Always There (Always Series: Book Two)

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Always There (Always Series: Book Two) Page 14

by Lindsay Becs

  I’m sure the next week or so is going to be all kinds of awkward at work as the troves of women who thought they had their hooks in him come out with claws drawn, but I expected that no matter what. I really just didn’t want people thinking I was trying to climb up the ladder by sleeping my way there. I’m still on that bottom rung with Ollie at the top, and I never want to be looked at like the girl who slept her way up. Never.

  What Ollie and I have is so real and raw. It’s what I didn’t know could exist. It’s everything I now love and crave. I love this man with everything inside me, and if he loves me even a fraction as much, then I’m one hell of a lucky girl.

  “Stop looking at me like, sweetness, or I’m going to use your belly button for my duck sauce and finish my dinner off of you.”

  I burst out a laugh. “Aww… you tried so hard to make that sexy, but it just did not work,” I tell him with a pouty lip and look of pity.

  He throws his half-eaten egg roll at me with a laugh of his own. “Shut up!”

  “For the record, I was looking at you thinking about how sexy what you did at work was. Standing up for me, us, it was pretty hot, Dr. Duncan.”

  “Bex, I will always fight for you. I’m always there for you; you have to know that. I’ll never use my position against you or to hurt you.”

  “I know you wouldn’t. That’s not you. Most people think they know who you are, but they have no idea.”

  “Truth? Very few doctors like Dr. Parker, but you didn’t hear that from me. She needed to be brought down to reality and shown that she can’t push you around anymore, and she sure as shit isn’t going to use our relationship against you.”

  “Dr. Duncan, I think you love me,” I say as I bite my lip and bait him to me.

  “Is this Nurse Leppy? Are we role playing?” he asks excitedly, making me giggle.

  “It is if you want it to be,” I say in a fake deep, sultry voice.

  “Oh, I want,” he says, ripping off his shirt. “My cock. Now,” he demands, pointing down to where he wants me from across the table. Except it only pulls more laughter from me. “Why are you laughing? I’m so hard right now, Bex,” he whines.

  “I’m laughing because you’re cute and I love you,” I say, walking to him and sitting on his lap. “I’m happy, Ollie. You make me so happy.”

  His fingers go into my hair, and he pulls me down to fuse our lips together. “You make me happy, too, sweetness.”

  The next months go by like a dream. Ollie and I are that couple who touches and kisses and laughs at inside jokes and makes everyone else roll their eyes and gag when they see us. And I have zero regrets about it.

  The day after he had his run-in with Dr. Parker, he found me in the cafeteria with half the hospital whispering and pointing at me. Well, Dr. Duncan did an Ollie thing. He jumped up on a table in the middle of the room, announcing that I was his and to stop the gossip. His exact words were, “Nurse Morgan, come here and kiss me like you mean it to show all these idiots who you belong to.” After I did, with a beet-red face, he told them they’d be seeing more of that around the hospital and to get used to it. Everyone clapped, hooted and cat-called, and laughed at his display of immaturity, but it worked.

  After that, I was envied by many, but the gossip and whispers stopped. We were the couple of Highrise Hospital. And Dr. Parker kept her distance from me after that. Worth it.

  Now, we move together, in sync with each other, whether at the hospital or at home. We haven’t started to really plan our wedding yet, but I’m not in a hurry. I just love being with him, and that’s enough for now. I don’t need more.

  “Girl, you are so lucky,” Laura, a new nurse here, says to me. I follow her line of vision to find Ollie at the nurse’s station talking to Susan. If she wasn’t happily married to her husband of twenty years, I’d be worried about her with the amount of flirting those two do.

  Ollie is leaning on his forearms, his fine ass on display even with his lab coat on. I smirk as I check out my man. “You should see him naked,” I say confidently as I make my way to him. Wrapping my arms around his middle, I snuggle into his side, taking his warmth. I’m surrounded by citrus and ginger and Ollie.

  “Hey, sweetness. I was looking for you. How much longer do you have?” he asks as he kisses my forehead. “And why is that nurse looking at me like that?”

  I look up to see Laura staring, and I giggle. “That’s the new nurse here, Laura. She was admiring your physique and told me I was lucky. I agreed and told her you were even better naked. I’m sure she’s picturing you that way now.”

  “Bexley!” he laughs, “I feel naked now. Don’t pimp me out like that.”

  “Oh, I’ll get you naked soon,” I whisper to him. “I’m done here; let’s go home.”

