Duet in Blood

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Duet in Blood Page 24

by J. P. Bowie

  “Hi there, man in the moon,” I murmured, giving him a little wave. “How’d I get up here?” I smiled as I felt two strong arms enfold me. “Joseph,” I whispered.

  “That’s me,” he whispered back, turning me over so that I lay on top of him, our naked bodies floating together in the night sky. I laid my head on his chest and sighed with sheer contentment. His hands caressed my back, and I raised my face to his for his kiss. He was gentle at first, and then, with a forceful possessiveness his lips claimed mine, thrilling me to my core. Our arms tightened around one another, and the power of our desire drove our bodies even higher into the starlit sky. We flew together, arms and legs entangled, hands stroking, caressing, moving across each other’s bodies with a heightened intensity that became almost unbearable in its excruciating ecstasy.

  I cried out my need for him. We hovered momentarily as he kissed me with a passion that threatened to devour me, and I, straining to return that passion as forcibly, bit deeply into his lips, sucking on the blood that flowed into my mouth. He entered me, filling me with his hard hot flesh, driving away the demons that had once possessed me, taking me completely with the power of his love. Our bodies arched and cleaved together, twisting and DUET IN BLOOD

  J.P. Bowie


  turning as we plummeted towards the earth, both of us climaxing simultaneously, my semen leaving a glistening trail in the sky…


  I awoke from my dream—of course, it had only been a dream but the sweetest, most wonderful dream I’d ever had. I was lying on the couch, still dressed in my shorts and tee, the room just beginning to feel the first glints of Californian sunshine through the slatted window blinds. I sighed, unwilling to get up and lose the glow the dream had lent me.

  ‘Rhonda’s sleepin’ potion’ had worked wonders, saving me from the nightmare alleys I’d been forced to walk through ever since Darius had tried to take me away from Joseph.

  The phone’s strident ring sent me, grumbling, to my feet. Who could be calling this early in the morning?


  “Hi Micah. It’s Roger.”

  “Hey…you’re back in LA?”

  “Yes, and I need to talk with you. In person.”

  “Okay…but it’s getting light outside.”

  “I’m already in your building, out of the sun.”

  “Well, come on up. You don’t need an invitation.”

  I put down the phone just as a knock sounded at my door. I sprinted to the door and pulled it open. Roger stood there smiling at me.

  “Come on in,” I said.

  He glided past me, his sunny smile changing to a look of triumph. The bottom of my stomach fell out, as I realised before he changed shape, just who he was.

  “Darius,” I gasped, my muscles freezing with terror.

  He morphed into his real self, growing taller, bigger, Roger’s baby blues turning to the dark amber I remembered staring at me from Darius’ face. He reached for me, dragging me into his arms, his mouth on mine, his tongue filling my mouth. I struggled like a madman, but he was way too strong for me. I was imprisoned in his arms, and I could feel the rampant hardness in his crotch push against me.


  J.P. Bowie


  “No, Darius. Please don’t do this,” I pleaded. “I know you can make me want you. I haven’t forgotten that, but please, I beg you…I love Joseph. Don’t take that away from me…please.”

  “You will learn to love me,” he said, his voice hoarse with lust. “In time you will forget all about Joseph. You will live and rule with me. My world will be yours. You will want for nothing. The Dark Forces will be ours. Together, we will subdue all our enemies. You will be mine forever. Do not resist me, or the change will be painful—inevitable but painful.”

  “No!” I roared at the top of my voice, bringing my knee up into his crotch. A blow that would have doubled over anyone else didn’t even make him wince. His mouth was at my throat, and I screamed as I felt the prick of his fangs.

  “Darius, oh my God, please stop! Please!”

