Always There (Always Series: Book Two)

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Always There (Always Series: Book Two) Page 5

by Lindsay Becs

  “I can’t stop thinking about you,” he confesses, leaning his head against mine.

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah.” He sweeps my hair away from my neck, and his lips touch the place where my neck and shoulder meet, sending goosebumps all over my body. “I can’t stop thinking about your perfect lips, your majestic curves and hips, your sexy dimple in your cheek. Fuck, Bex. I couldn’t stay away any longer.” His lips graze up my neck as I tilt my head to the side to give him more skin to kiss.

  “I don’t think this will work.”

  “I don’t, either. But I know I need to fuck you right now.”

  Oh, shit. I feel wetness pool at my center from his words, and I know I can’t lie to him. “Uh huh. I know that, too,” I say through ragged breaths.

  His hands are already sliding under my top. I help him out, pulling it over my head. He tugs his from his back and discards it onto the floor. Even in the darkness of the closet, I can still see the perfection of his body. He looks at me a smoldering moment, and then he pulls my scrub pants and underwear down to my ankles and lifts me by the ass, pressing me against the wall. My pants are around my ankles, imprisoned by my shoes, so I bend my knees to open for him with my feet planted on the wall behind me along with my shoulders. I’m not gentle as I dig my hand into his pants, gripping his cock and tugging. He lets out a groan with his forehead pressed to mine before he kisses me. I stroke him up and down a few times and then push his pants down his hips.

  “Fuck, Bex,” he sighs and rolls on a condom as fast as possible.

  “Yes,” I pant, holding onto his shoulder as he plunges into me.

  “I was hoping to talk to you, at best. This is so much better,” he tells me before kissing me again and hammering into me. I try not to yell out, but it’s so hard not to. This man has a way of working me over like no one else before. His words alone seem to send me into a tailspin of goo on the floor.

  “So much better,” I say into his mouth. With one hand, he pins my hands above my head and with his other, his thumb makes circles on my clit. “Ohhhh…”

  “Tell me this is good,” he urges, his lips ghosting mine.

  “Holy hell, this is amazing.”

  “Good girl, Bex. You want to keep doing this?” he asks as he continues pumping and circling and I’m about to explode.

  “Yes! Don’t stop, Ollie. Don’t fucking stop.”

  “Wherever you want me, I’ll be there. Always.”

  He kisses me hard and deep, swallowing down my moans as I explode. He releases my wrists, and my hands go into his hair, pulling him closer as he hammers into me. Seconds later, he growls into my neck with his release.

  “You are the sweetest thing I’ve had in a long time,” he says, kissing my cheek before helping me to my feet.

  “You’re not so bad yourself, Dr. Duncan.” I smile.

  We dress and straighten ourselves out. When I reach for the door, he stops me. “I really am sorry.”

  “It really is alright.”

  “And are you alright with this?” he asks, and I know he means no-strings sex.

  Am I? Hell to the yes I am!

  “Looks like I’m the new patient you need to examine from time to time.”

  He kisses me once more and pushes through the door, leaving me in the dark room smelling Ollie mixed with us around me. I bite back my smile and exit the closet.

  Ho. Lee. Hell.

  What did I just agree to?

  I attempt to finish my shift like I didn’t just get royally fucked in the supply closet by the ‘doc with the magic cock,’ but it’s hard. No pun intended. I was left feeling sated and satisfied, my legs noodles. Every time my thoughts went back to the closet, it turned me on again.

  I finish nonetheless and hit the elevator button to head down to the employee parking level. The doors open, and inside stands none other than magic cock himself with a wolfish grin. I purse my lips at my own smile and enter the small space with him and the three other people riding the elevator. Two exit at ground level, leaving us and a buffer. Thank. God.

  When we reach employee parking, I exit, scurrying to my car to avoid him. Why does it feel so awkward? Maybe I’m the one making it that way. That sounds more like it. I look behind me to see if he’s following. I don’t see him, but when I turn around, I walk right into a concrete pillar.

