The Nexus Mirror

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The Nexus Mirror Page 19

by Noah Michael

  “The Decrepit...the Decrepit...beware the Decrepit...” He put his hands to his head, then he passed out. As he slept, familiar voices echoed throughout the darkness.

  “Raiden, you did it! Raiden wake up!”

  “We had a deal Raiden, we had a deal...”

  “You already have the potential to do great things. Think about that for a while...”

  “Beware the Decrepit...”

  And then a deeper, darker, unfamiliar voice.

  “A human as powerful as he...that is what I need. What I need from you. Bring him to me. We shall join as one.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Contest of Kings

  The School of Socrates

  July 19

  11:00 a.m.

  “Bring him in.” The doors swung open. Gore walked in, grasping Raja by the wrist. The Chief nodded towards Gore. He let go.

  The room was large and wide. Display tables filled with trophies captured by various Chiefs in war lined the room. The walls were painted black and red in a triangular patter, and an Oriental rug covered the floor. Golden swords hung along the walls. In the back of the room was the Chief’s throne, made of fine, dark wood. The Chief sat on a black cushion, staring at his guest. Arias, Gore, and Bastion stood beside him.

  “Gore, you may take Arias’s place. He has a matter he must attend to.”

  “Yes, my chief.” Arias walked out of the room. Gore took up his post.

  “Come,” the Chief ordered. Raja walked slowly over to the Chief.

  “Sit,” the Chief said. Raja obeyed, eyes staying clear of the Chief. Yuran watched him curiously. He was different than he’d been the day before. Less defiant. Perhaps because he’d never been alone with the Chief. No crowd to impress now, no games to play.

  “Listen to me carefully, boy.” Raja didn’t move. “Look at your Chief when he speaks to you,” Yuran said. The boy complied. “I have done you a great kindness. You are to be my personal servant. The responsibilities which that will entail are honorable. You are to watch me, you are to question, and you are to learn. You shall not carry a weapon. You are never to threaten me, and you are never to show me disrespect. If you take any of these actions, you shall return to your exiled status. Is that clear?”

  Raja was quiet. “Do not make your Chief repeat himself, for he shall not.”

  Raja hesitated. “It is clear.”

  “Good. Now tell me about your family, Raja.”

  “I was born to the warrior Gantian, who was killed in the twenty-first Shifter war, when I was a child.”

  “And your mother?”

  “She is a gatherer in the Northern farmlands.”

  “You were sworn in as a warrior six years ago. I remember your ceremony. What motivated you to join our ranks?”

  “My father was a warrior. I wanted only to follow in his path. I wanted to bring glory and honor to the tribe and to my family.”

  “And what stopped you?”

  Raja looked at the Chief. He spoke one word like a bolt of lightning. “You.”

  The Chief raised an eyebrow. “How so?”

  “You never gave me the chance, never brought us to war. You’re weak.”

  The Chief’s face relaxed. He looked sympathetically at Raja. “I understand.”

  Raja relaxed, surprised by the Chief’s response.

  “I made the same mistake. I was once at the bottom of our tribe. Like you, I raged inside, burning with a desire to bring honor to my family name. That rage brought me all the way to the arena to face the Chief. Like you, I believed killing him would fix everything. I believed that he was the cause for all the troubles in my life. I almost lost the battle because of that. It was not until I took upon myself the responsibility that I managed to win. I beat the Chief because I decided to stop trying to change him and instead, I changed myself.

  You must let go of your hatred towards me. I am willing to help you reach the honor you seek. But to achieve it, you must first understand that nobody is keeping it from you other than yourself. You must redefine your interpretation of honor. Courage is found not only on the battlefield, but also in acts of kindness. Strength is achieved not only with the sword, but through power of will. Wisdom is shown not only through strategy and tactic, but through righteous judgment. Determination is proven with the ability to overcome an enemy. All the more so by overcoming the greatest enemy of all-yourself. Come with me.”