  A hammering at the door, and Rhonda’s voice bellowing, “Micah!” caused Darius to snarl with rage and fling me to one side. He swung the door open, took one look at Rhonda’s startled face then hauled him into the room, throwing him up against the wall, a hand round his throat. I jumped on the vampire’s back, trying to pull him away from my friend. With one swipe, he sent me spinning across the room. I crashed into the sofa, thanking my lucky stars for the soft landing. My eyes fell on the half-full bottle of Scotch Rhonda had brought to the apartment the night before. I picked it up from the kitchen counter and brought it crashing down on Darius’ head.

  “Stop it!” I yelled. “Let him go!!” I jabbed the broken glass at his arm, and he let Rhonda drop from his grasp. He turned to me, his face a mask of anger. He grabbed me, pulling me to him ‘til his face was but an inch from mine. His tongue snaked from his mouth, licking my lips and face. I had never been so revolted in my life. I punched him on the face, and struggled like mad to get out of his arms. He held me in an embrace I felt I could never break. His eyes bored into mine. He’s trying to hypnotise me again, I thought, but strangely, he wasn’t having the same effect on me as before. I could hear Joseph’s thoughts in my head and intuitively knew he was blocking Darius’ hold on me. I punched Darius again, harder.

  “Get away from me, you creep,” I shouted into his face.

  “You little fool,” he hissed, his spittle spraying from his lips. “You will regret this. You could have had all I possess—”


  J.P. Bowie


  “I don’t want anything from you,” I shouted at him, kicking at his shins. “I love Joseph!”

  “But he will never have you.” He wrenched my t-shirt from me, baring my neck. His fangs extended, his eyes darkened as he growled, “Goodbye, Micah.”

  “Hey, muthafucka bloodsucka!”

  Darius froze, then his head whipped around to where Rhonda stood by the window.

  “Let’s shed a little light on the proceedin’s shall we?” And with that, Rhonda pulled open the blinds, flooding my apartment with bright, bright, California sunshine.

  Darius screamed with anger and frustration, threw me violently to one side—and then vanished, just as he had when Marcus had him in a death hold. For a moment or two, neither Rhonda nor I moved. We just stood, staring at one another across the room. Then he started to laugh.

  “Lawd, Lawd,” he crowed. “I never saw a more surprised bloodsucka in my life!”

  I joined him in the laughter, mine, I have to admit, slightly touching on hysteria as I collapsed onto the couch, totally drained.

  Rhonda joined me. “So that was Darius, huh? Too bad he’s such an asshole, I could’ve gone for a piece o’ that.”

  I smiled wryly. “I don’t think there’s much hope of changing him, Rhonda.”

  He shrugged. “I always go for the bad ones—the story of my life.”

  “How did you know to open the blinds?” I asked.

  “I’ve seen one or two vampire movies, but there was this little voice in my head sayin’

  ‘Rhonda, open those blinds, now!’ Sounded like your man, honey.”

  “Joseph,” I whispered, almost to myself. “Yes, he was definitely here with us. I could feel him in my head.”

  “Well, that’s somethin’ I suppose—but better still if he was givin’ you head!”


  “Oh, don’t act coy with me, honey. I bet you just can’t wait to—”

  The phone rang, saving me from any more of Rhonda’s bets. I ran to pick up. “Hello?”


  “Joseph. Oh, Joseph…”

  “Are you all right?”


  J.P. Bowie


  “Yes. Thanks to Rhonda—and you, of course. I knew you were giving me the strength
to resist him this time. Where are you?”

  “I am in Paris. I can be with you very soon—if you wish it.”

  “I can’t tell you how much I wish it. I’ve been such an idiot. I love you so much, Joseph.”

  “And I love you, mon cher Micah…”

  I could practically feel him reach out to me, almost feel the touch of his lips on mine.

  “Please, hurry back,” I whispered.

  “I will. There is just one thing I have to do before I leave. A bientot, Micah my love.”


