The Thirty-Year Genocide

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The Thirty-Year Genocide Page 88

by Benny Morris

  127. Bristol to Jackson, 21 June 1920, LC, Bristol Papers 32.

  128. Armenian Patriarchate, report from Mersin from 21 September 1920, attached to Bristol to Secstate, 6 November 1920, USNA RG 59, 860J.00–860J.01, Roll 1.

  129. Rumbold, “Turkey Annual Report 1920,” c. March 1921, Bodl. MS Rumbold Papers 28.

  130. League of Nations, “Deported Women and Children in Turkey and Asia Minor, Note by the Secretary General,” coopting Jeppe “Interim Report from the Aleppo Section of the Commission of Inquiry,”

  26 January 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7878.

  131. The war time mass murder of Armenian men created a mass of destitute women who no doubt helped fill Constantinople’s postwar ranks of Christian prostitutes (see Vice- Admiral A. P. Niblack to chief of naval operations, 10 December 1921, USNA RG 59, 867.00, Roll 10).

  132. Unnamed Armenian physician to ?, 25 March 1919, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 205.



  Armenian Genocide, 758.

  134. Cox to Simla and SecState, 12 April 1917, UKNA FO 371 / 3050.

  135. Capt. F. E. Carver, assistant po liti cal officer, to civil commissioner, Baghdad, 24 January 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4177.

  136. Thomas Mugerditchian, “The Diarbekir Massacres and Kurdish Atrocities,” 1919, 57, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 46.

  137. Lt. J. A. Lorimer to General Staff Officer (Naval), Constantinople, 8 February 1919, UKNA FO

  371 / 4173.

  138. General Staff Intelligence, “Notes on the Situation in Anatolia,” undated but attached to Webb to Balfour, 16 March 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4157.

  139. Lt. J. A. Lorimer to General Staff Officer (Naval), Constantinople, 8 February 1919, UKNA FO

  371 / 4173.

  140. Chambers, Adana, to Case, 14 May 1919, Houghton ABC 16.9.5, A467, Reel 669; and “Copy of Letter from Mrs. T. D. Christie,” Tarsus, 22 April 1919, Houghton ABC 16.9.5, A467, Reel 672.

  Notes to Pages 313–315

  141. Lewis Heck to SecState, 12 February 1919, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 400.

  142. Webb to General Officer Commanding- in- Chief, British Salonica Force, 1 March 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4173. By March 1919 1,300 Greek and Armenian women and children had been recovered in Constantinople (“Recovery of Islamised Greeks and Armenians in Constantinople and Suburbs” and

  “Numbers of Armenian Orphans Collected from Houses and Orphanages in Constantinople,” both undated but attached to Gough- Calthorpe, high commissioner, to Balfour, 22 March 1919, UKNA FO

  371 / 4177).

  143. Ahmet Izzet, Interior Minister’s adjutant, to the mutesarriflik of Kayseri, 5 February 1919, Sevk ve Iskan, 447–448, doc. 367; Ahmet Izzet to all vilayets, 20 February 1919, Sevk ve Iskan, 454, doc. 375; and Ahmet Izzet to Ankara vilayet, 25 February 1919, Sevk ve Iskan, 460, doc. 379. See also Shaw, From Empire to Republic, vol. 1, 245–253.



  Lions of Marash, 43–44.



  Armenian Genocide, 758.



  Armenian Genocide, 760.



  Lions of Marash, 43–48.

  148. League of Nations, “Deportation of Women and Children in Turkey and Neighbouring Countries,” 4 September 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7881; and League of Nations, “Work of the Commission for the Protection of Women and Children in the Near East,” 11 September 1923, UKNA FO 371 / 9111.

  149. Rumbold, “Turkey Annual Report 1920,” c. March 1921, Bodl. MS Rumbold Papers 28.

  150. Gates to Rumbold, 16 February 1920, and attached Armenian Patriarch memorandum, UKNA FO 371 / 6556.

  151. FO to Robinson, Armenian Red Cross Society, 22 May 1923, UKNA FO 371 / 9110; and Rendel minute, 26 June 1924, UKNA FO 371 / 10225.