  The Chief ran towards the wall on the right, jumped into it and turned into a shadow. He ran straight up the wall, when he reached the top, he pulled one of the golden swords from its place and launched himself into the air. He flipped midair and landed on his feet. Then he gave Raja the sword. Raja looked at the sword, confused. “Is this a trick? Are you forcing me to break your command?”

  “I wish to challenge you to a duel. I believe that one can learn the most about oneself through battle. Keep my words in mind as we spar.”

  Bastion and Gore watched from their places beside the throne, uneasy.

  Raja swung his sword at the Chief. Yuran parried it and counter-struck at rapid speed, driving Raja backwards. “You must break my force. If you cannot, then you must redirect it.”


  “Use your surroundings.”

  Raja dove into his shadow, emerging on the other side of the Chief. He swung at the Chief’s legs. Yuran drove his sword down, blocking the blow, then swung back, breaking Raja’s balance. Raja fell to the floor.

  “Please, kill me this time. How many times would you have me humiliated?”

  The Chief walked over to him.

  “I’m impressed. You lasted longer the last time we battled, but you won something much greater this time. You swallowed your pride.”

  The Chief held out his arm.

  Raja looked up, he was torn. The Chief’s heart filled with hope as Raja’s arm began to move. Slowly, slowly...

  Suddenly, the door slammed open. Raja lowered his arm. A guard ran into the room.

  “I’m sorry my Chief. It is urgent! Roko stands at the school’s entrance, demanding an audience!” The Chief stood up straight, his face filled with alarm. Arias was on his way to wake up Sarah and bring her to the throne room.

  Her discovery would mean war!

  “Who granted him entrance?”

  “He forced his way in, my Chief!”

  “How did he get past the Shadow Valley?”

  “They did not pass through the valley. They found another way. They are led by a Reader. They managed to make it all the way to the School.”

  “Marcus? Marcus does not possess such capabilities!”

  “No. There is a new one, my Chief. A woman. She holds great power.”


  Arias knocked on the door. “Sarah, are you awake?”


  “May I come in?”


  Arias chuckled. He opened the door and peeked inside. The girl stood in front of the window, already dressed. She wore a thin, brown shirt and light brown pants reaching to her ankles. Arias opened the door all the way. “How do you like our way of dress?”

  “It’s itchy.”

  “You’ll get used to it.”

  He walked over to where she stood. “What are you looking at?”

  “There are so many Shadows. They’re all fighting, training. I can’t understand them. They’re hoping for a war which I pray will never come.”

  Arias looked outside. The arenas were filled with sparring warriors. They were trained in wind, rain, water, and snow, and developed mastery over a multitude of battle skills and strategies. They held a variety of weapons, and they all shared one thing in common. They fought with great tenacity, hoping one day their skills would be tested in battle.

  “What are they doing over there?” Sarah pointed. Workers were moving supplies back and forth and constructing a large platform. A group of Shadows stood nearby. They were mostly men. However, there was one woman.

  “You see
that girl over there? That’s my younger sister,” Arias said.

  Sarah watched the girl. She defeated each man she was pitted against. “How old is she?”

  “Sixteen. Twelve years younger than me.”

  “She is very beautiful.”

  Arias’s eyes gleamed with pride as he watched his sister fight. Then, he remembered why he had come. “We must go to the throne room, where the Chief awaits you. He will take you from there to eat your morning meal.”

  Sarah took one last glance out the window before following him out of the room. Arias walked quickly, his nerves tingled. Something was not right.

  “Why are we walking so fast?”

  “Stay quiet.” Arias froze and listened carefully. Voices were coming from the staircase. He knew that voice.

  It was Roko.

  “Quick! You must hide!” Arias looked around. The hallway was empty.

  “Who is it?” Sarah grabbed his hand, squeezing it hard.

  Arias looked towards the staircase. He saw a flash of white hair. He jumped into the surface of the wall, pulling Sarah with him into the second dimension, their bodies replaced with shadows. Arias moved in front of Sarah so that his shadow covered hers.

