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Resolution Page 32

by Douglas E Roff

  Saldana, still in natural state, said, “Hear him oh Gens of the Movement. He speaks the truth. But what he brings is not dark tidings but a way forward for us all as equals and with honor. Please hear him out.”

  “I have been touched by the Creator to be the Chosen One; the creature neither Gens nor human nor Nobilus but all three combined as one. Together, as the Prophecy foretold, a natural disaster caused us to be separated as brothers and sisters, stewards of the planet and set us against each other. I, along with your help and leadership, will restore the order to our planet that was intended by the Creator. But I cannot do it alone and I cannot do it without you.”

  There was shouting and crying out. Some thought the events mere tricks; others believed this was the fulfillment of a dream that the Gens had long awaited.

  “We shall no longer rule by dictatorship and fiat. We shall restore the old ways to the Gens of the world. Leadership shall now be elected by clans and all Gens shall have a say in the future. Those who wish to join our cause, shall be given special knowledge and the ability to transform by mental command. Saldana shall answer your questions about how this takes place and teach you to teach yourselves and those among you.

  “But I warn you that commitment to our cause cannot be subverted by deception. To accept the Way is to accept that we can know your thoughts. You will be just as free to know my mind as I am to know yours. Abuse will never be tolerated and any attempt at treason will be discovered.

  “You should also know that the humans now hunt me as does the Collective. If you join our cause, you may not always be safe. I cannot lie and promise otherwise.

  “But know also that the day approaches when I will face Paulo Fortizi in single combat for primacy of all Gens. This will happen soon after I can locate his cowardly brother and take his head first. That is the promise and foretelling of the Prophecy. This you already know.

  “Any here still who doubt me and wish to face me in honorable single combat to the death are free to challenge me now, as is Enzo and Paulo Fortizi or any of their vassal clans. I am Gens Germania and the Chosen One. I am the sole representative of the humans and Gens of the Eighty-One. I am their champion by acclamation and I am the Manti. Those who wish to leave should go now. Those who wish to stay should vote and come forward with tallies by break of day tomorrow. You will be given the knowledge of the Way, the ability to transform and will come with me and Saldana to our new homeland and capital city.”

  “Tar and Senda come forward. Tar you are made first among my Clan and Senda your primary aide. Tar shall rule in my absence and Senda shall relay my wishes. Senda, you are also attached to my mate as aide in all matters. She herself has requested you and I assent.”

  His voice boomed out.

  “Those who wish to test my leadership according to the old ways, may come forward now. I await your challenge.


  The challenges being few and growing fewer after the first stalwart warriors were dispatched quickly, leaving time more for Tar, his young aide Senda, Saldana and a few of her long-trusted aides to speak together quietly in front of the science building.

  A single Gens warrior, unknown to Tar or Senda, approached.

  “Halt and identify your name and unit.”

  In the Common Tongue, he said, “My name is Alfred of York, I am representative of the Wildmen of the Forest Clans sent to parlay with the Chosen One. I come before you unarmed and alone. I am a foot soldier of a small Clan but ask to have audience with the Manti. My Headman is Kel and he bids a gathering at the border river tomorrow at noon near the old human bridge.”

  Adam said, “Then a meeting he shall have, though I do not know the path.”

  Tar asked, “Who shall attend?”

  “All of our people, thirty thousand in number and growing.”

  “The we shall bring an equal number and meet you on equal footing.”

  “So be it.”

  Adam spoke, “No, Alfred of York. Reply to your Headman that I shall meet him alone accompanied only by my mate, Tar of Alessi and our trusted aide Senda. When we meet at the appointed time, we shall each meet at the center of the bridge and make parlay. This is my judgment. Return to Kel and inform him of my terms.”


  The next day, at noon, Kel and his thirty thousand Wildmen on one side of a river met with four individuals on the other side. Adam walked quickly to the center of the bridge, turned to face Kel and asked, “Are you joining me or seeking terms.”

  “A show of courage, defiance or stupidity. I could destroy your Movement before it begins, oh Chosen One. You look small and human to me. As to Tar, he is well known to us for his bravery and strength, but he is, shall we say, no leader. The child must serve some purpose, but I cannot discern what. He will squeal in pain as he tells me everything of your plot.”

  Adam transformed, towering over Kel, and said, “Let us fight now, puny Headman and decide our fates. You have all your people to witness and I have a small contingent of easily defeated castoffs.”

  “Castoffs who have the knowledge of the Universe and the ability to transform, or so it is said.”

  “If I say so, you and ten thousand of your kind will be dead within seconds. Now, since you have called for a meeting and I do not think you a coward, tell me what you wish to discuss, or I shall turn and leave; you shall return to your folk in disgrace.”

  “Do not leave in haste, Manti. I only wished to take your measure first. Now, I have something to discuss.”

  “Begin then; I did not think Wildmen to be so obtuse.”

  “I shall ask one thing of you and in return, I shall do as you ask in kind.”


  “Tar, do you know the bend in the creek where the boulders collect.”