  “Fuck!” I put my hand to my nose, and when I pull it away, I see blood. Great. I’m not far from my car, thankfully. Finishing my walk there, I find napkins I keep stashed in my console and hold them to my nose. I’m sitting in my car with my head tilted back and blood-soaked napkins, unsure of what to do next and afraid to move. A knock against my window makes me jump and hit my already bleeding nose on the steering wheel. “Shit!” I cry out.

  Ollie is standing there with a concerned look on his face. He opens my door without invitation and pulls my hands from my face. “You might have broken it,” he mumbles. “Want me to take a look inside? We can go to my office and avoid the hospital gossip.” He smiles with a wink.

  As much as I want to say no, I agree and follow him back into the hospital and up to his office. Once there, he sits me down and goes in search of supplies. “Do you want me to take an X-ray or do you trust me?” he asks when he comes back in.

  “I trust you.”

  “Good. Travis used to show up at my house in bad shape when we were kids,” he tells me as he begins to clean my face, which I’m sure is swelling and bruising and looking gross. “He would beg me not to wake my parents or tell anyone. I’d clean him up and pack his nose if needed. He only had to go to the hospital to have it set once.”

  “Did he fight?”

  He snorts a laugh. “Not exactly.”

  “Oh. I understand what you mean now.”

  “Yeah, he was dealt a shitty hand.”

  “You said parents. I know this didn’t go well last time I asked about your parents, but where’s your dad?”

  “Around. He’s an asshole who gets off on power and control. He was awful to my mom when I was growing up. Not abusive, but not loving, either.”

  “He sounds a lot like my mom,” I say under my breath. “Except she was neglectful, too,” I add.

  “What about your dad?” he asks me, aspirating my nose.

  “Never knew him. No idea who he is. He bailed long before I was born, according to my mom.”

  “Sorry to hear that.”

  “No biggie. I’ve never known any different.”

  He finishes cleaning me up and examining me in silence. I watch as he methodically works. It’s different seeing him in this light as the caring doctor, apart from the passionate lover or snarky man I’m slowly getting to know.

  “Good news is it’s not life threatening.” He smiles at me before continuing. “Man, it’s always good to be able to say that. Anyway! Bad news, you’ll probably get a black eye or two.” He grimaces. “Sorry, Bex. I feel kind of responsible.”

  “Why?” I laugh. “Not like you pushed me into that pole. I was being a coward not knowing how to talk to you after… after… after you know. It’s my own fault.”

  His laughter fills the space around us. “I do know, Leppy,” he says, angling my jaw up to look at him. “I fucking loved it.” He smiles and then kisses me softly on the tip of my nose and then on the lips. “Do you want some pain killers? I can give you a prescription if you want.”

  “No, that’s alright. I’ve got basic Motrin at home. That’s should be fine.”

  “You alright to drive home? I can give you a ride.”

  “I think you already did that, Dr. Duncan,” I say, raising an eyebrow.

  “I’d be happy to give you another one.” His finger grazes down the side of my face, leaving a trail of fire. And it’s not from the pain…

  “Let me clean this stuff up, and I’ll walk you out,” he says after a while.

  When he leaves, I find a stack of sticky notes and leave a note in his desk for him to find later.

  I th
ink I might like this new thing we started. As long as I don’t walk into any more concrete pillars.

  Chapter 7


  Bex and I have come to a certain… understanding. It’s worked so far. This woman is unlike anyone else I’ve ever met. I know I’ve said it before, but she surprises me all the time. She’s not clingy, doesn’t get mad when I leave right after we have sex, and doesn’t even care that we still haven’t exchanged numbers. We keep sneaking around the hospital and have only met twice for drinks after work and ended up at her place in the two months since we started this. It’s awesome!

  The only thing that bothers me is that I’m still treating her mom and she hasn’t asked once about her. Truthfully, she’s not good. Her prognosis wasn’t great from the beginning, and she seems to be losing steam as treatment progresses. She had surgery a few weeks ago, and it looked like the cancer wasn’t slowing in growth, even with the chemo. I honestly don’t think she’ll make it more than a few more months, at best. I’m not giving up on her yet, though.

