The Nexus Mirror

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The Nexus Mirror Page 42

by Noah Michael

  “It does not matter! We must strike now!”

  “Maximus, what is happening?”


  Burners threw Raiden violently towards Galaxius’s feet. Beside him stood Stone and Marcus.

  “Rise.” Raiden did so, his face covered in blood and sand, his eyes downcast.

  “He claims to be one of their commanders,” one of the Burners hissed, “He says he is here to surrender.”

  “What is your name?” Galaxius asked.

  Not moving his gaze, he answered quietly. “Raiden.”

  “Galaxius,” Stone said, looking carefully at Raiden, “I know this man. Roko had ordered his arrest. He destroyed a team of hunters. If I remember correctly, he is a human.”

  “A human...” Galaxius repeated, staring Raiden down.

  “Marcus, teach our human guest some manners,” he said slyly, “Teach him that when one confronts the powerful Galaxius, he must look him in the eye.”

  “My pleasure, your greatness,” Marcus said, smirking. “You heard your master. Lift your head or I shall do it for you.” Raiden did not budge.

  “This is your final warning, human. Your master is not a very patient man.” Marcus moved to strike but Raiden lifted his head, glaring straight into Galaxius’s eyes. Galaxius glared back at him with his overpowering, fearsome gaze.

  “I find it very mysterious, human. I have faced very many powerful enemies. Yet you are the only one to have ever looked me in the eyes void of fear.”

  As Marcus looked at Raiden’s face, his smile disappeared. “Your Greatness, we have made a grave error,” he said, his eyes widening in fear, “This man is no human!”

  Stone shifted his hands to metal. Raiden’s body transformed, turning completely into water, his face changing into that of a different man.

  “I believe we have met,” Gil seethed at Galaxius. “This is for Shaun and Armolin!”

  Gil’s body glowed. He let out a powerful yell, his body mass expanding rapidly, water shooting out violently in every direction. A huge fist of water came crashing towards Galaxius. Stone jumped in the way, the water launching both him and Galaxius backwards, crashing downwards onto the sand and rock. Galaxius flew up to his feet, water dripping from his head, his face burning with rage.

  “Attack!!” he roared. Gil continued to expand, his body reaching twenty times its original size. He swiped his arms through the camp, sending tidal waves in every direction, knocking dozens of Burners from the mountaintop. As he stampeded his way through the camp, the Burners were nearly helpless, their powers useless against him. Burners ran wildly in every direction, most of them fleeing for cover. The order had turned to chaos. Some of them aimed their hands towards him, fire pouring forth. The fire hit him forcefully, turning quickly into steam. Gil turned towards the Burners, responding to the fire with a torpedo of water, shooting them backwards into the air.

  “Those worthless men are not capable of anything! Stop him!” Galaxius ordered Stone. Stone nodded, running off towards Gil.

  A battle cry erupted from the mountainside. “Drive the enemy from our mountains!”

  The Chief pounced out from the ground, sword twirling in his hands. The mountaintop rumbled as thousands of warriors spilled forth from the ground, charging towards the enemy. Golems broke out from the sand as the Molders joined them, riding swiftly up the mountain on platforms of stone.

  “Destroy them!” Galaxius roared. Stone pounced into the air towards Gil’s head, his fist back, prepared to strike. A sword smashed into Stone’s stomach, sending him spinning back to the ground. He stood up slowly, mending the torn iron, sealing his wound. Maximus landed across from him, sword in hand.

  Stone stared across at him. “Do you remember me, boy?”

  “I shall never forget your face.”

  “You shall fall the same as your father. You are weak, just as he was.”

  Maximus charged at Stone. Stone ducked under his sword with incredible speed and pummeled him hard in the side, sending him crashing backwards.

  “I am immune to your tricks, Reader. You cannot move me. You cannot predict me. Your sword cannot hurt me. I have no weakness.”