  “Shall we parlay there? It is cool and the breeze refreshing.”

  “It is a perfect place for an ambush.”

  “Then I pledge my only son, Alfred as collateral for my word. I wish no harm only understanding and advice.”

  “You could have had that at any time.”

  “You did not yet reveal yourself as Manti. I accept that you do not boast of wisdom you do not possesses nor the ability to use it.”


  Senda sat by the side of Saldana Ri as friend, aide and protector. Alfred sat in front of Tar, Tar’s dagger drawn out. The Manti and Kel sat facing them.


  “I have two requests. One, leave us in peace and out of your wars. We have found a home here in the State the humans call Washington. We wish to remain here and make peace with the humans and become as the Eighty-One. Is this possible, Chosen One? Can you show us the Way?”

  “I can and will, though the time is not yet ripe for such revelation. And the other request?”

  “Teach us how to make peace with the humans of the green ways. They value nature much as do we. We wish them to be our friends. Can you do this too?”

  “I can.”

  “Will you?”

  “If it is your will.”

  “It is.”

  Kel then asked, “What do you ask of us in return?”

  “Two things, also. Bring me your five men of rank and status and bring me five women of equal rank. Do so now. Time grows short for my mate and I who must soon depart.”

  Quickly there were ten Wildmen plus Kel and Alfred.

  “Senda, step forward. Join with Alfred and give him the knowledge, all that you possess.”

  Senda did as commanded.

  “Alfred, you may contact Senda whenever necessary or vice versa.”

  “Yes, Lord.”

  “Your women shall be enlightened by Saldana right now and your men by me. Kel step forward and do not be afraid.”

  All were given knowledge.

  “Use this knowledge as you and your people decide. Not just you and these ten. It is my gift to you and all your people.”

  “Second, I require your presence when Paulo Fortizi
and I meet. I will bring you and one hundred of your people to witness the fulfillment of the Prophecy. My clans will be there, as will my mate. If I lose, me and my kin will all perish. This you already know.”

  Kel said, “I shall follow your commands and await your help. Ask anything of us, even our lives if that is your will.”

  “My will is for you to live long lives in peace and prosperity, in the isolation you request. I shall make it so along with the peace you seek with your humans of the green ways.”

  “Until the final battle then, my Lord, I await your summons,” said Kel.

  Chapter 54

  Before leaving, Adam gave Tar and Senda his list of dates and personnel who would leave the camp for Paraiso and on which planes. A site was cleared, and a portable nanotech airfield would be brought in by helicopter. The work of preparation would take two weeks. Tar and Senda would supervise. All Gens were required to leave as the Wildmen would quickly occupy the area thereafter to remove all evidence that any more advanced creatures had ever lived there. Gens refusing to leave would be treated as hostile; the Wildmen wanted no recruits.

  Adam explained that the Gens would go first to Amman, Jordan, then on to their new home. When they arrived, they would first live among the legendary Nabataeans; the Gens were delighted. The Nabataeans now could transform and had knowledge; if the Nabataeans did not object, many of the Black Shirt remnants would live among the Nabataeans permanently.

  Adam and Saldana were delighted and thought the Nabataeans would readily accept their new brothers and sisters, which they did.

  Adam and Saldana left with a few scientists to return to the City of Light, so he could witness the birth of his daughter.


  Saldana lagged back as the entire Adam St. James clan gathered. Saldana recognized Vera and Hannah right away, but they did not see her, wrapped as she was in cloak and hood. A very large and super pregnant Alana burst out of nowhere smiling broadly at the return of her husband, apparently just in time.

  Alana said out loud, “I missed you, you bad boy. I hear you’ve been fucking your female opposition into surrender without need of fighting. I have seen much but wish union with you to see the rest.”

  She leaned into closer Adam and whispered, “I’m happy for all your success, of course. But Vera and Hannah don’t know who yet, only how. They are delighted at present, but you should speak to them very soon. Not before me, of course, but afterward. When you do, take Misti and Noki. They can help.”

  “And Kendra?”

  “She has missed you emotionally and needs you, shall we say, physically. Not sex, but closeness and your touch. Please go to her now, then speak with Misti and Noki. I shall arrange congress with Vera and Hannah first, if possible, before anyone but expect full days ahead. We have been alone without your touch and we have missed your presence more than congress.”


  “You know it is so. Being near you means everything to us.”

  “I am sorry. I will make it up to you. All of you.”

  “I will punish you later, naughty boy. Now go to Kendra and I will speak to Misti and Noki, then to Vera and Hannah. Go!”

  Adam approached a silent and somewhat downcast Kendra. She did not look up nor did not rise from her seat.”

  “Are you angry with me, my princess?”

  “I am. I was excluded from your mission and that was never our agreement. You did not even ask. I am but a child, sent home to wait for her great husband to return. It was wrong, and I am justly annoyed with you.”

  “It was never my intent to anger you, wife, and as for being a child, we both know that is not true. In this, you are like Misti and her anger is usually played out in violence with me, or at least the threat of physical harm. Is it your wish that I should be punished? I will submit to your will if so.”

