Seduction in the Highlands: By choosing him she loses her inheritance, by leaving him she brakes her heart...

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Seduction in the Highlands: By choosing him she loses her inheritance, by leaving him she brakes her heart... Page 20

by Kendrick, Kenna

  Thankfully with the large gathering, she knew that no one would be very suspicious about her departure, and she could slip away easily. She could no longer see Liam among the party, and she assumed he had already left to get there before her to ensure that he would be there to meet her amongst the trees.

  She slipped out the doorway, wrapping her cloak around her again to stave off the slight chill in the air. The soldiers standing sentry at the open door did nothing to prevent her from running into the side woods. Luckily, the lights from the Fort were enough to partially guide her path, but she knew that she would be grateful for the secretiveness of the darkness. A little further into the trees, she could spy the light of a sole torch, and she rushed to it, assuming it was Liam there waiting for her.

  Her heart was pumping rapidly. Her future was right there before her. All she wanted to do was jump into Liam’s arms and tell him that she loved him dearly and that she wanted to be with him forever, even though she would arrive at the marriage penniless, having broken her mother’s promise. She could see his shape come into view, and she was about to call out to him as she moved quickly through the trees, but her cloak caught on a few branches, and she had to bend down to loosen it.

  When she looked up again, she felt like she had been stabbed through the heart as she spied the voluptuous figure of Brea lean up and kiss Liam on the mouth. Liam kissed her back.

  * * *

  Liam waited impatiently in the forest, holding his torch high. He looked around for a place to position the torch, for he wanted his hands free when he saw Elizabeth. He wanted to wrap her in his arms and tell her that he wanted her forever if only she would have him. He found an old stump with a hole in the middle, and he pushed the torch inside, turning around to face the dark woods, hoping for her speedy arrival.

  He could hear footsteps, and he knew by their lightness that they belonged to a woman. His smile grew. This was the moment where their future could be decided. He had finally been able to give himself to a woman wholeheartedly. His mother would be proud. And what Mrs. MacLean would think of him once he gave her the news! If Elizabeth accepted, of course, but he couldn’t linger on his negative thoughts now. He wanted only to tell Elizabeth just how ardently he loved her and wished her to marry him and stay with him forever.

  He turned to face the footsteps, watching for the lovely face of Elizabeth to emerge in the sphere of the bright torch. He kept smiling until he saw dark hair and a set of large breasts that he had memorized by heart. “Brea.” His voice was cold, and his expression stony.

  Brea smiled slowly, staring up at him. She had dressed well for the occasion, just as she might dress for one of her customers. “Liam. I am happy ye have come.”

  She clasped her hands in front of her, and Liam looked around worriedly. Where was Elizabeth? What if she saw him with Brea and thought all the wrong things? “What are ye doing here? I am tae meet someone.”

  Brea chuckled. “Of course, I know that Liam MacLean, for I am the one who penned the letter!”

  The breath left his chest in one rapid motion. He stared at her angrily. “Ye?”

  She nodded, the grin remaining plastered on her face. “It was rather clever, do ye nae think?”

  Liam crossed his arms. “Why in the bloody Hell would ye want tae meet me? We have spoken enough already. What else could ye have tae say tae me? And why pretend tae be Elizabeth?”

  Brea clucked her tongue. “So many questions. Liam. How else would I have gotten ye tae come and meet me if I didnae pretend? It appears this Elizabeth Darling has ye all tied up in knots, and ye cannae find yer way out again. Well, I am here tae give ye a way out.”

  She stood expectantly, waiting for him to question her again, but he simply stared back at her with confusion. “Why should I wish for a way out? I mean tae ask the lass tae marry me.”

  A dark look flashed over Brea’s eyes, and he knew that jealous look well. But it was gone quickly, replaced by her former satisfied grin. “Well, I dinnae suppose ye would wish tae marry a lass who was taken?”

  “Taken? What do ye mean?” He was growing impatient, wishing to return to the party to get a chance to speak with Elizabeth.

  “By another man. This woman of yorn was seen in the woods only two days ago, in the amorous embrace of one John Campbell.”

  Anger welled up inside of Liam’s heart. “Ye lie!” he called out for lack of any other words to say.

  She chuckled again, that light sound that used to tantalize him with lust but now only fueled his fury. “I am nae lying. Why should I lie? It was seen by one of my women. John kissed the lass, and she did not push him away. She kissed him back. I think I was right tae tell ye that this lady of yorn would be better off marrying a laird.”

  Liam took his eyes away from Brea; he couldn’t bear to look at her. Why was it that just as soon as he had acquired more happiness than he could have ever hoped for, Brea was always there to try and take it away from him? She had done the same on the hilltop after Elizabeth had kissed him. When he turned back again, Brea was closer to him, her eyes dark with desire.

  “Liam,” she said softly. “I dinnae wish tae give ye pain, and I dinnae wish tae gain anything from telling ye. I ken well that ye nae longer care for me. But when I heard the news about yer own truest love, I thought ye should ken what I had heard.”