  “Everyone has a weakness.” Maximus charged at him again. Stone blocked the blow with his arm, sending his second first towards Maximus’s stomach. Maximus leaped up into the air, flipping over Stone, and slashed him in the back as he landed, tearing slightly through his iron skin. Stone turned swiftly around and punched at Maximus’s face. Maximus ducked and slashed Stone’s leg. Stone ignored the scratch and kicked his foot upwards into Maximus’s stomach, once again sending him flying backwards. He pounced on top of Maximus, lifting his fist above his head.

  “Say hello to your father.”

  A huge wave crashed into Stone, sending him flying. Maximus struggled to his feet, his breathing fast, his heart heavy. He didn’t have time to dwell on failure. A huge ball of fire flew at him. He dove, rolling back onto his feet, and turned towards the Burner, analyzing his face before turning on his attacker’s weaknesses.

  As the battle raged on, Alroy, Montis, and Suria led a group of fifty Molders and Shadows, Atara amongst them, charging directly for the Burner commanders who were hidden in back of their army for cover. The group cut their way viciously through the Burner army, aided by Gil’s waves which were washing away droves of Burners at a time, putting out their flames.

  The Chief raged through the storm as well, Arias at his side. Nothing would stand between them and their target. They sliced through three Burners within a second, diving back into the sand, racing towards Galaxius. Arias jumped out from the ground, flipped midair, stabbed his sword into a Burner’s back, and landed back into the sand. When they were close enough, they both jumped out once again, swords spinning. They slew the Burners surrounding Galaxius, striking them down before they even realized they had been under attack.

  “You are a fool to challenge me!” Galaxius roared, the moon on his forehead and hands beginning to glow. He clasped his hands together, slowly drawing them apart as a burning sphere of energy formed between his palms.

  “Behold the power of the sun!” Galaxius released the star from his hands, shooting it at the Chief. The Chief dove into the ground and the star passed overhead, crashing into a golem, blowing it to bits. The Chief shot back upwards and leaped towards Galaxius. Galaxius lifted his arm and a black hole formed above the Chief’s head, pulling him quickly inwards.

  “No!” Arias threw his blade, spearing it straight through Galaxius’s arm. Galaxius screamed out in pain, and the black hole dissipated. The Chief fell to the ground.

  Galaxius turned towards Arias, another star in his hands. “You shall pay!” He fired the star.

  A massive blue hand moved in the way, catching the star within its liquid fist. The star blew up within Gil’s hand, water exploding everywhere. Galaxius gazed up solemnly at the water giant. “An Enlai who has learned all five of his names. Such a phenomenon is very rare. We could use someone like you.” Gil let out a colossal roar, looking angrily down at Galaxius.

  “Such a shame.” Galaxius moved his hands together, generating another star.


  The King lashed his spear forward, impaling the Burner in front of him. He swung the spear, molded it into an axe, and spun, slashing it into a Burner beside him. Suddenly, he screamed in pain as a ball of fire struck him in the back. His rock armor prevented the fire from catching. He spun around and slammed his fist down to the floor, causing the ground to burst upwards from under the Burner’s feet, sending him catapulting backwards through the air. Four more Burners aimed their palms in his direction. Just before they could fire, a massive wall of stone rose upwards from the ground before them and collapsed backwards, crushing them underneath.

  “You are killing all of our men.”

  The King turned towards the voice, his body heaving with the rage of battle. Marcus walked towards him, a blaster in each of his hands. “You are the King of the Molders, ar
e you not?”

  “What is it to you, Reader? You shall be dead within a few minutes.”

  “Because if you are indeed the King, then I killed your son.”

  The King glared into Marcus’s eyes, his face turning red with fury. He drew his spear and charged, thrusting it forward. Marcus smiled, predicting the attack, sidestepping easily.

  “Is that the best you can-”

  Before he could finish, the King bashed his rock-armored head into that of Marcus, knocking him backwards, blood pouring from his face as he screamed out in pain. Marcus aimed his blaster, opening rapid fire. The King stuck his spear into the ground. Suddenly, a thick wall of stone rose up from the sand, blocking the lasers. The King charged forward, the wall moving with him. Marcus began to run, knowing what was coming next. The King leaped up onto the wall, pushing off from the top, throwing his spear down at Marcus below. Marcus screamed as the spear pierced through his back. The King landed on the ground, pulling a new spear out from the sand. Marcus looked at him, his expression one of crazed outrage. He pulled the spear out from his back and threw it to the side.