  Roko walked up the stairs and into the corridor. He was accompanied by assassin drones and a dozen Shadows. Beside the Shadows strolled a woman, whom Arias had never seen before. She carried two blades at her hips and laser blasters on her arms. Her hair was long and brown, her eyes blue. She radiated a sense of power and will.

  They stood completely still as the group drew closer to where they hid. Roko passed first. The Reader followed, but just as she did, the shadow moved its arm ever so slightly. The Reader froze and turned towards the wall. “Well what do we have here?” She looked carefully at the great shadow on the wall. “This one’s a big one. Look at his build.”

  “Shadow, come out from the wall,” Roko said. Arias did not budge.

  Roko grabbed a laser blaster from his waist and pointed it at one of the Shadows behind him. “You get out from inside that wall right now or I’ll kill this warrior!”

  Arias jumped out of the wall, his left hand still inside. He could not let go. He was holding onto Sarah. He also couldn’t move. His large figure concealed the second, smaller shadow on the wall behind him.

  Arias looked down. He could not let the Reader see his face.

  The Reader walked forward and stood in front of him.

  “Look at me.”

  “That’s the head of the Chief’s Guard, Arias,” Roko said.

  “Head of the Chief’s guard...shouldn’t you be with the Chief then? Like all the other guards?” Arias was silent.

  “Look at me,” the Reader said sharply. Arias stood still as a statue.

  “I said, look at me.” He fought the urge to look up. Sweat dripped down his forehead.

  “Look at me, now!”

  “How dare you?” The Chief shouted, sword drawn. He was in the corridor now, his eyes fuming with rage. He was followed by a swarm of guards.

  “You break into my kingdom, then into my palace, and now you threaten my head guard? And you call yourself my ally? Free my warriors at once!”

  The Reader stepped away from Arias. Arias kept his gaze to the floor. Roko stepped forward.

  “I want only to speak with you.”

  “You could not send word to request my presence!?”

  “No, I could not. I am sick of playing by your rules when you don’t keep your side of the deal!”

  “How dare you accuse me—”

  “You called back your men!” Roko’s voice had risen to a shout. “The deal was we find the girl together! They have cost me millions of dollars and even some lives already, and I have found nothing! Nothing!” Roko struck his cane against the floor.

  “I shall not speak with you while the Reader stands there reading my most intimate of secrets!”

  “Why? Do you have something to hide?”

  “Free my men, this instant!”

  “I will not! We are playing by my rules now!”

  The Chief charged. Roko smiled slyly, pulling a small, metal cube from his pocket. He squeezed it and threw it forward. As the cube passed by the Chief it shattered, releasing a pulse of energy. The energy served as a force field, blocking the Chief’s guards. The guards pounded helplessly at the energy field, but to no avail. They tried jumping into the ground or the walls to pass it, but that didn’t work either. Roko turned to his assassin drones. “Eliminate them!”

  The drones charged forward. The Chief jumped into the floor as the drones stormed effortlessly through the force field. The device was programed to recognize the drones and let only them through.

  The Chief emerged from the floor sprinting, his sword directed at Roko.

  Alia turned to the warriors she’d entranced. “Disarm and seize him!” The warriors charged at their Chief. He pounced off the wall, spinning midair, parrying their blows, and landed, rolling, slashing two of his own Shadows’ legs. He danced around their swords with incredible speed, disarming another three Shadows. He dove into the ground as two Shadows lunged at him. He emerged behind one of them and spun, kicking the Shadow forward into the sword of the second one. Alia pulled out her blasters and opened fire. The Chief blocked the laser blasts as they flew towards him, but as he was focused on the blasts, the entranced warriors attacked him. The lasers were growing more and more accurate as Alia sensed his next movements, until Alia took a blow from behind. Arias lunged forward, lifting her off the ground by her neck, choking her. Alia swung, smashing her feet into Arias, causing him to lose his grip. Arias drew his sword, swinging at Alia. Seeing it coming, she dove, spinning, and swiped at his legs. Arias fell, diving into the floor. He emerged behind her and, before she had time to turn, slashed at her side, breaking through her armor and cutting into her skin. Alia spun, ignoring the wound, and drew her blades just on time to catch Arias’s next blow. Their eyes locked as they pushed their blades forward with all their might. Slowly, Arias’s sword began to advance, the blades moving closer and closer towards Alia’s neck. Her face filled with sweat and fear as the blades advanced just inches from her throat.