  Liam felt broken. His former mistress was watching him with a strange look, something akin to kindness, and it confused him. “Come, let us part as friends. I wished only tae tell ye, and then ye will never need tae see my face again.” To his surprise, Liam allowed the gesture, so deflated was he by the shock of the news.

  Could it be true? Did Elizabeth want John instead and had only used him for the lust of the moment? It was true that he had kissed her before she could say anything to him in the library. She had asked him about any other woman, but he hadn’t even thought to ask her about any other man. What a fool he was!

  He noticed that Brea looked to the side of the trees but quickly looked back again. He did not care if she heard anything or did anything. He wanted to leave, but she gently placed a finger on the side of his cheek. “Will a friend part with me with one last kiss? I will miss yer kisses greatly, Liam, and I will carry it with me in memory if only I could experience the feel of once last one.”

  He said nothing. Instead, Brea stood on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on his lips. He did not move, wanting to simply melt away into nothingness. Then, he heard a gasp, and he pulled away quickly.

  To his horror, he saw the edge of a pale pink cloak in the trees. Elizabeth.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  She wasn’t sure what she would do or to say to anyone, but all Elizabeth wanted to do was to get away. She hoped that the quicker she ran, the faster she could erase the image of Brea’s lips on Liam’s drawing him to her. And he did not push her away!

  The man was just as much a cad as she had been told about. He was flirtatious and lustful, and he would never commit to one woman for the rest of his life. Perhaps that was what he wished to tell her tonight, and perhaps she should have heeded the words Fergus had said in drunkenness. Maybe Liam cared for her but could not, in good faith, make her an offer of marriage.

  But why be so cruel as to have Brea there to add even further pain to his words? It seemed ungenerous to think of Liam being so heartless, but she had no other explanation. It was all so strange. She was a fool, and love had made her thus. She would have to be stronger for the future. Her return to London was inevitable, as well as the life she had to create. Tears were pushing against her eyes, desperate to be released in their flood, but she would not allow them. Instead, she simply pushed her shoulders back and walked stiffly back into the ballroom, knowing that there were still many hours, yet she had to play the part of the happy party guest.

  No one noticed her reappearance with any alarm, and so she quietly put away her cloak and found herself a fresh glass of wine to relieve the sharp pangs of pain that were beginning to spread th
rough her. Liam was lost to her, but she could not think of it now. There were many more things to be lost to her and soon.

  Her eyes wandered around the various guests in the room. She heard laughter and saw smiles and envied every one of them. How could she have been so foolish as to think her future could have a different path? Her life had already been planned for her since she was young. Clutching to her glass, she kept away from the others, knowing that she would be unable to make any sort of pleasant conversation, and she hoped that her look of despair would keep others at bay. But in a few moments, General Andrews came up to her with an uncharacteristic frown on his face.

  “My dear Elizabeth, I hope there is no bad news to report, but this letter has just come for you on the express post. And the man waits outside for your reply and if you wish to accompany him.”

  Elizabeth put the glass down, staring at the letter in front of her. It was from Newgate prison. Glancing up at a worried General Andrews, she opened the letter.

  Dear Elizabeth,

  I hope that you have made your choice. Your aunt was forced to tell me that you left for Scotland to attend your friend’s nuptials. Perhaps that is for the best so that you will not have to see your father die in such a horrid place.

  No matter, there are things to discuss. I feel that my death is very near, and I need you to fulfill the promise. Return to London, and we shall establish your marriage. If you have no suitable suitors to present, I have a list of which you may select one of them. That way, your mother’s money and all the rest of her dear possessions will become yours, just as she would have wanted.

  Write word to me as soon as you receive this so that I know what your answer is. You have been a good girl your whole life, Elizabeth Darling, do not disappoint me now. I know you well enough, and you shall regret it forever if you do so.

  Lord Darling

  Elizabeth felt faint, and she teetered a bit before General Andrews caught her by the elbow. “Elizabeth! Are you well?” Once he stabilized her, he grabbed her wineglass and bid her drink.

  “This will strengthen you.” As he watched her with concern, he said, “It is bad news, I take it? Let me assist you. What can I do?”

  Elizabeth shook her head, feeling only slightly stronger in body but broken in heart. Her feelings were now numb with the constant waves of pain which had struck her this evening. “I need only to reply, but first, there is something which I must handle.”

  General Andrews nodded with surprise at her determined voice, so different from the feeble one in her state of faintness. Elizabeth stared into the crowd, searching for John. She knew what she must do. Leaving the General behind and clutching her letter, she found John standing with one of his men.

  She approached him calmly to not alarm him and said, “Laird Campbell, might I have a moment of your time?”

  John, surprised but not displeased, nodded in agreement, taking leave of his friend. She slid her arm through his, and he took it gratefully, following her into one of the corridors off the side of the hall where the sound of the party faded away, and they could be left in peace.