  “No, you idiot, you fucking moron! It is not my wish!”

  Tears began to form in the corners of her eyes, “It is my wish to never be parted from your side. The loneliness I feel in your absence is almost too much to bear and it demonstrates my weakness. And for you, a man. You bring shame upon me that I am unable to endure and cannot conceal this defect from the others. They look at me and know inside I am in tears and they think I am just as weak as a child. Worse because of my boasting of exceptional feminine strength and disdain for men. I am a liar and a hypocrite; now it is out in the open for all to witness.”

  “If I dropped to my knees and begged your forgiveness in front of everyone here, would you look at me and try to forgive my ignorance?”

  Before Kendra could respond, Adam was on his knees, head bent in submission. “I beg your forgiveness my for the ill treatment you have suffered at my hands. I ask only that you consider pardoning this penitent soul.”

  Adam thrust out his arms in abject penitence, a sight without equal, especially to the shocked and confused Saldana Ri. He had taken heads and submitted a Movement without threat or violence to those who would have taken his head gladly given half the chance. And yet, he was on his knees before his wife asking forgiveness for what, she did not know. She watched the scene unfold.

  “No, husband no. I have suffered no more than any of those here who love you. Others like Alana have greater claim to your presence and touch. I just …”

  “What, my princess?”

  “I just missed you. I missed seeing you and touching you whenever I wished. I need to be close and need to be in your counsel. To be with you to protect you, though I now understand that you protected me more than I you. I … I… I love you. I am as Misti; a woman who needs no man, except the one who must be shared. The one I cannot have all to myself, though I greatly desire it. I am ashamed and yet I love you. I don’t know what to say, to think, to do. I contemplate leaving to relieve you of me as a burden until I can control myself. I shall …”

  Adam stood up, bringing Kendra with him, enveloping his woman in his arms. “You shall remain here in the City of Light with me, as guardian of the Manti, the Chosen One, Member, as you are, of the Clan of the Village, Protector of the humans and mixed races of Dietschberg. You shall remain at my side forever and I pledge never to be parted from you again. Do you forgive me, and may I earn a kiss?”

  Kendra smiled for the first time in weeks. “You have acted very badly, that is true. But as a Member of the Village clan, I have obligations to which I am sworn. If it is within my power, I forgive you, Manti and the Chosen One. But you have sworn an oath to never be parted from my side. I shall hold you to it.”

  Akira the Headman appeared out of nowhere. “And that oath, Manti or not, shall be recorded in our Histories as solemn and binding. Now, Chosen One, you have others to see and no doubt redress of other grievances, so get to it while this young woman helps this old man back to his lodgings. You have until midnight then you shall spend the time I command for you to have congress with this, your bride. Until then, she shall help me in Council. And after satisfying this woman, you shall spend the rest of the night with your wife Alana who is beautiful, wise, and tolerant. And, I should not leave out, forgiving. Now, Manti, kiss your princess, give her a hug worthy of her status and then set to work on the announcements you have yet to make. No doubt there will be more than tears thrown in your direction, oh Chosen One.”

  With that, Adam kissed and hugged Kendra, who then put her arms around Akira and guided him off in the direction of his lodgings.

  He turned to his wives, brethren, and family.

  “It’s good to be home!”

  No one was buying his smiles and bonhomie, especially his wives. Noki knew more than she was saying and Misti was equally steeled against what would need be revealed to Vera and Hannah.

  Vera and Hannah bore only huge smiles of love and delight. Both were happy to see him home and returned to them safe once again.

  It would last but minutes.

  Chapter 55

  The room was now dark and sullen and an abrupt change from the beauty of the momen
ts just a scant few minutes ago. As suggested by Alana, who knew almost everything, Misti and Noki were in attendance for the disclosure of the information Adam wished not to share with Hannah and Vera. But, share he did, though not all. He would have union with them both, if both acceded. He did not think they would however.

  “She what?” shouted Vera, unable to comprehend what Adam had just said. “You brought that fucking …”

  Adam cut her off.

  “Yes, Saldana Ri is here in the City of Light. And yes, for her own protection, she’s in my quarters. My suite at least, not my bedroom.

  “She’s here,” screamed Hannah. “I’ll kill her as soon as find her and a weapon. How dare you bring that, that thing to our home, to Paraiso and the City of Light?”

  “I … I …”

  “You just thought what? Give her a reward for kidnapping Vera and I, giving Vera over to Musso for torture and certain death? And that would be what, a fucking great idea? And offering to trade me for PMO and probably killing me when she got him back was, well, what the fuck, a really cool idea too? Right?”


  “No, really, that’s your whole fucking excuse.”


  “You better not have …”

  “Have what? Oh that. Well, I mean, I did avert a war peacefully. I had to act.”

  “You did, didn’t you. You fucking asshole. I knew you were selfish, but this is beyond anything even I could imagine, much less forgive.”


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