  “Come on!” Marcus screamed, watching the King’s face. The King stuck his staff into the ground. Reading his face, Marcus jumped forward into the air, seconds before the ground beneath him exploded. He dove to the floor, a spear flying over his head. As he landed, he fired his blasters at the King, hitting him in the shoulder and stomach. The King roared with fury, grabbed another spear out from the ground and hurled it forwards. Marcus sidestepped. The King stumbled from the momentum, his back facing Marcus. Marcus turned, aiming his blasters at the King’s head.

  “You will need to do better than that, Mold-”

  Suddenly, the King heaved his spear backwards, a blade growing out from the back end, penetrating through Marcus’s stomach. Marcus dropped his weapons, falling backwards to the floor, his eyes wide in surprise.

  The King walked over to Marcus, grasping the spear, and looked down into his eyes.

  “Through your death, my son is avenged.”

  Marcus screamed out in agony as the King twisted the spear and pulled it out from his body.

  He shook uncontrollably, his clothes soaking with blood. Then his body fell limp.


  The star struck Gil in the stomach, water exploded in every direction. He regenerated and smashed his liquid fist into Galaxius, knocking him backwards. Galaxius stood up and raised his arms to form a black hole above Gil’s head. Rather than being pulled into the hole, Gil’s body stretched upwards, increasing his size. Before reaching the hole, Gil released a massive wave, knocking Galaxius off balance.

  Galaxius stood back up, enraged. The battle had raged for an hour, yet he’d been unable to subdue his watery foe. The battlefield was up in flames, blowing against the Burners. His commanders were locked in close combat as the rest of their tribe fought chaotically, unable to organize with a strategy. Marcus lay dead, his body sprawled in a pool of blood. Only Stone fought with success, bashing his way through the Molders’ rocks and armor, leaving behind a trail of bodies. If things continued down this path, pretty soon he would be left with no army.

  A huge ball of water surged towards Galaxius. He generated a star, launching it forward, and the two blasts exploded upon impact.


  Stone ran over to Galaxius, smashing through a golem on his way, its rocks crumbling around him. “We must retreat! We cannot win this battle!”

  “The Fury do not retreat!”

  “We must rebuild our forces and then return! They took us by surprise!”

  “I said, THE FURY DO NOT RETREAT!” Galaxius’s forehead and hands glowed with intense light, his eyes burned with rage, his body shook vigorously. He lifted his arms towards the heavens, letting out a terrible roar. The air rumbled. All eyes turned fearfully to the star-filled, night sky which seemed to be cracking in half. Maximus paused from his fighting, wondering what everyone was looking at. As he peered up towards the stars, he noticed one of them seemed to be growing brighter. It was expanding.

  It is not expanding. It is approaching!

  “Yuran!” Maximus shouted urgently, sprinting towards the Chief. “Yuran!”

  The Chief and Arias drew their blades from the Burners they had just slain. “What is it, Maximus?”

  “Evacuate the villages immediately!”

  “We are winning the battle, Maximus! The enemy shall never reach the villages!”

  “But that will!” Maximus pointed up towards the star, which was accelerating faster and faster towards the Earth.

  “What on Earth...”

  “We cannot reach the villages on time!” Arias shouted.

  “We have to try!”

  “Maximus, we cannot evacuate them fast enough!” The Chief seconded.

  “Do not tell me we can’t! Sarah is in there! I will not let you give up!”

  “Maximus, I am not giving up! We must think of another way!”

  “Perhaps it’s not too late to stop him,” Arias said as he turned towards Galaxius, his entire body glowing, roaring with power.

  “We must at least try.” Maximus nodded, sprinting towards Galaxius, the Chief and Arias by his side. Stone stepped in between, iron claws growing out from his fingertips.

  “You shall not interrupt Galaxius.”

  “Go!” Maximus cried as Arias and the Chief pounced at Stone. As their swords clashed, Arias dove into the ground, rushing across towards Galaxius. He shot up from the ground, sword raised, aiming straight for Galaxius. He was thrown violently backwards as Galaxius twisted the gravitational field.