  “And get naked!” he says way too loudly, making me giggle into his side. “Bye, Laura.” He waves at her with a wink.

  “Flirt,” I tell him as we leave with our arms around each other.

  “But it only counts with you, sweetness.”



  One Year Later

  Gross. I just slipped and fell in puke on the floor. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve worked at a hospital or with children, that is something you never enjoy dealing with. Taking a look at my hip in the mirror, I see it already starting to bruise. Ollie’s going to make fun of me so bad for this one. He’s gotten used to my stumbles and falls, but when a doozy like this happens, he can’t help but laugh. Honestly, I don’t blame him. I’d laugh, too, if I wasn’t the one throwing away my favorite pair of Rapunzel scrubs because they’re covered in some kid’s dinner.

  I wash my hands and arms vigorously, pull on a pair of boring blue Highrise Hospital stamped scrubs, clean off my shoes, wash my hands again, and then make my way back out to see who needs attention next. We have a full house at the moment, and all of us have been busting our asses, some of us more than others, obviously.

  Walking to the nurse’s station to check in with Susan, I see a young woman there who I’ve never seen on my floor before. Hell, I didn’t even know she was back in town.

  “Tatum?” I ask, walking toward her.

  Her head of blonde hair and perfect make-up turns my way with a hesitant smile. Although she never gives them out freely, this one doesn’t seem right. Something is wrong.

  “Hey, Bex. I’m sorry to bug you at work, but I have a huge favor to ask. Can we go someplace to talk for a minute?” she asks nervously.

  “Sure,” I say, looking to Susan, who nods that she’ll cover for me for a few. “I need a pick-me-up. Want to grab a coffee real quick?”

  “Uh, sure,” she says with another tight smile.

  I lead the way to the small coffee shop downstairs, and by the time I order my coffee and sit, she still hasn’t said another word.

  “You don’t want anything?” I ask. When she shakes her head no, I get nervous. She’s a venti coffee addict, like most of us on the run. This has to be big for her not to even want a fix. “Alright, Tatum, you have to start talking because you’re freaking me out.”

  “I’m sorry,” she sighs, running her hands through her hair.

  “Is Ollie alright? Travis, Penny, is everyone OK? Let’s start there.”

  “Yes, everyone is fine. It’s not anything like that.”

  “Then what is it?” I ask, looking at her, expecting her to start speaking.

  “I think I’m pregnant.”

  “Oh, shit.” The words come out of my mouth before I have time to think about them. “I’m sorry,” I apologize, closing my eyes for a second. “You think or you know?”

  “I took a home test. It was positive.” She pauses. “That’s a lie. I took six of them. They were all positive.”

  “That’s a lot of positive,” I mumble helpfully.

  “I don’t know what to do. I think I might be kind of far along too,” she says, looking up with tears forming in her eyes. I’ve never seen Tatum cry. I’ve never seen her show
much emotion of any kind, really.

  “Take a breath.” I smile at her. “Let’s start with that. Breathe.”

  “Ollie is going to kill me. Then my dad is going to blame Ollie for this in some stupid way. Or better yet, my dad will blame Travis.” She rolls her eyes, wiping a stray tear. I almost want to bottle it, seeing as it’s so rare.

  “Well, I’ll kill Ollie if he gets mad at you, so that solves all the above problems,” I tell her, and she manages a smile laugh.

  “I’m sorry to dump this on you. I just don’t know what to do or how to tell my family.”

  “It’s alright. I’m glad you felt you could come to me. Can I ask about the dad?”

  “He doesn’t know. I don’t know if I should tell him,” she confesses.

  “Why is that?”

  “He’s about to win the championship of the IMR.” I look at her in confusion, so she explains. “International Motorcycle Race. It’s where I’ve worked the last year and a half modeling. But I guess that’s done now, too, because soon I’m going to be big and fat.” She throws herself back into her chair, crossing her arms.

  “So, he’s one of the racers?” I ask, still confused and trying to understand.

  “Yeah,” she says, going quiet. “I can’t tell him. Not now. Not when he’s about to win everything he’s worked for.”

  “Tatum, he deserves to know.”

  “I’ll tell him. Just, not now.”

  “Are you sure about this?” I ask her, not certain if this really is what’s best.

  “I’m not sure about anything right now, except for the fact that I think I’m going to puke,” she says, running to the trash can and hurling. I guess vomit is the theme of the day.

