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Resolution Page 7

by Douglas E Roff

“Any chance I could convince you to stay a little longer? A week, a month? A year or two?”

  “If the right woman asked, I would be inclined to say yes. Who’s asking?”

  “Me, myself and I. Stay a while. We’re on hiatus for a month. Longer if … you know.”

  “Will there be popcorn and movies?”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  “Will there be cooking utensils, and breakfast in bed for two, prepared by the chef-in-residence?”

  “Most definitely, if he, so desires.”

  Adam thought for just a second.

  “I didn’t bring much in the way of clothing. I may be underclothed at times.”

  April laughed, “Let’s solve one problem at a time. Besides, clothing may be optional.”

  Chapter 11

  It had been several weeks now since Marcus had his Saturday morning soiree with Helena, Bella and Octavio. Marcus counseled Edward to strike while the iron was hot and get to making amends. Edward disagreed; he thought the only impediment would be Bella, and she should have enough time, all the time she would need, to sort it out with Octavio and the children.

  In a contest of wills in making decisions, no one could defeat Edward. His decision, clearly enunciated to Marcus, was to quietly speak with Octavio, then in a few weeks he would come over to speak with the assembled reps of the transformed Gens community. He would extend the offer in person, and be on his best behavior, including apologies and mea culpas in full view of his family. He would bring the entire core of the St. James clan who knew Bella and Helena best in a show of sincerity. Then, it would be up to them to decide, without recrimination or obligation.


  Edward entered the Ops Centre looking for Octavio and found him seated in front of a console tapping at his keyboard and occasionally cursing under his breath.

  “Octavio, buenas,”

  “¿Hola Tio, como estas hoy?”

  “Bien, bien. ¿Podemos hablar?”

  “Sure. What’s up? In trouble with cousin Misti again.”

  “No, not this time. But wait an hour or two. She’ll be up my ass about something.”

  “It’s your own fault you know. You brought her up that way.”

  “That’s the worst part. You’re right. She’s, she’s…”

  “A force of nature, our secret weapon?”

  “Just so. Let’s walk if you have a few minutes.”

  They were out the door and heading for the small bridge over Willow Creek. The family walked it every day to relax and connect with each other.

  “I know you’re a direct guy, Octavio, always have been. You are a man of your word, and your word is your bond. Not many like you left on the planet, and I’m proud to be your uncle.”

  “Something wrong, uncle?”

  “No, no quite the opposite. The thing is this. I want to ask everyone at the Loft to move out here to the Manor. That includes Marcus and his brood, Helena and her kids and, of course, you, Bella and the girls.”

  “Uncle, that’s wonderful. That’s wonderful news. So, why the long face?”

  “I’m afraid that Bella will say no. It’s not just me; Adam and Misti, and all the grownups and kids want all of you there to come out here. They’re all afraid that Bella will never choose to live anywhere that includes me nearby. I think they’re right. I wish I could’ve been better, you know, in the beginning. It’s what Adam and Misti told me to do, and Adam had more reason to be skeptical than me. But Misti says we can only change hearts and minds one at a time, and if we must begin somewhere, it has to begin with those closest to us.”

  Edward paused.

  “I didn’t like Paulo or his brother and simply assumed that their wives and children would reflect the Fortizi’s animosity and hatred of mankind. Waste of time; I was angry about their plans. I was wrong about the ladies. Now I would like to take the first steps toward reconciliation and try to make amends. We can’t change the past, but like Misti says, we can be a little bit better every day. I want to try, and I want to get to know Bella better. We didn’t start out well, and that was my fault.”

  “Uncle, if it’s any consolation, Bella says the same. But she’s prideful, just like my favorite uncle. I think you know him. And being prideful is what brings about all the sorrow and pain in the world. It’s our downfall unless we fight it. Misti is right. We must be better every day on the journey, and this crossroads may be difficult for the both of you.”

  Octavio paused.

