Seduction in the Highlands: By choosing him she loses her inheritance, by leaving him she brakes her heart...

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Seduction in the Highlands: By choosing him she loses her inheritance, by leaving him she brakes her heart... Page 2

by Kendrick, Kenna

  Charlotte turned and smiled widely at her approach. “Elizabeth!” She opened her arms and rushed to her friend, wrapping her in a warm embrace. “I saw you earlier but did not want to disturb your enjoyment of the wedding dances.” She winked. “When did you arrive?” Angus bowed smilingly in her direction.

  “Lady Darling.”

  Elizabeth was overrun with happiness. It had felt like a lifetime since she was so warmly greeted. She suddenly felt the overwhelming desire to have a home that was cozy and loving, just like this. “Greetings and congratulations to you both! I am afraid I was much too late for the ceremony. I am so sorry; it was difficult to find a boat when it was not planned — I wanted it to be a surprise. I arrived only a little while before. Liam was the first to greet me.” She said the last sentence with a slight blush.

  Angus chuckled. “As I am certain he was most happy tae do. Come, ye must take food. Ye must be very tired from yer long journey.”

  Elizabeth suddenly felt the feeling come on her strongly. She was famished. It had been many hours since she’d last eaten, so she allowed herself to be seated. Charlotte sat down across from her, grinning widely. Elizabeth looked around and saw Angus disappear with John. “Charlotte! Surely you do not wish to sit here with a guest when you have your own beautiful table of honor to sit at with your husband.”

  “Oh, do not worry yourself! Angus has many people to greet as brother to the laird, and I am simply doing my duty as hostess to make sure my favorite guests have everything they need.” She reached across and squeezed Elizabeth’s hands. “You do not know how much it means to me that you have come. I feared you would not wish to accept the invitation after everything that had happened.” Charlotte hesitated, and Elizabeth knew the question that was coming next.

  “How is your father?” Charlotte’s eyes were crinkled in concern.

  Elizabeth took a piece of bread and began to chew, not wanting to answer right away. This question was a delicate one and would take time to answer. She wasn’t sure exactly which answer people would like to hear. There had been many who wished for him to hang, and yet he did not. Perhaps this was the kinder way for him to die. From a disease he had obtained within the prison walls.

  “I have not visited him often, as I am sure you can understand.” Charlotte nodded tersely. “He is unwell, and I have just received a letter from him telling me so. They do not expect him to live very long, although I do not know how long that might be.” She was surprised at the cold way she spoke of it.

  Charlotte frowned. “I am sorry, Elizabeth. No matter what has occurred, he is still your father.”

  Elizabeth smiled weakly, feeling a little less foolish for her portion of grief. “Thank you, Charlotte. But let us put him out of our minds on this merriest of eves. I came all this way to enjoy myself and to try and forget the past and the future as well! Tell me, where is your father? Is he doing well?”

  Charlotte pointed to the corner where he was chatting amiably to an older, elegant Scotswoman. “He is there! I never expected him to enjoy himself at a Scottish gathering so much as he has, but I cannot keep track of him! From one dance to the next, he goes. He is like a different person ever since…your father left.”

  “I know the feeling,” Elizabeth said, a little sullenly.

  Charlotte changed the subject as she spotted the slight frown on Elizabeth’s face. “Now, enough of fathers. Tell me everything you have to say about young men.” She giggled. “You have had two dance partners since you have arrived, and that is more than many a young woman here can say. And such handsome ones too.”

  Elizabeth blushed deeply despite herself. Charlotte always knew how to get her to do so. She was like the complete opposite to herself, and yet there as a kinship between them. Elizabeth hoped that a little of Charlotte’s boldness would brush off on herself, and she could act confidently around men. Around anyone, for that matter. “You are right. They are both extremely handsome gentlemen. But I was very surprised to have been asked. You know how tongue-tied I can get.”