  I swore to Bex I wouldn’t bring up her mom and so far, I’ve kept to that, but it’s getting harder not to. It sucks losing a parent. I really think that if she doesn’t at least attempt a goodbye with her mom, she’ll regret it.

  “Dr. Duncan?” Gwen asks, knocking on my open office door. I look up from Marla’s file. “There’s someone here to see you. Would you like me to bring her back?”

  “That’s fine.” I smile, excited that Bex got the guts to come up here. I close her mom’s file and quickly straighten my desk in the couple of minutes before she appears.

  “Ollie?” I look up to see who my visitor is, standing in my doorway, but it isn’t Bex.

  “Tatum, what are you doing here? Are you alright?” I ask as I get up and go to her. I wrap her in a hug, even though she hates them, and close the door. “Come sit down. What’s going on?”

  “It’s Dad,” she says, not meeting my eyes.

  “Of course, it’s Dad,” I deadpan. Seating her in one chair in front of my desk, I sit in the other and turn to face her. “What happened?”

  “I was offered a frickin’ amazing opportunity, and he won’t let me do it. My whole life is going to be ruined now!”

  I take a breath before I respond, because with this sister, you have to go in slowly so she doesn’t stab you in the eye in your sleep.

  “Tate. Slow the dramatics a little bit. Nothing is ruined. What’s the opportunity? Let’s start there.”

  “You know how I did a few modeling jobs?” I nod my head slowly, scared of where this is going. “One of them was for a motorcycle company. It was a huge deal. Anyway, they contacted me and want me to do a whole big shoot and be a paddock girl for the big motorcycle races they are part of. It’s an incredible offer and I’d be stupid to turn it down, but Dad said that if I take it, I’m ruining my life and I’m no longer welcome at his house for turning into a quote ‘cheap biker chick.’ Ollie, I really want to do this, but as much as I hate Dad sometimes, I don’t want him to hate me back.” She starts to tear up, making me white knuckle the arms of the chair I’m sitting in. My sister doesn’t cry.

  “Is it just because it’s motorcycles that he doesn’t want you doing it? I don’t understand why he’s so against it.”

  “I’d miss the end of the school year. It’s enough that I’d have to either talk to my counselor about finishing online or I’d have to drop out and take my GED.”

  There it is. There’s the real reason for all of this, and for once, I somewhat understand my father. Fuck, even thinking that sends shivers down my spine.

  “You can understand why he’s mad, Tate. He wants you to finish school and graduate.”

  “I know, but, Ollie, I don’t care about walking and all that other stuff. I’d be happy to take my GED. It’s not like I’m stupid. I know I’d pass it.”

  “No one is calling you stupid.”

  “It sure seems like it.”

  “How long is this race thing and where is it?”

  “The race part is only a couple of weeks, but they want me there for a few months at their main hub to do a bunch of promo shoots. All in all, about 3 months and a couple locations.”

  “OK… I’ll deal with Dad. You take your GED, and your ass better pass. Do this job if that’s what you really want. But, Tatum, don’t let this come back to bite me in the ass. You can stay with me if you need to, but you will get a job.”

  “You’re going to help me?” Her eyes go big in surprise that I’m willing to help her and back her on this.

  “I am. Don’t make me regret it.”

  “Ollie, you are the best! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!”

  “Tatum. Be careful.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  “You call me if anything weird happens or if you need anything. No matter where you are.”

  “I know, butt-munch. I know you’re always there for me.”

  “Get out of here.” I tilt my head to the door. “I have patients to see.”

  “Actually, I was thinking I could stay with you tonight?”


  “I’m sorry, but I’m not going back to Dad’s tonight!”

  “Fine,” I groan, taking a key to my loft off my keyring and handing it to her. “Don’t mess with my shit.”

  “Who me?” she asks as she opens the door to leave. I hear her giggle down the hall, and all I can do is shake my head.

  I let out a puff of air as my hands go into my hair. I swear, some days I feel like I’m growing a vagina of my own with all the women in my life. From patients to nurses to sisters to Travis, and another nurse who I don’t mind so much…

  Yep, I need her to confirm that I am not, in fact, growing a vagina but that I’m all man. I reach for my phone and call the main desk of the hospital, letting them know I need to page someone.