  J.P. Bowie


  Chapter Sixteen


  I put the phone down, my feelings of warmth and love strangely mingled with a deep-seated anger that threatened to push me over the edge of reason. So, Darius, not content with having severed my relationship with Micah had now broken all the codes of honour by trying to change him against his will. True, there were vampires who had done just that throughout history, thus giving us the reputation of monstrous animal-like beings without compassion, but Micah was not some unfortunate human who by misfortune had stumbled upon Darius in the dark of night, presenting the vampire with an opportunity he could not resist.

  No. Darius knew that Micah and I had soul-bonded, and that if Micah was to belong to anyone, bonded in soul and blood, it would be me, if he chose so. But in the end, knowing that Micah might hate him forever after being changed by force, he’d still intended to carry out his vile act. And for that reason, he must die—by my hand. I would not feel Micah avenged until the monstrous Darius was dead and no longer a threat to my lover or to myself—or to our happiness if Micah chose to share my life.

  “I love you,” he had said, and I did not doubt that he did, just as I loved him. But the chasm that still existed between our two lives had yet to be bridged—and as long as there was a malignant threat hovering over our heads, what hope was there it would ever be so?

  Mortal eyes cannot see the entrance to the underworld where the Dark Forces live. All vampires know of it—but few if any, ever venture there. The Dark Forces had allied themselves with evil long since and now dabbled in the black arts culled from wizard knowledge. To most of us, that was reason enough to stay well clear of them. To risk an alliance such as Gragon and Angelo had done was sheer folly—as they found out, albeit too late. Of course, what I was planning could also be considered foolish, and yet, I knew I would never rest until I had confronted the man responsible for defiling the one I loved.


  J.P. Bowie


  The thought of what Darius had done to Micah in that room in Paris filled me with such rage that it became like a murderous fever within me. I knew I could not live with this anger inside me for the rest of my days—and so, it must be his life or mine. Whatever the outcome, I had to know that Micah would be safe from Darius. If I could not kill him, I could dishonour him in front of his followers.

  They might have been prepared to overlook his first indiscretion, even though they regarded the taking of a mortal lover as a weakness—but a second time would surely disgrace him and merit his removal as leader of the Dark Forces. There must be several there who would rejoice at his fall from leadership and who would jump at the chance to take his place. All I had to do was feed the flames…

  A sudden flurry of movement beside me startled me from my thoughts.

  Marcus. His expression was one of understanding mingled with impatience. “Joseph, why are attempting this on your own?”

  “I could not involve you again. You and the others have done enough for me already.

  This time I intend to kill Darius.”

  “Because of what transpired in Micah’s apartment?”

  I nodded. “Is that not enough of a reason?”

  “It is…but you cannot go marching in there and expect him to face you fairly. He knows what he has done may cost him his leadership, so he cannot allow you to reveal his iniquity to his followers. He will kill you first—”

  “It’s a chance I am willing to take,” I said firmly.

  “And then what of Micah?” he asked, gripping my arm.

  “I would ask that you and Roger look after him.”

  Marcus grimaced. “Hardly the same thing, Joseph.”

  “Then what would you have me do?”

  “Let us use a little subterfuge. There is a member of the Dark Forces who used to be a friend of mine.”

  “A friend?”

  “Once upon a time, but she chose the paths of darkness.”

  “She? Ah…I remember. Charlotte, right?”


  J.P. Bowie


  “Yes, Charlotte. It was she who persuaded Darius to even the odds the Wizard

  Brotherhood had stacked against us.”

  “You went to her?”

  “Yes. She has no great love for Darius, even though they soul-bonded many years ago.

  He tired of her and—”

  “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned,” I said.

  “Exactly. She does not wish to replace Darius but will shed no tears for his demise.”

  “How can we get to her?”

  “She is, as we speak, approaching.”

  “Marcus…” I sighed. “Is there nothing you cannot foresee?”

  “Many things,” he replied, chuckling. “Just ask Roger.”

  Our laughter stilled as a black-shrouded figure appeared at the entrance to the Dark Forces’ lair.

  “Marcus…” The voice was young and strong. “You called for me.”