  Walking to her, I rub her back while she stays leaning over the trash can filled with empty coffee cups. “You’ll be alright. You’re one of the strongest people I know.”

  She huffs out a laugh. “I’m a mess, Bex. I put on a good show, but trust me, I’m a mess.”

  “Mess or not, you know we’re all here. Ollie, Travis, and me, we’ll help you any way we can. Plus, you know Penny is going to be ecstatic to have a baby around.”

  “Thank you,” she says, smiling at me again. This time it feels more natural and right.

  “Welcome. Now, let me warm up your brother with a blowjob before you tell him. He’s sure to be in a good mood then. Come over tonight at seven?”

  “You better be done by seven because if I walk in and see or hear any of that, I’m going to puke all over you.”

  “Noted,” I laugh. “I need to get back to work. You going to be alright until then?”

  She nods, and we hug for the third time since I’ve met her before finishing my shift so I can get home to blow my man before his sister breaks it to him that she’s had sex. I’m positive he still thinks she doesn’t even know what a penis is.

  And just like that, life with my new family got a little more interesting…

  The End

  (At least until the next book.)

  Special Thanks

  Family: My husband and kids, who get tired of me forgetting to start dinner. My dog, who gets mad at me for ignoring him and turns his back to me. As much as I may not pay attention to you at times, I couldn’t do this without your support. I love you all so much!

  Betas: Laura, Kathy, Stacy, Sophers, Jenn. You put up with all my crazy questions and posts. You help me decide things when I can’t decide by myself. You read my words before anyone else sees them and don’t judge me too harshly for all my typos and crazy brain. I cannot ever say it enough, THANK YOU!!!

  Stacy: Girl. You went from reader to fan to my right arm and other brain in a matter of seconds. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I truly love and cherish you. You have been the biggest supporter of me and helped me tremendously, not only with my books but my life. I owe you all the coffee and all the paperback books. For now, you’ll have to settle for dibs on Ollie. Now, get your ass to Oki so I can squeeze your neck!

  Jenn: You, my love, will always be my favorite pain in the ass. There is just no denying it. I love your honesty and appreciate you and your opinion so much. You know I have tough skin, so keep it coming! I can’t wait for another wine night!

  Tricia: Some authors go through so many editors trying to find the right one. I feel like I won the jackpot when I asked you to edit for me. I’m so grateful for ewe! (Haha! Had to throw one in there!) But really. I am. You are patient with my crazy bouncy brain and my need for constant reassurances. My books would definitely not be the same without your touch to them. I will probably cry when I see you IRL and I cannot wait!

  Bloggers and Review Team: You all are the backbone to this whole operation. Thank you so much for your support, name drops and tags, and most of all your amazing reviews. I get goosebumps and teary every time I see a new one. I will never get used to people saying they enjoyed reading my stories. Thank you!

  My Lovelies, Followers, and Readers: You all make my world go round!! You make me laugh and cry and feel so loved on the daily. I wish I could high-five and hug each of you. It amazes me that people want to read my words. And even more that you’re interested in me! I truly love you all! Thank you from the very bottom of my heart!!

  YOU: If you got through all of that and are reading this, read Always There, then thank you! I hope you enjoyed Ollie and Bex and their crazy love. I can’t wait to share Tatum’s story with you next!

  If Ollie and Bex were your jam, please consider leaving a review. Reviews are the best way to help spread the word for us authors. I would be eternally grateful to you if you did.

  Thank you again for reading Always There.

  <3 Lindsay

  About the Author

  Lindsay Becs has always enjoyed writing as an outlet and a fun hobby. Having pushed outside her box, she wrote and self-published her first book in 2017. Now, she hopes to continue to explore deeper into the world of writing. Tragically beautiful love stories are what she enjoys writing most, but who knows what the future will hold.

  Lindsay is also an avid reader, Netflix binger, vinyl crafter, and never goes far without coffee first. She wishes fall lasted all year long, and peanut M&M’s are her writing fuel. She is from the Buckeye state of Ohio but is privileged to have lived all over the world with her military husband, their three crazies, and seven-year-old puppy.

  To find out more about Lindsay and upcoming projects find her here!


  Lindsay’s Lovelies Reading Group



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  Instagram @lindsaybecs

  Email: [email protected]


  Other Books by Lindsay

  Lily & Lola Companion Set

  A Lil Lo

  High & Lo



  Always Series

  Book One: Always

  Book Two: Always There

  Book Three: Promise Me Always (Coming Soon)

  Book Four: Always You (Coming Soon)




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