  152. Peet to Barton, 16 March 1921, Houghton ABC 16.9.3, Vol. 52.

  153. League of Nations, “Deported Women and Children in Turkey and Asia Minor, Note by the Secretary General,” incorporating Jeppe, “Interim Report from the Aleppo Section of the Commission of Inquiry,” 26 January 1922, UKNA FO 371 / 7878.

  154. Mehmet Ali, Interior Minister, to valis and mutesarrifs, 10 May 1919, Sevk ve Iskan, 485, doc.


  155. Armenian Patriarchate, report from Yozgat, 17 July 1919, USNA RG 59, 860J.00–860J.01, Roll 1; and Shaw, From Empire to Republic, vol. 1, 253–254.

  156. “Information Collected by U.S.S. Cole (Lt. J. W. Gregory U.S.N.) from Turkish Governor [of Samsun], Captain Ferrin, S. Br. Off., A.C.R.N.E. Nurse in Armenian Orphanage, and American Tobacco Man,” undated but from 1919, USNA RG 59, 867.00, Roll 7.




  Olympia to Bristol, 9 September 1919, USNA RG 59, 867.00, Roll 7.

  158. Webb to Curzon, 11 September 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4159.



  Kapancızade Hamit Bey, 43–44.

  160. Bristol, “Part Three, Report of Operations for the Week Ending 20 July 1919,” LC, Bristol Papers, War Diary.

  161. Riggs to family, 18 July 1920, Houghton ABC 16.9.7, Vol. 26; Entry for 23 December 1920, LC, Bristol Papers, War Diary; and Riggs to Barton, 28 December 1920, Houghton ABC 16.9.7, Vol. 26.

  162. Dr. M. Fremont Smith, “Report on Po liti cal Conditions in Sivas,” February 1920, attached to J. P. Coombs, NER, to Bristol, 23 February 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 420.

  163. Report by the Armenian Patriarchate transmitted by Bristol to Lambert, 20 May 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 415.

  164. Gough- Calthorpe to Curzon, 30 July 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4158; and Webb to Curzon, 11 September 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4159.

  Notes to Pages 315–321

  165. Entry for 19 April 1922, LC, Bristol Papers, War Diary.

  166. Rendel minute, 11 June 1924, UKNA FO 371 / 10225; and Rumbold, “Turkey Annual Report 1920,” c. March 1921, Bodl. MS Rumbold Papers 28.

  167. Jeppe reported that she had “rescued” 241 “ women and girls” between 1 March 1922 and 30

  June 1924 (“Report by the Chairman of the League of Nations Commission for the Protection of Women and Children in the Near East from July 1923 to July 1924,” 1 September 1924, UKNA FO 371 / 10225).

  Rendel doubted that she actually rescued women and children so much as aided “ those already recovered” (Rendel minute, 11 June 1924, UKNA FO 371 / 10225).

  168. League of Nations News Bureau press release, undated but from November 1921, USNA RG

  59, 860J.4016 / 50–860J.4016/081/99, Roll 5.

  169. Unsigned, “The Situation in Armenia,” 27 August 1920, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 210.

  170. Rumbold to Curzon, 12 May 1923, UKNA FO 371 / 9110.

  171. Emily Robinson, Armenian Red Cross & Refugee Fund, to Rumbold, 8 May 1923, UKNA FO

  371 / 9110.

  172. See Henderson to Curzon, 9 May 1923, UKNA FO 371 / 9095, for events in an orphanage in Scutari.

  173. Ward to SecState Hughes, 3 May 1922, USNA RG9 867.4016, Roll 48.


  Akçam, Shameful Act, 237.


  Akçam, Shameful Act, 258–259.


  Akçam, Shameful Act, 235.


  Akçam, Shameful Act, 236–237.

  178. Gough- Calthorpe to FO, 11 January 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4141.

  179. “Ermenilerin Tehcir Sebepleri,” 19 January 1919, Sevk ve Iskan, 428–440, doc. 358.



  Shameful Act, 268, 322.

  181. Government resolution 490, 11 December 1918, Sevk ve Iskan, 407–408, doc. 346; Government resolution 492, 14 December 1918, 408–410, doc. 347.


  Akçam, Shameful Act, 314–327.


  Akçam, Shameful Act, 240; and Kevorkian, Armenian Genocide, 735–742.


  Akçam, Shameful Act, 270.


  Akçam, Shameful Act, 239.