  “No!” Maximus cried. Gil shot wave after wave at Galaxius, but it was no use. The shield could not be broken. The air grew hot as the star surged closer and closer to Earth, a burning ball of fire large enough to incinerate the entire city and all of its inhabitants in a split second.

  Maximus was thrown back as Stone dealt a blow to his chest, knocking him to the ground. He pushed up slowly to his knees, looking up at the sky.


  All the warriors turned their grief-stricken faces towards the villages below, towards their families. Families who would very soon be no more.

  Suddenly, the ground shook.

  Gil bolted across the mountain towards the cliff, the ground shaking with each massive footstep as he raced against the falling star.

  The star drew closer and closer, filling the air with sounds of its destructive power. Gil surged onwards, a look of redemption reflecting through his sparkling blue eyes. Maximus squinted, shielding his eyes as the star burnt through the atmosphere, crashing downwards towards the city. The ground shook as Gil leaped upwards through the air, spinning to face what was left of the falling star.

  “Goodbye, old friend. You saved us all.”

  Gil cried out as the star collided with his body, sinking into his chest, causing a massive explosion. A piercing wave of sound and energy shot through the air, knocking back everyone on the mountaintop. A combination of water and fire began to rain down from the heavens. The warriors and molders began to cheer, raising their weapons in victory. Maximus stared up towards the rain, standing silently in respect.

  “No!” Galaxius gasped for air, the light around him diminished.

  “Galaxius!” Stone ran towards him, catching him as he fell.

  “I...have been...defeated...I have used what power I had left within me. The stone...I need the stone...Vespirus took it from me...Without it, I have nothing...” Galaxius gasped for air, struggling to keep his eyes open.

  “We must retreat!” Stone shouted towards his troops. “You!” Stone pointed to a group of Burners. “Take him back through the portal! If anything happens to him, I shall sever your heads!”

  The Burners hurried over, balancing Galaxius in their arms. Galaxius put his arms out, floating back towards the black hole in the sky. As he did, hundreds of Burners fled to surround him, entering his pull, rising with him.

; Stone stormed across the battlefield recalling the remainder of their troops.

  “Get to the portal, now!” Stone ordered. He turned towards Galaxius. Thousands of Burners floated upwards with him while thousands of others waited on the ground, fighting off the advancing Shadows and Molders. Galaxius did not have enough power left to lift them all. Whoever did not fit would sacrifice their lives and cover the retreat.

  As Stone headed for the portal, a voice called out to him from behind.

  “You are not going anywhere!”

  Atara swung her sword, smashing it into Stone’s neck, cutting through the iron and slightly into the flesh. Stone turned around, quickly sealing the wound.

  “You foolish girl. You almost survived this war.” Stone pounced forward, punching at Atara. Atara dove into the ground and emerged behind him, swinging her blade. Stone spun around, blocked it with his arm, and struck down on the blade, knocking it out of her hands. Atara flipped upwards into the air and kicked her legs into Stone’s face, knocking him backwards. She grabbed her sword from the ground as she landed.

  “Such spirit,” Stone snarled. “It is a pity to destroy.”

  Atara charged at Stone, thrusting her blade forward. The blade passed straight through where Stone’s stomach had once been, now replaced by thin air. Atara looked up in surprise. He punched her backwards with his iron fists, sending her crashing to the floor. He drew the blade from his stomach, reconstructing his molecules, filling the empty hole. He jumped swiftly towards Atara, holding her blade in his hands, and grabbed onto her before she could jump back into the ground. She looked up at him defiantly.

  “Such a young and beautiful life...forever lost....”

  He lifted the blade. Arias shot up from the ground, knocking Atara out of Stone’s grasp, the sword piercing straight through his heart.

  “No!” Atara cried.

  Arias looked up at Stone, his eyes wide, gasping for breath.

  Stone pulled out the blade. Arias collapsed to the floor. Atara ran over to her brother, tears flowing down her face. She fell to the ground, holding her brother in her arms.


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