  “Marcus gave us a little pep talk a few weeks back, and I think some of it got through to Bella. She can’t abide being told what to do but she listens. And she tries. But, she is not now nor ever will be the emotionally outgoing, effusive, touchy-feely women we have back home in Seattle. She thinks if she cries it means she’s weak. That’s cousin Misti too.”

  “Are you sure her attitude is softening.”

  “Yeah, because, to tell you the truth, she doesn’t talk shit about you as much anymore. And not in front of the kids ever. She wants to believe that what Marcus showed us is the real you, not the guy who threatened to send her daughters back to their father.”

  “I told her I’d never do that,” Edward said flatly. “I suppose she didn’t believe me.”

  “I suppose. Some messages are more frightening than others, I think.”

  “Talk to her for me, Octavio. I’m weary of the fighting and anger, and the things I can never change; the things I’ve lost forever. I want to step back and let you, and Adam, and Misti, and the others take over. I feel old, very old and tired. I’m afraid that my past is catching up with me before I can make full amends for all the things I’ve done. I want to set things right.”

  “I’ll talk to her tonight when I get home. And I’ll talk to the girls too.”

  Edward paused, and looked down, trying to compose himself, not willing to look into Octavio’s eyes.

  “Go now. Please just ask Raul to drive you home. Take your time and please tell Bella how sorry I am. Go now, before you have to witness how unmanly I truly am.”

  “Not possible uncle.”

  Octavio turned and walked off, leaving Edward to sit on a bench, alone with his thoughts.


  Octavio went straight to the Tech Centre when he arrived at the Loft. Helena and Bella were both working. Bella was pleasantly surprised when she saw her significant other come through the glass door.

  “How are two of my favorite ladies on the planet today? Cousin Adam thinks you’re both amazing as does cousin Misti. And they’re both hard audiences. Hannah and Alana pass on their love.”

  “This is a rare event, you home early. Something up?”

  “Yeah, I guess so. I need to speak with you, and the girls, Bella, then with you and your kids Helena. I spoke to Uncle Edward this morning or rather I should say he spoke to me. Had some things on his mind and thought he should talk to me first and he asked me to talk to you on his behalf.”

  Bella said, “Something is wrong, isn’t there? What now?”

  “It isn’t like that at all Bella. Actually, it’s all good news, at least I think so. And I know Helena, and Norman will too. This is about you and Uncle Edward.”

  Helena said, “Just give us the bottom line. Norman taught me that one; I thought he was talking about something else and, well, I was a little disappointed, but then later in bed he gave me some new vocabulary words. I forgave him for being so, you know, nice and all. Anyway, just say what’s on your mind then we can talk later when you’re done with Bella and the girls.”

  “Edward feels horrible about how he started with you two. Said some things he’d like to take back, do over and start again. Realizes that can’t happen. He wants to make amends and set things right if he can. I know my uncle, and I know he’s sincere; he is genuinely hurting inside for what he thinks was a crushing mistake. Cousin Adam, and cousin Misti warned him, but he admitted that he’s a prideful man who has difficulty admitting when he’s wrong; especially when it comes to
the ones he loves. Just ask cousin Misti about cousin Adam, and his Dad back in the day. Adam and Edward were horrible to each other, fought all the time.”

  “What happened?”

  “Cousin Misti came along, and she terrorizes them both. Neither step out of line for fear of what cousin Misti will do to them. I’m with them. She scares me too.”

  Octavio said, “He wants us all to move out to the Manor. ASAP.”

  Helena looked at Bella, unable to read her face. “Go! Get a move on. I want to get to the Manor as soon as we can. My Norman tells me Edward has promised us a house of our own, with a yard, and swings for the girls in the back yard. And the walks, they walk every evening at five on the dot. Everyone, all the family, all the people who work there, all the kids, and all the grownups. Normie says it’s heaven. And work talk is forbidden; only family, and kids, and girl talk when the men are out of ear shot. Have your talk, but Norman, and I have already decided it’s a yes for us.”