  Suddenly, Arias flew backwards, smashing into the wall, his sword falling from his hands. Roko stood gripping a large energy blaster. Alia leaned against the wall. She was dizzy and soaked in blood. She limped towards where Arias had landed. As she caught her breath, a flash of color disappeared down the stairs.

  Roko aimed his weapon at the Chief. The Chief launched his sword forward, penetrating Roko’s arm. Three Shadows swung at the Chief. He jumped and spun, dodging all three blades. He then swung his arm forth, smashing his fist into the Shadow in front of him, knocking him to the floor. The Shadow behind him struck again. The Chief turned, grabbed the sword, and twisted it out of the Shadow’s grip, launching it into the air. He kicked the Shadow in the stomach, sending him into the wall, and caught the sword just in time to parry a blow from the third Shadow. He pounced off the wall, launched himself towards the ceiling, flipped midair and kicked off the ceiling, straight down like a bullet, blade first, stabbing through the third Shadow’s back. The Chief then grabbed Roko’s energy blaster and shot down the remaining two Shadows, then fired rapidly at the force field, taking it down. He started shooting the drones one by one. The drones turned toward him and released their long, steel blades.

  “Stop!” The drones froze. The Chief’s guards froze. Roko froze. The Chief froze. Everyone turned their attention to the voice down the corridor. Alia stood leaning against the wall, a laser blaster aimed at Arias’s head.

  Alia fought to stay awake, forcing the words from her lips. “No one else has to die.”

  The Chief’s anger urged him to continue fighting. But when he looked at Arias, he reluctantly lowered his sword and ran towards his friend. He felt his pulse.

  “He needs medical treatment. Now!” The Chief’s guards dashed off to fetch the doctors.

  “There is no need.�
� Roko walked over. “Drones, heal the injured.”

  Three drones zoomed over. One of them bent down next to Arias, the other next to Alia, and the other stopped in front of Roko.

  The Chief watched as the drone pointed its arms towards the blaster wound on Arias’s stomach. The machinery expanded, covering the width of the wound, and then began to spin with incredible speed, glowing with a light blue light. Slowly but surely, Arias’s body pieced back together. When he woke up, he grabbed his sword, but the Chief motioned for him to stand down.

  “The battle is done.” Arias nodded. He looked towards Alia, sending her a solemn, angry glare.

  “We shall fight again. Next time, Roko will not be there to save you. I shall finish you.”

  Alia met his challenging glare, then she turned, staring at the wall in front of her. She knew she should focus on reading the Chief, but she could not. She had lost for the first time. She would have died if it hadn’t been for Roko. She’d felt unstoppable until now. She could not defeat the Chief’s head guard, let alone the Chief himself. How could she save Bella if she couldn’t even save herself?

  Roko’s drones moved through the crowd of fallen Shadows, healing even those who clung to life by a thread. When they’d finished, six Shadows were dead. Seventeen drones had been destroyed. The Chief’s guards surrounded their leader again as he walked body to body, identifying the fallen who had died defending their Chief. Justice must be served.

  The Chief looked up towards Arias. He was standing over the body of one of the fallen.

  “I knew him,” he said softly standing over one of his men, “I trained with him while working to join the Chief’s guard. He was one of my mentors. He was a good man.”

  Arias looked up at the Chief. “He did not deserve this.”

  The Chief looked back, his expression solemn. He nodded. Arias understood.

  “Roko,” the Chief said. “Follow me immediately to my throne room. We have matters we must discuss.”

  “Indeed, we do.”

  The Chief’s guards moved in formation around him as they headed towards the throne room. Roko followed close behind the Chief, Alia by his side, guarded by three assassin drones.


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