  “Yes, Charlotte. Joseph and I have need of your help.”

  “Again? Can the great Marcus Lucius Verano not solve his own problems without my help?”

  Marcus grinned. “This problem involves us entering your domain and seeking

  audience with your great leader.”

  “Great leader!” Charlotte rasped out a laugh. “Now I know you jest. Why in Hades would you want to see him?”

  “To kill him,” I said, stepping forward.

  “To kill him,” she repeated slowly. “What a novel idea. And just how do you intend to do this, Joseph?”

  “I will challenge him, but Marcus feels Darius will kill me before I can issue the challenge. He will not want all of you to know what he has done—again.”

  Charlotte stared at me in silence for a moment, and I felt her mind meet mine looking for the reason. I did not try to hide it from her.

  “The fool,” she muttered. “So, that’s why he has been in such a foul mood this day.”

  She turned and beckoned us to follow her. “Very well, but as soon as you enter here, he will know the reason you have come. Stay close to me at all times.”


  J.P. Bowie


  I glanced at Marcus. Time and again, he had warned me never to trust the Dark Forces, and their duplicity had been much in evidence in our struggle against Angelo and the Wizard Brotherhood. Still, at that moment, what other choice did we have but to trust Charlotte and hope that her dislike for Darius would overcome her natural tendency to betray us?

  We followed her down a long dark and dank passageway then to what seemed a neverending flight of steps that descended into a dark pit below us.

  “No need to walk, gentlemen,” she said, lifting her arms and gliding gracefully into the darkness. We flew swiftly behind her, mindful of her warning to stay close at all times. I was not afraid, but there was no point in taking any chances at this juncture. Both Marcus and I knew we had entered the most dangerous place in our entire vampire world, and if we did not succeed here, no one would ever know what had become of us.

  Charlotte pushed her way through a large oaken door, and we found ourselves in the underworld of the Dark Forces. I gasped at the enormity of it. A cavernous hall stretched before us, as far as the eye could see, flanked on all sides by doors and staircases to balconies and more doors above. This place c
ould house hundreds, no thousands of vampires, and as I gazed at the mass of figures that moved about within this gigantic space, I knew my second estimate to be correct. Even Marcus seemed awed by what he saw.

  “What now?” he asked, his voice tense and wary.

  “He knows you are here,” Charlotte replied, smiling a little. “He is on his way to meet you.”

  “We want witnesses,” I said. “The more, the merrier, as they say.”

  “You shall have them.”

  “Darius will allow that?” Marcus sounded even more wary.

  “He has no choice. I have alerted the populace to what is about to happen. See?

  Everyone is gathering around you.”

  Marcus and I exchanged glances. He didn’t like this anymore than I did. Had Charlotte led us into a trap? I looked around at the dozens of black shrouded figures who stood silently watching us. The malignant power they exuded was meant to intimidate and terrify their prey, and I had to exert a great deal of control to block it. Beside me, Marcus looked grimly at Charlotte.


  J.P. Bowie


  “Are we now in danger from you?” he asked her

  “Tsk, Marcus. Did I not give you my word?”

  “No…you did not,” he said dryly. “But I trust you.”

  She laughed softly. “Liar…” She pointed at Darius as he approached, his handsome face like thunder. “Darius,” she exclaimed, “you are accused, for the second time, of dallying with a mortal for the sole purpose of taking him as your soul-bonded lover. This, as you know, is against the laws of the Dark Forces. Mortals are not to be used for anything other than sustenance. In addition, you have broken the code of honour in violating the rights of a fellow vampire.”

  Darius sneered at us. “Fellow vampire? He is no fellow vampire of mine. He belongs to the other side. He has no rights here. Kill him, and be done with this...this charade.”

  “Not so fast, Darius.” One of the black shrouded figures stepped forward, removing the hood that had hidden his face until then. He was an older vampire, changed in his middle years, yet handsome still, his face composed but stern.


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