  Bella was pleased, but unhappy that her sister was pre-empting a family decision. Surely Helena would never leave her alone if Bella said no. Would she?

  Chapter 12

  Bella and Octavio went down to their apartment, and summoned the girls from their minder, and teacher on the floor below.

  The girls and Bella sat on the sofa while Octavio paced, trying to think of what he’d say. He decided it was best to get down on his knees to be eye level with the girls. He kneeled in front of the coffee table that separated them.

  “I wanted to talk to my best girls about something that has come up involving your Mom and you. I don’t want to say what I think until you know more about this. I think it’s fair to say that your Mom and I agree on most things, but maybe not on this one thing. And while we all have a vote on this, I will say that I will do whatever your Mom thinks is best for us all.”

  The girls looked at each other, then said, “What is it daddy? Are we in trouble for something we did?”

  “Oh, sweetie no. No, no, no. Nothing like that. You know Adam, and his wife Misti right?”

  “Sure. They’re nice. Misti brings us things when she thinks you and Mommy aren’t looking. But I know you are.”

  The girls giggled.

  “Well its really about Adam’s father, Edward. Mr. St. James. He’s my uncle. I think you know him too.”

  “Of course, silly. He gives us hugs and says we’re pretty. He asks about our school and the teachers and how we like living in London. But we think he’s sad. Sad a lot. We’re afraid to ask why, but he does his best to smile and it sometimes seems hard for him. Is that what this is about?”

  “Yes. In part. Uncle Edward wants us all, including your Aunt Helena, and your cousins and the Thierry’s, to move from here at the Loft out to where they all live at a place called the Manor. It’s where I work and there are lots of kids and grownups and a lot to do. But there is something else we must consider and that concerns your Mom, and to a lesser extent, Aunt Helena.”

  “Is Mr. St James mad at us?”

  “No sweetie, he isn’t. But Mr. St. James and your Mom have had some arguments and they were mad at each other. They’re still unhappy with each other and that’s why we need to have this talk. To see if we can work out what happened.”

  “Frida, the eldest, asked her mother, “Mommy, are you still angry with Mr. St James? Did he do something mean to you?”

  “No dear. Nothing like that.”

  “Is he still angry with you. I mean do you fight with him?”

  “No sweetie, we don’t fight anymore. And I think, in his own way, he’s trying to make amends for the past. Daddy thinks so, and so does everyone else except me.”

  “If you’re not fighting anymore and he’s trying to make up with you, then why are you still mad at him?”

  “It’s complicated girls. I don’t know. I guess I just am.”

  “Daddy says forgiveness is a blessing, and that if we forgive people who have been bad to us, it makes us better people. You said Daddy was right. Didn’t you?”

  “I did. And Daddy is right. But sometimes things happen and it’s hard to forgive. Hard to let go of the bad feelings and pain.”

  “Is that what you think? Mr. St. James is a bad man and we shouldn’t forgive him?”

  “No, no. He has never done anything bad to you. Never.”

  Bella started crying, something the girls had rarely seen their mother do. They both threw their arms around her, hugged her and held on as if to let go would mean the end of all happiness.

  Bella stopped crying, and said, “Octavio, maybe Edward and I could have a little talk. I think that would be best.”

  Octavio called Edward to ask if he would like to chat with Bella before going any further. Maybe soon.

  “Bring her out now. With Helena and all the kids. And you. Let’s not waste another moment on the past. Let’s try to start a new future today.”


  Edward walked with Bella over Willow Creek and sat on the bench he had occupied with Octavio earlier in the morning. Helena and Octavio, and all the kids stood watching from a distance from the lawn behind the Old Manor. They were soon joined by Misti, Adam, Noki Lee, and Alana McCarthy. Then Hannah Parker, and Vera Capri came out along with Mark, and Julia Eagan and the girls. Rod and Cindy Suarez, along with Norman, came out from the Ops Centre with Edmund McCarthy. They all watched in silence.