  “Posh! Elizabeth Darling, it is about time that you accept just how incredibly beautiful you are and how many gentlemen’s eyes are upon you this evening. Your hair is luminous in the candlelight, and your cheeks are red and healthy from wine and merriment. I can very much understand why Liam and John both selected you as their partner of choice.”

  Charlotte was watching her closely, and Elizabeth could see that mischievous smile forming. “Charlotte, it almost looks as if you are planning something.”

  Charlotte giggled, and she pushed a lock of reddish-blond hair behind her ear. “Perhaps I am. Would that be so terrible?” Charlotte glanced around the room, and Elizabeth knew she was looking for the two gentlemen in question. “Elizabeth, dear friend, how long will you be staying with us?”

  Elizabeth fumbled over her words. “I really do not know. I had hoped to stay for at least a few days. My aunt seemed happy enough to let me go, but I know that I could not stay too long, as to be a hindrance to her as well as a burden to you all.”

  Charlotte laughed. “As if you could ever be thus. Please stay as long as you like. Now that I see you are here, I have a job for you, if you are interested.”

  “Oh? A job? Is this what you have been planning?” Elizabeth smiled, feeling a little of the old happiness and life flood into her again. Thoughts of her father were momentarily forgotten.

  “Not quite, but I suppose it could all be part of it. Julia is pregnant, and she had been helping me a little with the healing, but as of right now, she is not feeling well enough to assist. You can see she had to leave the merriment early, but I am certain she will be back down again later. Calum has gone to see to her needs.”

  Elizabeth nodded and waited to hear the request. She ate quietly, trying to stay calm. She hoped against hope that Charlotte would ask her to help.

  Charlotte said, “Would you be interested in helping me a little with the healing work while you are here? You could stay in the castle with us, and I know it would be so much fun with you around.”

  Elizabeth beamed and squealed with delight. The sound was drowned out by the music and voices in the room. “Yes, of course! I would love to! Oh, thank you, Charlotte! I cannot tell you how dull it has been in England with my Aunt Mildred. She is kind in her own way, but she does not believe women should do anything other than reading, sewing, and sitting quietly. Even though it has only been a short while, it has felt like a lifetime!”

  Elizabeth’s words tumbled out of her mouth, and Charlotte laughed wildly. “You are such a comfort to me, my friend. I love your humor, the way it slips out of your mouth when you least expect it. You always look surprised at the things you say!”

  Elizabeth nodded. “I suppose I am. Even more so, of late. My father says…”

  She caught herself, not wanting to tell anyone about the letter or her promise. It would bring no one anything but pain. She would have to find a way to finish her sentence. Charlotte was looking at her expectantly.

  She bit her lip for a moment and then said, “He says that I must abide by the rules in which I was brought up and not be swayed by any bold-minded Englishwomen in Scotland.” She reached over and grabbed Charlotte’s hand. Charlotte chuckled. Elizabeth continued. “But I cannot help it, my friend. You have helped me see the world in a new way.”

  “Well, now you must take your life into your own hands and make your own decision. And I believe you have made an excellent choice, staying here with us! The servants have taken your things?”

  “Yes, but I could not give instructions to them on where to place them.”

  “Not a worry. Mrs. MacLean shall handle it all. You are here now.” Charlotte turned back to the dancing. “Now, let us turn our minds to merrier things. My wedding for one, and the fact that the eager gentlemen await you to dance with them.” She nodded her head in John’s direction, who glanced towards the women for a moment, a smile on his face.

  Elizabeth tried to smile back, but she
wasn’t sure how to react. “Charlotte, please say you will teach me how to behave with gentlemen. You tried, but then I had to leave. I have no hope if you do not help me!”

  Charlotte smiled. “Of course, dear Elizabeth. I thought you would never ask! Now, the first rule is, carry yourself with an air of confidence even if you do not feel it. It is the men who pine for you, and it is not for you to grovel at their feet.” Elizabeth could see Charlotte smile in Angus’ direction, and he winked back at his wife.”

