was above water, I gasped and wiped my eyes as my teeth chattered.

  “It’s cold!” I cried as I shivered.

  “Did you think it’d be warm?”

  I shrugged, though he probably couldn’t see it beneath the fractured surface of the water. “I don’t know. Maybe. It’s not like I have much experience diving into the middle of a lake.”

  I glanced around, astounded to find the water had lit up even more. The blues and greens had mixed into a magical turquoise color, one that made me feel like just another ingredient in a cauldron.

  Dan grinned and pulled me closer, coaxing me to wrap my legs around his waist. As I did, he slid his arms around my back and held me tightly. “I’ll keep you warm.”

  I could think of multiple ways he might achieve something like that, and we were already halfway in the proper position for some of them.

  He leaned in to kiss me, and as his lips brushed mine, the heat of his mouth chased away my shivering. I tried to deepen the kiss, but he smiled and pulled away.

  “Lexi, I want to tell you something first.”

  My stomach dropped. This was the sort of moment that usually came before a hammer fall. He was about to crush me into glittering jewel dust, I just knew it.


  “I’ve been with...” He shook his head. “Gods, I don’t even know. Let’s just say way too many women since Sofia died. And I never cared about any of them.”


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