  The time passed too slowly for those assembled behind the Old Manor building while the two across the Creek sat and talked. After an hour or so, they stood up, and hugged for a very long time. Edward walked away slowly, away from the Manor complex toward the woods, while Bella walked back to her girls, Octavio and the rest of the clan.

  They waited for her to talk, to say something. Helena finally asked, “Well?”

  “We’re moving, we’re all coming out here to live with the rest of our … our new family. Right away. And the Thierry’s too. Athena and the twins thought it was time.”

  Bella’s youngest daughter, Anona, called Annie, asked “What did Mr. St. James say, Mommy?”

  “He said how much he loved you girls and Aunt Helena and all your cousins. Then he said how sorry he was for being so cruel to your aunt and I, and did I have it my heart to forgive him and his foolish behavior. And he said if I would do this for him, he would try every day to make up for his prideful arrogance and try to be a better person every day.”

  “And? asked Helena.

  “And, he asked me to forgive him. I couldn’t say no. I knew this … thing between us was a burden on his heart. I said yes. I said yes, we would come out and live here at the Manor with all the rest of the family. Of which we are now a part, he said, if that’s what we want.”

  “What else did Mr. St. James say Mommy?”

  “He said if Aunt Helena and Norman wanted a home of their own, then he would build that home for them. And, if we wanted our own home, he would build one for us, for our family too. That’s so we can all be together in one spot and be happy as clams. Not sure how happy clams ever are, but he said it meant to be ‘very, very happy’.”

  “I told him I was so sorry too and asked if he could forgive me for my part in all the horrible anger. He said I had nothing to forgive, that I was only protecting my family in a difficult situation and that our new life would start over again beginning today. Our first family walk at five o’clock sharp. No business talk; just family.”

  Bella paused.

  “He also said that you, sis, already knew most of this.”

  Helena looked sheepish. “I knew a lot from Adam, from before. And, well, poor Normie just can’t keep a secret, at least not with me anyway. I’ll always be able to beat it out of him one way or another. He doesn’t stand a chance with me, never will.”

  The girls and their brother surrounded Norman and their mom. They had been asked what they thought a few days earlier and had approved. Caleb, the son and eldest had said, however, that if Aunt Bella and the girls didn’t move, he would stay behind
with them.

  Everyone turned to Norman, “You don’t have to say it; I will. I’m whipped and proud of it. Adam says there are a lot of top benefits that come from loving a super strong woman, and he’d be the first to admit he likes having Misti in charge. If he’s good with the system, then so am I.”

  Everyone laughed, but Misti was already scanning the grounds, looking for the old man. She pulled Bella aside and asked what Edward was doing.

  “Said he had some thinking to do. Rearrange his thoughts, you, know, his brain patterns. But I think he just didn’t want everyone to see him cry. Worse than me, and you, from what I hear.”

  The crowd, now satisfied that the world was getting right, began to disburse. Misti waved at the family as they went their separate ways, but said she needed to speak with Edward alone. Adam and Rod looked over, but she waved them off. This was something she needed to do by herself with the old man.


  “Whatcha doin’, old man?” Misti asked as she approached her mentor, now sitting cross legged on the lawn facing the woods.

  Edward seemed utterly calm and contemplative.

  “Have you ever wondered about how many things that had to happen, the rare, and fortuitous things, ordinary, and commonplace things, for us to be right here, right now in this very spot? I mean, the things we do, the good and the bad, the saintly and the evil, that bring us to one tiny spot in time and space. It isn’t physics, and I’m not sure it’s God. It’s something else. I wish I knew what.”


  “I think that may be the best explanation. Particles wanting to attract to each other in a certain way at a certain time. No reason, just kismet. It’s what they do; a consciousness of purpose.”

  He turned to his sometime daughter. “You know, I’m a lucky man. And the luckiest moment was the day you came into my life when everything changed.”

  “Like the song?”

  “Yeah. Did you know I must’ve played that song every morning for the past two years? Every day.”

  “Sometimes songs explain to us what we feel but, don’t know how to say. And then we do.”


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