  John stared at her in the dim light. “Are ye well, Elizabeth? Ye appear flushed. Can I get something for ye?”

  She shook her head, wanting to get on with it. This was truly the lesser of two evils. She had to fight to fulfill her mother’s promise and take what was hers since Liam was now gone to her. But she could not bear the thought of marrying someone on her father’s list of prescribed men. She knew just what they would be like, and she hoped that she could save herself from that at least. With John, she knew that she would find some modicum of happiness, and it would fulfill her mother’s wishes.

  “I am ready to give you my answer, John.”

  John smiled. “Are ye? So soon? Are ye certain?” He moved closer and took one of her hands in his. “What is it then, my love? What have ye tae say?”

  “I will marry you.” The words were uttered in practically a whisper, but at least they were said, and it was done with.

  John could not conceal the joy that stole over his expression. He kissed her hand again. “Elizabeth! Ye have made me the happiest man in the world. I know the clan will be proud tae have ye as their lady.”

  She tried her best to smile, and John’s own smile faltered. “But ye dinnae look pleased. What is it that I can do tae make ye just as happy as me?”

  She placed a light hand on his shoulder. She could get used to this man; she knew it. She could love him, make love to him, bear his children, and work hard to be a good wife and a lady to his people. It would take time, but it was not insurmountable, not as horrible as living a life with a man of her father’s acquaintance.

  “It is only that I have received bad news from my father. I need to return to London quickly to see him before his imminent death.” She knew that she would receive no sympathy from John about the death of her father, but he had to know.

  “I see. For yer sake, lass, I am deeply sorry for this. May I accompany ye?”

  “No, thank you. I believe I shall ride this night back with the express coach to get there as soon as possible.” She looked up into his kind blue eyes. “But, I wanted to give you my answer before you left so that you were not left waiting.”

  He smiled and leaned in to give her a soft kiss on the cheek. She closed her eyes at the softness of the gesture. John would be a good and kind husband to her.

  “Safe travels tae ye, lass. God bless ye. I hope ye will write tae me when ye are tae return.”

  She nodded. “Yes, certainly. I am sorry that our new engagement will be unable to be publicly announced until all is settled with my father’s living.”

  “’Tis nae trouble. I wish only for ye tae be happy and comfortable. I will await yer return with bated breath. My heart will nae be happy until ye are settled in our home at Campbell Castle.”

  Elizabeth could feel the tears building behind her eyes again, and she had to clench her jaw to keep them at bay. Thanking John once more and bidding him goodbye, Elizabeth slipped from the room to make her way to the carriage.

  General Andrews was waiting outside, her cloak in his hands. She took it with gratitude and was about to enter the waiting carriage when Julia and Charlotte appeared at her side, both of them flushed with rushing.

  “Elizabeth! What is happening?” Charlotte clasped onto her friend’s eyes. “Why would you wish to leave without saying goodbye.

  Elizabeth could no longer control the flood of tears, and they burst forth unbidden. General Andrews kindly took his leave so that it was only the three women together in a tightly-knit circle. Julia placed her hand on Elizabeth’s shoulder.

  Through her tears, Elizabeth tried to explain. “I am sorry, friends, to leave you so soon, but there is not much time to waste. I will send for my things from Duart. My father lies dying in Newgate prison, and some matters must be attended to.”

  Charlotte’s voice was calm and soothing. “I am very sorry, Elizabeth. Is there anything I can do to assist you?” Elizabeth shook her head, and her tears had slowed, but she could still feel the shudder in her shoulders.

  “Goodbye to you, both. You have been so wonderful to me. I am sorry to have to leave so suddenly, but I will be returning.”

  “You will?” Julia smiled. “I hope it is soon.”

  Elizabeth knew she had to tell them now, for she did not wish them to find any other way. “I will be returning once all is settled. To marry John Campbell.”

  Charlotte gasped, and Julia frowned. “What? You have agreed to it? But I do not understand. Elizabeth, what happened with Liam.”

  Elizabeth pulled away from their grasp and allowed the footman to help her into the carriage. She leaned out of the carriage window and said, “Do not press me, pray. I was a fool. I will not be a fool any longer. Drive on!” She called to the front, and without allowing her friends to speak another word on the subject, she waved goodbye to them and let her heart shed its tears as she rode away into the night.

>   * * *

  Normally, he might have chased after her, but his body didn’t move. Brea placed a hand on his arm, but he shoved it away. “Ye see? Ye have nae reason tae chase the lass.”

  He spat on the ground. “Ye did this, Brea. Ye have caused a rift between us. How else could Elizabeth have known tae come tae the forest if nae for ye telling her as well? Perhaps all yer words are wrong, then, and that kiss had never happened?” He faced back to where Elizabeth had formerly been.

  Brea replied, a new stiffness to her tone. “It is the truth, Liam. I wouldnae create a lie such as that. There was a witness to her wanton actions. What a fallen woman she acts like even though she is meant to be a fine English lady.”


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