  “And what if the men do not pay you any mind?”

  Charlotte waved a hand in the air. “Then they are not even worth a glance from your lovely blue eyes, Elizabeth. Stand confidently. Allow the men to come to you to ask for a dance.”

  Elizabeth moved to sit next to Charlotte on the long bench, following her gaze to the frenzy of dancing couples in front of them. “And what to say? How does one flirt with a man when he is attempting to flirt with you? I find I have nothing to say.”

  “But you do!” Charlotte tapped her chin in thought. “Answer the first thing that comes to your mind. If you begin to think overmuch about your words, you will find you have not spoken for over a minute while the man waits for your reply!”

  Elizabeth nodded to herself, biting her lip in concentration. “You are right. Say what I think on the first thought.”

  “Excellent. Now, we will have to speak later, for a gentleman comes your way again. If you wish to dance with him, then say yes as demurely and prettily as you can!” Charlotte’s eyes widened with excitement as she watched him approach.

  Quietly, Elizabeth took a breath before lifting her eyes. She had expected John to approach, having seen his smile towards her and Charlotte, but instead, Liam stood before her again, bowing low. “My Lady,” he said with a grin. Elizabeth’s stomach ached for a moment, and she wasn’t quite sure why.

  Chapter Two

  The celebration was positively glorious. Elizabeth was sitting on the edge of the crowd again, her belly full and her mind delightfully fuzzy with more wine than she had ever imbibed before. Her father had only ever allowed her one glass at mealtimes, but now, Scotland made her ever the rebel. After dancing with Liam, she had spent the remainder of the time speaking with Charlotte and Angus or in John’s arms, loving the dizzy feel of music, heated bodies, and the way the room felt warm with happiness and laughter.

  She was now too tired to dance any longer. Many of the guests had fallen asleep on the sides of the room, still clutching half-full glasses of wine or ale. Some had left as well, and she was ready to return to her own bed. It would be utterly delightful to sleep away from the eyes of her aunt, father, and anyone else ready to make a comment on her behavior that evening.

  She leaned back against the wooden table and smiled to herself. The wine had made her brave, and she liked the feeling. Thoughts of worry and misbehaving had fled her mind, and she never wanted to give that feeling up. It had been a night of pure bliss thus far, and she wasn’t sure when she would have one again. Especially not once she was married to someone her father would approve of. She was certain he would only approve of someone as militant and controlling as himself, but at that moment, the thought gave her no pain.

  She was in Scotland, on the Isle of Mull, and among friends. What more could she want from life? It was her last chance to taste beautiful freedom. She touched her fingertips to her lips to try to cover her smile. Certainly, she looked rather silly, sitting alone, and smiling. But she thought about the two gentlemen paying attention to her that evening. She had danced with a few other men as well, but the only two who were filling her mind were John and Liam. They had monopolized most of her time, and Charlotte was guiding her on how to speak to them.

  Liam had been flirtatious, but he had moved around to the other women of the gathering and flirted with them too. John had been the most truly attentive, for he had not danced with a single person besides her. However, Elizabeth’s self-congratulations and secret delight were interrupted by Charlotte, who approached her, hand in hand with Angus. Both of their faces looked ruddy from wine and good food.

  Elizabeth stood and suddenly felt just the slightest bit dizzy when doing so. Charlotte said, “My dear, we are off to bed. It is our wedding night, after all. Please, I would prefer it if someone escorted you to your room. I trust you have had a wonderful time?” She winked.

  Elizabeth laughed. “I confess that I do not know when I have had better!” Her voice was louder than she’d expected, and she began to brush her dress, feeling suddenly self-conscious at her unusual boldness.

  Before they could continue, John approached them. He shook hands with Angus and kissed Charlotte’s hand. “I must return across the water. My most hearty congratulations. Angus MacLean, ye have done better for yerself than the Lady has done.” He chuckled.

  Angus replied, “Aye, so then I have been wise and lured her intae my trap.” Charlotte giggled and pushed against Angus’s chest. John turned his blue gaze to Elizabeth.

