by Andy Maslen
For their advice on climbing, Coel Hellier and Norrie Tate.
For sharing their insights into autistic spectrum disorder, Amanda J. Harrington and Dr Hazel Harrison.
For lending Hannah’s cat her name, Uta Frith, Emeritus Professor of Cognitive Development at UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience.
For her advice on strategies for detecting lies, Professor Dawn Archer, Research and Knowledge Exchange Coordinator for Languages, Information and Communications, Manchester Metropolitan University.
For their patience, professionalism and friendship, the fabulous publishing team at Thomas & Mercer: Jack Butler, Sarah Day, Laura Deacon, Gill Harvey, Russel McLean and Jane Snelgrove.
And for being a daily inspiration and source of love and laughter, and making it all worthwhile, my family, Jo, Rory and Jacob.
The responsibility for any and all mistakes in this book remains mine. I assure you, they were unintentional.
Andy Maslen, Salisbury, 2020
Photo © 2020 Kin Ho
Andy Maslen was born in Nottingham, England. After leaving university with a degree in psychology, he worked in business for thirty years as a copywriter. In his spare time, he plays blues guitar. He lives in Wiltshire.