  186. Gough- Calthorpe to SecState, 21 April 1919, and attached Capt. E. La Fontaine to Capt. Hoyland, General Staff Intelligence, 12 April 1919; minute by Hoyland, 15 April 1919; and La Fontaine to Hoyland, 14 April 1919, all in UKNA FO 371 / 4173. See also Göçek, Denial of Vio lence, 365–367.


  Akçam, Shameful Act, 328.

  188. Armenian Patriarchate, untitled roundup of information, entry for 8 June 1919, Malatia, referring specifically to “the famous slaughterer Mahmoud, son of Hasim Bey,” USNA RG 59, 860J.00–

  860J.01 / 179, Roll 1.


  Akçam, Shameful Act, 329–330.

  190. Webb to Curzon, 11 September 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4159.


  Akçam, Shameful Act, 242–243.



  Armenian Genocide, 796–798.


  “Révélations et aveux du Général Moustapha Pacha,” Communiqué du Bureau de Presse et d’Information Arménien, 13 February 1920, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 210.


  Göçek, Denial of Vio lence, 45, 369–371.

  195. Theda Phelps to Allan Dulles, State Department, undated but c. July 1922, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 47.



  Tricolor over the Taurus, 117.

  Notes to Pages 321–325

  197. H. Bax Ironside, Sofia, to FO, 3 March 1915, and WO to undersecretary of state, FO, 9

  March 1915, both in UKNA FO 371 / 2484; and Armenian National Defense Committee of Amer i ca to Edward Grey, 23 March 1915, and WO to undersecretary of state, FO, 15 April 1915, both in UKNA FO

  371 / 2485.

  198. Macdonogh, DMI, to War Office, 24 August 1916, UKNA FO 371 / 2769.



  Tricolor over the Taurus, 16–17.

  200. Moumdjian, “Armenian Legion.”



  Tricolor over the Taurus, 71, 74.

  202. Heck, Constantinople, to SecState, 17 January 1919, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 405. Admiral Gough- Calthorpe (Constantinople) to ?, 18 December 1918, UKNA FO 371 / 3421.



  Tricolor over the Taurus, 78.

  204. GHQ Egyptian Expeditionary Force, to Foreign Secretary, 20 June 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4181.

  205. Moumdjian, “Armenian Legion.”

  206. Gates to Lybyer, 12 April 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4157.



  Triciolor over the Taurus, 105–109, 131, 134. In Adana, at the end of April 1919, the British conducted house- to- house searches for arms.

  208. Allenby to War Office, 21 May 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4181.

  209. Curzon to Earl of Derby, 8 May 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4180.

  210. WO to Allenby, 15 May 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4181.



  Lions of Marash, 53.

  212. WO to Allenby, “Military Occupation of Syria and Cilicia,” September 1919, UKNA FO

  371 / 4183.

  213. Allenby to WO, 23 September 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4183.

  214. Foreign Office to Lord Derby (Paris), 7 October 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4183.

  215. Implied in Allenby to Secretary of State for War, 3 January 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5032; and Armenian Patriarchate, report from Aleppo (?), 11 October 1919, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 418. See also Isabel Merrill (Aintab) to Barton, 30 December 1919, Houghton ABC 16.9.5, A467, Reel 671.

  216. Meinertzhagen to ?, 17 October 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4184.

  217. Peet to Barton, 20 April 1920, Houghton ABC 16.9.3, Vol. 52.

  218. 13th Cavalry Brigade, “War Diary or Intelligence Summary” for October 1919, UKNA WO

  95 / 4518. See also report, 21 October 1919, BOA, DH. KMS, 56–1, 42.

  219. 13th Cavalry Brigade, “War Diary or Intelligence Summary” for November 1919, entries for 1, 4, and 7 November 1919, UKNA WO 95 / 4518.

  220. GHQ Egypt to War Office, 2 November 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4184.

  221. GHQ Egypt to War Office, 4 November 1919; GHQ to War Office, 6 November 1919, and 23

  November 1919—all in UKNA FO 371 / 4184.



  Lions of Marash, 62.