  He bowed and brought her hand to his lips. “Lady Darling, ye have been a most wonderful dance partner. I hope that we may see each other again soon.”

  Elizabeth felt dizzy again, and John’s eyes on her and his lips touching her hand ever so gently did nothing to help her state of mind. She cleared her throat and curtsied delicately, praying that she retained her balance and composure.

  “I hope the same, laird. I mean John.” The corners of his mouth tilted upwards, and he left the room. Elizabeth’s hand suddenly felt cold and empty without his rough, warm grasp.

  Angus waved to the side of him. “Come, Liam.” Liam’s boyish face appeared beside him. Angus clapped him on the shoulder. Elizabeth could tell his words were a little slurred from drink. “Be so kind as tae take the lovely Lady Darling tae her room. Put her in the best guest room, the one Charlotte used tae reside in.” He winked at his wife.

  Liam’s face lit up as he turned to Elizabeth. While he watched her, he said, “It would be my pleasure. I shall escort ye, lass.” Elizabeth bade Charlotte and Angus goodnight and approached Liam. She was disappointed that she had yet been unable to greet Julia and Calum, but the time would come.

  Liam put her arm in his own. “Ye never know what kind of rascals roam these halls at night, under the influence of too much drink. We Scotsmen every so often have the misfortune of being rather wild, like animals.”

  Elizabeth chuckled lightly, knowing he was attempting to make a joke. “And is there no remedy for this wildness?”

  She was impressed with her bold flirtations. Tomorrow, she would have to let Charlotte know of her success. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Liam grinning by her side. “Nae, there is a cure. The company of a lovely woman is a good cure, I think. If we care for her company well enough, then we are tamed by her beauty and strength.”

  Elizabeth unconsciously tightened her grip on Liam’s thick arm, feeling a sudden flash of intimacy with him. She swallowed, surprised at her physical reaction to Liam’s poetic words. He certainly was a charming man. Her throat was dry as she said, “That is beautiful, Liam. I had no idea you thought so of women.” Her voice was small. Back to being a mouse, I suppose.

  They had arrived at the guest room, and Elizabeth’s heart quickened a little at the sight of the strong wooden door. The torchlight positioned by the side of the door cast long shadows across its wooden width. She didn’t want their moment to be ended so abruptly, even though her tired limbs were crying out to be laid to rest. Liam dropped her arm and turned towards her. Elizabeth moved her back against the wall. The corridor felt thick and heavy, and she was having trouble breathing with his closeness. His eyes flicked over her face.

  “I was very glad that ye returned, lass. Ye have such a beauty and strength that could tame any man.” Elizabeth felt her knees tingle. He stepped a little closer. “And yet, ye were spending more time with a certain John Campbell instead of in my arms this eve.”

  The torch was sending shadows across his face as well, an
d its light made his eyes sparkle with mirth. Elizabeth stammered out, “I did not see you suffering at all. You had plenty of other women to take my place.”

  Liam laughed at that, and Elizabeth’s eyes traveled to his mouth, so firm and enticing. Once he sighed with enjoyment, he replied, “Aye, naething gets past ye, does it, lass? Well, what if I told ye that ye were the one that I truly wanted tae dance with?” His expression grew solemn once more, and he stepped even closer, his face nearing her own. She could feel his breath lightly caress her chin. “The one I want to kiss?”

  “Kiss?” Elizabeth felt like the ground fell away from beneath her as Liam laid his mouth atop hers and grasped the sides of her arms. She tensed but let the tension slide away as she allowed him to taste her slowly. There was alcohol on his breath, but it did not disgust her. It was sweet and honey-like, and his lips were warm and smooth, his tongue bold and strong.

  In a flash, her father’s disapproving face came into her mind, and she thought of the prostitutes in their brothels, having made the choices they could not take back. She pulled her lips away and leaned against the stone wall, breathing quickly.


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