  I’m laughing to myself when Gwen pokes her head into my office. “Everything alright?”

  “Yeah, that was my sister. Drama, as usual with her, but everything will be fine.”

  “No, I mean with the page I just heard. Did I do something wrong?”

  “Oh shit! I’m sorry, Gwen. I didn’t even think of that. No. Not at all. It’s just that I, uh, I just need to talk to her about something.”

  “Oh. OK. Just wanted to make sure,” she says, but I can tell she still doesn’t understand and looks dejected. “Are you sure there isn’t anything I can do to help?”

  “Gwen, I promise you are great. Best I’ve had, in fact.”

  She looks up from the floor then with brighter eyes. “I really love being here with you. You make it so amazing. You make everyone feel good, and that’s hard to come by.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  “Anyway, I’ll let you get back to it. If you need anything else, let me know.”

  “I think we’re almost done here for the day. You can go home early for once if you want.”

  “Really? That’d be great actually. Thank you.”

  “Of course. Enjoy the rest of your day.” I smile and wave her off, wondering how much longer it’ll be until Bex answers her page and gets her fine little ass up here.

  I get lost in writing up a treatment plan for a new patient when I glance at my watch and see it’s been almost an hour and half since I sent out the page for Bex. Guess it was presumptuous for me to think she’d come here after I summoned her like that. I close up my office and make way down to her floor to give her shit about not coming to see me today.

  It’s always a breath of fresh air when I step out onto the pediatric floor. The whole feel of it is different to the oncology floor, where sickness and death circle around as we try to keep everything positive, uplifting, and happy. Here though, there’s no extra effort needed. It’s kids. They’re the purest form of joy.

  “Hey, Dr. D.” I hear from behind me. I’m staring into a room where a little boy hooked up to IVs is watching Toy Story. I turn to see a face I recognize as one of the nu
rses who did a rotation on my floor earlier in the year, but I don’t remember her name. Her tits, yes, but not her name.

  “Hey.” I offer a smile. “How are you liking it down here?”

  “I really love it. Miss working with you, though,” she almost purrs.

  “I am the best.” I wink. “I’m looking for someone actually, but it was good to see you again.”

  “Oh? Anyone I can help you find?”

  “Nurse Morgan. Any chance you know where she is?”

  “Bex?” Her body almost flies down the hall by the way she balks in surprise.

  “Yes. Do you know where she is?”

  “Yeah…she was in helping with a recast. I can see if she’s finished yet.”

  “That’d be great. I’ll wait at the nurse’s station. I’m going to say hi to Susan.”

  She turns and leaves, and I’m sure she has no intention of actually looking for Bex. I know women enough to know that. Turning in the opposite direction, I round the corner to find Bex.

  “Well, well, well. Were you listening in on my conversations again?” I ask as I slow my pace and swagger to her.

  “Not intentionally,” she grumbles and turns away from me before I reach her.

  “Bex. Wait up. I came to see you.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m busy.”

  “I know that tone, sweetheart. Stop playing around. Tell me what I did to piss you off.”

  She faces me, green eyes blazing. “I’m not the one playing here. I know we said this was casual, but I don’t like being played a fool. I at least thought I was the only one you were fucking.” She grits out the last word to keep it quiet when I know she wanted to scream it.

  Gripping her arm, I pull her down the hall to an empty room. She fights me the whole way, but I don’t care. I’d throw her over my shoulder and carry her all the way to Graves if I had to. “Ollie, stop it!” she yells, yanking out of my eased grip once we’re inside. I block her in with hands on both sides of the closed door behind her.

  “What the hell are you talking about? I am not fucking anyone but you, Bex.”

  “I went to see you earlier. Before the page and I saw you giving a blonde a key and her leaving with a little too much pep in her step. Then, you paged me. I was only down the hall, so I turned around thinking I was mistaken. What I hear is you telling Gwen she’s the best you’ve ever had. Then the real low point is when I hear you on my floor talking to Sheila the slut-asaurus, and I know by her tone that you’ve fucked her, too. Three women! I knew you got around the hospital, but holy hell, Ollie!”


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