  223. GHQ Egypt to WO, 23 November 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4184.

  224. GHQ Egypt to WO, 7 November 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4184.

  225. Security Directorate Intelligence Report, 13 November 1919, BOA, DH. EUM. SSM, 39, 27.

  226. Security Directorate Intelligence Report, 25 November 1919, BOA, DH. EUM. SSM, 39, 38.

  227. Jackson to Bristol, 1 May 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 421.

  228. Jackson to Bristol, 2 February 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 421.

  229. Kelsey to Bristol, 2 August 1920, enclosing Kelsey, “Incidents of the French Occupation of Tarsus,” undated; and Bristol to SecState, 4 September 1920; both in USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 421.

  Notes to Pages 325–330

  230. Reshid Pacha to Defrance, the French high commissioner in Constantinople, 23 December 1919, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 421.

  231. Lt. Commander S. S. Butler, HMS Sportive, to de Robeck, 24 February 1920, UKNA FO

  371 / 5033; and Manasseh Sevag to Woodrow Wilson, 3 December 1920, USNA RG 59, 860J.00–

  860J.01 / 179, Reel 1. See also Eyres to Rumbold, 26 October 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5210.

  232. Derby to Curzon, 26 October 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4184.



  Tricolor over the Taurus, 122.

  234. Allenby to WO, 20 October 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4184.

  235. Tele grams from Security Directorate and cabinet to valis and mutasarrıf s, 29 October to 22 November 1919, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 104, nos. 106, 126, 146, 182, 229, 247, 265.

  236. Sublime Porte, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Note Verbale” to American High Commission, 18

  November 1919, USNA RG 59, 867.00, Roll 8.

  237. Rechid (Akif ) Pacha, Turkish Foreign Minister, to Defrance, 25 November 1919, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 421. See also demands for investigation, 9 January 1919, BOA, DH. EUM.

  5 Şb, 77 5.

  238. Ottoman “aide memoire” to French HC, 30 November 1919, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 421.

  239. Reshid to Defrance, 23 December 1919, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 421; Bristol to Ellis, 26 February 1920, LC, Bristol Papers 31; and Intelligence report, 10 January 1919, BOA, DH. EUM. 2 Şb, 67 / 29.

  240. Armenian Patriarchate, untitled, undated memorandum, including section based on report from Kilis dated 2 February 1920, attached to Bristol to Secretary of State, 22 April 1920, USNA RG 59, 860J.01 / 520–860J.4016 / 49, Roll 4.

  241. Jackson to Bristol, 7 June 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 419.

  242. Djelal to Arnold (Adana), 3 January 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 419.

  243. High Commissioner de Robeck to Curzon, 19 November 1919, and text of Kemal circular to high commissions, UKNA FO 371 / 4185.

  244. Harold Buxton, “Cilicia and Northern Syria,” 29 February 1920, UKNA FO 371 / 5042.

  245. Aneurin Williams, British Armenia Committee, to Curzon, “Cilicia,” 8 June 1920, UKNA FO

  371 / 5049.

  246. WO to under- secretary of state, FO, 3 August 1920, enclosing Kemal and Salaheddin, OC

  3rd Army Corps, to Kiazim Bey, OC 61st Division at Balikesri, 6 December 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 5054.

  Following the meeting Kemal ordered his forces to continue preparing for conflict with the French “but to avoid any armed action until further notice.”

  247. De Robeck to Curzon, 12 December 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4186.

  248. Armenian Patriarchate
, untitled, undated memorandum, attached to Gates to Belin, 17 February 1921, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 439.

  249. Webb to Curzon, 18 October 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4160.

  250. Jackson to Bristol, 31 March 1920, USNA RG 59, 867.00, Roll 9.

  251. Untitled US intelligence Report sent to US embassy, C’ple, 15 April 1920, USNA RG 59, 867.00, Roll 9.

  252. “Journal du siege d’Adana,” 17 June–17 August 1920, SHD, GR N7, 4165; and H. C. A.

  Eyres to Rumbold, 26 October 1920, attached to Rumbold to Curzon, 19 November 1920, UKNA FO

  371 / 5210.

  253. Bristol to SecState, 13 September 1920, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 415.

  254. Kevork Vartabed Arslanian, prelate of Adana Armenians, 16 July 1920, USNA RG 59, 860J.01 / 520–860J.4016 / 49, Roll 4.

  Notes to Pages 330–333

  255. List of alleged crimes by Armenian legionnaires attached to letter from chief administrator, OETA (North) to C- in- C, EEF, 24 February 1919, appended to Wavell to high commissioner, 15 April 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 4165.


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